SGOTM 9 Maintenance Thread

I disagree with NorthernPike, feeling that any information gained about another teams strategy will be too little/too late to affect my team's strategy.

But if we do forgo the tech tree information, maybe a close substitute would be the number of indian built space ship parts.
Northern Pike said:
This is a natural idea, but I think a bad one, which would reveal far too much of each team's strategy. Deductions from Scandinavia's statistics will still be sufficiently informative, or quite likely too much so.

I agree, there are multiple ways to go in this game, and the score graphs will reveal a teams strategy. Not always its progress, but certainly its strategy.
WackenOpenAir said:
I agree, there are multiple ways to go in this game, and the score graphs will reveal a teams strategy. Not always its progress, but certainly its strategy.

Yes that's absolutely correct - But that's what these graphs are made for, aren't they? It's a competition like swimming or race biking or athletics - in which you always can see your opponents efforts - and if you would change your style after first throw in javelin, because you think an opponent did better with a new technique, you are free to do so. Question is whether it makes sense for you to adopt another strategy in-game, since normally you lose resources when you have to move to another plan. What I am more concerned about is that teams who started later can see much of the teams that already are ahead, when planniung their stategy. So if we want to balance advantages possible gotten from looking at these graphs, we should show them only to the point every team has already reached - or maybe one step ahead, but not more. I for myself wouldn't mind and can live with the situation as it is, but if we modify the graphs for fainess reasons that would be my first point.
SGoTM8 was an absolute blast for me and I have been reading through all the other threads trying to glean nuggets of wisdom for SGoTM9.

One thing I have come across is the dropping of big hints by lurkers that seemed to have spurred a team’s creative juices in some instances. If a lurker, having access to all the other threads and thoughts, is going to put down some bread crumbs for one team it would be considerate to make similar comments in all the threads. And especially our team thread since we’re often too pre-occupied with goofiness to discern actual wisdom.

However, to avoid homogenizing the game it might be best to keep those types or clues to yourself.

This is just my opinion but I just wanted to share it as a reminder that shouting the answers from the audience is bad form.
Certainly. Teams should rely on their own resources of skill and ingenuity to find solutions to the challenges in these games, and should not seek or receive external assistance.

Lurkers can provide general encouragement, humour and badinage, and occasional limited clarification of generally-known game rules, but they are honour-bound not to provide game-specific clues based on information gleaned in other threads. That's as evil as players reading other team threads. I try to monitor for such behaviour, but may not always see it.
I have a question about the special terrain. Who do you go back to the original terrain when you are playing games that are not SGOTM? Basically I ned to know how to get the game linking back to the original terrain.
classical_hero said:
I have a question about the special terrain. Who do you go back to the original terrain when you are playing games that are not SGOTM? Basically I ned to know how to get the game linking back to the original terrain.
The SGOTM uses the standard terrain. It only uses modified resources files, and there should be no impact on other games if you installed the modified resources in the Conquests\Scenarios folder as instructed.
Hmm. Looking at the results page under Team Thread Posts, our team (Smurkz) is listed as having 10 visitor posts, but clicking the Who Posted link only shows 5 posts by AlanH from non-team people. What's up here?

Off course this is important! It's about the spam award! :p
Probably a bug in my code? I'll investigate.

[edit] I've fixed it. Last poster in the "Who posted" list was being counted twice. [/edit]

Meanwhile, although one team is going the scenic route to 1000 BC, taking in the bars and bistros along the way, I've processed the QSC stats to give you all a more interesting set of bugs to discover.
AlanH said:
Probably a bug in my code? I'll investigate.
Looking good, but now poor Xteam are completely out of it! 150 turns without a single post! :eek:
Niklas said:
Looking good, but now poor Xteam are completely out of it! 150 turns without a single post! :eek:

And I can't get into our team thread either. Just sent Alan a PM about this.
Forwarded to Thunderfall. That one's not down to me :)
Thanks, Alan! First time I've encoutered a major failure on cff. But SG threads are probably among those things that are driving the forum software to its limits. Hope TF can fix it! :)
I believe there's been some discussion of this in Site Feedback, though I've been too busy to look myself. TF plans to do a database repair tonight.

Meanwhile, if you are seeking additional excitement while you wait for your spamming posting opportunities to resume, Team Woody have finally found their way to 1000 BC with the aid of a small compass and a guide dog. So I've added their data to the QSC page. Everyone's represented there now.
AlanH said:
Meanwhile, if you are seeking additional excitement while you wait for your spamming posting opportunities to resume, Team Woody have finally found their way to 1000 BC with the aid of a small compass and a guide dog. So I've added their data to the QSC page. Everyone's represented there now.
Gee whiz, they took their time.
AlanH said:
Meanwhile, although one team is going the scenic route to 1000 BC, taking in the bars and bistros along the way, I've processed the QSC stats to give you all a more interesting set of bugs to discover.

Shot noted. :)
And the Viking bars do serve up a hearty ale.

We've picked up the pace and have gone through 30 turns in the past 48 hours, ten turns past 1000 BC.
It appears that the Indians decided to follow our recent American example in several games, and they have become Hydrophobic!

We have decided to give you an optional way to encourage them to break out of their lake prison at some point, so here is a modification to the rules for this game:

If you reach the Modern Era and India has not made any attempts to leave their island you may then make peace with India once only, give them one city and declare war on them again in the same turn. The city you give must not contain any Great Wonders, and should be near to the Indian lake. Between making peace and redeclaring war you must not carry out any other diplomatic actions, including trades with any civ, building embassies or investigating cities.
H as in the Honorable Alan said:
The city you give must not contain any Great Wonders, and should be near to the Indian lake.
Since I doubt there would seriously be any team to have refrained from founding a (good) city bordering the indian lake, would that mean a city bordering the said lake?

Or well, we all know the map well by now, so may we instead ask for a more "clean cut" definition of near? You know, us idiots need things made crystal clear for us.
How odd. Is this only in one version, or is it across all of them? Anything else those games have in common?

I don't really expect answers due to spoilerage, just wondering out loud.
@renata: You may well discover that it's version-specific, but I couldn't possibly comment.

@Beorn: I didn't say "on the lake". I just *knew* someone would demand a specification to three decimal places :mischief: OK, if you insist then not more than 7.000 from Delhi, as defined for RCP distance measurement purposes by the International Standards Organisation. Now you'll tell me you don't have such a city :hmm:
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