Fall From Heaven NES

Earth like.
Kol.7 can you email me? I can't copy paste excel cells with stats in PM.
Canal is probably impossible, except maybe with archmages. We are talking about hundreds of miles of land.
Yeah will do now. I added you on msn so you should be able to get my address from your msn account.
The Luchuirp trades routes now change so all are going to the Balseraphs.

Also could I be emailed my stats so i know how much gold I have?
Kuriotates trade routes: Lanun, Grigori, Khazad, Balseraph

Cadrith Lorda express his dislike of Svartalfarl institutionalized cruelty and he strongly encourages all other nations of Erebus who wish to call themselves civilized not to imitate their inhuman habits.
The Mighty Calabim nation will be expecting two trade routes from the Lanun this turn, as per our agreement.

To: The Svartalfar
From: The Calabim

I had contacted you privately about a trade alliance. What do you think? I have 3 trade routes this turn, and not all of them are going to the Lanun. We particularly think you may be interested in our deal as the Kuriotates seem to be trying to turn other factions away from you.
Ohh sorry, I didnt know a deadline had been set. Could I possibly get an extension until tomorrow evening please?
End of Turn 8
Start of Turn 9

Banner of the True Sunrise

Amurite Report

Amurite Civil War is raging on. On the west, Valledia's forces, led by Captain Borcus kept marching towards Cevedes largely without any resistance. Army was reinforcing with volunteers at every liberated village. Finally, when Cevedes itself was in danger Tyrion decided to assemble an army of his most powerful mages and to push Valledia's forces out in single decisive battle.
Borcus had an army of 12.000 men, most of them were peasants with poor equipment, and a core of the army was made of mercenary horsemen that were hired by citizens and merchants that supported Valledia. Tyrion had merely 5.000 men, peasants and foot mercenaries.

But when the battle started, skies darkened and winds rose. Banners of the True Sunrise, new Republic flags without crimson Veil references on them and enchanted to glow at night were now flapping and dancing on the wind. Then hell broke loose from the sky, with raging thunders striking into very heart of Borcus's army.

Tyrion used this fear and confusion and ordered a charge. Backed by seven towering demons from hell itself, he tore through Borcus army like through butter. The rest of the battle was mindless slaying and running for life. Peasants were routing, and Valledia forces were now pushed about 100 miles away and split in two. It took a while before mercenary riders and mage-refugees put an end to this counter-attack.

On east, however, Tyrion front was weakened and Order troops, thousands of milita peasants backed by priests and armored Crusaders, won almost every battle and captured a major Amurite city of Nimarail. Cassel's plan of establishing a Theocracy could become a reality.

Fights in Province 5

Latest invasions finally put an end to the Orc presence in Malakia province, when head of Mar'Ghan, the last Orcish chieftain in the area, was attached and displayed at the top of a large pole.

In the last few weeks, joint Khazad and Balseraph forces worked tirelessly to push out all the Orcs, at the delight of Malakim tribes in the area. Khazad were putting their extra water supplies to a good use, and their Bear regiments tore through anything they encountered like a powerful Knights would. Also, Paramanders did a good job and sent many Orcs to Bhall. Balseraph forces were not much worse.

Now, it remains a question about what shall happen, as no side asserted a total control over province and native dark skinned tribes are grateful, but now wish that their deserts are once again really theirs. They don't like the stories about Mad King's behavior and shocking hedonism of his people, and they don't trust the small creatures of the underworld either. Either way, they are not numerous enough that it would even matter if either side decided to force take the province, and both sides are safer than they were few months ago.

Balseraph and Khazad +1 stability

Balseraphs Adopt Slavery

Though slavery was always legal in Balseraph kingdom, slaves were mainly used as servants and in carnivals. This changed today when first slaves - captured Orc soldiers arrived in Grand Jubilee and were put to hard construction work. Many new laws were also issued, that allowed enslavement of those who couldn't pay their debts, enslavement of murders, thieves, those who insulted the God King and so on. People are worried about harsh new laws, and that thy could be next.

-1 stabilty for Balseraphs and Labor changed to Slavery

Balseraph Religious Unrests

There is a growing religious unrest among the Balseraph populace. Most of the population is unhappy that state religion is one with a smallest number of followers. They know nothing about Water God nor about Overlords, they feel no connection to them and do not care about their priests. Most have never seen a priest, but they have heard stories about some unholy ceremonies.
Almost one half of population follows a Perpentach's personality cult and actually believes that he is a God. Large part of population follows no religion or honors some pagan gods. They envy Grigori agnosticism and enjoy lives on their own. Despite missionaries, Order or Runes or Empyrean are not popular. Only every tenth citizens worships Overlords.
They see a solution in their northern friends example - Kuriotates. They wish that Perpentach issued an edict that would guarantee a religious freedom to all citizens.

If edict is issued, at the cost of 30 gold, Balseraphs would gain +2 stability, change religion to No State Religion/Religious Freedom and cultural values to Liberty/Consumption. Kuriotates would also gain +1 stability.
If Overlords remain a state religion then more unrests could happen.
Other solutions, like adopting a personality cult, are possible.

Prespur Gem Mines

Gem mines in Calabim city of Prespur are subject of tales on entire Erebus. Their wealth is immense. But today Prespur is mentioned for another reason.
Although miners work there tirelessly, bringing in great wealth, there simply isn't enough food to feed all the miners and citizens in the province. There is need for more labor, but they can't come and work if they have nothing to eat. Governors hope that there will be enough reason in their lords' heads to build more farms, as this is a simply waste of potential.

Calabim lose 1 gold due to Prespur's commerce limit


Grigori have completed their great project of casting Ardor. Spirits of Grigori people are renewed and refreshed, and so is the entire Grigori administration and government, purged from corruption and once again full of new ideas.

Grigori stability restored to 100 and they are able to build two more free cities

Svartalfarl slave raids

Svartalfarl hunters are attempting slave raids in the barbarian province on the east. They managed to catch many Orcs that strayed away from their camps. Slaves are a great commodity to sell on Svartalfarl new slave market, and they are also providing a valuable experience for the Svartalfarl hunters. They however had no luck in capturing an Orcish chieftain.

+5 gold for Svartalfarl, and Hunter regiment will fight slightly better in the future


A damaged Lanun ship moored into Luchuirp harbor. Ship was attacked by the pirates, unknown ships with black sails. Lanun crew barely escaped, using their superior speed and seamanship, but were severely damaged by arrows and in ramming and boarding attempts. Also, similar ships with blacks sails were seen near Grigori coasts, and also near Lanun isles, where they tried to raid fishing boats, but were stopped by Lanun navy.

Dire times are ahead

Luchuirp Alleviate Famine

Luchuirp have sent gold to every city state, to help those that were hurt by famine. Many people were saved thanks to this efforts, and economy is returning to normal faster than expected. To prevent famine from occuring ever again, large granaries were built that will feed it's citizens in case that famine ever strikes again. Floods and stroms are rare in Luchuirp lands, but infestations and droughts are not, so this will with no doubt help whenever season is not as good as expected.

+3 stability for Luchuirp

Svartalfarl Trade Boom

Increased production and consumption finally show in Svartalfarl Empire, so they gain a new trade route to their use. Many new merchants entered in the business and generally wealth is growing.

Svart gain new trade route

Few announcements:

1) I did not receive orders from Kol.7 even after a day of waiting. Income was treasured.

2) I will be starting college at the end of month. Now I expect it to dominate my time, so updates will probably be one per week. Until then I hope that you will ask me all relevant questions and that we can fine tune all the rules so that when college comes I will need less time to update. Our NES should move on as fluid as possible. Things like adding a cost next to your orders make it easier for me, mentioning that research cost reduced due to libraries and construction costs reduced due to mines saves my time and also saves me from latter complaints.

3) From now on whenever land combat ensues, outcome depends on how well you do a write up here on forum. Describe tactic, generals, troops, anything that you think that could help you. Knowing what and where you fight helps as well. A tactic to counter enemy heavy cavalry or a way to supply troops in desert with water all help. We need few interesting stories. This applies to other spheres as well. Describe how you government works, organization of society.. I'm especially interested in day to day life of an average citizen and how they compare to other kingdoms.
One more request:

Please do not send orders 'in advance'.

Your orders should only contain what can be done this turn, not for example 'build farm now, then village next turn'.

The problem is not ordering in advance. The problem is that it would require me to read through bunch of old orders to see what can be done. It would be near impossible.

Exception is of course is if you know that you will be absent. Then order in advance without worries.
Tales of a veteran
It didn't take long before someone offered Scipio Turnich a pint of stout. He was wearing his military vest when he entered the small inn, and soon an inquisitive dwarf had offered him a drink and a seat at his table.

"So how was the campaign in the south? he asked Scipio while the lieutenant started drank his glass quickly. It looks like you haven't drunk much beer down there.
-Beer? We hardly had enough water. See, it's the desert down there. No river, no stream. Just a few pces with weird trees and smallish lakes full of weird people.
-You mean the orcs?
-No. Orcs aren't people. Everyone knows that. I'm talking about humans who live there, the skin burned by the searing sun of the desert. Malakim they call themselves.
-So these Malaki live near lakes in the desert?
-Malakim. Sometimes. They're weird I tell you. They're not like us, they don't build stone homes or carve caves to live in. They live in tents and don't stay in place for very long. They stop for longer near these lakes, oasis they call them, but they mostly just move around with their camels.
-Camels? Is that the name of their tents?
-No. Camels are animals. Think of big pigs with long sticky legs and a long neck. With bumps on the back in which they store water. Malakim herd goats and these beasts. But since there's hardly any grass to eat, they must move around all the time to find some food.
-It looks silly. Who would stay in a place with nothing to eat? Mind you, times have been hard here too, the weather's been bad and the farms' crops were less than plentiful, and lots of food were sent south because of the war.
-I doubt people here had as hard a time as we had in the desert.
-I didn't mean to offend you. Of course, we were all proud to help the army, and knowing you faced dangers and hunger helped us withstand our own hunger. But things are going better now. After some merchants tried to speculate on the price of food, Kandros Fir threatened to issue a tax on buying lots of food, so the merchants eventually calmed down and most of us managed to endure the famine.
-Do you think he would have done that? A new tax? The senators wouldn't have let him surely.
-Maybe, but his threats were enough to convince people to be reasonable. This stirred some unrest, obviously, but the new crops seem fine, so we will probably never know what he would have done."

Scipio looked at his empty glass and gestured the waiter. He soon filled it again, and Scipio's new friend started talking again.

"So how was it down there?
-As I said. Hot. Too much sun. We couldn't live there even if they had water. Just sand everywhere, nothing to build a house, impossible to dig a cave except in some remote areas.
-And the orcs? I heard they are fierce warriors.
-Fierce for sure, but not disciplined. Our bears were fiercer and the Paramanders more disciplined. The orcs were strong, and when they landed their blows, it hurt a lot, but they were not able to fight as a unit. They all tried to save their tribe acting like heroes and we could pick them one by one.
-Yeah. They keep fighting each other. Imagine that, instead of settling issues in the senate, or paying a referee to judge a conflict, we picked an axe and a hammer and started fighting to see who"s right.
-Doesn't look like there'd be many dwarves left to fight in the army or work in the mines.
-Indeed. And I would certainly not mind if the guy who hurt me in such a quarrel got killed in a fight against invaders. As a result, they're unable to work together on the battlefield, and that was their demise. Innkeeper?"

Another pint of stout and Scipio really started relaxing. He looked around and noticed two dwarven girls sitting at the next table, who kept casting glances his way. With a mutter of excuse, he left his seat and went to their table.
He hadn't drunk beer for a long time, but then beer wasn't the only thing lacking in the desert...
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