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Fall From Heaven NES

Everyone got something resembling to stats? Nice.

This update could be nice, as it fits after a long pause. I'll do my part, and you cause enough ruckus on your part. Okay? :)

I got nice orders from Balseraphs, Amurites, Khazad... No stress as update will wait few more days, just enough to wreak havoc :)

Also, first person to copy all updates in single post (so I could add them to the first post) will be rewarded with free library in the Capital to house this Great history of Erebus. :)
Also to be sure - not nitpicking, but the whole point of Final Orders mail is that other mails are NOT named final orders.:p Call other mails NES or whatever, but keep final orders one special. If you change your orders or add something to them, copy all other orders in that new mail as well, so that I again have only one mail per player.
Jopa, do you realize that there is upper limit for size of single post, do you?
Its a little messy, but here's your updates.

These scrolls will forever be kept as treasures of Erebus Knowledge.

Spoiler :

Events in Turn 1:

No more than few months have passed since Age of Ice ended, but hostilities already broke out.

Cassiel's settlers went on to colonize a province they named Kalm(#21) when settlers found out that an outpost was already under constuction by Kuriotates, who came there just few days earlier. Since Cardith ordered some militia troops to be trained, they quickly came to the area and gave the Kurios the second advantage, besides time.
Grigori didn't back down. They still hold their part of the province and no side can claim that they control region completely.

Kuriotates invested small amounts of gold and sent their ambassadors to all nations of the world. They all bring gifts and good wishes, and hopes of cooperation. The world is slightly more sympathetic towards Kurios, as they currently have slightly more prestige. If Grigori did the same, they could turn this to their advantage.

Ambassador that went to Midgar said that province is a core part of Kuriotates territory and that they do not intend to leave it, in any case, and that is best for Grigori to abandon it if they don't want conflict.

However, he also spread the word about peace, and suggested that Kurios and Grigori can and should live in harmony. He offered an Open Borders agreement to Cassiel.

Another ambassador went to Luchuirp lands, and suggested that their people should be closer together and in good relations. He offered to divide lands between this two nations: Province 40 should be Kuriotates, and 39 Luchuirp, and mountain range in between.

Those two nations are all allowed to make their second colonization attempt this turn

Other nations are encouraged to make their stand on the issue

All others, please send orders in next 24 hours. I suggest reading entire 1st post, as some things were changed or explained better.

Latter on, the update:

[map link required]

Conflict Resolved Peacefully

Tensions suddenly faded when Cassiel ordered his settlers to turn away and settle another province. This was a bit unexpected move by many citizens as war probably wouldn't break out so easily even if both sides persisted for a while. Still, there is a sigh of relief in both countries as peace and reason found their way at least for now.

Grigori issued second colonization order, Kuriotates went through with first one. Decision to allow second expansion this turn is revoked

Reaction among Kuriotate empire is positive ad confidence in leader increases. Kuriotates gain +1 stability

Grigori can choose to let this go (no effect) or to encourage revanchist movement (gain one free militia division and lose -1 stablitiy)

The Grigori chose to let it go...[/QUOTE]

Turn Two

The world at turn 3. Enjoy!


Update during Turn 3

Grigori adventurers visit the cave of Groedilnn and seek it's riches. After many fights and struggles, which they likely wouldn't survive if Cassiel hadn't generously supplied with potions and equipment, they have found treasury worth of 75 gold, which can be sold or divided amongst populace for +5 stability. They also found ancient scroll of Call Animal. Scroll can be used to permanently summon a regiment of Bears at any time in the future during your turn, at no cost (You still have to pay their maintenace once they are summoned). They have also found Amulet of Shadows, which makes wearer invisible when in darkness. It slightly increases spy efficiency for owning civ.

These two items can be freely sold to another civ. Perhaps someone is willing to offer gold or technology to Grigori to gain possesion of these precious items?


Balseraph people are angry that they do not know not the secrets of Arts. If they do not obtain them in next 3 turns (until turn 6) they will suffer unrest. If they do obtain them, stability increase that the Arts give will be doubled (+6 instead of +3)


As Luchuirp empire grows, there is much discussion about relationships amongst new city states. The question is how much authority should each city state have? Most agree that the army and foreign policy should be united, but what about trade and internal business? How independent should they be from capitol?

It's on leader to make the decision. More authority to each city state gives more income, and less authority will cause stability drop and unhappiness. But have in mind that decision will affect future events in the empire. It is also possible to completely change government type into something else.

Turn 4


As more seasons have passed, Erebus seemed to be without war. Only far on north, in province know amongst scholars and cartographers as "Province 23", few Orcish tribes started to fight among themselves. A minority of Orcs loyal to Cassiel attacked a majority of other tribes in province. Majority claims that Cassiel bribed those few Orc leaders in province with gold and promises of power, and that no true Orc will ever give up worshiping Bhall and accept godless Grigori rule of antitheism.
There might be some truth in their claims, as Grigori army is indeed present in province, but it's also true that their army has not engaged in single fight yet. It remains to see how this will develop.
Some Orcs call upon Kuriotates and the Boy-King to save them. They heard stories about great tolerance in their kingdom and freedom that servants of Cardith enjoy, but most Orcish elders shun any foreign government and desire to rule themselves. In any case, dire times of strife await all inhabitants of the province.
Nations have once more expanded, and now many share land borders with each other. Trade will soon become the most potent source of income for almost all nations of the world.

Turn 4 Report

A New Religion

A new religion, The Order Of Junil, appeared on Erebus. Their faith spreads rapidly and followers diligently work to spread their word. So far it has spread to Kuriotate lands, where it had Significant success in converting the populace and no problems or tensions were reported. Still, number of followers is far less than one half.

Order spread to Khazad and Luchuirp lands, where it had Moderate success and no problems were reported. Khazad were even less influenced than Luchuirp, as their faith in Kilmorph is strong.

Order also spread to Amurite lands, where it was immediately repressed, so it keeps spreading in silence, its members hiding from government and working on overthrow of corrupted magocracy.

Barbarian activity

Barbarian activity was reported in some unowned provinces. It was usually about one militia regiment of rowing barbarians, and usually Orcs, though in one province tribes of desert dwelling human nomads called Malakim were reported. Civilizations of Erebus should be aware. A map shows dangerous areas:


Colonization map at start of turn 5:

Turn 5 has come to an end and the biggest news is that trade routes were opened. This will bring in a huge quantities of income for all parties involved.

Balseraph empire seem to become a center of trade and prosperity. Carnivals are always open and full and games are hosted daily. People are happy, enjoying not only in being fed and sheltered, but also in precious luxuries and entertainment, a rare feat in these days on Erebus. Their government seems to be extremely stable. This is all possible because of tremendous income that Balseraphs are making - merchants and farmers are all rich. This is a remarkable age and some even begin to call it a Golden Age of Baseraphs.

Some have foreseen that and ordered their trade routes away from Balseraphs. Khazad and Grigori agreed not to send merchants to Balseraphs but instead to each other.

A great Somnium tournament was held in Khazad empire. Khazad fully financed travels and accommodation for all who played, and Marcell of Summerspring, an adept from Amurite empire, won the tournament. Amurites are thrilled and winner became hero overnight. Balseraphs were less fortunate. Angry at the defeat of all their contestants, they claim that contest was rigged and demand that their King must host the next Somnium tournament as soon as possible. That new tournament must be even more grandiose than those that cheapskate dwarves did.

While many celebrate and become distracted by such entertainment, reality is much harsher for those who live in Shazaak province. There has been another incident and another revolt, as some less prominent figures of the Salvation movement begun to turn their backs on it and returned to violence. This undermined Salvationists efforts and various groups of Orcs again rose to arms, and Grigori army responded with violence. As order is being restored, a feeling that foreign spies actually funded this disturbance is all-pervasive. Nothing can be proven, though.

Khazad gain +2 stability for hosting the tournament.
Amurites gain +1 stability for winning the tournamnet.
Balseraphs have to either host another Somnium tournament in next 3 turns that will cost at least 15 gold or lose -1 stability
Grigori lose -1 stability, -5 gold and can't build anything in Shazaak this turn.


Turn 6 Report
Beginning of Turn 7

Astrologers report: Blazing Sword

Astrologers report that constellation of Blazing Sword moved into prominence. These 5 bright red stars are sacred to Camulos, God of War, and sages report that this means a period of wars and bloodshed. Attacking armies are more efficient, Orcs are more active, more blood is spilled in battles, and people are upset at this sign.

-2 stability for all empires

City State of Tia'Ran
Magistrates of Luchuirp city state of Tia'Ran seem to be discontent that large amount of their money is pouring to the Royal Treasury, but they seem to get none of it back. No building, village or farm was constructed in the area for a long time and no gold coin has returned to them, so they feel like their gold is wasted in filling a coffers of Mutambo or Ithralia.

To combat this, they have used their rights as a city state and have made several trade deals with prominent Khazad aristocrats. Their gold is now pouring towards Khazad and not Luchuirp coffers. Even worse, if this trend continues, Tia'Ran might feel closer to Khazad dwarves than Luchuirp.

Khazad authorities have no influence over this, unless they specifically order to stop this.

Luchuirp: -15 Gold
Khazad: +15 Gold
Luchuirp: -1 Stability

Mutambo Mines

Luchuirp grand investments into their mines in Mutambo finally returned profits, as engineers completed a first set of brand new, extremely deep and efficient mines. And this is only a beginning.

Mutambo: +1 mine
Mutambo: +1 gold from each mine

Amurites and the Order
The Order of Junil, although hidden, managed to grow enough to pose some problems to the government. They launched a series of attack on wizard towers, libraries and even trade routes. Especially if funded by foreign powers, they could grow very strong very quickly. For now, they were dispatched, but not without costs.

Amurites: -3 stability

Grigori education efforts

A richer nobles from the Grigori Empire decided to fund local schools, boosting education and research

Grigori can research next Tier 1 tech for 90 gold

Fights in province #5

There are reports that Balseraph troops were sent to province 5, where barbarian activity is reported. Not much else is known, except that they could be working closely with Khazad, to together eliminate this threat.

Kuriotates refugees

Kuriotates are becoming renown as a shelter to all those running for their lands or simply seeking opportunity for better life or money. This time a famous dwarven bard Rhaeg Morr joined their empire, his songs becoming famous in the empire. Also, many mages running away from the repressive regime in their Amurite homeland join their empire, though most powerful of them are yet expected to come

Kuriotates: +2 stability and +5 gold

Turn 6 Report
Beginning of Turn 7

Astrologers report: Blazing Sword

Astrologers report that constellation of Blazing Sword moved into prominence. These 5 bright red stars are sacred to Camulos, God of War, and sages report that this means a period of wars and bloodshed. Attacking armies are more efficient, Orcs are more active, more blood is spilled in battles, and people are upset at this sign.

-2 stability for all empires

City State of Tia'Ran
Magistrates of Luchuirp city state of Tia'Ran seem to be discontent that large amount of their money is pouring to the Royal Treasury, but they seem to get none of it back. No building, village or farm was constructed in the area for a long time and no gold coin has returned to them, so they feel like their gold is wasted in filling a coffers of Mutambo or Ithralia.

To combat this, they have used their rights as a city state and have made several trade deals with prominent Khazad aristocrats. Their gold is now pouring towards Khazad and not Luchuirp coffers. Even worse, if this trend continues, Tia'Ran might feel closer to Khazad dwarves than Luchuirp.

Khazad authorities have no influence over this, unless they specifically order to stop this.

Luchuirp: -15 Gold
Khazad: +15 Gold
Luchuirp: -1 Stability

Mutambo Mines

Luchuirp grand investments into their mines in Mutambo finally returned profits, as engineers completed a first set of brand new, extremely deep and efficient mines. And this is only a beginning.

Mutambo: +1 mine
Mutambo: +1 gold from each mine

Amurites and the Order
The Order of Junil, although hidden, managed to grow enough to pose some problems to the government. They launched a series of attack on wizard towers, libraries and even trade routes. Especially if funded by foreign powers, they could grow very strong very quickly. For now, they were dispatched, but not without costs.

Amurites: -3 stability

Grigori education efforts

A richer nobles from the Grigori Empire decided to fund local schools, boosting education and research

Grigori can research next Tier 1 tech for 90 gold

Fights in province #5

There are reports that Balseraph troops were sent to province 5, where barbarian activity is reported. Not much else is known, except that they could be working closely with Khazad, to together eliminate this threat.

Kuriotates refugees

Kuriotates are becoming renown as a shelter to all those running for their lands or simply seeking opportunity for better life or money. This time a famous dwarven bard Rhaeg Morr joined their empire, his songs becoming famous in the empire. Also, many mages running away from the repressive regime in their Amurite homeland join their empire, though most powerful of them are yet expected to come

Kuriotates: +2 stability and +5 gold

End of Turn 7

Beginning of Turn 8

Amurite Caswallen dead, country facing civil war

Thomas the Caswallen, ruler of the Amurites, was found dead in his chamber. No traces of violence were found and most people say he died by natural death but it is not easy for Caswallen to die of old age, especially not if he practiced unholy magic. Some say it was demon pact that caught him, some say assassination.

Either way, his right-hand Tyrion Cavros was viewed as a decent successor by the most powerful mages, so he took the office and proclaimed himself Tyrion the Caswallen. However some saw this as their opportunity, and the country is slinking into the civil war.

On west, Valedia the Even, former Royal Steward and Chancellor gathered it's forces. She is seeking to establish an Aristocratic Republic, as in old ways of the Amurites, and to break off the demonic pacts. She is supported by the lower nobility, mages, merchants and burghers, and partially by the peasants.

On east, Nicholas Cassel gathered followers of the Order, and is seeking to establish a rightful and holy Amurite State. Supported by lower classes of peasants and craftsmen, and by most merchants, they are opposed by almost all aristocrats because of their plans to stamp out all aristocratic privileges and make all equal before the law, and are also viewed with suspicion by most mages for their reliance on priests and not mages.

Either way, hard times are before Amurite people


Long and dry summer and harsh winter have took their toll, and this season was by far worst one ever seen since the Age of Ice ended.
Soil is infertile, crops are withering and there simply isn't enough food to feed all the starving citizens. Disaster is looming as people die on the streets.
Based on the amount of farms and fisheries opposed to cities and villages, following civilizations have their next turn income reduced, and also stability decreased:

Balseraphs: -3 stability, -10 income
Kahazad: -5 stability, -15 income
Grigori: -5 stability, -15 income
Kuriotates: -2 stability, -10 income
Luchuirp: -4 stability, -15 income
Svartalfarl: -5 stability, -15 income
Lanun: -2 stability, -5 income
Calabim: -2 stability, -5 income

Amurite Refugees seek shelter in Kuriotate lands

Terrified by the war and starvation in their homeland, and lured by the tales of prosperity, many Amurite citizens fled to Kuriotate cities. Many of them are potent mages. This is definitely a bonus for the Kuriotates.

Cost of researching Knowledge of the Ether is reduced by -100 gold for the Kuriotates

Svartalfarl adopt Slavery

In latest days Svartalfarl increase their number of slaves dramatically, and their economy is beginning to feel effects of the cost-free labor. Some of the elves are complaining about this degradation of elvenkind, but few are loud against it.

Svartalfarl have Slavery labor
Svartalfarl lose -1 stability

Somnium tournament results

Latest Somnium tournament held in Balseraph empire was different form the last. Not only it was more lavish, but also hosted a plenty of different Somnium variants with many house rules.
Most prominent four tournaments were won by Balseraph, Svartalfarl, Lanun and Khazad players. Games were commented as fair and no cheating was reported.

Balseraphs +1 stability and +5 gold
Svartalfarl, Lanun and Khazad +1 stability

The epilogue of Luchuirp trade affair

High judges have concluded that no laws of Independent City States were broken when signing agreement with Khazad, and that to demand that traders, both Khazad or Luchuirp be punished is insanity. This demand was, in the first place, brought up by Khazad leader Kandros Fyr, without Luchuirp demand, and the decision was that it would be a treachery to punish own people. Luchuirp have concluded the same.

Either way, as province experienced building-up, dissent is gone and except few lost coins everything returns to normal.

Balseraphs leave Area 5, Khazad enter

Some reported that Balseraphs have abandoned the Desert Province, at the same time Khazad entered. Fights are reported, and it remains to see the results. What is certain is that Khazad could use some extra supplies, like water.


End of Turn 8
Start of Turn 9


Banner of the True Sunrise

Amurite Report

Amurite Civil War is raging on. On the west, Valledia's forces, led by Captain Borcus kept marching towards Cevedes largely without any resistance. Army was reinforcing with volunteers at every liberated village. Finally, when Cevedes itself was in danger Tyrion decided to assemble an army of his most powerful mages and to push Valledia's forces out in single decisive battle.
Borcus had an army of 12.000 men, most of them were peasants with poor equipment, and a core of the army was made of mercenary horsemen that were hired by citizens and merchants that supported Valledia. Tyrion had merely 5.000 men, peasants and foot mercenaries.

But when the battle started, skies darkened and winds rose. Banners of the True Sunrise, new Republic flags without crimson Veil references on them and enchanted to glow at night were now flapping and dancing on the wind. Then hell broke loose from the sky, with raging thunders striking into very heart of Borcus's army.

Tyrion used this fear and confusion and ordered a charge. Backed by seven towering demons from hell itself, he tore through Borcus army like through butter. The rest of the battle was mindless slaying and running for life. Peasants were routing, and Valledia forces were now pushed about 100 miles away and split in two. It took a while before mercenary riders and mage-refugees put an end to this counter-attack.

On east, however, Tyrion front was weakened and Order troops, thousands of milita peasants backed by priests and armored Crusaders, won almost every battle and captured a major Amurite city of Nimarail. Cassel's plan of establishing a Theocracy could become a reality.

Fights in Province 5

Latest invasions finally put an end to the Orc presence in Malakia province, when head of Mar'Ghan, the last Orcish chieftain in the area, was attached and displayed at the top of a large pole.

In the last few weeks, joint Khazad and Balseraph forces worked tirelessly to push out all the Orcs, at the delight of Malakim tribes in the area. Khazad were putting their extra water supplies to a good use, and their Bear regiments tore through anything they encountered like a powerful Knights would. Also, Paramanders did a good job and sent many Orcs to Bhall. Balseraph forces were not much worse.

Now, it remains a question about what shall happen, as no side asserted a total control over province and native dark skinned tribes are grateful, but now wish that their deserts are once again really theirs. They don't like the stories about Mad King's behavior and shocking hedonism of his people, and they don't trust the small creatures of the underworld either. Either way, they are not numerous enough that it would even matter if either side decided to force take the province, and both sides are safer than they were few months ago.

Balseraph and Khazad +1 stability

Balseraphs Adopt Slavery

Though slavery was always legal in Balseraph kingdom, slaves were mainly used as servants and in carnivals. This changed today when first slaves - captured Orc soldiers arrived in Grand Jubilee and were put to hard construction work. Many new laws were also issued, that allowed enslavement of those who couldn't pay their debts, enslavement of murders, thieves, those who insulted the God King and so on. People are worried about harsh new laws, and that thy could be next.

-1 stabilty for Balseraphs and Labor changed to Slavery

Balseraph Religious Unrests

There is a growing religious unrest among the Balseraph populace. Most of the population is unhappy that state religion is one with a smallest number of followers. They know nothing about Water God nor about Overlords, they feel no connection to them and do not care about their priests. Most have never seen a priest, but they have heard stories about some unholy ceremonies.
Almost one half of population follows a Perpentach's personality cult and actually believes that he is a God. Large part of population follows no religion or honors some pagan gods. They envy Grigori agnosticism and enjoy lives on their own. Despite missionaries, Order or Runes or Empyrean are not popular. Only every tenth citizens worships Overlords.
They see a solution in their northern friends example - Kuriotates. They wish that Perpentach issued an edict that would guarantee a religious freedom to all citizens.

If edict is issued, at the cost of 30 gold, Balseraphs would gain +2 stability, change religion to No State Religion/Religious Freedom and cultural values to Liberty/Consumption. Kuriotates would also gain +1 stability.
If Overlords remain a state religion then more unrests could happen.
Other solutions, like adopting a personality cult, are possible.

Prespur Gem Mines

Gem mines in Calabim city of Prespur are subject of tales on entire Erebus. Their wealth is immense. But today Prespur is mentioned for another reason.
Although miners work there tirelessly, bringing in great wealth, there simply isn't enough food to feed all the miners and citizens in the province. There is need for more labor, but they can't come and work if they have nothing to eat. Governors hope that there will be enough reason in their lords' heads to build more farms, as this is a simply waste of potential.

Calabim lose 1 gold due to Prespur's commerce limit


Grigori have completed their great project of casting Ardor. Spirits of Grigori people are renewed and refreshed, and so is the entire Grigori administration and government, purged from corruption and once again full of new ideas.

Grigori stability restored to 100 and they are able to build two more free cities

Svartalfarl slave raids

Svartalfarl hunters are attempting slave raids in the barbarian province on the east. They managed to catch many Orcs that strayed away from their camps. Slaves are a great commodity to sell on Svartalfarl new slave market, and they are also providing a valuable experience for the Svartalfarl hunters. They however had no luck in capturing an Orcish chieftain.

+5 gold for Svartalfarl, and Hunter regiment will fight slightly better in the future


A damaged Lanun ship moored into Luchuirp harbor. Ship was attacked by the pirates, unknown ships with black sails. Lanun crew barely escaped, using their superior speed and seamanship, but were severely damaged by arrows and in ramming and boarding attempts. Also, similar ships with blacks sails were seen near Grigori coasts, and also near Lanun isles, where they tried to raid fishing boats, but were stopped by Lanun navy.

Dire times are ahead

Luchuirp Alleviate Famine

Luchuirp have sent gold to every city state, to help those that were hurt by famine. Many people were saved thanks to this efforts, and economy is returning to normal faster than expected. To prevent famine from occuring ever again, large granaries were built that will feed it's citizens in case that famine ever strikes again. Floods and stroms are rare in Luchuirp lands, but infestations and droughts are not, so this will with no doubt help whenever season is not as good as expected.

+3 stability for Luchuirp

Svartalfarl Trade Boom

Increased production and consumption finally show in Svartalfarl Empire, so they gain a new trade route to their use. Many new merchants entered in the business and generally wealth is growing.

Svart gain new trade route

Spoiler :
End of Turn 9
Start of Turn 10​

Amurite War Report

Amurite civil war is drawing to an end. Tyrion turned his attention east, to what he percieved as more dangerous and harder-to-negotiate opponent. They met in an open battle on Big Weed Grasslands, huge open fields full of uncontrolled wild weed that prevented all other vegetation from growing. The battle was fierce, mages on one side and crusaders on other, but in the end Tyrion suffered so many losses that further advance became impossible.
On the other side, Valledia took control of the Rat Pass between mountains of west and East Cheremisa. Controlling the Rat Pass, everything south of it became easy to take, and cut off their supplies Tyrion troops either surrendered or retreat to Cevedes. City of Cevedes is under siege and a small strip of land is all what remained of Tyrion's influence.

In such circumstances Valledia and Cassel met and started negotiating. Cassel was willing to step out of his plans of Theocracy and accept Republic if the Order became a state religion, the Faction of Junil became a prominent faction, and if right to vote was given to everyone above income census, so that merchants and priests would have right to vote, and not only mages. This was taken even further as Cassel requested the abolishment of aristocracy and all their privileges, making all people equal before the law. This was accepted by Valledia as, in her opinion, Amurites never had a formal aristocracy, it's establishment is an evil deed of Thomas the Caswallen. This naturally pissed of the mages. They both agreed to abolish all forms of slavery and serfdom. New flag would be the Banner of True Sunrise. Ashen Viel and Emyrs practices would be forbidden.

Problems that would remain were necromancy practices. Valledia desired a state control over them, but still make them legal, while Cassel argued that they must be abolished. Cassel also wanted to transfer a part of judicial power to the Inquisition. Valledia wanted to abolish the position of Caswallen, as „Head of State is to be elected, like a true leader, not to decided by ancient trials, like some wild chieftain“. Mages were unhappy with their loss of privileges. Also, peasants felt betrayed as they would, as it stands, still have no right to vote, despite republic. But as it stands there won't be war between this two factions.

Khazad – Malakim Treaty

Khazad made an agreement with Malakim tribes in the desert province. They established a trade routes, importing rare resources like incense, desert herbs and Malakim fine glass, and export basic resources like food supplies. In return, Khazad proclaimed a guarantee of independence to Malakim, promising that no foreign power will enter the desert again.

Khazad: +60 gold

Svartalfarl and Lanun prosper

Due to recent trades done by both nations, both governments see an tremendous increase in stability and support. Upper classes made some donations to the imperial treasury, and their states prosper.

Grigori borrow from moneylenders

Grigori nation had some ambitious plans for capital projects, but no real means to finance them. So they contacted the moneylenders and borrowed a quite large sum of gold. They now have enough gold for their use, but borrowed gold has interests to be payed, and treasury debt means insecurity to all the merchants and traders.

Grigori: -15 gold, -2 stability and went quite into negative treasury

Luchuirp city states again unhappy

Some city states of the Luchuirp are grumbling again – They are afraid of the barbarians on their southeast, and are furious because their government didn't order construction of any mud golem. At the same time, government urged Balseraphs to abolish slavery and proposed to create and send golems to Balseraphs to replace slaves. They see this as a wrong sorting of priorities. While angry, they have still shown a strong feeling of Nationhood and donated gold to central authority to help the defensive efforts.

Luchuirp: +30 gold and -1 stability

Lanun adopt slavery

First Captain Matt read today a decision of the Captains' Assembly:

„All men CAN BE free, but only if those deserving freedom ARE free.
Everything in this world can be bought and sold, so why not people? Some may want to sell themselves to slavery and live a life where they don't have to decide on everything on they own, but at last they have something to eat and somewhere to live. It is always possible to 'buy yourself back' from slavery. Lanun are a very dynamic society and a yesterday's slave can be tomorrow's captain.
Some become slaves by court's decision as punishment for crimes. This can be for a fixed period or for the lifetime for the most severe crimes, like murder or stealing or damaging someone else's ship.
And there are those who are not even civilized. They are not truly free. They're barbarians. If they were not slaves at heart they would create a civilization. They rightfully become slaves of whoever enslaves them.“

The Lanun don't have many slaves at the moment, but a hard faith awaits those who get captured on the high seas.

Lanun: -1 stabilty, and adopt Slavery

Kuriotates fund abolishment

Boy King was purchasing slaves from other kingdoms that have adopted the foul practice. He invested some gold, but it was not enough, as only few slaves were liberated, but after seeing their suffering Boy King had no option but to invest more and more gold, buying people and giving them a new life. He was not wrong, as this people proved to be among the most hardworking and fathful part of Kuriotate nation.

Kuriotate: -15 gold, +1 stability, gain Village in Kwythelhelar
Svartalfarl, Balseraphs, Lanun: -2 stability

Calabim gem mines still not efficient

Calabim government still hasn't done anything about their issue with food so more income is lost.

-1 gold for Calabim


I'm making a change to slavery, as it's too powerful compared to other labor civics. Slavery no longer halves construction costs, but reduces it by -20%
Also, Kol.7 didn't send orders again.

This map has all known and used resources chartered
Spoiler :


Provine map
Spoiler :

Declaring my one and only trade route: Kuriotates.
It appears I misunderstood the building rules for improvements, which means my computations for various civics are mostly wrong. Improvement cost depends on total number of improvements and not number of improvements of that type. Actually, improvements cost more and mines are less interesting to build. I'm not going to redo all the coimputations (yet). Only the mines example stands.
(This also explains why I spent more gold than I thought I would earlier...)
End of Turn 10
Start of Turn 11

Trade Adventures

Kuriotates merchants stop traveling to Lanun cities to trade, and instead turn south to Amurites. Amurite merchants are doing their best in trying to scrape surplus resources from their war torn country and send their trade routes to Kuriotates mostly. Amurite peasants are flooding markets searching for Kuriotate chickens and other poultry, and this causes other foods to becomes slightly more affordable for the poor. Clothes are also desirable ware, though mostly too fancy and expensive for farmers who simply seek something to keep em warm. On the other side, Kuriotate sprawling cities have an enormous demands for some precious Amurite wares like ancient and mystic books full of Amurite knowledge, or Amurite gems from Ciriail that jewel makers are keen on. There are also talks on building a new, fine road that would connect Kuriotate and Amurite lands better.
Khazad also transferred trade route from Kuritotate lands and Amurites find use for Khazad tools in their reconstruction works, and charcoal keeps fireplaces warm at night. But greatest trade products are Dwarven potatoes, that feed more people and fruther drop inflated food prices. Food prices in Amurite Republic are still higher than elsewhere on Erebus, but not as they used to be. Khazad also send aid to the new government, in form of 20 gold.

Trade routes switched.
Amurites: +15 gold, +2 stability
Kuriotates: +20 gold
Khazad: +10 gold
Khazad: sends 20 gold to Amurites

Grindstone Plains

After bitter negotiations, brute force was a deciding factor. Kuriotates, backed by Grigori, were not quick enough to get their armies ready and Khazad armies moved first. In the end, Kuriotates sent notes to Orcish chiefs offering them aid if they accept Kuriotate mastership, but Orcs scoofed at this offers, they bow down to no one and fear nothing.

So Dwarven host marched through Grindtone plains, taking villages and burrows they found on their way, until Orcs gathered their own troops and prepared for decisive battle.

Orcish militia, spearmens, axemen and javeliners all furiously charged onto warven militia the only way they knew. Militia started running away, seriously outnumbered and outclassed, but Orcs ran faster than Dwarves and heavy loses were suffered by Dwarves.

But Orcs soon found out that Dwarves were smarter than they seemed to be. A retreat was a ruse, and Orcish host was lured to ambush, now encircled by number of Paramanders. Paramanders were more than a match for Orcs, but were outnumbered so the fight was bitter and even.

Meanwhile, a flaw in Dwarven plan was exposed. Milita was supposed to run back to Paramanders, but faced with danger and fear, some of this untrained soldiers instead run in the most favorable direction, hoping that Orcs won't catch them that way, and Orcs that followed found themselves in position to flank Paramanders.

Luckily for Khazad, Bears proved to be fast enough and maneuvered well enough to prevent Orcs from taking this advantage. Once Bears finished them and charged to the Orcs that fought Paramanders, battle was soon over. Bears did a terrifying punch on orcs and once again proved to be most fearsome army ever seen on Erebus so far. Few Orcs survived.

Province was soon taken control over, as within few days Khazads took control over most of province, and Erebus found out what Khazad and Kuriotates knew already- the province was rich with wheat.

And soon begun an onslaught of local populace, led by general Caius Thorne, a member of ruling family of Underhome and cousin to famous Arthus Thorne. Villages were burned, Orcs slaughtered. Luckily for Orcs, many that heard of defeat escaped earlier, refusing to be servants of midgets. That proved to be most cunning thing they did as brutalities that ensued were up even to Orcish standards. Those that were spared escaped to the south, to Orc settlement of R'Rgorac, and those more enlightened to north, to meet Kuriotate and Grigori armies and start their long trek towards Shazak, where, tales told, Orcs could live peacefully and without sacrifices made to Bhall. In the R'Rgorac, midgets were known as Orc-slayers and most hatred enemy of any Orc.

Khazad: Assume control over Grindstone Plains
-20 gold to recover Milita regiment, Militia immobile for two turns
-3 gold to recover Bears
-7 gold to recover Paramanders
+15 gold gained from pillaging

Khazad adopt Arete

As Khazad Head-of-State Kandros Fir accepted a priests proposal and decreed a shift from Tribalism to Arete, a through changes swept Khazad society. First of, reactions were very positive, and gold from donations overflown the treasury. Religious feelings have increased greatly. But some had a word against the change. Some clans were very sensitive to their privileges, and their ancient feuds. Arete would require them to burry the hatchet and to give up their privileges. Many were against, former Clanleaders reluctant to give up their positions. First to step out were Gar'Meg and Gar'Rah clans, feuding since immemorial. They mobilized and opened direct hostilities towards each other as well as towards the official government. If these were not stopped soon, other clans might follow.
And in the Senate things were shaken. High Priests have suddenly found themselves with more gold and more respect than before, so they gained more influence on elections and policies. These scholarly figures were concerend not only about word of Kilmorph but also about finances. They pointed out, correctly, what Kandros refused to see before – that Khazad were a country with most underdeveloped economy, scarcely populated, with small cities. They accused their leader for that. They also accused him for ungodly massacre that occurred on the east, that no follower of Kilmorph might tolerate. A Dwarf issuing such orders is not fit to rule, they claim. High priests begun organizing themselves and it is said that Kandros no longer sits on his throne firmly, as being richest is no longer enough to keep him ruling. He still holds his term until next elections, but he refused to abdicate, as it was unheard in the Underhome for a leader to be impeached during his rule. To avoid major Senate crisis, he agreed to take measures to improve economy immediately.

Khazad: Adopt Arete, gain +70 gold and +2 stability
Khazad: -5 stability, two Clans rise to arms
Khazad: Force-built Market in Ryloid

Amurites War Recovery

Amurites are recovering from their civil war. Destroyed villages are rebuilding, crops are replanting. In such conditions, while people are poor and homeless, it is hard to rule and run efficient government. People are easier to fall victims to panic, and stability is harder to maintain.
At the same time Order spreads like a wildfire, where people are taught to obey the laws and lawful government, as priests were told to preach by their former war leader Cassel, who now commands Crusader armies.

Amurites: War Recovery until end of Turn 12 (Half income, -2 trade routes, troops morale decreased, eventual stability reductions are doubled)
+1 stability from Order

Svartalfarl face unrest from nobility

There is unrest among Elven nobility. Svartalfarl nobles demand more privileges and authorities in their Aristocratic Kingdom. They feel like Faeryl has monopolized most of the power lately, despite the tradition of self-governing nobles. Some nobles even went as far as demanding semi-independent City states.

Nobles, led by few prominent Dukes, presented Her Royal Highness Faeryl with petition demanding self-governing of their fiefs, an establishment of Noble Council with right to veto Royal laws, lesser taxes on aristocracy and their properties and lesser crown duty.

Rumor is that High Advisor and Head Chancelor Wyrena Alif had strong centralist views, and that she presented Faeryl with a plan to squash all opposition and to introduce Absolutism.

Response came swift. Before Faeryl even had a chance to read the document, Wyrena was found dead in her mansion, butchered as well as her whole family, and her house looted.

Tension are increasing, and everyone is waiting for Faeryls reaction.

Svartalfarl: -4 stability

Developement of Shazak

Efforts and hard work bring results. The poor province of Shazak is showing an increase in revenue, as Orcs become accepting the Grigori views and Salvationist movement. It is only to hope that newcomers from south won't undo this positive chance with fresh tales about blood, revenge or Bhall.

Grigori: Shazak: +2 income

Pirates spoted at North Corel Coast

Ships with black sails were spotted near shores of Grigori town of North Corel. They soon attacked the fishing boats around it, and also the trade vessels that brought income and gold from that province. Pirate ships used arrows and ballistas burned with Wildfire, a mixture of chemicals and herbs that burn exceptionally well. Two trade cogs were boarded by pirates and taken, and their sailors either taken to capture and waiting for ransom, or made to walk the plank and killed by sharks or, more likely, cold waters near Mulcarn's Shards. People say that pirates from the northern isle are responsible.

Grigori: - 10 gold

Grigori adopt neo-tribalism

Cassiel made one step towards 'perfect society' and attempt to make 'a tribe on the scale of kingdom'. This is general improvement over old system and everyone is content.

Grigori: +2 stability

New Barbarian threat

Barbarians between the Calabim and Amurite lands have united some of their chiefdoms and pose a stronger threat. Their lands are populated by horse lords, swift riders and dangerous opponents. They drove out some of the orcs that were in the area, and other nations should thread with them carefully.

Desert Religion

Desert People, as many call the people from Malakia Sands, have opened their eyes to lands outside their desert and started spreading their religion wherever they can. Their religion, Empyrean, as they call it, found some followers among Kuriotates, Calabim and Amurites. Spread is hindered by poverty of Desert priest, who are not able to come in great numbers, and at the same time Desert people learn much from the lands they visit. They are in awe of the wonders of civilization.

Mutambo Mines

Dwarven engineers have made more progress in their mining efforts as they discovered new bountiful veins. These were sunk under Eruo river underground streams, but after some works they are now ripe for taking. More is expected to be found, experts say.

Mutambo: Free mine build

Lanun bards

A trade ships from Balseraph empire brought many wondrous musical instruments to Lanun people. Immediately one bard, named Young Grdovik, made a song about destroying that same Balseraph mandolin he just bought, in his sorrow for his lost love, so that he can never again sing about her. It is not known if he ever did that actually, especially as he often plays his music in Kingsport and Dunwich, and in fact in his lyrics he sings two contrary verses – smashing mandolin on the shore rock and tossing her in the blue sea at the same time. But either way, the song is a great hit in the Lanun city-states.

Lanun: +2 stability

Balseraphs Abolish Slavery and adopt Caste System

Perpentach made a swift swing in his policies once again after he freed all slaves and established a caste system, with gypsy folk on top. People see this as a natural progress so no stability is lost. Balseraphs are now also able to build carnivals.

Spoiler :


First off, update had to be today, as today is a national holiday, so I only today had free time. Next update is in 10 days (Sunday after this)

Hope you like map additions.

I really like the coat of arms. For Lanun and Luch, they indicate City-State, that city is semi-independent and not an integral part of the territory. Ithralia, as a Capital, has a insignia from the Luchuirp flag - or better said, their coat of arms is used on national flag. Others have traditional coats of arms.

They in some way indicate you could negotiate with city state instead of nation, if you wanted to.

If someone wants a map in JPG so he can zoom it, I can send it.

EDIT: Just not to think I'm mad, Lanun song is based on one from my lands, and I thought it'd ft well :)
Jopa, great update, but when the Khazad transfered thier route. I had the impression that we have to do this in public?
Jopa, great update, but when the Khazad transfered thier route. I had the impression that we have to do this in public?

Hmm.. I had this in their orders, and yes, they had to do it in public. However there were many posts between this two updates, as everyone knows why, and I just assumed LiDiCesare posted that somewhere.

So you are right and he is not.

But either way no harm is done as you gained gold this turn as if you had a trade route- switches only take effect after updates. What I meant as 'public' was more along lines that everyone is able to know who trades with whom, via first post, and that there cant be no secret trading routes.

Partially my mistake, partially his, but no harm done either way.
To: The peoples of the Calabim Nation
From: Lord Agron, Internal Affairs

I, Lord Agron, in response to the Nobleman's Council held yesterday, hereby condenm any Calabim follower of the Empyrean Religion to Kraltavoi status. The Moroi will be investigating suspects in coming weeks. You are reminded that the only religion appropriate and legal for Calabim worship is the True Order. For the good of society, no others are to be openly practised and anyone suspected of worshipping a heathen religion openly or in private is at risk of Arrest. Further, our borders are officially closed to Calabim peoples without the express permission of the government. Permits for leaving the Calabim nation can be applied for at Internal Affairs. All Government-Approved international merchants will recieve a permit in the coming week. Finally, any foreigner suspected of attempting to disrupt and destabalise Calabim society will be Arrested, and placed in the nearest Kraltavoi Pit to recieve punishment. Whilts in the Calabim nation, only Calabim laws apply and foreigners have the same rights and rank of nbative Calabim.

More details of the new laws and other reminders to the Calabim populace can be found in the Royal Act Amendments 349 to 354. (Orders)
Irony is that desert preachers, Malakim, have dark skin, making them easy to recognize. Talk about racism :p But anyway what is to be done with Malakim priests? Hurting them could cause foreign incident.
Alternatism is not tolerated in the Calabim Nation. They have made a terrible mistake in coming here. Surely everyone knows that Vampires are the sworn enemy of the Empyrean? Such a person who comes into the Nation to spread the Empyrean'x filth is clearly trying to provoke rebellion. As of all leaders of rebellion, they will be severely punished. Whilst within the Calabim Nation, a foreginer has the same rank and rights as a native Calabim human, they will obide by the same laws and suffer the same punishments.

(OOC: I was mostly talking aboput Calabim people who had converted to the emyrean in my previous post, any racism was not actually intended and was all in-character anyway :p)
Don't the Balseraph have dark skin too? They certainly look like it in the graphics for the warrior unti.
Alternatism is not tolerated in the Calabim Nation. They have made a terrible mistake in coming here. Surely everyone knows that Vampires are the sworn enemy of the Empyrean? Such a person who comes into the Nation to spread the Empyrean'x filth is clearly trying to provoke rebellion. As of all leaders of rebellion, they will be severely punished. Whilst within the Calabim Nation, a foreginer has the same rank and rights as a native Calabim citizen, they will obide by the same laws and suffer the same punishments.

Yes, and yes. :)

Though this gives a legitimate reason to Khazad and to a lesser extent Balseraphs, as their protectors, to sanction you.
The beliefs and opinions of these far-flung countries is of no interest to Internal Affairs. :p
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