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MOD: The Balancer Reloaded (TBX-R)


Dec 21, 2001
Those of you who have played any of the Balancer series of mods will be happy to know that we have created a new version for Civ3 Conquests: The Balancer Reloaded (TBX-R) Check here for previews: http://forums.civfanatics.com/showthread.php?t=97936

Expanding on what you've come to know and love about The Balancer, we have greatly enlarged it to include new technologies, new resources, and over 600 units including ripptide's battlemech units. Special thanks goes to ripptide for allowing us to use them. You can preview his units here: http://forums.civfanatics.com/showthread.php?t=93776

You can download it direct from here:

This mod also contains most, if not all, of ripptide's tanks, mechwarrior units and other units.

Don't forget to check for patches and updates (we expect them every few months to add in new units that have been created)

The official forums for TBX-R are located at StrateGamer: http://wotg.stgfc.com/phpBB2/index.php?f=72&sid=391c6a210369092d21fd9ea370a001da
So far, so good. Took forever to simply install, quite a beefy mod. :D

It's been several months since I played a mod that didn't involve fantasy, sci-fi, or historical accuracy so this should be a nice change up.

I haven't noticed any real differences in gameplay yet, but couldn't help but notice that there were a ton of bonus resources compared to other games. I must have 8 cattle within a ten tiles radius of my city. Not to mention rice (I think it's rice) by the handfuls as well.
Yes, it is a little on the "beefy" side. You'd be surprised by the volume of units I had to leave out due to space considerations :D The big changes in gameplay will come in the industrial age and beyond where the greater volume of units are located.

By the way, if any of you would like to make some suggestions on how to improve things, feel free to comment. I won't necessarily make the changes you suggest but if it is a good idea, I just might use it. We expect to release patches now and then as we fine tune things.
I can't build Harbors, I looked in the editor and everything was in order. So can someone please tell me how do build harbors?

Edit: Nevermind I have Version 1.00 I will update and see if that fixs the problem;)
found the problem, don't no if you had this way for a reson or not. Anyway the only way you can build Harbors is if you were beside fresh water and the coast. If you had a city on the coast but not fresh water then you can not build it and the way you fix this is uncheck the "has to be near water" flag but leave the Coastal Installation Checked. Now on the other hand if this is intentional Why?
Kingpin said:
Yes, it is a little on the "beefy" side. You'd be surprised by the volume of units I had to leave out due to space considerations :D The big changes in gameplay will come in the industrial age and beyond where the greater volume of units are located.

By the way, if any of you would like to make some suggestions on how to improve things, feel free to comment. I won't necessarily make the changes you suggest but if it is a good idea, I just might use it. We expect to release patches now and then as we fine tune things.

I've been playing it for the last few days and have to say I'm as impressed now as I was with the original Balancer back in the day. It's got lots of new techs and units and buildings, but not too many like RaR. My absolute favorite part was having four different knight units (knight, hospitaler, templar, and champion) to throw against my enemies all at once. Bravo!

On the suggestion side, I am totally impressed with the way this mod handles ninja and assassins, limiting production to so many per so many turns. However, both wonders have stopped producing now in the late medieval and I wish they would keep going on. It's much much much better than other mods where the assassins and such can be produced like normal units, because the AI makes them endlessly and you have to literally seal your borders with troops just to keep your workers safe enough to make roads. A little frustration is good, if the AI gets the drop on me and builds one of the wonders that make ninja, assassins, etc, but an endless supply of them just sucks.

Great job all around, this is without a doubt my favorite mod. If you added the increased artillery functions of the old Artillery mod, where ships get as many bombard attacks as they have movement, your mod would hold position number 1 and 2 in my all time favorite list. Thanks for the hard work, it's a great mod!
I'm Really impressed with your mod. In my eyes TBX-R is up there with the RAR mod. In my first trial (up to halfway through the industrial ages) I had to play catch up with the other 3 civs on a huge map. I selected the second easiest level, and still I had to play catch up in terms of settler colonization. When I finally went to war I was smaller in terms of population and always playing catch up in terms of resources. despite my use of lots of artillery my offenses always fizzed out. The thing I liked about RAR was that more technologically advanced units always had more hit points as well as attack and defence scores. they were also exponetially more expensive. In my mind your artillery could be beaffed up a bit. entreched infantry in a town can be exceedingling tough to get out. Maybe also more levels of factory type buildings could be added to get even out the higher costs of units.

Can't build Army bases and force fields in large cities because of bombard defance bring that to zero and then you can build them in large cities.
Thanks for all the comments, guys. We'll definitely look into those problems with the Harbor and such.
Yeah, ggm, I think we may need to beef up bombardment too. Not just in artillery units but also aircraft and ships.
Kingpin said:
Those of you who have played any of the Balancer series of mods will be happy to know that we have created a new version for Civ3 Conquests: The Balancer Reloaded (TBX-R) Check here for previews: http://forums.civfanatics.com/showthread.php?t=97936

Expanding on what you've come to know and love about The Balancer, we have greatly enlarged it to include new technologies, new resources, and over 600 units including ripptide's battlemech units. ]

I really enjoy playing your mods, but it seems to me that icons are always missing when you download. You can preview them online, but where do they go during the download? They always seem to be missing form the units_32.pcx. If I'm doing something wrong. please tell me so I can correct my mistake. Thanks.
Not exactly sure what you are talking about please give me more information on this, and will see what can do to rectify the situation.
It almost sounds like you are installing the mod in the wrong location... Are you sure that you are putting it in Conquests/Scenarios folder?
Kingpin said:
It almost sounds like you are installing the mod in the wrong location... Are you sure that you are putting it in Conquests/Scenarios folder?

I re-downloaded the whole thing, and now it seems to be working just fine. I may have had a glitch of some kind while I was downloading the first time. I guess it's like the old man in Montana says:"Doo-doo occurs." The mod looks great by the way. Sorry for bothering you, I probably should have tried a new download before posting, but I wanted to play the game, and got ahead of myself. Keep up the great work.
dabulldogg53 said:
I re-downloaded the whole thing, and now it seems to be working just fine. I may have had a glitch of some kind while I was downloading the first time. I guess it's like the old man in Montana says:"Doo-doo occurs." The mod looks great by the way. Sorry for bothering you, I probably should have tried a new download before posting, but I wanted to play the game, and got ahead of myself. Keep up the great work.

No problem. I'm glad it worked out for you.
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