2010 Mafia Awards

The King of the Martians has just told me that 'Ack ack, ack, aack!' which means vote for the game he starred in or suffer the wrath of his empire.

Pity we never got to the stage where 6-7 players could die on one night, counting both sides. :(
Well I'll just extend my favourite mafia games to make up my large mafia game vote.
1) Those darn states
2) Star Wars
Lord of the Rings, Those Darn States, Star Wars, CFC, Mars Attacks, and Resident Evil are all Large Mafia Games, the rest are all Small Mafia Games.

Anyway, changing my Best Small Game Votes to:

1. Masquerade Mafia
2. Zack Mafia
Best Large Game
1. Mars Attacks - didn't realise it was truly a large game, but deserves the nod.

Wasn't in any others though.
Didn't play in small mafia games to make a fair vote but a lot seemed rather good. My votes are:

Best Large Game
1) Mars Attacks - quite fun in a chaotic way and especially to have a clear Innocent victory in the end
2) Star Wars

For the setting I'll go with the ones that seemed most in-depth/true to their setting though

Best Setting
1) Lord of the Rings Mafia Game
2) Star Wars Mafia Game
Winners in Bold!

Best Small Game

Spoiler :
6 points

  • Masquerade Mafia

5 points

  • Beatles Mafia
  • Zack Mafia
  • Vanilla Mafia

2 points

  • Rhyming Mafia 3
  • C9: Snowblind
  • A Kingmaker's Lynch

1 point

  • civplayah's Experimental Mafia
  • A Kingmaker's Lynch
Best Large Game

Spoiler :
9 points

  • Those Darn States

7 points

  • Lord of the Rings Mafia

5 points

  • Mars Attacks
  • Star Wars: A New Hope

Best Setting/Storyline

Spoiler :
9 points

  • Lord of the Rings Mafia

6 points

  • Star Wars: A New Hope

5 points

  • Mars Attacks!

4 points

  • Masquerade Mafia
  • Vanilla Mafia
  • Those Darn States

1 point

  • Beatles Mafia
Last two awards! Voting ends when I get around to it, hopefully around 48 hours!

Best Role

Spoiler :
7 points

  • Professor Moriarty in "Those Darn States"

3 points

  • The Lizard in "Those Darn States"
  • Darth Maul in "Star Wars: A New Hope"

2 points

  • The Spy in "Those Darn States"
  • Martian Ambassador in "Mars Attacks!"

1 points

  • Grand Moff Tarkin in "Star Wars: A New Hope"
  • Zack in "Zack Mafia"
  • Paranoid General in "Mars Attacks!"
Best Host

Spoiler :
14 points

  • Zack

12 points

  • Earthling

5 points

  • Camikaze

1 point

  • choxorn
Hey, I got decent scores on my game! Must improve on my next one.
I'll vote tomorrow. Going to bed now. Kicked some Shaka butt after he DoW'd me in Civ4.
I'm going to assume you can't vote a role you played or a role you created for Best Role. For example, I can't vote for Gandalf, Naraku, Paul McCartney, any character in A New Hope, and some others I can't remember right now.

Best Role:
1. The Spy, Those Darn States. In addition to being completely hilarious, it was also a very cool role. He could turn invisible, steal other people's appearances, and kill people. He never really was on your side, but he still got a doctor to protect him for the entire game and got someone with an anti-lynch ability to prevent his lynch. Those weren't inherent features of the role, and more of Love playing it well, but still, it was a nice role.
2. Professor Moriarty, Those Darn States. Mafia with Cover Roles are annoying. Serial Killers with Cover Roles are interesting. Serial Killers with 2 seperate Cover Roles and a Magic Cube makes one of the greatest roles ever.

Best Host:
1. Zack. Having worked with him to design a game and host it, and played several others that he hosted, I'd have to say that he's really, really good at it.
2. Earthling. The Role PM's and Write-ups of TDS may have been a bit short, but they were still good, and it was one of the best-designed games I played on CFC this year. Ngoogol's also looking pretty good, although that's probably for next year's awards, and I don't really know enough about the game yet to really tell how awesome it is.
Best Role: Professor Moriarty, those darn states. One of the most awesome serial killer roles. His death was also hilarious.

Best host:
Earthling, Zack
Hosts Earthling & Zack

Again, star wars and those darn states were games with few "vanilla" roles and large, balanced games like that I really appreciate.

I did not play in/wasn't around for LOTR though but camikaze gets a knod for that.
Hosts: Earthling and Camikaze
Roles: Moriarty, Those Darn States; Zack, Zack Mafia

1. Professor Moriarty

2. The Lizard


1. Earthling Those Darn States was great, always original ideas, Atto Ngoogool is being played this year, but still great!

2. Zack Missed Star Wars (waiting for 2), but played Zack Mafia, had fun. Chess Mafia looking good as well!

1. Martian Ambassador, Mars Attacks! Can anyone say Martian GDR?

2. Darth Maul, ANH.


1. Zack. Your awesome! :D

2. ME! (JK i'll have to think about this one.)
1. Zack
2. Earthling
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