Large Mafia Game: Highway to Hell [In Play]

[Iunvote, vote: Narutoalvatareunvote, vote: Narutoalvatare[/I]
opnce more:
unvote. vote: Narutoalvater
If you can't spell his name, you can just call him NADBZ like I do. ;)
…right. After party issues. This day is absolutely crazy.
The only vote after the tally ties it up, so there is no lynch as per the rules. Official update commencing, but you can send in orders now. Phase ends in 24 hours.

NarutoAvatarDBZ: 5
classical_hero: 5
Takhisis: 2
SouthernKing: 2
Xpl: 2
bestrfcplayer: 1
NedimNapoleon: 1
Nictel: 1
General Olaf: 1
GamezRule: 1
robbiecon: 1
UziLogic: 1
choxorn: 1
Camikaze: 1

Abstain: 1

Not Voting: 5
RNG god chooses choxorn!

Sorry I haven't been here for the past two days. Just got back from my vacation in Toronto.
Outside of topic, I assume.

Also, I'm an idiot! The tie = no lynch rule isn't in this game. I'll flip a coin.
End of Day One

I don't know where all of these.... others... came from. I don't know much of anything about what happened, really. I was living my perfect life as usual, but all I remember after that is black. Nothing. Next thing I know, I woke up to a sight of a bunch of other people who had not been here before.

But the one I care about most is not here....

The new arrivals all greeted me warmly, insisting that we all vote on someone to die, as if it was the natural and logical thing to do. Still dumbfounded and confused - how long was I out, exactly? - I nodded my head in agreement. Sure, whatever. I'll play your game. Your dark, twisted game. I don't care if I lose my life anymore. It doesn't matter that much, now that... now that she's not here and you lot have invaded my paradise. This isn't living.

Anyways, that's enough of my own wallowing. The intruders - I'll just refer to all the others as the 'intruders' from now on - were split on who to kill today. Five wanted classical_hero to be killed, and five wanted NarutoAvatarDBZ to be killed. Some of the other intruders voted for various other people to die, but none gained nearly enough support.

"What are we supposed to do if there's a tie? I don't remember receiving instructions for such an occurrence." One of the intruders asked a question to the others, who were just as clueless as to what action they should take as the next guy.

One made a decision. "We'll decide this the old-fashioned way. Rock, paper, scissors." The other intruders split between nodding their heads in agreement, rolling their eyes, and snickering. classical_hero and NarutoAvatarDBZ each wore a grimace, approaching each other cautiously for their deadly game.

I zoned out during the competition, I'm not sure what exactly happened. I do know that classical_hero had emerged victorious, and for his reward he was allowed to be the one to kill NarutoAvatarDBZ. classical_hero grabbed a knife from one of the other intruders, then stabbed NADBZ in the chest with it. NADBZ's eyes went wide in shock, and his mouth opened wide, but no sound came out. After a few seconds, classical_hero removed the weapon from NADBZ's stomach, wiped the blood off on the grass, and returned the knife to its owner. NADBZ slumped over, and his eyes glazed over. Dead.


NarutoAvatarDBZ: "Where... where am I?"

God: "That is of little importance to you. All you need to know is that it is your time to be judged. Now, let me see what you've done..."

God snaps his fingers, and a book appears in the lap of his crossed legs... wait, when did he get that chair? Must've been one hell of a snap, no pun intended. Anyway, God licks his index finger and starts to leaf through the pages of the book. After a few moments, he stops.

God: "NarutoAvatarDBZ. It says here that you have done... nothing. Absolutely nothing. What, did you die right after you arrived or something?"

NarutoAvatarDBZ: "Yes, that's exactly what happened."

God: "Of course I know that's what happened. I'm God. It was a rhetorical question. Anyways, you're not ready to be judged. Go back. Live again."

God snapped.


Everyone started to go off to their hammocks to sleep, when something most peculiar happened. NABDZ's chest wound healed itself, his eyes burst open, and a very loud gasp escaped from his mouth. He was alive again.

But how?

Oh, well. Not of much concern to me. I suppose it's about time to close this entry, in any case.

NarutoAvatarDBZ survived the lynch.

  • Send me your night orders!

Night One ends in 23 hours!
Couple notes.

- Part 10 of the rules. Read that, and the result will make more sense.

- No clues or anything like that from the updates. It's just flavor (and don't be offended or anything like that by my representation of God, it's just for entertainment purposes).

(Oh, and how is the update, both in length and quality?)
Update's good.
Okay Zack, I'm going to murder NarutoAvatarDBZ, because he wouldn't be a good boy and die.

That'll teach those meddlesome goodie-goodie townies to mess with the likes of EVIL PIZZAGUY.... MWAHAHAHAAAAA!!!! BWAHHAAAAAA!!!!!

Gosh, I sure hope this is a private message.

EDIT: The writeup was fantastic, and I suppose a no-lynch on this round is actually for the best.
vote: SouthernKing
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