None Shall Pass [Game Thread - Concluded]

Spoiler :
Azzaman has been scanned as not having the Force.

Bolding Visors. - He's LOTR

Azzaman refuses to claim his name to Star Wars people who, were the only reason he even survived at all yesterday, but is willing to let us think he is Star Wars.

WELL FRIGGIN DUH. You wouldn't have saved him if he was LOTR.

Azzaman has been trying all game to get people to think that Aragorn is the Lord of the Rings person's cultist killer, rather than your vigilante.

Too bad a move to be a cultist.

The reason why is because Azzaman knows he loses if that vigilante is trusted. Further, he (Sauron) cannot murder because he's injured, and because he hasn't been successful in finding LOTR cultists to follow him, because unlike Star Wars side, you guys have an incorruptibility person who has been wildly successful to boot.

#confirmation bias #lies #pizza

Look at Palpatine's attack N1. There's no guarantee of success. Instead of wasting time murdering, the cults have to be converting, so obviously palpatine realized this and didn't bother attacking, but rather scanned and recruited for a couple nights, so his attacking power would be effective.

Dooku is obviously not a Serial Killer but a SW convert force user. His attacking with Palpatine means that they have to attack together, and, there's an advantage in doing so.

This seems true.

The advantage being that they may not be able to be tracked if it is a team kill (very likely mechanic I've seen before) or they guarantee a kill or can kill through protection (team kills may be able to overpower anti-visitor powers like the ones I HAVE.)

Which is why they don't murder me, because they haven't had the chance to do it safely before. And Sprig can never be converted, and Sprig is a major threat to Palpatine, whereas I'm playing it mildly partisan.

But back to Sauron:

He won't murder until he's got converts.

He's gotta scan. His scans have either turned up bubkis or he found someone to convert, but hasn't been able to convert them due to his injury.

Azza doesnt have scans lol?

His recovery rate for injuries seems to be higher than normal.

Azza was healed last night.

Sauron will also be able to survive a direct murder attempt on himself without any chance of dying.

SO DID FROZEN IN ICE! Does that make him Palpatine. Bit of partisan hypocrisy.

This is covered by the fact that not every kill is successful, which gives azzaman a plausible reason why he is not necessarily Sauron.

He is VERY disturbed by the fact that all my votes and pressure are on LOTR potential recruits or already-cultists, when he should be VERY VERY GRATEFUL to me for saving his life.

More lies and crap.

Also, remember what happened with Sirtommy?

Why wouldn't a LOTR townie become buddy buddy with me since I'm assuming he's star wars and haven't demanded info from him at all to save his ass?

Why wouldn't he gather data on me?

It's because he cannot, absolutely cannot, trade data with me. He cannot claim to be Star Wars because he doesn't have the Force. We scanned him as not having the Force. If he claims someone who has the Force, I will know with absolute certainty that he's Sauron.

Well duh, he's LOTR.

So he cannot even pretend, and claim a name. He thinks I might have got him with a faction or force scan, so he refuses to claim a name to me.

But you guys on the LOTR side already know he's Boromir, with the ability to post "dicks" and "one does not simply lynch the pizzaguy".

What is that power useful for, for someone who is NOT A SCANNER FOR THE LOTR SIDE?

That power has but one purpose:

To create fake scans and post them publicly.

More lies and hyperbole. Its not all the role can be used for, etc - I can give examples if necesary.

Boromir is a male, Lord of the Rings person. He also has a cover story of WANTING to possess the One Ring.

. More lies. Things he couldn't possibly know, even I don't know - easy lie for him to make.

So if he is ever caught with the One Ring, he can explain it away.

Doesn't have the ring incidentally.

He's not cleared, and he is the only other person in the game with a cover story that can possibly explain why he would end up with the One Ring, besides Gollum (xxx), who is absolutely the worst cover role for Sauron, and the fact that Gollum has the ability to look for the ring means that Sauron does as well. He also wouldn't begin the game with the One Ring. One of the LOTR townies would.

Azzaman being injured explains the lack of public messages, explains the lack of success in finding the Ring, explains the lack of success in recruitment, and also explains why you guys have been so successful.

The first yes, the middle two no. Absolute lies and crap and also the cart before the horse. He is confirmation biasing all over this.

Now, this is not 100% proven, but he is, indeed, acting completely like a caught, cornered, and need I mention, frustrated Sauron.

You're a goddamned liar Pizza - no reason to suspect azza. All he wants to do is turn attention off SW cult.

He needs Aragorn dead. He needs SW cult (palpatine) dead. Those are the only two people he's ever been trying to destroy. These are precisely the people that Sauron prioritizes as making dead.

The early lack of kills may even have been a deliberate attempt to paint Aragorn as the LOTR baddie.

Then, when he couldn't find recruits, it all blew up in his face when he got injured.

confirmation bias here

I know this isn't enough to lynch Azzaman today. But if for some strange reason, a LOTR person were to be lynched, it shouldn't be anyone but Azzaman.

There's a reason I never claimed to be SW. It's because I'm not SW and never was. Of course I was happy to let you think that I was when it helps keep me alive.

Also, according to your logic, I have 4 different powers some of which I can use simultaneously. In games that I've played, one person can use one ability per night. Unless you're suggesting a cult leader would prefer to post "dicks" instead of looking for people convert, but that's insane.

Similarly, no cult is going to deliberately isolate themselves from the town network. My play might not make sense as town, but it makes even less sense as cult.

If anyone has tracked me, they would know that I have not visited anyone on any night. Obviously I can't prove this myself, but you can track me as much as you like, you won't see me go anywhere because I can't.

I'm more used to hunting a mafia team than a cult team, so I admit my targetting of potential Aragorns may have been a mistake. But I make no apologies for trying to hunt SW cult while the LotR town network claims to have the Sauron situation under control, and it helped maintain the persona of being SW town.
Unvote. I guess Camikaze will have to wait for another time. Both ATPG and azzaman seem pretty likely to be cultists to me, but I will vote: azzaman because he seems more likely to be a cult leader than ATPG does. Either way they are both good vigilante targets for tonight.
Unvote. I guess Camikaze will have to wait for another time. Both ATPG and azzaman seem pretty likely to be cultists to me, but I will vote: azzaman because he seems more likely to be a cult leader than ATPG does. Either way they are both good vigilante targets for tonight.

I sense much scum in this one.
I sense much scum in this one.

What makes you say that? I keep seeing random people say I'm suspicious and not give any reason for it. If you actually thought it through you would realize I am one of the least likely people to be cult that you haven't made unconvertible, Choxorn. When would I have been converted? The night I was injured? That sounds like a great plan for a cult, recruit an injured player that they had no way of knowing was going to be healed. Or the night after I was almost lynched? That sounds like another great move for a cult. If you don't think it was one of those nights then you are out of luck. Palpatine has been busy the other nights.
And what if you are Palpatine?

Grand Admiral Zack strode to the front of the room, ready to address the bloodthirsty crowd. "Who's on the chopping block today, fellas?"

Zaccino looked at the tally. "Looks like its Askthepizzaguy." Zaccino snickered, and was about to make some sort of dumb pun before he was cut off.

Askthepizzaguy threw his arms up in frustration before the greasy pun rolled off of Zaccino's pepperoni-craving tongue. "Now just hold on a minute. Were you just about to make a pun about my name?"

Zaccino shrugged. "Yeah. What's it matter, little Caesar?"

Askthepizzaguy took a deep breath. "Let me tell you a story. In fact, let me do so in a manner that is lengthy and verbose, and allow me to keep adding to the story every time I look like I'm done.

"Once upon a time, there was an adult film star named Cindy Buttslapper. Now, Miss Buttslapper did what she had to in order to pay rent, but that doesn't mean she liked her films. No, Buttslapper had always dreamed of winning an Academy Award for Best Actress, and walking across that stage with a flashy smile and a magnificent speech. But Cindy was cursed by her last name - that, and her humongous breasts. Miss Buttslapper was immediately condemned to a career starring in pornography. You might be familiar with her work. Hell, I think Dumanios might have even been watching a video with her in it back on Night Two. Instead of leading in blockbuster hits of cinematic wonder such as The King's Speech, she starred in hist such as The King's <editor's note: censored>.

"Miss Buttslapper unhappily trudged through life, making sexy porno after sexy porno, never satisfied, always aspiring to more while knowing it could never be.

"Until one day, when she starred in what is widely considered to be the crowning achievement of art in the adult film world. A work so majestic, so moving, so arousing that Tiger Woods tried to have sex with his DVD copy. Roger Ebert gave it two
<editor's note: censored> up, saying 'it redefines the genre - truly Miss Buttslapper's magnum opus; now if you'll excuse me, I need to, uh... clean up..." Quentin Tarantino said 'Sometimes you watch something so good, you wish you could go back in time and make it yourself,' although Mr. Tarantino did also mention that he thought the film should have been three times as long, and that the n-word should have been used 'at least' ten more times. Even the harshest, most respected critics of fine art agreed - this film will rock your world, among other things. This film had everything you'd want in such a film - no plot, no clothes, nothing held back.

"Right after the movie, Miss Buttslapper discovered that she was pregnant - effectively ending her career. Just like Elway, she retired at the top of her game (although in this case, she was technically on the bottom). That child... was me - Askthepizzaguy.

"Now you might be starting to understand what the film was about. A pizza delivery guy shows up at a frisky young woman's door, and they soon get to work. As you might expect, there was much butt-slapping involved, to the extent that the pizza delivery guy's cheeks turned redder than a cherry. As this was around the same time I was born, and as people suspected the actor who portrayed the pizza delivery guy was the father, the joke around the office was that if you asked Cindy what her baby's name would be, she wouldn't tell you, so you'd have to ask the pizza guy. So when I was born, that's all I was ever called - 'Askthepizzaguy.' No one even remembers by given name anymore, not even me. I'm constantly reminded of my now-dead mother, and the fact that she's most known for having coitus on top of a sausage pizza. I'm constantly reminded of how she never achieved her goals, never reached her dreams. I'm constantly reminded that I never knew my father.

"And no one can resist making a pun or joke about my name that I've already heard a thousand times before. Everyone just makes fun of my name without knowing the pain it brings me. It's always 'Hey Pizza, have a slice of pizza' and 'your hair looks a little greasy, like pizza get it huehue'.

"What gives you the right? What gives you the right to do such an awful thing?

"All I want... All I ever wanted... is to be called by my real name. The one my mother gave me."

Zack shrugged. "Alright, Buttslapper." And he shot Askthepizzaguy Buttslapper in the face.

Zaccino didn't notice, and was looking through his wallet. "Hey, how much should I tip you? Oh, you're dead. Woops. And you died in such a cheesy way. Just a lame shot to the face. I expected your death to be more... I don't know, saucy?"

Spoiler :

Askthepizzaguy was Mace Windu!

Spoiler :
...But he was really Count Dooku, a member of the Star Wars Cult!


Spoiler :

It is now Night Five.

[TIMER=11/8/2013 11:59 PM EST; Night Five Over][/TIMER]


24 / 33

Backwards Logic
Darth Feather
Double A
Frozen In Ice
Gone 3 the Celt
Stuck in Pi


9 / 33

Kennigit - Admiral Ackbar

Dumanios - Han Solo

The Black Knigh - Samwise Gamgee

Autolycus - Lando Calrissian

Red_Spy - Éomer

robbiecon - Jabba the Hutt

Sprig - Arwen

Verarde - Théoden

Askthepizzaguy - Mace Windu / COUNT DOOKU
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