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City States Leaders II

I think I could help out with those icons, but since there are more than 50 of them, I wouldn't be able to spew them out immediately. I have other art committments besides icons and maps for Civ5 mods, and, realistically speaking, 4-5 icons a week would be my tops.

But if we split the work between Sukritact, Leugi and me, I think the work would go much, much quicker. Provided they would be willing and had the time to help out.

The community hasn't thus far shown a whole lot of interest in helping me out with this project, but if an artist wanted to take that on, I'd welcome it.

I think this was partly because of how good the paintings and other art chosen for those leaders were - even though they weren't in Civ5 art style, they felt surprisingly complete as a whole.
I've sent PMs to sukritact and Leugi. In the meantime, if you have time to start in on it, I suggest starting at the beginning of the alphabet, focusing first on those labelled 'all' and 'G+K +', since the BNW leaders haven't been finalized. Assuming we get any takers, we'll further divide the alphabet so there's no duplication of effort. I'll see what I can do backward from the end of the alphabet, though my time is also limited.

EDIT: sukritact is willing to help, time permitting.

I've opened a new thread to discuss and divvy up the work: [MODCOMP] City States Leaders for BNW [WIP Icon contribution hread]
I wonder if it will be easier if some of the civ4 custom leaders could be use. take a screenshot of them and colorize.

Can I add a recommendation. The sunburst pattern should be colored based on the type of city state - pink for cultural, green for maritime, yellow for mercantile, and orange (or gray?) for militaristic, white for religious.
I wonder if it will be easier if some of the civ4 custom leaders could be use. take a screenshot of them and colorize.

It would be a good base to work upon - as they shouldn't go into Civ 5 unaltered.

Can I add a recommendation. The sunburst pattern should be colored based on the type of city state - pink for cultural, green for maritime, yellow for mercantile, and orange (or gray?) for militaristic, white for religious.

Good idea, I would suggest red or gray for militaristic. I would have to alter some of my icons if they were to be re-used, but it isn't a problem.
Note I'm already using these colors in the mod to highlight the type:
Red for militaristic :c5war:
Yellow for mercantile :c5gold:
Cyan for maritime :c5food:
Magenta for cultural :c5culture:
White for religious :c5faith:

Either way, let's move this discussion over to the other thread.
v 7 beta 2 has been uploaded. See the first post.

It would be nice not to have to maintain 2 versions, but it looks like I'm going to have to, since I apparently can't seem to get something that works well for everyone...

The "new" compatible version is basically beta 1 (to the point of missing many of the subsequent pic updates). As with beta 1, you need at least 1000 pixels of vertical real estate or it overflows the screen. And it still sometimes gives the "leader says" message multiple times.

The full version doesn't take up as much vertical space and supports the More CS and Ynaemp CS mods using the pics from the G+K version.
(Plus, since I've broken apart the topper components, it makes my job so much easier to backport to vanilla and G+K--not to mention maintaining the separate Flags version--However, I can't do the same thing with the compatible version...)
I wish I had more time to test these mods, but they should be almost ready to go, so... :please: I was hoping for some beta testers to step forward for v7b5 (release candidate 1 of City States Leaders II). :woohoo:

The structure of the mod has changed quite a bit in the last month, though the appearance hasn't changed much. See below.

From the mod support contribution thread:
Using bc1's EUI mod as a base, I've been able to combine the different versions of City States Leaders/for G+K/for BNW, and am rebranding the new release City States Leaders II. This should make things easier for me as well as users of the mod... The mod support will now be provided by an addon artpack (the modern flags version will similarly be a replacement artpack).

You'll find the download links on the first post.

Also see the mod support artpack addon, as well as the Comedy Movie City States mod [group photo].
Spoiler Comedy Movies :
place leader source
Wadiya Sacha Baron Cohen as Admiral General Haffaz Aladeen "The Dictator" (2012)
Zamunda Eddie Murphy as Prince Akeem Joffer "Coming to America" (1988)
Florin City Chris Sarandon as Prince Humperdinck "The Princess Bride" (1987)
San Marcos Woody Allen as President Fielding Mellish "Bananas" (1971)
Parador Richard Dreyfuss (as Jack Noah) as President Alphonse Simms "Moon Over Parador" (1988)
Genovia Anne Hathaway as Princess Mia Thermopolis or Julie Andrews as Queen Dowager Clarisse Renaldi "The Princess Diaries" (2001)
Camelot ('Tis a silly place) Graham Chapman as King Arthur "Monty Python and the Holy Grail" (1975)
The Lost Planet of Magrathea Bill Nighy as Slartibartfast "The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy" (2005)
Fictional City States - Comedy Movies... includes support for CSL2, if it is activated. Any city state modders are welcome to use that mod as a template to include their own art rather than waiting for me to release an updated mod support art pack.

Notes for potential beta testers:
I believe I may have to tweak the layout of the full ("non"-compatible) version a bit more because the resource list may be crowding the buttons in the late game. Please confirm. I still have to re-do some of the art of the "extra-compatible" version, though I'd love to just ditch that version entirely, so let me know if you think you still need it. Users of Enhanced UI actually want the NON-compatible version. Please let me know of any other issues (including whether multiple "leader says" still appear in the compatible version).
[EDIT: Or any interactions with other mods. There are definitely going to be conflicts with mods replacing CityStateDiploPopup.lua and CityStateGreetingPopup.lua. Enhanced UI and Communitas should be fine. I still need to look at Regional New World, City States Gifts, and the DLL version of City-State Diplomacy...]
Wodhann has created a couple of leader icons for me and one for Hiram, all of which could be useful as future city-state leader icons. I did the original artwork for my two (Teuta of Illyria and Pericles of Athens) and COF did the original artwork for Hiram's Nabataea.



I was having the same problem that others were having when installing this mod from Steam. About 3/4's of the way through the extraction process the entire game would crash. I did some troubleshooting and found the problem.

The lua file called CityStateGreetingPopup.lua is the source of the problem. I opened the file and it has no data. For some reason the extractor doesn't like this. I removed the file but discovered that it was necessary for the mod to work.

What I did is add some unused data to the file. This solved the problem. The mod installed cleanly. :)
Scuts sent me the following private message. I'm posting a response here as a notice for others (and a reminder to me).

Scuts said:
Hi Nutty,

I found your mod City State Leaders II, the thread hasn't been bumped for a couple of years but it seems the OP was updated relatively recently.

I was just wondering if this mod was compatible with the Community Patch Project and/or Balance Project. I haven't seen any mention of it.

whoward69's City State Gifts is included with the Community Balance Patch, and Gazebo's City-State Diplomacy is an optional recommended component. Both change the City State Popup. So if you're using the "full" version of CSL2, you'll either get the CSL2 popup, or the CBP one, depending on the order of activation (since I haven't added a reference to the .modinfo).

I've wanted to integrate support for CSD and City State Gifts (and thereby CBP), but I haven't found or made the time, partly because no one's asked 'til now. I'll look into it when I get a chance.

The compatible version should work, assuming that you have a tall enough vertical resolution, that you don't want to use the mod support addon, and you're not using Enhanced UI.
There is a lot of breathtaking inanity in this mod......90% of the additions I think aren't or weren't city states.

"Breathtaking inanity"? Ouch! :cringe: Careful where you point that thing, eh?

This mod doesn't add any city states, so talk to Firaxis if you've got problems with the ones in the base game. If you're referring to post #2 (CURRENTLY SUPPORTED MODS), then I am merely attempting to add leader art to other modders' city states, and then only if you download the mod support addon [and activate the mod in question]. If so, then go talk to those modders, but I suggest you be a bit more constructive.

EDIT: As for your question you sent by PM, yes, you're right that the description of why you might need the compatible version isn't obvious. I'll fix that, but to answer your question, it uses a different technique to add the leader art, which limits my ability to change the popup, but allows for better compatibility with other mods that change the popup. [Most mods don't have any problems, but] see post #75 above. Enhanced UI is the exception; it's compatible with the full version, but NOT the compatible one.
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