Blue Monkey’s Tech Icons

Blue Monkey

Archon Without Portfolio
Jul 31, 2005
Timeless Isle
Blue Monkey's Tech Icons

I’ve started to produce enough icons that I decided to start a library thread. I’m going to ask a moderator to close the threads on individual icons. Previews for them are now posted here, as well as the db links.

Master List

SF & The Fantastic
Clinical Immortality
Orbital Habitat
Asian Dragon
SteamPunk (links to a separate thread)
Final Fantasy Techs

India & Related Cultures
Ancient India Set 1

1950s-1960s Culture
Espionage (3 icons)
Espionage (60s SuperSpies edition) (3 icons)
Subliminal Censorship
New Media
Mass Media (2 icons)
Space Exploration (Laika)
Space Exploration (Tranquility Base)
Space Exploration (Luna 2)

Pre-Columbian & MesoAmerica
Solar Astronomy & Masonry (2 icons)
MesoAm Tech Pack #1 (8 icons)
MesoAm Sciences (7 icons)
MesoAm Agriculture Tech Pack (8 icons)
Ah Pitzlaw (Ballplayer) (3 versions)

Odds ‘n’ Ends
Rope Making (Pharoanic Egypt)
Time Keeping (Korean)
Medicine (Medieval Arabic)

More to come, and each one [civ3mac] Made on a Mac
I've been watching the dl stats on these. Based on that, I'll probably enter either the Elephant Domestication or the Sailing in this month's competition.

Anyone care to comment?

Edit: I'm only asking for comments, not vote pledges.
Here's some on the culture of the 1950s (done at El Justo's request):

Three versions of "Espionage" (the first based on Spy vs. Spy of Mad Magazine fame and two featuring the Enigma machine):






This one I call "Subliminal Censorship" (The fifties were the golden age of advertising & television-induced conformity); others may prefer "Social Engineering":


"New Media" - I think I'm done with the large icon, but I'm still working on the small. Here's a preview anyway:
Very nice, we need more icons based on the culture novels. :goodjob: Have you read them all? I do like the spy vs spy icon too, very well composed icon that one.
Very nice, we need more icons based on the culture novels. :goodjob: Have you read them all?
Thanks. Your opinion is important to me. I love the Culture novels. I've read most of them more than once - Player of Games I think about 6-7 times. Did you ever see the article were Iain Banks said he had to break his Civ disk because it kept him from writing?:lol:

Someday I think we all ought to work together to make a Culture Mod: take one of the good epic mods like Rhye's and add the Culture as a civ: very high tech, starts off with one agent, and one base (and can't build more), very expensive but powerful units to build (like sociopath decommissioned warbots and knife missiles) - the player wins by getting another civ of their choice to victory.:lol:

I've also got the first crumbs of ideas for a mod combining elements of Ringworld and the Gaea trilogy by John Varley. I've worked out (with the help of a couple of cool sites) the proportions of a Gaea biq/map to match the dimensions in the novels, with a north/south wrap around to help create the feeling of being in a ring. I'd start a thread about all my wild mod ideas, but then people would expect me to actually make them.;)

I do like the spy vs spy icon too, very well composed icon that one.
I can't take credit for the composition. It was just a CnP with some minor palette clean up, done in two sessions over a couple of days. The Orbital Habitat actually was a couple months' work of a similar kind- I had to reposition the planet, ring, and star and then do a lot of pixel-by-pixel and palette work. That small icon was even more of a pain.
Thanks. Your opinion is important to me. I love the Culture novels. I've read most of them more than once - Player of Games I think about 6-7 times. Did you ever see the article were Iain Banks said he had to break his Civ disk because it kept him from writing?:lol:
:lol: No, I never saw that. It doesn't surprise me though, I'm more or less the same.

Someday I think we all ought to work together to make a Culture Mod: take one of the good epic mods like Rhye's and add the Culture as a civ: very high tech, starts off with one agent, and one base (and can't build more), very expensive but powerful units to build (like sociopath decommissioned warbots and knife missiles) - the player wins by getting another civ of their choice to victory.:lol:

I've also got the first crumbs of ideas for a mod combining elements of Ringworld and the Gaea trilogy by John Varley. I've worked out (with the help of a couple of cool sites) the proportions of a Gaea biq/map to match the dimensions in the novels, with a north/south wrap around to help create the feeling of being in a ring. I'd start a thread about all my wild mod ideas, but then people would expect me to actually make them.;)
That is the problem. People still expect me to finish my Alexander mod. Which I will, honestly. :mischief: I'm interested in how Navydawg's Galactic mod goes, since I think that would have potential to mod into a culture scenario. But first I have a Mars mod to work on anyway, and Dawn of Tomorrow to help SoG on. :)
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