Dancing bears???


May 27, 2008
From Philippines, now Canada
What's with the dancing bears in CivRev? I think they're SO COOL!!!!!!!:p Anyway, how do you get the dancing bears in CivRev?
seeing a demo I got the feeling they come at the end of the game as a reward. The better hou were, the greater the present. Dancing bears are one of them...
I always look forward to Dancing bears, it's the only one I care about!
The magicians, pastry chefs and tenors are also quite fun, I think, but the dancing bears are clearly the stars of the show.
Stopped looking and caring about the rewards sent to me after a couple of games. If the Sultan of Sway wanted to get my attention, he should have sent me a squadron of bombers. Nice idea though, and better than nothing.
Stopped looking and caring about the rewards sent to me after a couple of games. If the Sultan of Sway wanted to get my attention, he should have sent me a squadron of bombers. Nice idea though, and better than nothing.

The problem I have with the Trophy Room is the totally bonkers control scheme you have to put up with while inside it. Why on Earth did they not just give you a free-roaming camera so you could glide around and look at what you want, without having to faff about?

For my money, nothing beats the throne-room from Civ II :king:
Don't remember the throne room in Civ 2. Remember the game lasting longer than Civ Rev though. In fact, I've had ice cream that lasted longer than Civ Rev. Two days is how long before I listed Revolutions on Ebay. But that is the topic of a different thread
I must agree the civ2 throne room was better, but I still love dancing bears :)
I like the magicians. Never had the pastry chefs yet. The civ II throne room was pretty cool.
The Dancing Bears and other Throne Room performers are okay. I definitely prefer the Civ2 Throne Room though.

What's really cool in Civ:Rev though is the Hall of Glory which records your achievements across games. I've spent a bunch of time just wandering around checking out the displays and paintings. They did a really nice job with the ambiance. I really like the incidental sculptures and displays, like the miniature ships, the warrior statues, and the paintings which are just sitting around in addition to the actual wonder and leader displays. Even the view outdoors is kind of neat.

Make sure you check out the Hall of Glory, if you haven't already. It's under the "Extras" menu (at least on the 360).
What was civ2's thrown room like? The palace screen in 3 was pretty cool.
IIRC it started out as a stone on a dirt floor. As your score increased you could decide what to add. The stone became a chair, became a throne. The floor changed from dirt, to stones, to tiles, to marble. The background originally a cave went through various changes adding wood paneling and tapestries. Various trophies from different wars would show up (it wasn't dynamic though, so if you beat a particular civ, it's not like that civ's stuff would show up). Anyway, it wasn't 3D, but it was pretty cool.

I liked the Civ1 palace too. I don't remember what Civ3 had. The only one I can think of that kind of sucked was Alpha Centauri which IIRC just had a stupid looking pyramid. The wonder videos in Alpha Centauri though were the best to date IMO. I'm sad Civ4 basically got rid of both -- I don't consider the construction videos in Civ4 or CivRev comparable at all to previous wonder videos.
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