
**************- First Person perspective below

I stood out on the stage, thousands and thousands and hundreds of thousands, maybe millions of people gathered. I wasn't nervous. I should have been though, it's what gets us through a speech or performance, the desire for the nervousness to be over. But I wasn't. I wasn't nervous on one of the most important speeches of my life. Billions of people would view it and were watching their TV now. I was waving to the people, smiling.
Then the time came, and the nervousness hit. My speech.
I stood to the podium.

"Hello, Washington." I started off with, people cheered and clapped. Then they quietened.
"My fellow Americans. Tonight, we have rediscovered America. The turn of the decade has come upon us. We face an almighty challenge: Preparing America for the twenty-first century. This is no ordinary task, it will not be completed within one year, or two, or maybe even a term, but we will get it done. We will need to summon all our strength to face all our tasks, to face the world." I said.

"I come with you tonight, on a day where it is no ordinary man assuming the presidency, it is a man who stands here today, hopeful that America will fulfill it's responsibilities, fulfill the wish of it's founding fathers. Even as our Founding Fathers government began 200 years ago, the democracy is still alive and with us this very moment."

"I come to you with a promise, that America will prevail. Not in a conflict, or a negotiation, but in the world. America will prevail. And although we have faced some of our toughest times together, faced some of our best times together, I promise you America, we will prevail."

"To all those who may not have voted for me, to all those who did, I will listen. I will listen to all your words and your comments, your ideas and your statements. I will listen when you disagree, when you agree or when you may want me too. The time for America to become strong again, to prevail in this world which is so fast moving towards a new century, has begun."

"This government can not bare these tasks alone. Without one key factor, it would crumble, it would fail and it would be broken. That key factor, that keeps us together America, is you. The people of America. The people of the world. The people."

"On a day where so many have come to celebrate, we must not forget these tasks. They can be lost in the mist of the night or in the atmosphere of the day, but these tasks need to be reassured and completed. They need to be hit with the sharpest dart in the exact center. And we will accept no less."

"America, we must work together. There is no more time for laying around, only time for work. We must work together if we wish to prevail, to rebuild ourselves as a new nation. As a new people."

"Too long have we waited for those who argue to sort out there issues. And yet they do not. Too long have we waited to begin rebuilding. And yet we have not. Too long have we waited to see one people unite. And finally we have. But too long has America seen people who spot only the differences in other people, and not the similarities. Let me tell you this America:

We will wait no more."

The speech had finished. Almighty cheering and applauding was coming from the audience. I was again elected. Again president.

To be continued in the next part. :cool:
1991 AD

Just months in to assuming the office a second time, I was already facing another crisis. Well this time it was an overseas problem, but since the US is the toughest country in the world, almost everything requires a standpoint from the United States.

The 'crisis' in question was a standoff of hostilities between Spain and England. Spain had severed diplomatic relations with England because of alleged 'support' of militia groups that planned to take over the Spanish government. I took England's side, seeing as they were basically my ally.

FIRST NEWS STATION - ANGLO-SPANISH BORDER DISPUTE - The border dispute between Spain and England could become war. England today sent 4,000 reservists to the English border with Spain, mirroring a Spanish move that sent 1,000 troops to the Spanish border with England. England and the United States say they don't want war, but if Spain continues it's diplomatic stance with England, it is a very likely possibility, they also say. The US President is to visit Russia with the two leaders to try and negotiate a peace deal.

I highly doubt this will work though and even if it does, it probably won't last for long.
I'm already thinking ahead to war, and I'm sure England and Spain are too.

FIRST NEWS STATION - ANGLO-SPANISH BORDER DISPUTE - Dignitaries and Presidents of Spain, the UK, and the US have all met in Russia -- but to no avail. England and Spain refused to a peace treaty and the US says the likelihood of war just rose a little higher, and it certainly seems that way.

To be continued in the next part. :cool:
1991 AD

It was the middle of 1991 and the crisis had definitely reached international attention. War still looks like the only option, and the three nations, England, the US and Spain are definitely preparing themselves, although no official declaration of war or even mention of war by any three leaders had not been said.

FIRST NEWS STATION - ANGLO - SPANISH BORDER TENSIONS - Tensions have risen today as all three nations involved in the Anglo-Spanish border dispute, the US, UK and Spain, have begun to prepare their armies for a possible war. Public Opinion polling in the US shows a low approval rating for the war but US President Sam B says 'if the time for war comes -- if the time for helping our ally comes -- we will be prepared, and we will enter with full force."

I seriously considered the war. If it happens, it would have to be quick -- if a long, drawn out war happened my promises to America would be broken and it wouldn't be beneficial to the nation, people or government.

FIRST NEWS STATION - ANGLO-SPAIN BORDER TENSIONS - The President of the United States today has held a press conference to debrief the public on the current situation in England and Spain. One sentence stood out though: "Our army is ready."
The text of the short conference:
"Ladies and Gentlemen, the current situation of the border between Spain and England is one of urgent attention and one of large proportions. The severing of diplomatic relations of Spain with the UK is a decision not held lightly by either the US or the UK. It is completely unnecessary. If we are needed, if our army is required, let me tell you: Our army is ready."

Tensions certainly are flaring up.

To be continued in the next part. :cool:
1992 AD

By 1992 all three countries had reached the point where there was no diplomatic solving of the dispute. But I decided to try one more time. With an ultimatum.

FIRST NEWS STATION - ANGLO-SPANISH CRISIS - The United States President today has issued an ultimatum of 7 March 1992 for Spanish forces to retreat from their border and restore diplomatic relations with the UK. The UK says they will also retreat if the Spanish forces leave their border. Spain says "We will not be intimidated, and we will not move from our border."

It's February 28 and still the Spanish forces have not moved, so I commission 90,000 troops to neighboring Germany. (1 health bar = 1,000 troops)

March 3 and nothing from Spain except more troops in their border area. The UK begins to prepare for war.

March 6 - Nothing.

To be continued in the next part. :cool:
1992 AD


FIRST NEWS STATION - BREAKING NEWS - "Hello and welcome, I am Jason Wrent, and we interrupt your daily viewing to bring you a special report, straight from Spain. Our overseas correspondent, Jack Rodriguez is in Spain, and joins us by telephone."
"Jack, are you there?"
"Yeah, yeah I'm here..."
"Tell us what's going on over there."
"Well, in the last few minutes, bright flashes from the sky, which appear to be airstrikes targeting Barcelona... have... appear to have begun."
"Is their any word on whether this is the American army?"
"No, not yet..."
"Are you sure they are airstrikes?"
"Well, I can't be sure at this moment but I can't think of what else it could be. It's just.. it looks like bright flashes across the sky every second at the moment..."
"Do you see planes?"
"Not at the moment... it's dark... it's night here in Spain... so I can't see any planes."
"It looks like..."
"Are there explo- What was that, sorry?"
"Uh, It looks like anti-aircraft fire is picking up from around Spain..."
"Are there any explosions?"
"Not from this distance that I can see."
"Okay. Okay. Uh, we're getting reports of increased air activity in England, Jack, we're going to stay with you. Just hang on a minute..."
"Okay, I'll definitely stay here."
"We're going to cross live to our reporter in England, Gerald Stevenson. Gerald, are you there?"
"Whats happening at the moment?"
"Well Jason, there definitely appears to be some sort of increase in air activity, we've already counted 45 F-15 takeoffs from bases around the border, and it's usually only 5-10 which are troop transport planes."
"Is their any report of... an official nature?"
"Not at the moment. I've been asking around, but no-one has said anything about the war officially commencing."
"We've heard nothing out of Washington either..."
"Nor have we, here in England."
"Ah, Gerald we will come back to you... we have another report from our man in Spain."
"Jack, what's going on?"
"Explosions have begun. Far off in the distance from the hotel room I can see that, ah, buildings are on fire, and the... what looks like anti-aircraft fire has not stalled."
"Any official confirmation?"
"Not at the moment."
"Ah, ah, okay, okay, we've just received official confirmation from the Pentagon about the increased air-activity but they refuse to say that war has begun in Spain."
"Jack is Barcelona at the moment a ghost town?"
"I can still see some lights on and a few cars, but at the moment, yes, it is a ghost town."
"Infact-Sorry, Jason?"
"No, no, you continue..."
"Okay, umm, in fact people have begun to turn off their house lights and I can see street lights being turned off by the dozen."
"Has their been increased air activity in Barcelona?"
"Not that I can see."

To be continued in the next part. :cool:
1992 AD

"Welcome back, as we came to air tonight there were rumors about the US and the UK beginning military operations in Spain, and the US President is about to hold a press conference, he is arriving at the White House conference room about now and we will cross live -- okay we've gotten word he has arrived at the White House."

*******-- Written in first person below.

I stood off the helicopter, into the cold night. Cameras flashed, Cameras filmed, Secret Service agents watched and the helicopter winded down.
I walked and walked before I finally entered the conference room. There were between 20 and 30 journalists waiting there. I stood at the podium.


"Okay, the President is about to begin his speech."


"Ladies and Gentlemen, Journalists and other members of the press. The rumors on TV you have been hearing, about the US and UK military operations in Spain, are true." Cameras flashed.
"The deadline for war came and passed just a few hours ago, and with no Spanish response, we had no choice. Their aggression towards the UK was uncalled for and unprovoked. And so, Operation Renegade has begun, and our troops along with our allies troops, have begun military operations in Spain."


"If you're watching us tonight, you will now know, Operation Renegade has now begun and the rumors we heard as we came to air are all true, and are happening at this very moment, as I speak to you. We wish every troop, every medical officer, every engineer, everyone of our troops and our allies troops the very best, and hope they come home safe and sound, safe from this war. We will keep updating this for you throughout the duration of the war. Your watching Jason Wrent, with First News Station."

Renegade had begun.

Will be continued in the next part. :cool:

FIRST NEWS STATION - WAR IN SPAIN - US and UK troops today have begun to take the city of Valladolid from the Spanish forces. Spanish troops are fiercely fighting for the city, which has long been a center of economic importance to the Spanish government. Roughly 23,000 troops from the US and UK contingents are fighting for the city against 14,000 Spanish.

I needed Valladolid so I could use three other Spanish cities, Santiago, Bilbao and Burgos as a buffer zone for the next offensive against the Spanish. Our route, which planned to take down the majority of the Spanish army and destroy their infrastructure, would eventually lead us to Madrid.

FIRST NEWS STATION - WAR IN SPAIN - US and UK troops have taken the city of Valladolid, with minimal losses, and while overrunning the Spanish army. The city of Valladolid is considered important because of it's buffer zone to the rest of Spain, which acts important to the coalition.

Now it was time for the first of the three cities that were to act as a buffer zone. First up: Santiago.

To be continued in the next part. :cool:
1992 AD

Africa had never been a place of stability. Wars and insurgencies and civil wars prevented Africa from becoming fully developed and in peace. Fragile Peace treaties were broken whenever the belligerents thought they could get some sort of a foothold. Countries lacked basic things such as public transport and markets. Economies failed. Dictatorships rose to power.

I thought (as there had not been a war in Africa for 15 years now) that maybe Africa was becoming bolder and finally -- finally -- fixing itself. I was wrong.

I had myself a policy, don't intervene in Africa's affairs. So I wouldn't.

FIRST NEWS STATION - TENSIONS IN AFRICA - A Zulu embargo against Mongolia ordered by the Zulu government today has renewed tensions of yet another war in Africa. The most recent war, that ended in 1977, had the Zulu's pitted against the Mongolians. The embargo was ordered after there were reports of Mongolian troops breaching the Zulu border. Zulu troops, pictured here, board a plane.

I know this is going to turn into a war. The African nations are hopeless at diplomacy and even if they manage to conjure up a peace treaty it never lasts.

FIRST NEWS STATION - TENSIONS IN AFRICA - Mongolian troops today have been ordered to go to cities which are closest to their border in response to Zulu troop movements. This puts tensions at another level as fears of another war arise.

Yup. This is definitely the beginning of a war. For some reason none of these Civilizations seem willing to negotiate a way out of this sort of conflict and they always resort to war. Oh well, it's between them, I'm not getting involved.

To be continued in the next part. :cool:
1993 AD

Just as I predicted. At the turn of the year, the Mongolians, now suffering an economic setback from the rest of Africa, declare war on the Zulu's and send 30,000 troops into Zululand.

FIRST NEWS STATION - MONGOL-ZULU WAR - BREAKING NEWS - In Breaking News today, war has begun in Africa again as 30,000 Mongol troops have crossed over the Zulu-Mongol border and have begun military operations. The Mongolian President says that the Zulu's have been hostile to them ever since the first war and that the 'report' of Mongol troops crossing over into Zulu territory was fake. The Zulu government is yet to release a statement.

I knew it. Oh well, I'm not involved, don't have to be, can be if I want, but I won't because it's a small scale war that has no affect on America.

It'll require a statement from me but I'm not going to do anything beyond that, maybe send some money but no military troops. :)

FIRST NEWS STATION - MONGOL-ZULU WAR - Mongol troops and Zulu troops have engaged in the first major battle of the Mongol-Zulu war, in Ulundi. Mongol troops have won the city, but sustained heavy casualties, losing 6,000 men and the Zulus losing 5,000 men. The Ulundi area is one of the cities closest to the Zulu border.

Bugger it, I'm not sending any money. I'm sick of African cities relying on Western money to get by, which is what they have done when previous presidents were in power.

To be continued in the next part. :cool:
1993 AD

Meanwhile in Spain, my troops were preparing for an attack on Santiago. The initial wave of attacks will use 12,000 troops, then the second 11,000 and the third, and hopefully final wave, will use 9,000 troops. A backup 4,000 troop contingent will be available.

FIRST NEWS STATION - WAR IN SPAIN - US troops today are preparing for an assault on the Spanish city of Santiago, a Spanish stronghold. The city is vital in the winning of the war by the coalition. Above, US troops prepare for the assault.

It should be relatively easy to win this city, however, it is a Spanish stronghold. We'll see how we go.

FIRST NEWS STATION - WAR IN SPAIN - As we come back to air tonight, we are getting confirmed reports, repeat, confirmed reports about the US assault on Santiago beginning. We will have more updates for you later, and more live feed from the assault.

Will be continued in the next part. :cool:
1994 AD

With my troops ready, I'm prepared to attack Santiago. So I do.

FIRST NEWS STATION - WAR IN SPAIN - The Assault on Santiago has officially begun today as US troops move in and around Santiago, surrounding the Spanish forces. Spanish forces have however put up a fight, but US troops are beginning the final phase of the operation, and are expected to have the city in allied hands by next month.

The truth is, Spanish forces did put up a fight, but are no match for my awesome skills and overwhelming amount of troops. Pff, too easy. :p

FIRST NEWS STATION - WAR IN SPAIN - Santiago today has fallen into American hands in the second major battle of this war. Santiago, previously a top Spanish military producer, has been destroyed by the fighting. Small factions of insurgency do occur, and above we can see US troops on patrol in Santiago.

Strategy Change

I previously said I was going to capture three cities as a buffer zone for the incoming Spanish assault. Using my vast intelligence sources, I can tell you the Spanish are not going to attack, thus capturing Santiago was pointless. :mad: :aargh: :run: :wallbash:
[pissed] Yeah alright I'll calm down.

I'm going to send troops further north to destroy some strongholds of the Spanish and then the war will maybe end. Or not. We'll see.

To be continued in the next part.
1994 AD

The Mongolian invasion of Zululand did have a lot of momentum when it first began, but now it has stalled. The Mongol troops are tired and now they're demoralized after winning quite a lot of land but losing many troops after a massive Zulu counter-attack.

FIRST NEWS STATION - ZULU-MONGOL WAR - Mongolian troops today have lost momentum in their invasion, with the Zulu troops stalling the Mongol invasion from progressing further. Above, we can see tired Mongolian troops.

I think I know whats going to happen: Zulu troops will invade Mongolia. :mischief:

To be continued in the next part. :cool:
1995 AD

It was time to begin a massive offensive in Northern Spain. This move would completely destabilize the Spanish army and destroy their capabilities of trying to mount an offensive. But to pull this off me and the UK would need large, very large numbers of troops. 150,000 troops would take part in the offensive.

FIRST NEWS STATION - WAR IN SPAIN - US and UK troops today have begun a massive military attack on Spanish installations in Northern Spain today, overrunning the cities of Barcelona and Leon. Spanish troops in Southern and Northern Spain have been completely overrun and reports of only 14,000 Spanish troops in Spain have surfaced. The US President has confirmed these reports.

Barcelona and Leon were captured in an instant and yes, only 14,000 troops left in Spain. They wouldn't be able to fight back.

To be continued in the next part. :cool:
1995 AD

In 1995, after three full out years of war, Spain surrenders to the American and the United Kingdom military forces.

FIRST NEWS STATION - PEACE IN SPAIN - The United States and the United Kingdom today have declared an end to all combat operations in Spain as the Spanish government and army crumbled after a massive offensive in Northern Spain. This ends the three year long war, a war in which US President Sam B says 'is an overwhelming victory for the US.' Above we see the first US combat troops returning home.

Finally it's ended and the withdrawal has begun, as of 1996. Roughly 10,000 troops will remain for peacekeeping operations but they are expected to be out at the end of 1996.

To be continued in the next part. :cool:
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