
1996 AD

After the US and the UK didn't have to worry about war anymore, things were much different for the African nations of Zululand and Mongolia.

FIRST NEWS STATION - ZULU-MONGOL WAR - Zulu troops today have launched an invasion of Mongolia, as the Mongol invasion of Zululand comes to a halt. Mongol troops have begun to retreat, but the masses of Zulu troops appear to be overwhelming them.

Just as I predicted. I knew Zululand would launch an invasion of Mongolia, and I knew it was going to be successful.

Time for me to sit back and watch... :)

Continued in the next part. :cool:
1996 AD

Mongolia fell so fast, so quickly, I was astonished. I mean, I thought they would put up some sort of a fight, and in some places they did, but overall they fell to their knees within weeks of the invasion.

FIRST NEWS STATION - ZULU-MONGOL WAR - Zulu troops today have caught the capital city of Mongolia, Karakorum, in a devastating blow to the Mongolians. Zulu troops have signed an armistice with the Mongolians and are now occupying their territory.
This marks the end of the war.

We have reached the end.
A Look At The Worlds Events

The Zulu's armistice with Mongolia was signed in effect on January 1, 1997. This ended the period of war between the two nations but the Zulu's still occupied Mongolia until the end of 2003.

The United Kingdom and France strengthened their diplomatic and economic relations with one another with the signing of the UK-FR FTA on December 12, 1997.

Russia and China began trading at the signing of the Sino-Russo Normalized Trade Agreement on June 7, 1997.

Germany hasn't managed to regain control of the Australian Province, it was officially declared in an emergency state by the German government on May 2, 1997.

And as for the United States...? :mischief:

Military prologue of the United States up to 2015.

Oh, and a new story will begin immediately after this one ends. Yup, I always have stories ready to go.


Prologue of the United States
1999: Puerto Rico. Invasion of Puerto Rico. The US invades Puerto Rico to overthrow Iroquois militants who had invaded the island and claimed sovereignty. War ended in the following months.

2002: India. United States invades India. The United States invades and overthrows the government of India, after substantial threats are made towards the United States. War ended 2005.

2008: Japan. 2008 US-led invasion of Japan. On June 12, 2008, the United States, England and Russia invade Japan to undermine the current government and remove any threats to Europe and world peace. War ended 2010.

2012: Korea. Although not an actual military invasion or occupation, the US along with England send 20,000 peacekeeping troops under the UN name to keep peace in Korea after a small scale war with Mongolia. UN peacekeeping operation ended 2014.

2014: War in Greece. US Military peacekeeper troops had been in South Greece since 1998, and following a guerrilla attack on US troops in Central Greece, the US President asked congress for authorization for military use. Authorization was passed on September 6, 2014. The invasion of South Greece and subsequent support for South Greece happened on September 19, 2014. War ongoing.

This is the last post in this thread. I hope you've enjoyed Warfare as much as I have, writing it was a lot of fun. My new story will begin shortly. Please leave comments -- I will reply to them if possible. :)
Good story! I like the "newscast" style of telling it. At first the first-person parts seemed a bit out of place next to the newscasts, especially as it wasn't clearly established who "I" was right away, but they started meshing much better after the presidential election began.

Why such a quick jump to the prologue, though? It didn't seem like things were necessarily winding down at the end, and you still had three years left in your term. And how did you get the AI to agree to peace so quickly? Often they won't even if they are doomed.

Very nice pictures, too - they fit the story well. My favorite would have to be the one with Bill Clinton as one of your diplomats - they're just some regular, ordinary diplomats that most people won't recognize, right? :mischief:
Why such a quick jump to the prologue, though? It didn't seem like things were necessarily winding down at the end, and you still had three years left in your term. And how did you get the AI to agree to peace so quickly? Often they won't even if they are doomed.

I hadn't actually realized it made no sense to randomly end it like that, I had it planned in my head how I was going to end it, but I got carried away with wanting to start a new story that it went from Mongolia falling to the prologue. It seems a bit stupid, and I might add something on to that last post. :blush:

As for the AI agreeing to peace quickly, Well I'm not to sure on that one. Maybe Mongolia came to their senses when they saw the masses of Zulu troops approaching Karakorum. Usually, like you said, they never even if they are doomed.

Crap. I should add something on to that last post... :blush::blush:

And as for Bill Clinton... :mischief:
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