Montezuma Immortal Cookbook

More like thousands... the mine has to be worked for the 1/10,000 chance.

But yea, default settings except events/huts (better comparison).
I pop resources pretty often. Something like every 2nd/3rd game without restarts.
I pop resources pretty often. Something like every 2nd/3rd game without restarts.

HAX :p
I got gems in one of my tries too!

Say each player works on average 2 mines for 50 turns in the 70 turn set, a resource should have popped

1 - (0.9998^50)

or almost exactly 0.01, which is 1 in every hundred tries here.

(Edit: before I put the calculator away, say a typical game you work an average of 30 mines for 200 turns. That gives you around a 50-50 chance of a nice surprise per game).
I'd like to see a discussion here of Rush vs. Rex. This is what really made this game interesting as both are viable options and both will probably lead to a win.
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I was pretty torn by which way to go after seeing JC so close. If there was copper or even horses in the initial BFC a rush would have been inevitable, kudos to kossin for giving us such an interesting map. However, what led me to go with the "rex" (I didn't really rex, more of a block, then get writing, pottery, then rex) was 2 things.
1) We had plenty of good land to expand into, taking JC's cities means that Freddie will gobble up more of the south. So by blocking off both early then taking out JC later we "should" get more land in the long term.
2) JC has stone, we have Ivory. This was basically the deciding factor, he built the GW in my save and I hope he'll build the Mids. Getting the AI to build wonders for you saves double the hammers as while they're building wonders, they're not building units. There is the problem however that attacking Julius will be tougher if he has praets...

I'm not coming out and saying rex>rush, it may well not be. This was just how I reached my decision and I'm interested to see other peoples' rationale.
rex vs rush
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It depends on what's your ultimate way of rating one vs the other. If you want 'earliest winning date' (bar Religious), then war is the way to go. However this doesn't necessarily mean a rush, it could very well be a elepult war. Granted with JC it's less interesting to do so due to the 8 str Praetorians which suggests the rush a bit more.

In terms of hammers, rush expansion is usually more cost-effective than rex expansion when you count in the extra workers and free infrastructure (if any).

If you can grab a lot of gold and have Currency, you'll also come out ahead in tech, of course.

IMO it's too difficult to quantify it exactly. You have to evaluate neighbor(s), potential gain(neighbor's land and what comes with it) and potential loss (land you're giving up for another AI).
Spoiler :
Here you can see the animated discussion between the Scout and the Settler in terms of picking our initial settling location. The conversation order goes:
1, 1b, 2, 3, 3b, 4, 5, 6, 6b

Our Scout spots Stone... is it too far to be able to grab for The Pyramids? Later, I decided to settle a City so that we'd get Stone in our second Cultural Border expansion there.

After a nice run of beating up Barb Animals, Fortifying, then beating more Barb Animals just as we'd finish healing, our Scout encircled Frederick's lands. However, it looks like he has finally met his end.

No, he has not met his end! We will live today! Our Woodsman II promotion plus the River plus the 75% terrain bonus gave us a solid victory.

Here's an overview of our lands.

As you can see, we have 13 citizens across 5 Cities. What's great is that every single citizen is working an improved square.

Every City besides the capital has a Monument.

Further, the western Clam City has an improved Clam and also has a Lighthouse.

Two Cities can even whip a Granary immediately, if you so choose.

We have a Settler for our 6th City sitting in our capital (it was just completed on Turn 70).

We know Sailing, Pottery, Animal Husbandry, and Bronze Working.

I'd rather have Axemen than Jaguars against Julius, since if we reasearch Iron Working, then he will save time on his research to Praetorians.

Julius went Religious-style and founded Hinduism. In addition, he built Stonehenge. So, that means that he will be creating a Hindu Shrine (on our behalf) in the near future.

I prioritized Mines over Cottages so that we could get our Granaries up before starting to work Cottages.

The upside is that we have a lot of Workers (6 of them) who can start to build Cottages for us soon.

The downside is that we are currently only working a single Cottage.

Julius is 10 turns away from Iron Working. That said, he only has 3 Cities. The Barbs were giving him troubles--he has a Settler for a 4th City but it was running away from a Barb unit that wounded one of his Archers--both the Archers and the Settler are near one of our eastern Cities.

We have a pretty good spawn-busting network set up. Actually, now that I look more closely at it, we have a redundant Warrior in the north, now that Justinian's Cultural Borders have expanded, so that Warrior can either move south to help complete our spawn-busting coverage or can go and act as Military Police in one of our Cities.

So, where does that leave us? Well, we have 5 Cities to Julius' 3 and Frederick's 3. Julius founded us a Religion, which is great since we are Spiritual and thus having a Religion means the ability to make cheap Temples.

We are the Whipping King of Leaders, so whipping Happiness buildings, such as Temples, will be a great way for us to grow our Cities. The fact that Julius will build us the Holy Shrine, since he owns Stonehenge, will just be icing on the cake.

I avoided settling Cities that are heavy with Jungle squares, so as to avoid getting hit with an Unhealthiness penalty shortly after a City grows.

We are working 1 Riverside Cottage, will start working a second one in 2 turns, and we are working a fully-improved Clam (Work Boat + Lighthouse). No, we did not pop Silver, but we are working a lot of Mines, so there will be a chance of doing so during the next turnset.

Sure, we do not have any Strategic Resources connected, but that situation won't take long to rectify. In the meantime, we've got a pretty good spawn-busting network that will keep Barbs away from our Cities, especially now that we can see that they have settled at least 1 City of their own.

With 6 Workers, the plan will be to spam Cottages, get our Strategic Resources connected, then probably go to war before Julius gets a chance to start pumping out too many Praetorians. Of course, we will also have the option of remaining peaceful, too, since I DID NOT Worker-steal in this game.



  • Dhoomstriker Round 1 Montezuma Immortal Cookbook BC-1200.CivBeyondSwordSave
    104.8 KB · Views: 68
Grand strategy on this map:

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I never like being sandwiched between 2 AIs, especially if one or both of them are dangerous. Admittedly there are no psychos here but Julius can usually be relied on to declare somebody fairly promptly in every game. My big worry with rexing was that the good land is basically all the land separating the two AIs, and if we have it it virtually guarantees we're the natural war target. So any kind of rex has to be done with a lot of defensive units (JC has high unit prob) and a horrible long front, or a much greater than usual hope for no DOW. For that reason I see the rush as superior to rex here. It gives you more control over how things play out rather than being perpetually at the mercy of the RNG gods.

Having said that I didn't rush as I find rushes boring - it succeeds, you win, it fails, you lose. Yawn, click click click, game over in half an hour :)

That's why I thought it was worth a try to semi-turtle for the initial phase, keeping an easily defensible and low maintenance core as well as letting the AIs come together and fight, encouraged by some religious and/or warbribe s**-stirring on our part. JC and Fred's expansion and fighting would keep them backward and we can come in later and clean it all up with cavs or something.

Not saying this way is most efficient. As Kossin said, if a rush is possible it usually turns out to be the best thing to do (if it works), and it's well accepted that land is power so rexing to claim land is usually superior to not doing so (if you can keep it). But if the name of the game is maximizing percentage chance of win, I think this map has a lot of risk either way, and the "sit-tight till the smoke clears" route might in this case be valid.

Grand strategy in cookbook games:

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In this format, the only one of those approaches where the outcome can be seen clearly after 70 turns is the rush, and since there is a nearly-complete successful rush save posted, not choosing that one now would be insane.

The same would presumably be true of any start where a rush is possible, however low-percentage, since if 20 people try it and one succeeds, that successful one will now have a much greater prospects for the rest of the game than the rexers, who are all still alive but have a lot of uncertainty in their future.

Apologies if that issue has been discussed before - this is the first time I've played a cookbook game :D
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rushing JC this game has only one disadvantage and that is semi-isolation, where it's tougher to get trades from the remaining AI.

But since I whole time thought about how to do rush on JC (which never happened), I am personally inclined to saying that rushing JC is best.

Would be interesting if taking out Freddy next turnset after taking out JC is doable, would streamline the game experience a bit :). I don't see any value in staying in semiisolation which is almost the same as isolation with disadvantage of competition for land.
You have a 1/10,000 chance per turn per mine to pop a resource. That's: each mine every turn can pop a resource at 0.01% odds...

I believe the true values are smaller, since I remember reading that when you pop one resource, the algorithm quits until the next turn.
Interesting, I don't recall seeing that, will try to investigate. In any case, the difference would be rather small as the odds of popping 2 resources on the same turn are much much much smaller.
Very impressive game, Dhoomstriker. I followed GKey's and CivConVict's suggestion of settling on the riverside ivory, but in hindsight your choice has some benefit in return for the 1 turn delay of settling, because the extra +1 commerce from the riverside camp goes a long way in the early game. The 'Mr. Picky' location in your screenshot was a good one as well, but slightly less advantagious IMO.

I myself had a second go at this game and used this round to improve my spawnbusting game (never quite learned it properly). I REX-ed to 5 cities and did reasonably well. I won't post a save and won't join the voting for the 1st round, but there are enough saves as it is. I like Grashopa's extreme REX and GKey's axe-rush approaches. Either way it will be a interesting 2nd round.
The 'Mr. Picky' location in your screenshot was a good one as well, but slightly less advantagious IMO.
Sorry--that's my fault with ambiguously using the Signs to communicate both a message and a location.

The whole sentence was "How about right here, Mr Picky?" which was the Scout telling-off the Settler while at the same time suggesting the spot where I ultimately chose to settle. :lol: I ran out of space for text in the sign, so I had to split it across two signs. Commas unfortunately don't show up very well in signs, so I tried to make it slightly clearer by putting a duplicate number and adding the letter "b" to show a continuation of a sentence (6 and 6b are the same sentence). Probably writing "6a" and "6b" would have been a bit clearer.

The four settling locations that I considered either have the word "here" within the exact sign's text (1--the Settler talking, 4--the Scout talking, and 6--the Scout talking) or else refer to the location by Resource (i.e. on the Ivory--2--the Scout talking).

Next time, I'll have to come up with a clearer way of doing my "in-game comics."

I myself had a second go at this game and used this round to improve my spawnbusting game (never quite learned it properly).
Yes, it's not too hard to do if you focus on building a few Warriors when growing your capital, then carefully "edge" them out a bit at a time onto Hills or Forests, sometimes even giving up a movement point for several turns if a Barb unit is spotted nearby while you are walking on your way to your spawn-busting location.

Ideally, you will have ended your turn and/or Fortified on the same square for 5 turns when a Barb attacks, giving you the full 25% Fortification bonus (unlike Civ 1, ending your unit's turn in a square without having moved counts as Fortifying, even without having to press the "F" key).
unlike Civ 1, ending your unit's turn in a square without having moved counts as Fortifying, even without having to press the "F" key).

Is there any purpose of the "fortify" order anyway? Always seemed to me "sentry" was the superior in all cases. It does the same thing, plus the unit sends you a text asking for help when an enemy comes near, rather than trying to deal with it themself and getting killed. Maybe I'm missing something.

Edit: Ah ok, fortify in city or anywhere you have a stack. You don't want to have to give all the defenders orders during a siege. Not for fogbusters though.
I decided to try this again, and not worry about a rush.
Spoiler :

Given the problems I had when I tried to pull off a rush on JC, I gave up that plan and restarted with a standard opening. I settled where Dhoom did, and do think that is a better starting location than either SIP or 1SE on the Elephant.

I did not use the whip or chop much, probably because I was in a hurry when playing this set and forgot. I could probably redo it and get another city or even two established, but three times is enough to play one start.

The scout headed south in its initial arc, so I encountered Fred first (turn 5). Julius didn't show up until turn 18, at which point my scout was 1 turn from discovering him from the south after arcing all the way around my perimeter.

Tech order was Agr > TW > Mining > BW > AH > Pot > Writing, and now Aes is in progress. No tech trading is possible, yet.

Build order was Worker > Warrior x 4 > Settler > worker > warrior > Settler > worker > Axe > Settler. I should have used chops and whipping to get out at least another settler and axe, plus maybe the granary. Oh well.

3 cities. Tenochtitlan is pop 6, so at the happy cap and ready for a big whip (say, for a Library?). Teotihuacan is at the corn/copper/pig site, size 3, with monument and a border pop. A granary is almost done there. Tlatelolco is size 1, has a monument, and is fighting with JC for the Pig to the NE. I also have a Settler built, which has started to move S with an Axe escort.

JC founded Buddhism and built Stonehenge. Someone elsewhere built the GW. LOTS of Barbs have paid me a visit lately, giving my Axemen some exp.

Here are screenies:



  • drlake Montezuma Immortal Cookbook BC-1200.CivBeyondSwordSave
    112.6 KB · Views: 62
Just to be clear/fair, second/third/etc attempts will be counted as shadows.
I'll make a summary of all the entries in 6~8 hours as there are a lot... giving everyone a bit more time to check them all before voting time :)
Since there are a lot of saves, you are given a 4th vote called 'interesting'. You can decide not to cast it, it is your choice. :)

3pts for the save you liked most, 2pts for the second and 1pt for the last. Call out a 4th save you find interesting but did not include in your votes, if you want.

Don't vote for yourself, it shows bias ;) ( could call out your own save as interesting...)

Voting will last until everyone has voted, a clear winner has emerged or when the new round starts on Wednesday.

Shadows (shadow, lacking save or 2nd/3rd/... attempts)













Kid R*



If I missed anybody, be sure to tell me - thanks!
Really sucks that it's cottage land. I think Monty's UB is so awesome and it would have been great to go a oracle > code of laws jump and pyramids for representation to show how sick 5 turn whipping can be.
Very interesting to see so many different ways of playing it. My likes are:

Hot (in no particular order)
Grashopa (best super-rex)
Obsolete (best rush)
Dhoomstriker (best "conventional" development)

Fleme, Gkey, convict

Bobby, edz, peanut, vrnasm, waffle

By the way my save is not valid. It was my second or third go.
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