Dune: Fight for Arrakis


Jun 8, 2005
Midgar Slums
Hi all!
Beginning my modding "career" (yea, career, whatever.:rolleyes:) with Dune:Fight for Arrakis for ptw (what the hell?! PTW? that exist? O.o) which i've started (and could use some help ;) )

anyways it will basically be based off of Dune 2000 as ive never read the books (although i shuld, and vehicles will be prominent as i dont feel like having just infantry although i hear the book is all man power) and once i get emperor: battle for dune, ill throw some of that into it

ok the ideas:
House of Atreides:
Leader: Duke Leto
Civilopedia: The House of Atreides Homeworld is the planet Caladan, A lush prosperous waterworld. From which, Duke Leto Atreides Rules with a just hand. The Duke is noble, diplomatic, intelligent, and duty bound which attracts intense loyalty among the troops.
The House's Mentant (human computer) is of the most esteemed military training and schooling. His personality reflex the house greatly. Military speaking, the house has the an exceptional air force of mostly ornithopters. All of their vehicles are in well condition and highly maintained.
Virtue is clearly on the side of Atreides. Although not the richest house, Atreides has ruled Caladan with generosity and a noble spirit for Generations. The people are hardworking and desire peace and honor. The troops are intensly devoted to their duke and duty. This loyalty has never been seen before except with one other race, the Fremen. Perhaps the Fremen and Atreides will fight together and control dune through their shared devotion. True to their nature the Atreides have been defend attacks and sieges. They were the first to attempt diplomacy, but failed. Soon Atreides will crush their opponents into the sand
UU's: Sonic Tank, Sniper, Ornithopter
Super Weapon( each race has its own mega weapon, like an icbm ): Satellite lazer (lazer from space)
Bonus: Expansionist, Commercial
Cities: coming

House of Harkonnen:
Leader: Baron Harkonnen
Civilopedia: The Planet Giedi Prime is a dark industrial world. It has been known to be toxic and cruel. The world is dark and deranged as are the creatures of the House of Harkonnen. The Harkonnen are a cruel people, equally ruthless towards friend and foe, if necessary. They have a long history of employing violence and fear to achieve their objectives. In the House of Harkonnen status is taken noot bestowed. Teachery upon treachery, assassin upon assassin, it is hard to keep up with the ranks of the Harkonnen forces. Excepting, of course, the Baron himself.
The Baron Harkonnen is A dark and sinister man. He is driven by greed and a vendetta against Duke Leto of the House of Atreides and has sworn to cut the ducal ring from hand of Leto. Nothing will stop Baron Harkonnen in his persuit of Dune. Formerly the sole stewards of the Spice harvesting on Dune, the Harkonnen feel deprived of something thats rightfully theirs, the governship of Dune.
The Harkonnen enjoy using brute strength and illegal atomic weaponry (or so it's rumored) to accomplish their goals. The mentat, Hayt DeVries, a ghola (reanimated corpse) that controls the troops with fear along with the help of Baron Harkonnen. It is rumored that the Baron personally drinks the blood of those who bear bad news. It is unlikely that the Baron would tolerate an Atreides victory over Dune.
UU's: Devastator, Flamethrower, Flame Tank
Super Weapon: DeathHand missle (ICBM type)
Bonus: Militaristic, Industrious
Cities: Coming

Leader: Chief Mau'dib (spell check plz)
Civilopedia: Fremen are the only humanoid species indigenous to the planet Arrakis. Fremen are desert dwelling sand warriors, the free tribes of Dune. Their nomadic ancestry descends from the legendary Zensunni Wanderers, who roamed the galaxy until shipwrecked on the baron wasteland. The Fremen are reclusive andsecretive. It is unknown how many they number in sietches hidden deep in the desert. The Fremen are a fierce warrior people whose women and children can even outpace most military conscripts. The Fremen respectfully worworship the enormous worms known as "Shai-Halud", the worm God. They have even been known to train themselves to call a worm and ride it. Fremen riding a worm could cause much destruction and one should be wary of this. The Fremen could be a very useful asset or may even be capable of crushing the other Houses into the Desert. (maybe more civilopedia to come)
UU's: Fremen Elite, Worm Rider, Stealthy Fremen
Super Weapon: Worm Summon (Worm attacks)
Bonus: Miltaristic, Religious
cites: Coming

House of Ordos:
Leader: The Order of Nobles (i need a better idea than this...)
Civilopedia: Little is known about the Icey remote planet of the Ordos. The Economy is entirely based on smuggling and trade.
The Ordos seemed to be controlled by noblemen who seem to control the planets finances, and thus the House of Ordos itself. No one has ever seen them except a few generals who formally controlled what troops the Ordos could muster. One by One these generals disapeared under mysterious circumstances
The Mentant of the Ordos is curently unknown. The previous Mentat known only as Ammon, was executed for the charge of embezzlement. It has been rumored that the Ordos have purchased an Ixian clone, a computer in the form of a human male. But these reports are largely disregarded as there hasnt been a computer in the likenes of a human since Butlerian Jihad.
The Ordos have Immense wealth. The kind of wealth that buys powerful weapns and technologies smuggled to the Ordos troops. Aside from that, the Ordos troops are largely Mercenary and tend to the desert in great frequencey The Ordos use sabotage and expensive weaponry to accomplish their agenda.
UU's: Gas Soldier, Deviator, sabateur
Super Weapon: Gas Bomb
Bonus: Comercial, Scientific
Cities coming

House of Ix:
Civilopedia: be here soon
UU's:High Tech Soldier, Teleport Tank (a paratrooper tank cept it teleports), Infiltrator
Super Weapon: Cloning enemy soldiers with less defence or some high tech weapon
Bonus: Scientific, Industrious
Cities coming

House Corrino
Leader: Emperor Frederick IV
Civilopedia: Emperor Frederick IV of House Corrino rules the Galaxy from the Golden Lion Throne on Kaitan. The emperor's strength lies with his Sardaukar. His fanatic terror groop. The Training facility of the Sardaukar is located on salusa Secondus, also the imperial prison planet. One Sardaukar can take on many Landsraad conscripts.
The emperor also controls the spice, which is found only on the planet Arrakis. With the price of Melange (spice) up to 500,000 solaris per decagram,the emperor knows that every major and minor house seeks the wealth of arrakis itself. And so the emperor trusts no one. Which brings about the emperors challenge. It is highly unusual that the Emperor would offer a challenge to the galaxy for control of the planet arrakis. It is supected that he is playing the houses against each other to destroy potential threats to the throne. Caution is advised when dealing with the emperor. (maybe more civilopedia to come)
UU's: Sardaukar, Golden Lion Tank (made up tank)
Bonus: Militaristic, Commercial
Cities: coming

More civ's eventually

Spice Harvesting
more later

Units(not UU)
Light Infatry
Mechs (generally)
Hover Crafts (Generally)
Space Ships
Troopers (Rocket soldier)
Siege Tank
Missile Tank

Sand Worms will be Virtually unstoppable Barbarians also be wheeled so cant cross mts (which will be cliffs)

Textures needed:

If you got any questions and if i've left out stuff, dont hesitate to say so ;)
Little Preview of the devastator tank (base of tank directly from dune2k)
There should be better looking units to come when i earn open fx or blender...


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And the "Beta" map


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BTW - I'm pretty sure the Ix aren't a house, rather a species/sub-species of human. At least, that's what I thought from the books.
Yeah, I'm interested in this as well. Maybe you could use the "Tesla Tank" I mad a while back for the Harkonnen devastator, or if it isn't big enough, I could dig up the Bryce files (I never throw any of my models away), change the textures and render it out at a larger scale.

I enjoyed both the Frank Herbert books as well as the Westwood Dune 2K game (the original Dune game was the first ever RTS game, IIRC).

I may also pop in and out with some of the other units, in and among the various other Final Fantasy stuff I'm doing. That map looks about like what the map from the original novel looked like, so good job on that.
I seem to recall a Dune Scenario being put in production in like, January but it never got off the ground. Hopefully this one does because Dune rules.

You really should read the books, 'cause they're great. Of course I'm still going through them but I have no doubts the rest will be just as good.

The Ix are actually House Vernius, their homeworld is called Ix. They are a full house, in fact it's the House of Ordos that doesn't exist at all, but if you still want to use them that's okay.

Other houses could be the Tlielaxu (I think I spelled it right), House Corrino (the original Emperor's house, before the Atreides take over) should definately be there. The prequels written by Brian Herbert would be better for basing a Civ scenario on, he was more interested with the physical universe of Dune (technology, strategy, politics, scandals etc.)

If it's possible (unfortunately I think it might be hardcoded) use of atomics should almost make every house automatically go to war with the user, since in the books they are EXCESSIVELY discouraged, not even to be used as a last resort, their existense is more for protection from any possible hostile, non-human force, which might make for the grounds of a later-era Dune mod.

Anywho, I seem to rambling so I'll just say I'd be willing to help, once I get unbusy enough.
Wow. I don't know anything about Dune (never heard of it lol....) but you really got this together from what i can see so far. Looks like its going to be a great first mod for you! Organiziation and acturally doing stuff instead of just coming up with ideas is a key element to mod-making (IMO) I'll be watching to see you progress-keep on goin!
Maybe you should get "Emperor" the follow up of Dune 2000. It is more recent and is a little more in-depth. It mentions Tleilaxu and Ix in more detail as well as works out Ordos more.
So many people have promised a Dune mod (well at least 4 I can think of) so I wish you the best of luck. Kinboat has a unit lottery ongoing just now and if you need units you could chuck a request in he is an excellent unit creator.
yea ive read the dune mods that never took off, i hope i can follow through =)
Im also gonna get Emperor eventually (probably from ebay) so i can use some of that in there and get more info on the sub houses
as for the tesla tank, it's awesome, imma gonna use it.(lot better than that piece of crap i was gonna do,:lol: ) although, could u change the grean to some greys? that would give it a better feel for the original tank. thx for help (eventually ill learn to make good models...evetually....)

Hikaro Takayama said:
I may also pop in and out with some of the other units, in and among the various other Final Fantasy stuff I'm doing.
cool ive seen lots of your models and like them alot :)

orthanc said:
Anywho, I seem to rambling so I'll just say I'd be willing to help, once I get unbusy enough
any help would be nice =)
Here are some units that are all "borrowed" that will be in the mod
Row1: (left to right)
MCV (Settler unit) Devastator (which im hoping Hikaro will change the textures for me if he can ;) )
Row 2:
Quad, Trike <---these are scouting vehicle and early attack raiders


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Ive heard of Dune. I have Dune 2000 for the PS, and see the books on the shelfs in the library time to time.
mmkay... here we go:
a preview at my first attempt at a siege tank

Edit: on a side note, i used cinema 4d to make it, but i only got the demo, so i hafta render out each frame and do print screen, cuz i can't save so the final might look different than the original becasue of the no save function...(and i forgot things to make and render out)
Edit(again): and yes it is possible to use c4d to make units =P


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At last Dune Scenario :)

Wow, Azuroth, your Siege Tank is scary :)

First, some remarks.

I think we should not stick to the previous Dune games but look closer at the books, because the greatest political plots are to be found there and they could inspire a more mischievous scenario :devil:

Why dont we take the most famous houses from the Landsraad as races/civs
and use other houses and orders as wonders

Suggested Races/Civs:

House Corrino
House Atreides
House Ordos
House Harkonen
House Fenring
House Wallach
House Alman
House Ophelion
House Moritani

Suggested Wonders (not necessary as houses only) (+suggested benefits)

House Vernius or House of IX (from dune game)

They know secrets of ancient great technology supposedly extinct during the Bulterian Jihad (The great war of humanity against computers). They can grant superior technology units and improvemnts to the civ and/or city they reside in.

+200% science in city
Computers Lab (+100% science in city)

Bene Tleilaxu

Excellent genetic engineers, had own program of creating the Kwisatz Haderah for their unknown (I hope, evil ) purposes :) Will grant bioweapons as Gholas and Face Dancer to the civ that builds it, less polution in all cities

Tleilaxu Flesh Tank (creates Gholas)

Ghola (x.x.2) Elite, Ignores Zone of Control
Face Dancer Unit (10.1.3) All terrain as roads, Ignores Zone of Control, Invisible (Ultimate Assasin)
Twisted Mentat (captures enemy units)

Bene Gesserit

Cultist organization of women trained in the art of political influence, hand-to-hand combat, seduction, spying.

Effects are decreased corruption, better attitude of rivals, Resistence to Propaganda in all cities. May be some units (remember the comedy Sister Act)

Spacing Guild

Organization of navigators that have the ability to fold space and travel enormous distances in space. Their primary ability comes from the consumption of the spice melange.

I definitely like the teleporter tank from Emperor 3D game
This is a very unique unit and it could be associated with this wonder.

Also this wonder should grant automatic embasies with every civ, trade network to all cities on Arakis and increased production of 20% in all cities


We all know these supreme fighters.
I think every civ could build Fremen Camp but only if they are not oppressed by the government type.

I suggest 3 types of units

1. Fremen Fighter (equiped with krys knife) (4.1.2)
2. Fremen Fedaykin (fanatic warrior, equiped with wierding module, which enables him to use the Voice as a weapon) (8.3.2)
3. Sandworm Rider (I think the name says it all) (10.10.4)

Ginaz Academy

House Ginaz are famous for their fighting skills. This wonder gives some units which are not so strong as Fremen but no government restrictions apply.

Water of Life

Do you remember what happened to Paul when he turned the Water of Life in the game Dune I, he could contact the Fremen on the whole planet. This wonder reveals map and should remove fog of war (I dont know if Civ3 mechanics allow it, but if they dont it could give +2 vision to all units)

Suggested Units (only names and some effects)

Infantry Types
--Infantry -> StillSuit Infantry

--Mortar Infantry
--Gas Trooper -> Flame Trooper -> Desolator (remember RA2)
--Rocket Trooper -> Anti Air Infantry
--LasGun Trooper -> Plasma Trooper
--Sonic Trooper (obsolete, replaced by Fedeykin) (listed here just for reference)
--Scout -> Spy -> Assasin
--Saboteur (obsolete, replaced by Face Dancer)
--Prospector (prospects spice sand into spice field +400% spice from the prospected tile
--Engineer (builds fortresses, airstrips, etc) -> Bioengineer (build wintraps and plants) Plants near cities +entertainment = +happiness

Direct Combat
--Recon Bike
--Flame Tank
--Gas Tank
--Siege Tank
--Plasma Tank
--Vulcan Cannon (Anti Air)

--Artillery (3 range)
--Missile Launcher (6 range)

Letal Bombardment

--Harvester (I have not idea how this can be implemented in civ3 rules)

Sea (No Sea on Arakis, LOL )

Transport Units


So far that is not enough of a brainstorming, but it is something, I think.
Come on, let's share more ideas :)

Here is my 3D rendered worm (I think it is too small for Shai-Hulud Barbarian suggestions in the Dune threads, but will do for a sandworm rider I think


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I think Karaman's ideas would be best, by the way nice progress with the sandworm, it would be a good addition to the unit libraries, and I agree that one would be best just for wormriders, the barbarian sandworm should be ginourmous, as in should use the largest frame size available, these things could be bigger than the Spacing Guild's highliners, which are measured in KILOMETERS, for comparison an Iowa class battleship (stat from wikipedia so I'm not very solidly supporting this) is only 270 METERS long, just over a quarter of one kilometer.

Anywho, very nice to see unit production actually starting for this mod, that's a good sign.
Here is a concept for a Harvester, unfortunately I dont have any good textures but will create some tomorrow


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