Neoteric World

google "enlarged europe map mod". download the mod . copy and paste the maps from the mod folder into the neoteric publicmaps folder, and then you'll be able to play the mod on the earth map from the rhye's and fall of civilization mod. it's very laggy though, i only got to the early modern period before i quit because the turns took way to long

What kinda computer do you have? My comp is fairly old and doesn't even have a real graphics card and the RFC map runs fine (At least in RevDCM I haven't gotten around to using this mod yet.)
After playing this mod for a while, I have some general comments:

- A-bombs are practically worthless unless you have complete and total air superiorty, given that they have zero strength they get instantly intercepted and destroyed. If you could somehow mount them on bombers and have bombers deliver them as a mission it might be better, but I'm not sure if you could.

- The tech tree spacing is a bit weird. You have things like genetics coming before "battlefield analysis", which is odd considering we didn't finish the human genome project until the late 90's / early 2000's, but the Spectre gunship was built during 'Nam. Not sure if you can, but it could use a reworking in terms of how it's laid out in the tree, visually.

- The orbital bomber has no sound effect, as far as I can tell.

- The "fusion tank" or w/e it is has no sound or visual effects (it might just be sound, I haven't used them in a while).

- Marxist and Liberal causing unhappiness in foreign countries is annoying. If you have a tech lead, and someone is using Liberal as opposed to say, emancipation, even though you're emancipated, you're still getting unhappiness because they're liberal.

And consequently, if you do switch back to liberal, you start taking unhappiness for not being emancipated :(
can someone please put me out of my misery and tell me if i should be able to play as the newly created civs on this map, (ie iran/iraq) or are the civs spawned in historic order??
can someone please put me out of my misery and tell me if i should be able to play as the newly created civs on this map, (ie iran/iraq) or are the civs spawned in historic order??

You should be able to. There are no "spawned" civs. The ones that are appearing are due to rebellions in the unstable nations they emerge from.
And consequently, if you do switch back to liberal, you start taking unhappiness for not being emancipated :(

I think it would force the world to use a single system... the problem is that liberal is the only used because it is the firsts and change it means face the high :mad:cost...
Is there anyway to incorporate the graphics from other mods, like the Varietes Delectact mod, into this one?

Also, I've noticed the same problems adam_grif mentioned above (sound and graphics missing for some units like the early AA-gun and fusion tanks, liberal and marxist happiness penalties, and the a-bomb unit being intercepted) and hope you'll fix or at least provide some ideas on how to fix these problems.
Assets\XML\Terrain\CIV4ImprovementInfo.XML ->

Fix the previous problem which Bonus Natural Gas couldn't be accessed on Land, Workers can now build Well Improvement after Tech "Combustion" researched.

My attachment adds in the file mentioned above to the original Neoteric World Patch

Original Text to Post #1 by BobeBrown (Author)
Small Patch
Neoteric World Patch

This patch fixes the graphical bug of the sheilding in future war in which the shielding would become very big. It also adds Real Always War by The_J, in which all the Computers are now at war with eachother instead of just being at war with human player. This is the selectable game option Always War in custom game. It is absolutely simple to install in 2 clicks, Instructions file included.


    46.9 KB · Views: 218
Assets\XML\Terrain\CIV4ImprovementInfo.XML ->

Fix the previous problem which Bonus Natural Gas couldn't be accessed on Land, Workers can now build Well Improvement after Tech "Combustion" researched.

I wanted it like that because there is no decent graphics for gas factory improvements.
Is there anyway to incorporate the graphics from other mods, like the Varietes Delectact mod, into this one?

Also, I've noticed the same problems adam_grif mentioned above (sound and graphics missing for some units like the early AA-gun and fusion tanks, liberal and marxist happiness penalties, and the a-bomb unit being intercepted) and hope you'll fix or at least provide some ideas on how to fix these problems.

They are easy fixes. Apart from the fusion tank. There is no graphic for a shooting fusion tank. Anyway, Fusion tanks in the future would be completely silent and make no noise when shooting :D I do plan on making a new release of this because I want to start playing CIV4 again and CIV5 was completely rubbish. Im waiting on sources release for another component before i start.
They are easy fixes. Apart from the fusion tank. There is no graphic for a shooting fusion tank. Anyway, Fusion tanks in the future would be completely silent and make no noise when shooting :D I do plan on making a new release of this because I want to start playing CIV4 again and CIV5 was completely rubbish. Im waiting on sources release for another component before i start.

sounds cool, but i have some ideas you could consider.

1. It would be cool if it is possible to create a plane, or something like that, to refuel others (extended range e.g. for bombers). because it is annoying that bombers can not hit other islands if you haven't a city/vassal there.

2. It would be cool to if you will add more civ specific units. For example Germany: you could add SS Troops upgradeable to modern infantry, Panzer upgradeable to Leopard Tank. Some battleships would be cool too. I guess you know what i want to say.

3. Maybe you should reconsider the existing tech tree, for a more realistic time line.

Cool mod and go on.
So... there's a bug of sorts. But it's almost impossible to put my finger on it.

I've played this mod a few times and seen some of the more commonly mentioned errors... but every time I try to play for the long-haul.... You know, huge map on longest time settings... two things happen.

First - The building timeline is waaaaaaay off! I'm building aircraft carriers in the mid 1500's!

Second - It always crashes eventually. Always. Always while it's processing the turn, and never with an error. Either a freeze or a CTD. It's just a matter of time.

I've fiddled with settings, but to no avail. A few times I've been able to back up to a previous save, play through again and get further... but it always happens eventually. It's always in the modern era, too.

Great mod besides that... it's a bit of a bummer to throw 60 hours into a map only to have the game unplayable.
Just so you guys know, I tried that little patch in note #188 and it does not work. I tried the Always War option and it was still all the AI's against me...they were not fighting each other at all.

Is there something in the works to put this feature back in? I know I asked about this many posts ago.
So... there's a bug of sorts. But it's almost impossible to put my finger on it.

I've played this mod a few times and seen some of the more commonly mentioned errors... but every time I try to play for the long-haul.... You know, huge map on longest time settings... two things happen.

First - The building timeline is waaaaaaay off! I'm building aircraft carriers in the mid 1500's!

Second - It always crashes eventually. Always. Always while it's processing the turn, and never with an error. Either a freeze or a CTD. It's just a matter of time.

I've fiddled with settings, but to no avail. A few times I've been able to back up to a previous save, play through again and get further... but it always happens eventually. It's always in the modern era, too.

Great mod besides that... it's a bit of a bummer to throw 60 hours into a map only to have the game unplayable.
Unless you have an exact save where it crashes the crash is down to the errors in CIV4 and not this mod. When there is too much going on in a map, CIV4 always crashes. Also you may be playing games with too much for your computer to handle. Ive literally spend hundreds of hours on games and never had a problem.
Just so you guys know, I tried that little patch in note #188 and it does not work. I tried the Always War option and it was still all the AI's against me...they were not fighting each other at all.

Is there something in the works to put this feature back in? I know I asked about this many posts ago.

Umm It should work? Does it display all the red lines signaling war in the diplomacy screen?
Hello all,im brand spanking new to this whole site,been a big civ fan for years but a complete noob at modding..However,thanks to BobeBrown`s epic Neoteric World ive been inspired for two nights trying to figure out all this stuff.Ive had some success with making new civs in basic form from a helpful link on this site posted by Kael ( many thanks Kael ).Ive been gaming for years ( ahem..decades lol ) but ive only just started modding at the age of 33 lol

My issue is i cant add any new civs to the Neoteric World Mod,ive opened the mod up,had a look but cant incorporate any animation Nif files,nor can i find a place to add the Civ leader Button.Im very confused guys :confused:

Adding a new leaders name to the XML is easy,but i cant see where you can add stuff like the animations,music etc?

Adding the leaders name is ok but its very basic and spoils the general fantasy enviroment of the game without a decent animation and all that good stuff.

For example,i can add a new name like Amanullah of Afganistan over the Leaderheadinfo XML of Ahmadinejad of Iran,but its still going to look like Ahmadinejad in diplomacy and have same button..basically its Iran just with a different leader name.I dont want to just over-write existing civs to incorporate my own,id like to add more selection of civs to choose from within the 50 civs limit.Can it be done within Neoteric World?

Neoteric Mod is the best ive seen for a long while and i would love to know how to add new civs to it in full without breaking the mod.If you can please point me towards the infomation i need i would be greatful( remember im a noob modder...only ever used the Kael tutorials-user friendly instructions please)...i can grasp the basic ins and outs of modding (click,paste,add file to correct area blah blah ) but cant add anything to this mod.Please can you explain how to inject new civs,leaders,buttons,animations without breaking the mod

All in all Neoteric World is a class act,the revolutions,barbarian civs...all of it is an inspired bit of programming and having the ability to add civs to it as i please would give it years of play.Its motivated me to learn the art of Modding but ive hit a brick wall with this gem of a mod

Please help us noobs navigate Neoteric World to incorporate new / rehashed civs

Thanks for a great mod :)

That was were I checked when I know atleast two of the civs had come in contact with each other. I checked the diplomacy screen. They were both at war with me, but they had open borders with each other.

From what I have read, to get Always War, you just had to check that option to have all the civs at war with each other. Is there another option I need to check off or uncheck for that matter?

The "every civ for itself" is one of the main things I liked about this mod when I first found it.
Hello all,im brand spanking new to this whole site,been a big civ fan for years but a complete noob at modding..However,thanks to BobeBrown`s epic Neoteric World ive been inspired for two nights trying to figure out all this stuff.Ive had some success with making new civs in basic form from a helpful link on this site posted by Kael ( many thanks Kael ).Ive been gaming for years ( ahem..decades lol ) but ive only just started modding at the age of 33 lol

My issue is i cant add any new civs to the Neoteric World Mod,ive opened the mod up,had a look but cant incorporate any animation Nif files,nor can i find a place to add the Civ leader Button.Im very confused guys :confused:

Adding a new leaders name to the XML is easy,but i cant see where you can add stuff like the animations,music etc?

Adding the leaders name is ok but its very basic and spoils the general fantasy enviroment of the game without a decent animation and all that good stuff.

For example,i can add a new name like Amanullah of Afganistan over the Leaderheadinfo XML of Ahmadinejad of Iran,but its still going to look like Ahmadinejad in diplomacy and have same button..basically its Iran just with a different leader name.I dont want to just over-write existing civs to incorporate my own,id like to add more selection of civs to choose from within the 50 civs limit.Can it be done within Neoteric World?

Neoteric Mod is the best ive seen for a long while and i would love to know how to add new civs to it in full without breaking the mod.If you can please point me towards the infomation i need i would be greatful( remember im a noob modder...only ever used the Kael tutorials-user friendly instructions please)...i can grasp the basic ins and outs of modding (click,paste,add file to correct area blah blah ) but cant add anything to this mod.Please can you explain how to inject new civs,leaders,buttons,animations without breaking the mod

All in all Neoteric World is a class act,the revolutions,barbarian civs...all of it is an inspired bit of programming and having the ability to add civs to it as i please would give it years of play.Its motivated me to learn the art of Modding but ive hit a brick wall with this gem of a mod

Please help us noobs navigate Neoteric World to incorporate new / rehashed civs

Thanks for a great mod :)

Thanks. Its fairly easy to do. I am not sure what you already know so i will try describe as easy as possible with an alexander example.
Place all the leader art here, inside a folder called alexander_the_great
C:\Program Files\Firaxis Games\Sid Meier's Civilization 4\Beyond the Sword\Mods\Neoteric World\Assets\art\leaderheads

All leaderhead art information must be placed inside here :
C:\Program Files\Firaxis Games\Sid Meier's Civilization 4\Beyond the Sword\Mods\Neoteric World\Assets\XML\Art\CIV4ArtDefines_Leaderhead
			<NIF>art/LeaderHeads/Alexander_the _Great/alexander.nif</NIF>
			<KFM>art/LeaderHeads/Alexander_the _Great/alexander.kfm</KFM>
			<NoShaderNIF>art/LeaderHeads/Alexander_the _Great/alexander_noshader.nif</NoShaderNIF>
			<BackgroundKFM>art/LeaderHeads/Alexander_the _Great/alexander_BG.kfm</BackgroundKFM>
So now you have declared <Type>ART_DEF_LEADER_ALEXANDER</Type>. You must attach that to the details of leaderhead of alexander which is found inside
C:\Program Files\Firaxis Games\Sid Meier's Civilization 4\Beyond the Sword\Mods\Neoteric World\Assets\XML\civilizations\CIV4LeaderHeadInfos
like below

Note, If you are adding a leader from scratch, You will need the similar following segment of code (Their attributes) for the leader and add it to this file. Most of the time people have already created it so you can get it from CIV Gold, Which is a mod that has over a hundred new civilizations. But also note my mod requires additional parts of code for leaders, I have highlighted these in blue.
Spoiler :

			<ArtDefineTag>ART_DEF_LEADER_ALEXANDER</ArtDefineTag>     [color=red]** Art Declared here **[/color]
Now thats the leader complete. You now must add the leader to the civilization here
C:\Program Files\Firaxis Games\Sid Meier's Civilization 4\Beyond the Sword\Mods\Neoteric World\Assets\XML\civilizations\CIV4CivilizationInfos
under the tag <Leaders> for your chosen civilization


Now adding a civilization takes a bit more time. It can just be a copy and paste though if the civilization has already been created in another mod. If you want me to tell you how to do that, private message me because thats a bit more long winded to explain. Quite a few files need to be edited, but its not hard.
:) Good luck, modding is fun :)


That was were I checked when I know atleast two of the civs had come in contact with each other. I checked the diplomacy screen. They were both at war with me, but they had open borders with each other.

From what I have read, to get Always War, you just had to check that option to have all the civs at war with each other. Is there another option I need to check off or uncheck for that matter?

The "every civ for itself" is one of the main things I liked about this mod when I first found it.

Mine works, not sure if you have replaced all the files with the patch :/
I have some questions;

where are the graphics files for the personnel mech, the hybrid gunship, the modern infantry, and the railgun located?
Where are the graphics for the advanced physics, mech warfare, nano electronics, and rail gun technologies located?
And where are the graphics for the new promotions located?

I looked through the game files, and cannot find them, and I cannot find them in the CivFanatics database.

Help would be greatly appreciated! :)
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