My apologies if something like this has already been posted.
I emailed Aspyr about the Beyond the Sword expansion and this is the email that I got.
Sorry, but the brief message is that, no, there will NEVER be a mac version of this expansion.
-----Begin email message----------
I can understand you wish to know more about how we choose titles to port to Mac. We continually evaluate games to be brought over to the platform, looking at several factors including its popularity, whether the Mac market is interested in the game, whether the company that owns the rights is interested in having a Mac version, and how hard it would be to port over (for example, if a game using the same software engine has already been ported, it becomes much easier for us to have it done). Our customers are one of the sources of determining interest, so we thank you for your mail.
However the Civ 4 series is a bit different. Warlords did not produce a great number of sales, far less than was expected. There is also the problem of programing for Civ 4, now as I said above using the same engine as previous game usually makes porting new titles easier, that is not the case for the Civ 4 titles. While the actual game is fairly stable (not perfect of course) the code behind it on the PC side is a mess. This kind of thrown together code makes it difficult to port the game and fix problems that arise in the port. Due to the sheer number of problems we have encountered with working with the PC code for the Civ 4 titles it may be that production does not wish to have to go through it again. For instance when patching games it usually takes a couple of weeks or as much as eight weeks. Civ 4 patches take us months to program and test because of constant problems.
I wish I could give better news about BTS for Civ 4 but at this time we have no plans to port the expansion.
Have a nice day,
Moderator Action: The above post was removed while I verified its authenticity with Aspyr, since it seemed significantly out of character.
My apologies to JunkerWoland for ever doubting you. Aspyr have since confirmed that it did originate from one of their support engineers, and asked me to add the following comment when restoring it:
Aspyr said:
The above response was poorly worded and Aspyr did not wish to imply that the base coding for Civilization 4 or Warlords was faulty. In reality the coding for the game is fine, it is just very complex, therefore making porting the game to Mac much more difficult than most games. While Aspyr is continually evaluate games to be brought over to the Mac platform, unfortunately at this time there are no plans to bring Beyond the Sword over to the Mac. There are many different reasons for Aspyr to have made this difficult decision.