Double Your Pleasure

Harrier said:
Atari/Firaxis stated last year (2003) that the final patch would be at end of Quarter two.

Gogf said:
I thought 1.22 was the final patch.
and the 1.22 is here since : 04/05/2004 after the 1.20 already in 2004,12,13

So Firaxis working on 3 patch at the same time, a first bugged a second left for debugged the first and a mysterious third ?

If the third patch is similar at the first :eek: :eek: :eek: :cry: :cry:

Oh my head !:sleep: :sad:
It shows up ok for me. What error message are you getting? :confused:
I finally decided to download the mod for PTW. Got 1 hour realtime into the game and either I am doing something wrong or it is nearly impossible to not go bankrupt!!! I have started two games with the exact same results!!!!!

Is this supposed to be harder than the regular game?? BTW, I am still somewhat of a newbie, so maybe that is what it is:) I tried the Romans and am now trying the Greeks. Also, I have not played either of these two Civilizations, so maybe those two are harder than most!?

Yes, it is supposed to be harder than the original. And more interesting. Perhaps you should change the difficulty level.
Well, not exactly much harder, but different. Several early strategies don't work; 4-turn Settler farms, Archer rushes, Swordsman SoDs are pretty much impossible.
So if you usually built your empire by overrrunning your neighbors very early, DyP will force you to change something here. And, economy needs to be set-up carefully; some Markets won't suffice.

Not month, weeks. Though Isak has the last word here, I don't think it will need more then a few weeks.
I don't think it will need more then a few weeks.
Now that is music to my ears!
Been a while since I have on this thread or played civ, always DyP. I downloaded the full 2.02 version. I am unable to build basilicas. I will go through several turns but they will not build or complete, ever.

I am also being constantly attacked by spies/secret agents, hordes, but only few troops. It is now 1976 AD in my game and have only seen two other AI ships.

Playing on a standard world with eight civs. Are these known issues? Thanks.
Ronnoc... that''s funny that you mention the strange lack of AI ships (other than Merchant ships) throughout a DyP game. The same happened in my mod, which is CLOSELY modeled on the DyP tech tree and unit stats.
Anybody out there who can shed some light on this?
Ronnoc said:
I am also being constantly attacked by spies/secret agents, hordes, but only few troops. .QUOTE]
I´m seeing too many of these. Isn´t there someway to escape this? The AI seems to love these units...
I thought this was solved in 2.02x.

Anyone??? DyP testers? :)
Is there anyone living in Australia, who would be kind enough to post me a Cd with the latest DYP for Play the World and Rise and Rule.

I would pay for the CD and postage and packing.

I have a dial up connection so down loading either file is out of the Question.
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