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Colonialist Legacies: Histories of the New World | Colonial + Pre-Colonial civs


The Republic of Mexico - Benito Juárez
by Leugi, TPangolin and Neirai

Status: Unreleased

In this mod you'll play as Benito Juárez - The Mexican president of Zapotec origin who not only resisted the French occupation of Mexico, but overthrew the Second Mexican Empire, restored the Republic and modernized the country. Dude was legit

Valiants of Chapultepec - Walls gain free Great Work of Art slots that generate points towards :c5greatperson: Great Artists and even more so after an Ideology is selected. When this slot is filled, trained units in the city start with an additional +15 XP.

Rurales - When garrisoned the Rurales generate +3 :c5culture: Culture and earn +15% combat strength unlike the Rifleman which it replaces. The combat bonus stays with upgrades. (Art by Janboruta)

Hacienda - Unlocked at Guilds. The Hacienda is a special type of estate of Colonial Spanish origin at Guilds. Haciendas do not yield any benefits unless built directly adjacent to a city. They provide +2 :c5culture: Culture and +1 :c5gold: Gold. Upon the discovery of Economics +1 :c5food: Food/ :c5faith: Faith/ :c5production: Production is added to the tile and another +1 of that random yield is added after Banking is discovered.


The Republic of Mexico - Benito Juárez
by Leugi, TPangolin and Neirai

Status: Unreleased

In this mod you'll play as Benito Juárez - The Mexican president of Zapotec origin who not only resisted the French occupation of Mexico, but overthrew the Second Mexican Empire, restored the Republic and modernized the country. Dude was legit

Valiants of Chapultepec - Walls gain free Great Work of Art slots that generate points towards :c5greatperson: Great Artists and even more so after an Ideology is selected. When this slot is filled, trained units in this city start with an additional +15 XP.

Rurales - When garrisoned the Rurales generate +4 Culture and earn +15 combat strength unlike the Rifleman which it replaces. The combat bonus stays with upgrades. (Art by Janboruta)

Tianguis - Unlocked at Guilds. The Tianguis is a unique market of ancient Origins that is unlocked at Guilds. The Tianguis do not yield any benefits unless built directly adjacent to a city. They provide +2 Culture and +1 Gold. Upon the discovery of Economics +1 Food/Faith/Production is added to the tile and another +1 of that random yield is added after Banking is discovered.

Freaking awesome! I can't wait to get round to doing the Civlopedia entries on this, but do you have any already, due to the More Civs Mexico mod? I've never quite got who's working on what.
The More Civs team consists mainly of Pouakai (Coding, Compiling, Marketing), Sukitract (Coding, Art, Compiling), Leugi (Coding, Art, Compiling), Chris Sifniotis (Civ Entries) and Janboruta (Art). As far as I know - they don't have any civ entries yet and we can only really draw comparisons with Mexico and Rurales. It's also worth noting that Leugi will be linking both of the Mexicos to Patria Grande

The More Civs Mexico has a different UU, UA and their Leaderhead is from the First Mexican Empire. This Civ focuses more on the Revolutions, Muralism, Resilience and The Second Mexican Republic.
OK then - I should have some fun with that!

Also, aren't you using some of Janboruta's art? I'm pretty sure I heard about it in another thread. Also, the music in the DoM is pretty damn epic, but I'm having trouble transcripting it due to the accent. Anyway, the Australian Civlopedia should be done within the next few days, and now I can do Mexico because I know what's in it. :p
OK then - I should have some fun with that!

Also, aren't you using some of Janboruta's art? I'm pretty sure I heard about it in another thread. Also, the music in the DoM is pretty damn epic, but I'm having trouble transcripting it due to the accent. Anyway, the Australian Civlopedia should be done within the next few days, and now I can do Mexico because I know what's in it. :p

Yeah, there will be no music like that in the DoM. I can post the full DoM text here if you want to read along.
Great work on Mexico, It looks like you better take out Mexico early or it will turn into a wide fortified cultural powerhouse, I like it.

The UA is great, and the rurales are a nice touch, you want those guys guarding cities not on the field (just like in real life)

I love the overall concept and mechanics you have in mind, as well as the Tianguis idea, tho IMHO the Haciendas fit the concept better than tianguis, maybe its just that I see tianguis every weekend, and they hardly seem like a cultural hub. Haciendas on the other hand, were the economy driver for centuries (since colonial times), played an important role in spreading religion and fit the idea of cultural and economical hubs surrounding the cities better as today many haciendas have been repurposed as museums and hotels. Heck, they were so important that pretty much of all the economy on Yucatan depended on them, and some Northern cities actually were inside Haciendas (Chihuahua). Also, little detail, Tianguis are on main plazas and streets, Haciendas surrounding cities, location wise, also works better as a UI.

Great work nontheless, hopefully its not too late to switch the tianguis to Hacienda (its still just a suggestion) I just think thats the one think that would make this mod absolutely perfect.
Great work on Mexico, It looks like you better take out Mexico early or it will turn into a wide fortified cultural powerhouse, I like it.

The UA is great, and the rurales are a nice touch, you want those guys guarding cities not on the field (just like in real life)

I love the overall concept and mechanics you have in mind, as well as the Tianguis idea, tho IMHO the Haciendas fit the concept better than tianguis, maybe its just that I see tianguis every weekend, and they hardly seem like a cultural hub. Haciendas on the other hand, were the economy driver for centuries (since colonial times), played an important role in spreading religion and fit the idea of cultural and economical hubs surrounding the cities better as today many haciendas have been repurposed as museums and hotels. Heck, they were so important that pretty much of all the economy on Yucatan depended on them, and some Northern cities actually were inside Haciendas (Chihuahua). Also, little detail, Tianguis are on main plazas and streets, Haciendas surrounding cities, location wise, also works better as a UI.

Great work nontheless, hopefully its not too late to switch the tianguis to Hacienda (its still just a suggestion) I just think thats the one think that would make this mod absolutely perfect.

Personally, I'd think Tianguis are more unique to Mexico than Haciendas, though this is coming from a foreigner I suppose. Haciendas were not only a Mexican phenom but rather in almost all Spanish America...

However, if we find a cooler effect for the Haciendas than to the Tianguis; that also is balanced, then yeah :goodjob:

EDIT: We could also keep the same effect for the Haciendas though, that's true.
It's fine, it's probably just a side effect of being brought up in the UK. I have had some trouble with the Prime Minister entry, as the UK position is older and probably far more prominent.

Pssh. The PM unit isn't about originality - It's all about flavor. Henry Parkes is possibly the best leader for Australia you can think of, but it sparks heaps of uproar with the whole "Chifley/Barton/Menzies/Hawke is better leader" debate. The PM unit basically includes all the leaders as to quell that ruckus.

For the article, perhaps you can contain a short entry as to what the appointment of the PM in Australia revolves around and maybe a brief history of some of the more notable PMs Curtin/Hawke/Menzies/Chifley, what they achieved and how the changed the face of Australia!


Regarding Haciendas - I'm totally in favor of switching out the name!

EDIT: Changed the Tianguis to the Hacienda
In that case, I've attempted the city list. Includes cities from First Mexican Empire.

Spoiler :

Mexico City
Los Angeles
San Diego
Santa Fé
San Salvador
San Jose
Santa Maria
Tuxtla Gutiérrez
Santa Cruz

I'll double check these later.

I am really excited about the Mexico Mod, The city list does have important mexican cities, however there are many that I wouldnt rank so high, and some of them are way too modern (Cancun, Zapopan) May I suggest some of the first cities of the list?

Spoiler :

Mexico City


Its just a suggestion, the bolded ones IMHO should be the first, all of them are economic centers, cultural and industrial hubs of historical importance, after those you could place them as you see fit, its just weird to see Zapopan before Monterrey, and Veracruz halfway in the list.
Your feedback is invaluable! Do you also think we should include American cities on the list for flavor? It might be interesting to see Los Angeles, San Diego, San Jose, Santa Cruz and Albuquerque. What about others like Guatemala and San Salvador?
Personally, I'd think Tianguis are more unique to Mexico than Haciendas, though this is coming from a foreigner I suppose. Haciendas were not only a Mexican phenom but rather in almost all Spanish America...

Im well aware that the Haciendas were a feature of Spanish colonization rather than a purely Mexican one. Its the scale which was particular in Mexico, as they did managed to grow to massive swats of land. Both the Mexican revolution and the casta war had to do with the haciendas, and they also tie nicely with the Rurales theme.

The Hacienda do not yield any benefits unless built directly adjacent to a city. They provide +2 Culture and +1 Gold. Upon the discovery of Economics +1 Food/Faith/Production is added to the tile and another +1 of that random yield is added after Banking is discovered.

Build a Hotel and it ties even more to modern haciendas being used as hotels and tourist atractions.

It just fits so well.
Yep, and the random yield is perfect for replicating farms, plantations, mines and religious purposes.

Your feedback is invaluable! Do you also think we should include American cities on the list for flavor? It might be interesting to see Los Angeles, San Diego, San Jose, Santa Cruz and Albuquerque. What about others like Guatemala and San Salvador?

I wouldnt include Central American ones because just as Mexico was becoming independent the Central American provinces quickly became independent as well, and it wasnt much Iturbide could do about it, and thats pretty much it, besides a war with Guatemala to take the Soconosuco Mexico and central America has each done its own thing.

The north its quite a diferent story, as soon as Mexico became independent the government was persuing repopulating the north, that concern is what prompted the colonization of Texas by American immigrants (and we know how that ended). I dont want to stir up debate, but even today many mexicans believe the north was "stolen". But the important part is that culturaly central Mexico had (and still has) more in common with the far northern cities that would be part of the USA, that with central American ones.

I wouldnt mind adding for example "Paso del Norte" instead of Juarez, thats what the city name was before the Mexican-American war, the mexican half was later renamed to Ciudad Juarez. Other cities could work too, Los Angeles, San Antonio, etc.

Of course not that high on the list because there are more relevant mexican cities, but it could make for some interesting scenarios.
Yep, and the random yield is perfect for replicating farms, plantations, mines and religious purposes.


Exactly! a henequen Hacienda in Yucatan produced diferent yields that say a mining one in Guanajuato, or a Tequila one in Jalisco, despite all working around the same Hacienda system.
I wouldnt include Central American ones because just as Mexico was becoming independent the Central American provinces quickly became independent as well

And also because I'll eventually be making the Federative Republic of Central America

Yeah, we'll go with Haciendas :goodjob:
And also because I'll eventually be making the Federative Republic of Central America

Yeah, we'll go with Haciendas :goodjob:

Damn it. I hadn't realised that you were involved while I was making the city list, and I'm pretty sure I'd heard somewhere you were making Central America (Capital Guatemala, if I recall correctly) but I'll allow someone who knows more about Mexico than I do to change it. :p
Aren't there Haciendas in other Latin countries as well as Mexico?
Yeah we've kinda covered this. Read some of the posts before you and youll find the choice is more than justified.
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