Colonialist Legacies: Histories of the New World | Colonial + Pre-Colonial civs

Where is the download for the Zapotecs (Cosijoeza) mod? I have tried everywhere and I can find no download for it. Does anyone still have a mod file for the civ or is it lost?
Hey, I noticed that the CL mods got taken off steam, if anybody is looking for them, I have most of them right here - , these are just the ones I used so I might not have the one you're looking for, you'll just have to hope someone else had them downloaded and uploads it here.

Ah, thank you so much, this is extremely helpful, i was really disappointed to find out that most of them had been deleted from steam, Such a shame.

Hopefully someone out there has the remaining civs
I do have Afghanistan, one of the Australias and Mexico. Ashinaabe and third Australia are still on Steam as they were collabs. Unsure how to get them somewhere though, so in worst case scenario there are 5 civs lost: Chimu, Coast Sailish, Malaysia, Philippines and Zapotecs
Philippines are still avaliable thru author's resources (downloaded it in case it will be deleted later), so we're only 4 civilisations short from the full list
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Why were they taken off of Steam?
As far as I know they were just removed. I don’t know why, they were there one day and gone the next. I don’t think there was any reason for them getting removed, and I don’t think it was an accident either (They have been gone for about ~6 months).

I would think the only way to get the missing civs would be contacting the authors. I know that Malaysia was removed before the others were removed, and now that there’s Malacca I don’t know if you’d get the download. I know someone asked for the Malaysia download and they got the Malacca download, so I think the Malaysia civ might be the only one that is truly “lost” (if we do get the other missing civs).
Does anybody has the Zapotec mod, i got the game not that long ago and i wanted to play as them :C
Well, it looks like Cuba is another one removed from the Workshop. Anyone happen to have it that they can throw on MEGA/Mediafire?
So I started playing with Vietnam recently and found a bug, then came here to see its known but never fixed? Spent the last couple days working on it, and I think I've solved it.

This is the original DefensiveGWAMSpawn.lua
function GetVietnameseGreatPeopleRateChange(city)
    local greatPeopleRateChange = 0
    if city:IsHasBuilding(GameInfoTypes["BUILDING_WALLS"]) then
        greatPeopleRateChange = greatPeopleRateChange + 10
    if city:IsHasBuilding(GameInfoTypes["BUILDING_CASTLE"]) then
        greatPeopleRateChange = greatPeopleRateChange + 10
    if city:IsHasBuilding(GameInfoTypes["BUILDING_ARSENAL"]) then
        greatPeopleRateChange = greatPeopleRateChange + 10
    if city:IsHasBuilding(GameInfoTypes["BUILDING_MILITARY_BASE"]) then
        greatPeopleRateChange = greatPeopleRateChange + 10
    return greatPeopleRateChange
function VietnameseGreatArtists(playerID)
    local player = Players[playerID]
    if player:IsAlive() and player:GetCivilizationType() == GameInfoTypes["CIVILIZATION_VIETNAM"] then
        for city in player:Cities() do
            local greatPeopleRateChange = GetVietnameseGreatPeopleRateChange(city)
            if greatPeopleRateChange > 0 then
                local currentArtistRate = city:GetGreatPeopleUnitProgress(GameInfoTypes["SPECIALIST_ARTIST"])
                local currentMusiciantRate = city:GetGreatPeopleUnitProgress(GameInfoTypes["SPECIALIST_MUSICIAN"])
                local currentWriterRate = city:GetGreatPeopleUnitProgress(GameInfoTypes["SPECIALIST_WRITER"])
                city:ChangeSpecialistGreatPersonProgressTimes100(GameInfoTypes["SPECIALIST_ARTIST"], currentArtistRate * greatPeopleRateChange / 100)
                city:ChangeSpecialistGreatPersonProgressTimes100(GameInfoTypes["SPECIALIST_MUSICIAN"], currentMusiciantRate * greatPeopleRateChange / 100)
                city:ChangeSpecialistGreatPersonProgressTimes100(GameInfoTypes["SPECIALIST_WRITER"], currentWriterRate * greatPeopleRateChange / 100)

I changed it to this
function GetVietnameseGreatPeopleRateChange(city)
    local greatPeopleRateChange = 0
    if city:IsHasBuilding(GameInfoTypes["BUILDING_WALLS"]) then
        greatPeopleRateChange = greatPeopleRateChange + 10
    if city:IsHasBuilding(GameInfoTypes["BUILDING_CASTLE"]) then
        greatPeopleRateChange = greatPeopleRateChange + 10
    if city:IsHasBuilding(GameInfoTypes["BUILDING_ARSENAL"]) then
        greatPeopleRateChange = greatPeopleRateChange + 10
    if city:IsHasBuilding(GameInfoTypes["BUILDING_MILITARY_BASE"]) then
        greatPeopleRateChange = greatPeopleRateChange + 10
    return greatPeopleRateChange
local VietguildBuildings = {};

for building in GameInfo.Buildings() do
    if building.GreatPeopleRateChange > 0 then
        if building.SpecialistType == "SPECIALIST_ARTIST" or building.SpecialistType == "SPECIALIST_MUSICIAN" or building.SpecialistType == "SPECIALIST_WRITER" then
            table.insert(VietguildBuildings, building);
function VietnameseGreatArtists(playerID)
    local player = Players[playerID]
    if player:IsAlive() and player:GetCivilizationType() == GameInfoTypes["CIVILIZATION_VIETNAM"] then
        local iArtist = GameInfo.Specialists.SPECIALIST_ARTIST.ID
        local iMusician = GameInfo.Specialists.SPECIALIST_MUSICIAN.ID
        local iWriter = GameInfo.Specialists.SPECIALIST_WRITER.ID

        for city in player:Cities() do
            local greatPeopleRateChange = GetVietnameseGreatPeopleRateChange(city)
            if greatPeopleRateChange > 0 then
                local currentArtistPoints = city:GetSpecialistCount(iArtist) * 3;
                local currentMusiciantPoints = city:GetSpecialistCount(iMusician) * 3;
                local currentWriterPoints = city:GetSpecialistCount(iWriter) * 3;

                for buildingID, pBuilding in pairs(VietguildBuildings) do
                    if (city:IsHasBuilding(pBuilding.ID)) then
                        if pBuilding.SpecialistType == "SPECIALIST_ARTIST" then
                            currentArtistPoints = currentArtistPoints + pBuilding.GreatPeopleRateChange;
                        elseif pBuilding.SpecialistType == "SPECIALIST_MUSICIAN" then
                            currentMusiciantPoints = currentMusiciantPoints + pBuilding.GreatPeopleRateChange;
                        elseif pBuilding.SpecialistType == "SPECIALIST_WRITER" then
                            currentWriterPoints = currentWriterPoints + pBuilding.GreatPeopleRateChange;

                city:ChangeSpecialistGreatPersonProgressTimes100(iArtist, math.floor(currentArtistPoints * greatPeopleRateChange / 100) * 100)
                city:ChangeSpecialistGreatPersonProgressTimes100(iMusician, math.floor(currentMusiciantPoints * greatPeopleRateChange / 100) * 100)
                city:ChangeSpecialistGreatPersonProgressTimes100(iWriter, math.floor(currentWriterPoints * greatPeopleRateChange / 100) * 100)

It doesn't interact with other GP rate modifiers and isn't indicated in the tooltips, but I've confirmed it working with no errors! I'll look into fixing those things and perhaps optimizing the code in the future but with the download links disappearing I figured I'd put this here for others to make use of.
As far as I know they were just removed. I don’t know why, they were there one day and gone the next. I don’t think there was any reason for them getting removed, and I don’t think it was an accident either (They have been gone for about ~6 months).

I would think the only way to get the missing civs would be contacting the authors. I know that Malaysia was removed before the others were removed, and now that there’s Malacca I don’t know if you’d get the download. I know someone asked for the Malaysia download and they got the Malacca download, so I think the Malaysia civ might be the only one that is truly “lost” (if we do get the other missing civs).

I actually have the Malaysia and Philippines collecting dust in my hdd for years, never thought it would be considered "lost".
I just uploaded the Malaysia and Philippines civs on MEGA.
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