Installing Mods on Civ5 for Mac

Hello AlanH. Firstly, I have to say: :worship: Thanks for posting this info, it's amazing. I've had CiV for a while but only now am I getting interested in modding, mainly map editing. I believe I have followed all your instructions in their entirety, and they seem to have worked (believe me, I entirely expected to kill my game and most of my mac with it) but there is one final problem blocking my absolute success.

All files are in place, the game loads, it's all going well, but when I get to the menu I get this - obviously:

But none of these menu buttons are responding. They all highlight, and pulse, the menu music is playing fine. But none of the buttons work, I can't even exit the game without going to the dock.

Is there something I have done, or am doing, wrong? Or have I indeed broken my game and my life?

Any help would be awesome if you can spare it?

Thanks again. LP.
Since you say the menus highlight and pulse, it sounds as if Civ5 is the frontmost application, and the mouse cursor is a blue arrow?

I think the caption at the bottom of your screenshot says "Invalid Version Number". It should be displaying the actual version number of your Civ5 installation.

The most likely problem is that you have done something wrong in editing the mainmenu.lua files. Those are the scripts that are responsible for acting on main menu clicks, as well as displaying the version number. If you have corrupted them they will fail to run. There are two of them - see the first post for details - and both must be edited correctly.
I have attached a Keka preferences file to the first post, in Section 5, with instructions on installing it. This allows Keka to be used in its normal Auto-detect mode, and it recognises a xxx.civ5mod file as an archive, and extracts it instead of trying to compress it again.
Since you say the menus highlight and pulse, it sounds as if Civ5 is the frontmost application, and the mouse cursor is a blue arrow?

I think the caption at the bottom of your screenshot says "Invalid Version Number". It should be displaying the actual version number of your Civ5 installation.

The most likely problem is that you have done something wrong in editing the mainmenu.lua files. Those are the scripts that are responsible for acting on main menu clicks, as well as displaying the version number. If you have corrupted them they will fail to run. There are two of them - see the first post for details - and both must be edited correctly.

You were entirely right, Alan, thanks! I'd slipped an erroneous hyphen into on of the .lua files. All the menus and everything are now working. Though now have a NO MODS INSTALLED problem, and they definitely are and in the right folder, too! :rolleyes: I think this modding lark is beyond me.
Did you replace the .xml file? Are you absolutely sure that the mods are fully extracted into their own folders, and placed in the correct location? As far as I can tell, you haven't let on about where you got Civ5 from, so here are both the paths on my system:

Here is the path to my MODS folder for the Mac AppStore Campaign Edition:

~/Library/Containers/com.aspyr.civ5campaign/Data/Library/Application Support/Civilization V Campaign Edition/MODS

Here is the path to my MODS folder for the Steam version:

~/Documents/Aspyr/Sid Meier's Civilization 5/MODS
I recently purchased the Gods and Kings expansion through Steam.

I had been using Mods successfully with Vanilla but ever since I purchased gods and kings, the game crashes after I select the mods I would like to use.

I commented out the new line and replaced the .xls file. I can get into the mods menu with the mods I've downloaded, but when I hit next, the application fails to proceed and I have to force quit.

Did you replace the .xml file? Are you absolutely sure that the mods are fully extracted into their own folders, and placed in the correct location? As far as I can tell, you haven't let on about where you got Civ5 from, so here are both the paths on my system:

Here is the path to my MODS folder for the Mac AppStore Campaign Edition:

~/Library/Containers/com.aspyr.civ5campaign/Data/Library/Application Support/Civilization V Campaign Edition/MODS

Here is the path to my MODS folder for the Steam version:

~/Documents/Aspyr/Sid Meier's Civilization 5/MODS

I'm an AppStore CiV user, and that is exactly the folder I've put the mod folder in, all extracted and everything. The .xml is replaced too. I've done something wrong somewhere, I'm sure, but I've been over the whole process with a fine toothed comb, about dozen times, and I can't figure it out. I'm just fail. Thanks so much for all your help though! What an internet ledge. :)
Try posting a screen shot of your Mods folder as seen in Finder?
This one?

Spoiler :

I have just noticed that within the MODS menu - in game, home of the NO MODS INSTALLED hell - the Options button in the top right is inactive; I don't know if that's symptomatic of an error, or if that's just what it's like when there's no mods installed - as I've never know that joy.
Hmmm. Not very helpful. I was thinking more along the lines of:

This would tell us for sure that you have the right MODS folder.


  • containers.png
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:lol: Wow. I'm an idiot. :blush: Ha. Let's try this?

Spoiler :

I've had to composite it, because... because it's the only way I know how. [Now I think you're getting to grips with why I'm having problems.]
OK, that looks fine. Sorry to ask you to do that, but you seem to have all the obvious things covered, so I'm looking for the less likely issues. And right now, I'm running out of ideas!

I've tried renaming my MODS folder, and putting a new empty MODS folder alongside it. When I run Civ5 now, it displays "NO MODS INSTALLED", but the Options button is not disabled. If I click the Options button I get a message box where I can choose to "Show DLC mods". If I check the box and click OK, I get a list of the DLC mods I have ...

So the fact that your Options button is disabled looks like another symptom of your problem.

Are you certain that you edited BOTH copies of the mainmenu.lua file?

PS. I'm sure you are aware that you have to relaunch CIv5 after you change anything to try to get this working? Changes don't take affect while it's running.


  • DLCMods.png
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Okay. Yep, have been restarting the programme, I've even been restarting my laptop; no avail. I tried your sneaky renaming-the-mod-folder trick and putting in a new one; nothing.

If you will forgive me, I'm going to spam you with screenshots of various bits and pieces, in case there is anything in them which indicates a glaring mess-up I've managed to slip in somewhere. But I think this one is going to have to remain a mystery. :think: Sometime this week I might delete my CiV app, and redownload fresh from the appstore and try the process again. If that doesn't work, I will have to resign myself to not giving my Nederlanders a marshy wonderland, nor my Ethiopians a cocoon of mountains.

Vanilla mainmenu.lua

Spoiler :

DLC mainmenu.lua

Spoiler :

Iamgoofballs installedpanel.xml

Spoiler :

Civ menu.

Spoiler :

Mods warning.

Spoiler :

No mods installed and unclickable Options.

Spoiler :
FWIW, I have been having this same issue with the Steam version of Civ V G&K. I had a HD fail in March sometime, and when I re-downloaded the Steam version and re-edited the files for using Mods, I started seeing the "NO MODS INSTALLED" screen.

Like LordProtector, the "Options" button is non-functional.

If I click the "Next" button on that screen, however, a long pause would ensue, and then it would tell me that the following mods are installed: Ingame Editor (v 30) and R.E.D. Modpack (v 16). I have other mods in the ~/Documents/Aspyr/Sid Meier's Civilization 5/MODS folder, but only these were getting recognized.

After reading through the end of this thread and LordProtector's issues, I thought I might try AlanH's trick of renaming the MODS folder, creating a new one, and restarting the game. Doing this takes me to the same NO MODS INSTALLED screen, but now when hitting the "Next" button, I get taken to a screen that only allows "Single Player," and no mods are recognized (as expected).

Changing the MODS folder back to the original and starting again, this time I get the same behavior -- no mods are recognized at all! So I had it partially working, but now nothing.

This seems to indicate to me that there is something else missing besides the two *.lua files and the *.xml file, as the two of us are experiencing the same issue, one with the AppStore version, and one with the Steam version.

I wonder if there's a modification we need to make to the xml file...
I wish I could help. I have not done anything other than the steps listed in my first post here. My installations are the latest Steam and App Store versions of G&K.

The above test was performed using the App Store version, since that was the one referenced by LordProtector. However, I have now performed the same test for my Steam app, with the same results.

I should also have said that when I reverted the folder name and deleted the empty one, the MODS menu gave me the original set of mods again - in both versions.
Well, after poking around the xml a bit, I'm convinced that is not the problem. I figured something had to have been corrupted somehow. On Steam, I went to Library > right click Civ V game and select "Properties" > Local Files > Verify Integrity of Game Cache...

This came back and told me 4 files needed to be replaced, but didn't tell me which ones. I expected to see 3: both MainMenu.lua files and the InstalPanel.xml file. After allowing Steam to update the files, I went back and fixed the two new MainMenu.lua files, moved the Mods back to their proper folder, and I'm back in business. No more NO MODS INSTALLED nonsense.

So, I'm not sure what files were restored, but LordProtector, I can only recommend you try to reinstall the game from the App Store and start over. That approach seems to have worked in my case, anyway.
So, I'm not sure what files were restored, but LordProtector, I can only recommend you try to reinstall the game from the App Store and start over. That approach seems to have worked in my case, anyway.

I have done exactly this and I am very pleased to say I now have mods.


I have no idea what the problem what, but it clearly must've been something I had done, then corrected, but not correctly, or similar. Needless to say, a brand spanking new copy of the game fixed it and all is well in this world and any others that may exits.

Thank you both for your help, very very much. It has been greatly appreciated.
Hi, I edited the file, but I could only see Civilization V:God's & Kings to show package contents (not both Civ 5 and Civ 5 gods and kings to show package with)... Also I added the 2 hi-fens to the line of code but I'm not sure if I left too big/too small a gap (I don't know if it matters)... I've also copied/pasted the InstalledPanel.xml so I'm not sure what is wrong
Please help :)

But I'm telling you that in my
~/Library/Application Support/Steam/SteamApps/common/sid meier's civilization v/
there is no Civilization, just a Civilization V:Gods &
I changed the Civilization V:Gods & and it still doesn't work.
Also, your example with the hy-fens is used with BBEdit, well I'm not gonna spend money on that programme and the spacing on the TextWrangler version is different so referring to your example to add in the -- doesn't help me lol
Also, I followed goofball's instructions and it says I should replace a file.... Well unfortunately for me the file was never there in the first place, I just copied and pasted it and it had no 'are you sure you want to replace this file' window come up.
I'm pretty confused.
I bought Civ5 in it's disc packet, and I installed civ5 gods and kings + all the other dlc from gift form (a friend gave it to me).
Also, (this might have something to do with it) I remember starting up Civ5 a while ago and it asked me to accept/decline user's agreement to use civ5 gods and kings a while ago when I only had civ 5 installed... It was a bit weird at the time, perhaps that's something that's effecting me trying to fix my civ5 + all the dlc to run mods... I just don't know...
I'd love help from people like you, who have much more knowledge about macs...
I even wonder if I delete every file in steam apart from a few and redownload everything in steam (please tell me if that might help)...

Hi! :)
I've read all this thread but I can't find any solution to my problem. I have the same problem of Lamecodename, i have in the folder ~/Library/Application Support/Steam/SteamApps/common/sid meier's civilization v/
only Civilization V:Gods & and not Civilization (I have bought from Steam the package Gold Edition). I do all what the instructions says, but I can't see the Mods button on the main menu of the game.
Thanks for help me! :confused:
Hi, welcome

Lamecodename seems to have fixed his problem, so I'm sure you can too.

The Civ5 app name seems to appear differently depending on how you have installed, and when. It really doesn't matter what it is called. There should only be one application file in that folder, and that is the one you have to edit.

I can only suggest that you go into Steam, delete the local files for Civ5, and then try to download the game again. When you have done so, follow every instruction in the first post exactly as they are written. If you do not understand any of them, do not guess how to deal with it. Come back and ask for clarification.
Hi, welcome

Lamecodename seems to have fixed his problem, so I'm sure you can too.

The Civ5 app name seems to appear differently depending on how you have installed, and when. It really doesn't matter what it is called. There should only be one application file in that folder, and that is the one you have to edit.

I can only suggest that you go into Steam, delete the local files for Civ5, and then try to download the game again. When you have done so, follow every instruction in the first post exactly as they are written. If you do not understand any of them, do not guess how to deal with it. Come back and ask for clarification.

In the folder I have only 1 file that is Civilization V:Gods & and nothing else...
I'll try to re-download the game from steam, thanks for now! :goodjob:
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