Bin Laden offers Europe a truce

Bozo Erectus

Master Baker
Jan 22, 2003
An Arab television network has aired an audiotape said to be from Osama Bin Laden in which he offers Europe a truce if it "stops attacking Muslims".
However in the tape, aired by the al-Arabiya satellite channel on Thursday, the voice said the truce would not be extended to the US, Reuters reported.

The person on the tape also vowed to avenge Israel's killing of Hamas' spiritual leader Ahmed Sheikh Yassin.

The authenticity of the tape could not be immediately verified.

The tape also refers to the 11 March bombings in Madrid, Spain and the events of 11 September 2001.

It said the attacks were payment for US and Spanish actions in Iraq, Afghanistan and the Palestinian territories.

"What happened on September 11 and March 11 are your goods returned to you, so that you know security is a necessity for all," the voice said.

Earlier tapes

The tape also reportedly criticises US policy for ignoring the "real problem" which is "the occupation of all of Palestine", the Associated Press reported.

And it condemns the recent US-led conflict in Iraq as a money-making scheme for companies making weapons or aiding reconstruction efforts - specifically naming the American firm Halliburton, AP said.

Several tapes purporting to be by Osama Bin Laden have surfaced since the 11 September attacks - which the US has blamed on his al-Qaeda network.

The most recent, broadcast in January by the Arab satellite television channel al-Jazeera, condemned the occupation in Iraq and attacked Arab nations which supported the war.

The US Central Intelligence Agency (CIA) later said that analysis indicated the voice on the January tape was that of Osama Bin Laden.

What a canny old emmereffer Bin Laden is. He's trying to further isolate the U.S. from its allies. The audacity of the guy is amazing! You think this strategy can succeed?
I don't think it'll happen. The odd country may withdraw forces from Iraq etc, but I couldn't see Britain, for example, calling a truce - imagine the reaction of the US if they did!!
Bullsh!t just another Al Qaeda attempt to spread misinformation and dissension among its enemies.

What do they mean "truce"?
That Europe should just turn a blind eye to all the terrorists based there so that AQ doesn't attack the:p
Sept 11 was payment for American actions in Afghanistan & Iraq - prior to them happening?
I don't see why Laden is even bothering with this, Bush is doing a fine job of alienating us from our allies.
An Arab television network has aired an audiotape said to be from Osama Bin Laden in which he offers Europe a truce if it "stops attacking Muslims".

That would mean pulling out of Afghanistan, not just those participating in Iraq.

The tape also reportedly criticises US policy for ignoring the "real problem" which is "the occupation of all of Palestine".

Does the word "all" mean here that Israel has to disappear?
Originally posted by sourboy
Sept 11 was payment for American actions in Afghanistan & Iraq - prior to them happening?

Clinton fired missles at his bases in Afghanistan in retaliation for embassy bombings. Iraq would be for Gulf War One and the ensuing sanctions.
Al Qaeda doesn't see this in terms of a War on Terror or somethign, but as a great war to end Western culture and civilization as we know it:p
Well, all that he is asking is that we stop 'atacking Muslims'. I don't think that is such a bad idea (and please, don't tell me that agreeing with Bin Laden on this is supporting terrorism).
Originally posted by allhailIndia
Al Qaeda doesn't see this in terms of a War on Terror or somethign, but as a great war to end Western culture and civilization as we know it:p

Perhaps as a long (very long) range goal. More immediately I think he envisions a Pan-Islamic theocracy spanning from North Africa to the Pacific.
So what, they lose spain? they never needed there wimpy support anyway.
Originally posted by CenturionV
So what, they lose spain? they never needed there wimpy support anyway.

Since much of the fighting by the Islamic extremists is done to reclaim Muslim lands, Spain is in a very dangerous position geographically and historically.
Europe isn't attacking all the muslims, anyway. Just the ones who are mad, bad and dangerous to know.

The message back should be that we do not negotiate with terrorists.
Originally posted by Jorge
Well, all that he is asking is that we stop 'atacking Muslims'. I don't think that is such a bad idea (and please, don't tell me that agreeing with Bin Laden on this is supporting terrorism).

BY doing what?

Withdrawing from Saudi Arabia, Iraq and Afghanistan?

Then he'll ask the Spaniards to "give" Spain back to the Arabs.
Then he'll ask us Indians to "give" Kashmir back to the Muslims.
Then he'll ask the Israelis to go jump into the sea:p

Haven't you read any history?

This guy doesn't care how many Muslims die or get killed by his actions, as long as he is seen as a great Martyr amd gains more popularity and fame among the Muslim people in the world
I didn't think Al-Qaeda is controlled by Bin Laden, rather it is a series of radical Islamic Fundamentalist terrorist cells who have loosely combined in the face of a common enemy. So, I'm not exactly sure how Bin Laden would implement any such truce.
"And it condemns the recent US-led conflict in Iraq as a money-making scheme for companies making weapons or aiding reconstruction efforts - specifically naming the American firm Halliburton, AP said. "

Tell me something I don't know!
Originally posted by allhailIndia
BY doing what?

Withdrawing from Saudi Arabia, Iraq and Afghanistan?

Then he'll ask the Spaniards to "give" Spain back to the Arabs.
Then he'll ask us Indians to "give" Kashmir back to the Muslims.
Then he'll ask the Israelis to go jump into the sea:p

Haven't you read any history?

This guy doesn't care how many Muslims die or get killed by his actions, as long as he is seen as a great Martyr amd gains more popularity and fame among the Muslim people in the world

I said I agreed with him in stopping attacking Muslims (not because he offers a truce, just because I think is the right thing to do anyway). I said nothing about giving them back any territory that has not been theirs for some centuries.
Originally posted by EzInKy
Since much of the fighting by the Islamic extremists is done to reclaim Muslim lands, Spain is in a very dangerous position geographically and historically.

It's a very old tactic to convince others that they are in danger so they have to fight. Spain started to be in a dangerous position with respect to muslim fanatics the day Aznar decided to work together with Bush.
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