There is No U.S. War Against ISIS

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I thought I might have detected a pro-Russiam propaganda bend to the OP, but I didn't want to rush to judgement. You left little doubt now though.
So? I do condone Putins self-defense response to New World Order fraud & aggression in Syria.

That Putin, good guy who doesn't oppress anyone.
Oh dear. What kind of oppression? Speaking of corruption, why are the UK, US & Israel supporting ISIS? Doing so is criminal.
Yeah, I guess dropping dumb bombs and cluster bombs on dense urban areas could be called that.
So? I do condone Putins self-defense response to New World Order fraud & aggression in Syria.

Is threatening the Ukraine in self-defense as well? I'm sure there is a positive spin you could add to it. You want to put the most extremely negative spin possible on the West and then you put halos on Russian interests. Maybe your entire world view is out of whack. Just a thought.

What kind of oppression? Speaking of corruption

That's a bad transition you tried to make there. Condoning the beating up of gay youth, putting political dissidents in jail, mysterious deaths and having a very shady past and connections himself that is all public record. Why not put the pieces together there as well, it seems like a blindspot you have.

Why are the UK, US & Israel supporting ISIS? Doing so is criminal.

They aren't, it's pretty nuts that you think so.
Was threatening the Ukraine in self-defense as well? I'm sure there is a positive spin you could add to it. You want to put the most extremely negative spin possible on the West and then you put halos on Russian interests. Maybe your entire world view is out of whack. Just a thought.
Unfortunately the conflict in Ukraine may have had simple diplomatic solution but the powers that be didnt care for that.

They aren't, it's pretty nuts that you think so.
Not officialy but its obvious just like Al Queda server some purpose in Afganistan against the Soviets ISIS can be very useful tool as well.

Just answer yourself one simple question: who was buying oil from ISIS all these years?
I dont know man. I dont trust very much the western media anymore. It wasnt the Russians who trained 10K of "rebels" to fuel up the sectarian conflict to depose legal government and turn beautiful and functioning country into rubbish. If this is the secret hand of democracy than heaven help us...

A beautiful and functioning country. Well sure, I guess it was a few steps up from Somalia.

Modern munitions are expensive, guided ones much more so. Shortages of precision munitions is not a uniquely Russian phenomenon but its loose ROE more or less is.
That's a bad transition you tried to make there. Condoning the beating up of gay youth, putting political dissidents in jail, mysterious deaths and having a very shady past and connections himself that is all public record. Why not put the pieces together there as well, it seems like a blindspot you have.

Putin is defending Russia from aggression & subversion from Rothschild & Soros. Thats why he applied for arrest warrants with Interpol to apprehend them for their long list of heinous crimes. Prosecuting them should be the worlds foremost priority-
Is threatening the Ukraine in self-defense as well?
Absolutely it is. Actually Ill rephrase that. He didnt threaten "Ukraine". He countered warmongering by Rothschilds devil puppet, the EU-SSR. I demand a referendum by the majority of Ukrainians and an investigation of Soros operatives.
I'm sure there is a positive spin you could add to it. You want to put the most extremely negative spin possible on the West and then you put halos on Russian interests.

Until the hypocritical "West" prosecutes Rothschild, Soros, Rockefeller, Tavistock & the CFR, their edicts & demands are illegitimate.
Obama said the war in Iraq was over was over 4.5 years ago.
That is why there is no "war" against ISIS right now.
False. Obama lied.
Just answer yourself one simple question: who was buying oil from ISIS all these years?

This is a good question, and I had to look it up. AJ and the FT says that Russia says it is Turkey, Turkey says it is Russia via Assad (??) but really it is complicated and we will never know for sure:

the grim reality is that black markets have a highly organised and extensive web of shadow partners and clients, who are attracted by the money, irrespective of their nationalities, religious beliefs or principles, if they have any, and are active in Iraq, Syria and Turkey.

Investigators may be lucky to identify a couple of individuals or organisations, but it would be naive to believe that such a complex system can be easily exposed.

The group sells most of its crude directly to independent traders at the oil fields. In a highly organised system, Syrian and Iraqi buyers go directly to the oil fields with their trucks to buy crude. This used to result in them waiting for weeks in traffic jams that sprawled for miles outside of oilfields. But since airstrikes against oil vehicles intensified, Isis revamped its collection system. Now, when truckers register outside the field and pick up their number in line, they say they are told exactly what time they can return to fill up to avoid a pile-up of vehicles and make a more obvious target for strikes.
A beautiful and functioning country. Well sure, I guess it was a few steps up from Somalia..

I have it from people who visited the place some years prior to the conflict: good universities, good healthcare and infrustructure. Whats more people of different ethnicity and religions coexisting peacefully together. I dont think there is much left of Christian communities left in Syria or Iraq. Just like there is not much left from the infrustructure. Are you of an opinion this is what sane people should strife for? And what was the role of the West, Sauds and the Turks in all this? and what were the motives?

I see a plane then cut // and then the bombs - not very impressive...

from the article:
Other militaries also kill civilians with misdirected air strikes. This happened multiple times in NATO and U.S. air campaigns in Iraq, Afghanistan, Yemen, Libya and Kosovo.

Just this month a U.S. air strike on a hospital in the Afghan city of Kunduz killed at least 23 people, according to the charity running the hospital.

In Georgia, Russian strikes were often on target, helping its military quickly overwhelm the Georgian armed forces.

Is Syria paying a high price (and for what)? When I want to honestly answer that question I think I need to put it into perspective. Whos money and interests are behind the conflict? Frankly I dont see Russia as an answer....

Anyone who worked in either private or public sector is painfully aware of how people are incompetent and clueless at EVERY level. A functioning NWO would be a massive relief, because at least somebody would have a plan for the massive crappola that is this world, even if they weren't competent.

To give you a hint: NWO doesnt mean there is less incompetence and cluelessness you see on smaller scale. It just means that everything (its value and usefulness) is being judged from the point of view of few (an elite) who have even less clue to the needs of the larger humanity. The present day various crisis and geopolitical mess are telling enough...

Personally I feel like the current NWO is a little too lax in it's handling of secrets. If people such as SLAAKMAN are able to discover it's plans then there is something really wrong in the PR department.
Psychopats are often for various reasons acting simmilarly. They dont necesssarily need to keep everything secret:
"Our society is run by insane people for insane objectives.
I think we're being run by maniacs for maniacal ends and I think I'm liable to be put away as insane for expressing that.
That's what's insane about it."
John Lennon.

I'm pretty satisfied with the current NWO, but there is always room for improvement. A Newer World Order perhaps.

There is always a hope, right?
So is the New World Order the same as the Illuminati or are they two different things?
The NWO is same the concept of Utopia formulated by the Illuminati who originated within the Freemason cult.
Brave woman-

Link to video.

US Secretary of State John Kerry’s visit to Italy was disrupted by a cry of protest at his joint press conference with Italian Foreign Minister Paolo Gentiloni, when a woman in the audience shouted, “it’s you who created Daesh!” The press conference was coming to an end, when the woman stood up from the public, her head covered up by a black veil.

“It’s you who created Daesh!” she shouted at the two ministers, using another name for the terror group Islamic State (IS, formerly ISIS/ISIL), reported the Italian state-owned television channel RAI.
The woman was dragged away from the conference by the Carabinieri.
After meeting with Gentiloni, Kerry said he was convinced that the US-led international coalition would “crush ISIS” eventually. His Italian counterpart expressed much more caution.

“There have been steps forward on the ground with respect to the Paris summit. But no triumphalism is warranted, we must continue the armed effort in Iraq," Gentiloni said.

He added that in the fight against IS “important progress has been made,” although “we are faced with a very resilient organization and therefore we must not underestimate it.” The protester in Italy is not the first to accuse Washington of aiding the rise of IS. One former US Marine has blamed the self-proclaimed caliphate on the US invasion of Iraq in 2003.

“I knew what I was seeing was wrong, I knew it was immoral, I knew it was unjust, I knew it was illegal,” Vincent Emanuele told RT in December 2015,“ and “I knew that we would pay severe consequences in the form of the blowback as we are seeing with groups like ISIS.”

In 2012, the US Defense Intelligence Agency (DIA) warned the government that “there is the possibility of establishing a declared or undeclared Salafist principality in eastern Syria… and this is exactly what the supporting powers to the opposition want, in order to isolate the Syrian regime.”

The Obama administration made a “willful decision” to ignore the warning, former DIA Director Lieutenant General Michael Flynn told Al Jazeera in August of last year."
Putin is defending Russia from aggression & subversion from Rothschild & Soros. Thats why he applied for arrest warrants with Interpol to apprehend them for their long list of heinous crimes. Prosecuting them should be the worlds foremost priority-

And there we have it, folks--apparently the world is controlled by a secret (but apparently not that secret) cabal of evil Jews.
And there we have it, folks--apparently the world is controlled by a secret (but apparently not that secret) cabal of evil Jews.
So what if they are Jewish? Many Jews disapprove of Soros as well considering he collaborated with the Nazis in WWII.
warpus said:
Fools, the people in charge the new world order is a cabal of evil Gypsies. How easily the illuminati have pulled wool over your eyes

Don't forget the Freemasons and the Rand Corporation.
I heard the Illuminati have a wicked scheme to kidnap four of the Cardinals of the Catholic Church. They're going to brutally murder them and brand them with strange symbols and leave subtle clues to the murders strewn throughout Rome. In order to prove the infallibility of science they are going to steal a small sample of antimatter and blow up the Vatican. Their diabolical plot can only be thwarted by a Harvard professor of symbology and an attractive, Italian scientist. Its the truth I tell you! :mischief:
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