The line of Taurnaina


2 years of waiting...
Jun 17, 2002
Welcome! I am Noldodan Taurnaina, chronicler of these tales of my ancestors. They begin around 4000 BC, the beginning of history itself.

We enter our story a few years after Nambanoldo and Poldohtar joined the Jade Commandoes. Nambanoldo is in Noval Gontsky's hut, with a sullen, hollow look to his eyes, waiting for the aging Warlord to enter, which he does presently.

Noval: Namba! What is wrong? Did one of your projects break?

Namba: Well... Sort of... You see... (He loses his concentrations and breaks out into sobbing)

Noval, walking around behind Namba in a paternal way: What? What happened?

Namba: Well... You know that "raft" that I was building by the lake? (Noval nods) Well, Poldohtar had an idea: why not use it for fishing? You know how much he liked fishing. Well, I saw him go out and... He just kept going, and shouting to me... Then the raft sank, and so did he... I kept on calling and calling, but he never came up... (He begins sobbing again)

Noval: So that's why you called me in here... And so soon after your father's death...


(The scene changes to a larger, somewhat grander hut. Nambanoldo is kneeling beside the only furniture in the room, a bed with a dying man in it...)

Perianoldo: Son... I am dying... My only wish... (He takes a deep, wheezy breath) My last wish... Is that you will head the scholars... However few there may be...

Nambanoldo: But I am not a scholar! I only have the skill with my hands! I cannot direct our people's science! Dad! Dad! Don't die...

Back to the "present"

Namba: Yes. I... cannot continue with my inventing. I will retire, and raise what family I may with Vanyalinte...

Noval: Well. I am sorry to see you go, but I understand. But… Could you come in from time to time to help our new inventors?

Nambo, giving Noval a wry smile: Of course I can. Now, with your leave…

Noval: Of course. You may go. And if either you or Vanyalinte ever need, anything, you know where to come. (Nambo leaves the hut, gestures Vanyalinte to come, and exits the camp.)
(9 years later...)

(Nambanoldo and Vanyalinte have settled down, and had a son named Poldohtar, in honor of his father's friend. He is just like his namesake skilled in the use of the bow, sling, sharp stick and axe. Everything was going well until...)

Poldo, coming into his father's hut: Ummm... Dad? I think I did something... Bad...

Namba, looking up from a desk with a complicated-looking model on it: What is it this time? Did you shoot someone? It's the only thing you haven't done yet.

Poldo: Well, actually, yes. (Seeing his father's face) It wasn't on purpose! I was aiming for this bird, and the arrow kinda broke when I was shooting it and... well... I hit Markus.

Namba: Markus? The Despot!

Poldo: Well, yeah. But that Stuck guy stabbed him with a knife right then and... He said he was Despot now.

Namba: Stuck? DESPOT? He couldn't lead a sheep to plains, regardless of the fact that he's in the middle of them! I need to do something about this...
(Now that Nambanoldo is dead, Poldohtar must figure out how to kill Stuck Aza Peesea, keeping the family honor, while staying alive to keep the line alive...)

(It is late, the night after the Barbarian attack. Out of the darkness, a figure approaches Poldohtar's hut, stirring him from his troubled sleep. The figure leaves a note, and swiftly leaves, cloak swishing. Poldo groggily stumbles to the door, opens it to see if someone is there, then notices the note and picks it up. He reads it, then sighs to himself...)
After his failed assassination attempt, Poldohtar settled down. He made his own way during the famine by using his innate skill at hunting to feed himself and occasionally a starving villager as well. After the famine, he met Maltatari at a festival to celebrate the coming of spring. They were together for a few years, then got married 6 years after the assassination attempt. It was then that she discovered that Poldohtar was haunted by his past, muttering in the night.

But, still and all, they survived together. They had a son that year, and named him Laitatan, Blessed Man in the tongue that Poldohtar had inherited out of the past. He was as fine a child as any parent could ask for. But even with this, Poldohtar still muttered in the night, "Stukkkkk...."
A dark figure walks up to Poldohtar's hut in the night, and goes inside. He reaches over to Poldohtar...

Man: Poldohtar, wake up. (Shakes Poldohtar a little.)

Poldohtar (Sleepily): Hmm... What?

Man: Poldohtar, you and your family must leave with me immediately.

Poldohtar: What? Why? Who are you? (Poldohtar gets up)

Man: Do not worry. We must leave now, before they come.

Poldohtar: Who?

Man: No time to explain. Let's go. (As man walks to door) Also, I am Anomy.

Poldohtar gets his wife and child and follow Anomy away from the hut. Moments later, guards burn the hut to the ground.
OOC: What's going on? It's your show, Civanator, although I think I may know what's going on.
Caesarus was just telling friends about his splendid friendship with Poldothar when a messenger came in.

Messenger: They have taken Poldothar.

Caesarus: To where?

Messenger: I know not.

Caesarus: Quick, get me my cloak and slingshot. We're going on a manhunt.

Caesarus and the messenger, who turns out to be Caesruses best friend leave the table grab a pack and barge out the door and into the night.

OOC: Civanator, Noldodan. If you haven't noticed I wish to join the story. If you could PM me some clues/info so I could keep writing that would be great. Thanks. :)
Originally posted by naervod
OOC: Civanator, Noldodan. If you haven't noticed I wish to join the story. If you could PM me some clues/info so I could keep writing that would be great. Thanks. :)

I don't even know what's going on! But sure, you can join in the insanity.
Originally posted by Civanator
OOC: Okay. Anomy, a mercenary just saved Poldohtar from the Royal Guards. The Royal Guards were sent to kill Poldohtar. Anomy saved him before they got there. I'll PM the rest to you.

I suspected something like that...
Anomy leads them to a hut in the woods. There they see Antonius and Aurelia.

Anomy: Here they are. The hut was burned to the ground, unfortunately. Antonius, you do know that Atrous is protecting Aza.

Antonius: Yes, I do. Thank you Anomy. Poldohtar, I'm glad you are okay. We must discuss our futures. Aza has the Royal Guard looking for you, which isn't a good thing. They aren't looking for me though. I will protect you until this is over.

Poldohtar: Why now? Why not before?

Antonius: I don't know. But we must work together to survive.

Anomy: Anything else I must do? If not I will go scout the area.

Antonius: No, you may go scout now. Poldohtar, settle down and make yourself at home. I probably won't be here when you wake up, but Anomy will be here.

Poldohtar, Maltatari, and Laitatan settle down and sleep. But Poldohtar still mumbles, "Stukkkkkk...."
Aza: I hereby announce that I sent the Royal Guard to kill Poldohtar. I thought that he was too dangerous, as I believe he tried to kill me.
It is now the morning after the escape. Poldohtar wakes up, gets out of the hut and sees...

Poldohtar: What? You! How- how did you get here? WHY?

Scholar #1: We cannot let one of our own be singled out and killed. Besides, you are our best researcher. We would never have discovered that copper made good weapons without you. (OOC: That is allowed, as copper weapons were before bronze) As for how we got here… At first we followed the guards, then Anomy spotted us and led us here. And here we are, to help you in your plight. We even brought your tools!

Poldohtar: But I stopped researching 9 years ago! I’m not about to start again now!

Scholar #2: Well, we had hoped that you would, as you need to find some way of striking back at Stuk and Atrous. Finding a way to improve on your copper weaponry seems like the best way.

Poldohtar: Well… I guess you have a point there…

So Poldohtar, in his exile helped to improve on the copper weapons, leading to the discovery of bronze…
Antonius walks in with Anomy's cloak, which has a blood stain and teeth marks.

Antonius(Sadly): Anomy is dead. He died saving Aurelia from a huge cat with sharp teeth.

Poldohtar: How terrible!

Antonius buries Anomy's cloak beside the hut, leaving his bow to forever remember him.
Caesarus and his friend walk into the hut with the skin of a cat

Caesarus: I am so glad we found you friend Poldothar! We were extremely worried about you.

Poldothar: Worried about me? Bah, silliness. So, how are you old friend?

Caesarus: I'm OK, I just had an encounter with a stranger cat, but my friend and I were able to kill it and skin it for fur. However, there was a strange mark on the hide of the beast.

Poldothar: Hmmm, let me take a look.

Caesarus hands the fur to Poldothar

Poldothar: Good Lord, it is the mark of Atrous! He is using wildcats to try and hunt us down! They also have that nature lady, I believe her name is Romana. That could be a problem.

Caesarus: Don't worry, with a group of people like us, no one will get away, if they even find us!

To be continued...
Warriors are marching toward the rebel encampment.
Aza: Come with me, my great warriors! We will seek out the rebels and destroy them. Our main target is Laitatan Taurnaina, the new rebel leader. Other people in the encampment (such as Antonius) are targets as well.
The warriors arrive in the encampment. Aza draws his knife. Laitatan is standing with a bow and arrow in front of them. The other rebels stand behind him with other weapons.
Aza: Let the battle begin!
The warriors charge the rebels.
OOC: Permission to attack the rebels was granted by Atrous. This battle is now for Octavian to decide.
OOC: Those are the rebels Aza's troops are up against, not that Antony will be fighting, as he is an infant.
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