Term 3 - Official Instruction Thread


Nov 2, 2001
South Florida
This thread shall serve as the official instruction thread for all of Term 3. Officials (including the President, the Vice President, members of the Executive Council, Governors, and members of the Judiciary) may post in this thread only.

  1. No discussions in this thread.
  2. Each official should create only one post in this thread, and should edit that post as often as he/she sees fit.
  3. Non-officials should not post in this thread. If you wish to debate or discuss a leader's instructions, do so in a separate thread.
  4. Posts should be used solely to provide instructions for use by the DP during play.
  5. Instructions can be as specific or as general in nature as the official desires.

Designated Player Instructions:
When to Play:
  • Our Green Hours (Official Time Clock) are from 0500-1159 GMT (that's 0100-0759 EDT and 2200-0359 PDT). Unless authorized by the President, do not play the game during these hours.
  • We are granted 4 hours every turn to play the game and pass it on to the next team. These hours commence the moment we receive the game via e-mail and our Green Hours do count as a part of these 4 hours. During the first two of these four hours, every effort should be made to locate the President or Vice President so that he or she may play the game. Afterwards, the highest ranking player in the chain of command should play the game as soon as possible.
What to do as Designated Player:
  1. Download the game. Use the webmail portal within CFC. Do not use a 3rd party client as these apps often remove all files from the server after checking for messages.
  2. Load the game from the main menu, using patch 1.21f. The in-game password is: kfaeruj635asd.
  3. Join the #demogame_CFC_MSDG channel to conduct the turn chat. Feel free to make announcements in #civfanatics so that other citizens may join the chat.
  4. Play the turn, following any instructions posted in this thread. If instructions are missing or insufficient, use your best judgement. Unless there is sufficient time to wait for assistance (ie. the 4 hours have not yet passed), the turn must be played and forwarded.
  5. Take Screenshots of pertinent information (overall map, city screens, new troop sightings, etc...). Except for the Full size World Map, all screenshots should be reduced in size so that they are no larger than 800x600 pixels.
  6. End the turn. Save the Game in the format "Mao of the Fanatikese <Date>.SAV" (ie. Mao of the Fanatikese 2030BC.SAV) and Exit.
  7. Send the "Mao of the Fanatikese <Date>.SAV" file to the following people: borc@cylusion.com, darekill@gmx.de, team-webring@gmx.net, and Thors-Enkel@Lycos.de. Be sure to cc intersitepbem@mongoose201.com. Be sure to send the correct save!
  8. After sending the save, be sure to post in the UN thread. You don't need to say much, just that the save's been sent to GWT.
  9. Upload the screenshots to our secure web server under the appropriate graphics folders. Each department has a subfolder for the various screenshots. Try to keep the site organized.
  10. Modify the index_news.html and gamedate.js files to coincide with the current turn.
  11. Post a turn thread in this forum with a summary of events and a link to the secure site.
What to update on the secure site:
Substitute the game date (in ___bc or ___ad format - ie. 775bc or 1969ad) in place of <date> in the list below.
All Screenshots, except for Map (World), must be no larger than 800x600 pixels.
[b]City Screenshots[/b]
  Shen Ling	graphics\domestic\<date>-shenling.jpg
  Zhi Gang	graphics\domestic\<date>-zhigang.jpg
  Cha Ching	graphics\domestic\<date>-chaching.jpg
  [i]and so on...[/i]

[b]Advisor Screenshots[/b]
  Domestic	graphics\domestic\<date>-dom.jpg
  Trade		graphics\trade\<date>-tra.jpg
  Military	graphics\military\<date>-mil.jpg
  Foreign	graphics\foreign\<date>-for.jpg
  Culture	graphics\culture\<date>-cul.jpg
  Science	graphics\science\<date>-sci.jpg
  Demographics	graphics\stats\<date>-stats.jpg

[b]Other Screenshots[/b]
  Scores	graphics\_scores.gif
  Palace	graphics\_palace.jpg (only if palace updated during turn)
  Map (Local)	graphics\<date>-map.jpg
  Map (World)	graphics\<date>-map-full.jpg

[b]Files to Modify[/b]
  [i]gamedate.js[/i] - You must change the date in this file to correspond
to the current game date.  Use negative numbers for BC (ie. 775 BC = -775).

  [i]index-news.html[/i] - You can include summaries and other news items in
this file.  This is not required, but it is encouraged so that we can keep
a history of our nation in a centralized location.
It seems long, and you should expect to spend at least an hour doing all of this, at least until you get familiar with the process (I can do it in about 15 minutes now).

I hope I haven't left anything out. If so, I will update this list accordingly.
Military Department's Orders

Continue the Defensive war. Also, I request the most Recent updated maps to be uploaded so that I can make a more Accurate Battle plans.
-Make sure GCA isn't getting their troops anywhere near here

-Try not to intimidate GCA at the moment
The orders are being discussed in the turn threads and at chats. (I think...)
Not officially before turn 135. We have just had a few government position changes, but they were mid'term elections, due to emergency.
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