TSG103 After Action

First GOTM in quite a while, but this one looked fun. Turn 181 finish. Kept Shaka confined to his capital and, after eliminating him, took out Warsaw. Paused at that point for Chivalry (got it on turn 125) and my first army then plowed through Greece (had to raze two cities on the way to Athens), India (Great Wall; razed Mumbai) and Sukhothai (which was in a particularly tricky spot -- lost 3 CAs to those nasty elephants). Second army took Amsterdam and Tenochtitlan. Could have sped things up a bit if I had built more horsemen before getting Chivalry.

Game: Civ5 GOTM 103
Date submitted: 2015-02-28 10:55:14
Reference number: 32358
Your name: Browd
Game status: Domination Victory
Game date: 1210AD
Turns played: 181
Base score: 1207
Final score: 3352
Time played: 3:30:00
Submitted save: Harun al-Rashid_0181 AD-1210.Civ5Save
Renamed file: Browd_C510301.Civ5Save
What mod is it Acken is using?: The one were you see the all leaders on the right side of the screen and units on the left side

I also seen screenshots were you see a big picture of your own leader on the right side of the screen. Anyone know where and how to get theese?
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