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Screenshot of the Day #59: Cloaking


Oct 25, 2000
In the Star Trek: The Next Generation episode "Pegasus", Enterprise was able to pass thru an asteroid unscathed, thanks to a cloaking technology secretly developed by the Federation. The nuclear submarine in today's screenshot seems to have the same cloaking capability...

It is a peninsula and when I ordered my nuclear submarine to go from one side of the peninsula to another it took a "shortcut" and went right through the island. About halfway thought the island it stopped waited for a second and sunk, I was able to get a screenshot before it dived in the "wattery grassplains". This map does not have modivied rules either.


Thanks to Alric for the screenshot.
Well I think that it took alot out of the sub to get overland and thus it quickly sunk.Guess it need better shields lol.....dread
Ah! that's because the scientifics developed a new kind of weapon :
the Sub-mar-Mole.
unfortunately this weapon was a prototipe and failed.
Great.. grasslands growing Subs. Must be some new Jared marketing campaign.

Sweet onion chicken teryaki, anyone?
you guys missed the other scifi television reference...this submarine was obviously left on the land by aliens after the sub helped fight an alien war...just like the SeaQuest! :rotfl:
it doesn't have a health bar because it was moving. When units move their health bars do not show, they only show then the unit is stationary. Its weird it just stopped halfway and sunk.
Perhaps somebody used thier chronospere from Red Alert 2 to get rid of your sub.
Well, it probably ended it's turn on grassland = impossible place to be for a sub! The Captain certainly has my understanding for ordering abandon ship.
Are you sure the graphic wasn't edited?
Cool! It reminds of a the other SOTDs where there were odd things going on: pond fish, desert fish, desert iron, and so on...
Ah, hbdragon88, you have something there... It was a _nuclear_ sub so perhaps it's reactor core melted (because it didn't have an entertainer on board) which then caused global warming and terraforming. :)
If the unit is moving shouldn't it be so that the Galleon would not be selected?
I'm with Chieftess. This looks suspicious. Two reasons:

1. It's not in square. When units are at rest or moving from square to square, they start and end in one of the grid boxes. This one is in between. Which leads to 2...

2. If a print screen was taken during movement, it is unlikly to be done while in movement (is this possible?), meaning it would occur in the slight pause while at rest in one of the boxed grids. And if it is moving, it should be highlighted, not the galleon, as Shinan pointed out.
Pembroke, hbdragon88... How about the reactor core melted and EXPLODED and the giant explosion threw it on the ground? :) Or it might have been a tornado...

Shinan, ukrneal... Maybe the _Galeon_ was edited into the picture?:)
Look at the sub closely. There is a tiny bit of the health bar that was not trimmed off before it was pasted in. The game would either show a healthbar or not. The game does not trim a healthbar - ever.
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