NiNES: A Broken Galaxy


Fully Functional
GOTM Staff
Dec 21, 2004
57°47'55"N 12°09'16"E

When man in 2421 AD finally managed to learn how to really get off planet earth, it was no huge surprise that he would go on a spree of resource exploitation where possible, colonization where manageable, with lots of general pushing and shoving and elbowing to go with it. The first missions were sponsored by various nations; China was the first off, sending a virtually fruitless (but with massive bragging rights) expedition to Alpha Centauri. India, the European Union and the United Pacific States (what used to be the western parts of old USA) were not far behind, and no more successful. But none of them would be allowed to keep the initiative for long. From the moment that true space exploitation went from not just a dream to a possibility, but from a possibility to a reality, several multinational huge-scale venture capital corporations were set up with the sole purpose of getting to the juciest pieces first. Discussions in the UN about regulations for exploitation were largely (read completely) ignored, and where nations bickered, companies prevailed.

The next 30 or so years was a race not unlike the gold rushes of ancient history (aka 19th century), but with far more resources involved - both the ones being grabbed, and the ones utilized in grabbing them. Companies established their own domains, staking out whole systems and vehemently defending them against incursions by all means possible, violence being the rule rather than the exception.

After the initial rush to stake out systems, earth saw a veritable exodus. Space Conglomerations payed handsomely for workers for their mining platforms and factories, and charged "reasonable" prices for breathtaking seaview vistas on pristine terra-like planets (wanting to bring markets closer to the production sites), and many colonies quickly grew to large sizes. Another reason for the exodus was that all manner of political and religious organizations saw the opportunity to build just the society they had always longed for, but never had the chance back home on Earth. Polarization of people was in many places utterly complete. Whatever the reasons and outcomes, Earth quickly became a much less crowded place, but somehow managed remarkably well nonetheless.

During all this time, arms dealers saw a gold rush of their own (not to mention a good deal of them where already involved as venture capitalists) as the companies continued to compete over resources and systems. Things escalated more or less out of hand, until the Rimaldi incident in 2489 AD when a Neo-Zoroastrian colony of some 10 000 people was utterly destroyed when an asteroid was pushed to crash on it by a Cruiser from a company wanting to discredit the owners and landlords of the colony system. More from fear of losing future income than any genuine concern over human lives, all major players in the colonization race came to an agreement, where basic rules of conduct were set up.

For a while space became a bit less violent, but warring continued behind the curtains. Economic warfare, sabotage, anything imaginable. Little of this ever reached the attention of the larger populace though, and life in space prospered. Technological discoveries increased this prosperity even more, as drone workers took over menial tasks, built-in quantum computers were ubiquitous and "humanic enhancements" as they were called, implants to enhance body and mind, became abundant.

One of the greatest achievements of this time was the construction of the Warpgates. Taking the ideas that enabled FTL travel one step further, engineers managed to create a "gate" that allowed FTL travel between two predetermined points in space, using far simpler ships and less energy that was required for ordinary FTL travel. For the gates to work, both entry points needed connection to what became known as planetary Hyperstatic Fields. These were quickly set up all over human-controlled space, and warpgates (the name taken from popular fiction) were constructed to connect systems near and far.

It was really a golden age for space capitalists and colonists alike. But then something happened. It's origins are still unknown, but somewhere, somehow, someone came up with a scheme for damaging the economic opposition that simply went out of hand, to put it mildly. An engineered bio-mechanic virus, later known as The Scourge, was released in 2505 AD into a backwater industrial system, to render it useless. But the virus was deadlier than any previously used, and what's more it wouldn't be contained to that system alone. It got a hold on an outwards-bound ship, and quickly spread to a number of neighboring systems. Before anyone realized the danger, it had spread to virtually everywhere, and there was no escape. It was engineered to specifically target a particular kind of circuits found in most AI and man-machine interfaces, and these were extremely common. In the blink of an eye, or rather over the course of about three years, everything crashed. More than 95% of all people were killed, if not from the virus itself then from the malfunctioning of machinery that mankind had come to depend on.

This is the lull after the storm. Approximately seven years (exact time keeping has been difficult) have passed since the first mention of The Scourge, and for the last four of those years things have been seemingly calm. The survivors are slowly banding together and turn their eyes upwards, outwards once more. In some places, remnants of old societal structures remain. In others, completely new constallations are forming. Will you dare take control over one of these fledgling factions, and brave the dangers of space once more?

Map, Players, NPCs, Orders, Updates, Stories

Map is hand made by me, though most factors are randomized. It consists of star systems interconnected by warpgates for travel.

Players will be as many as would play, the more the better. Each player will play a survivor faction. Once the first deadline for orders has passed the NES will be closed to new factions, and thus players, so if you want to play then sign up now! Anyone is welcome, as long as you read the rules and fill in a template.

NPC factions will not exist, period. It's not up to me to play factions, it's up to you, the players. If a player should drop out, and doesn't have a replacement, the faction will be played with a minimum of input for three turns, and if no replacement has been found by then, something very nasty will happen. Very nasty.

Orders should be sent to me by PM. Initially orders will be limited to one PM per turn and faction. I really can't see any reason why you would ever even approach that limit. Orders should in particular include any diplomatic deals you have signed, and of course what you intend to do with your PP and military.

Updates will hopefully be regular, but most likely not. I will try once a week, but since this is my very first NES I don't really have an idea of how long each update will take. Rather than overworking myself I will let updates take their time. First deadline for orders is Thursday 25th of Jan, at 20:00 GMT!

Stories will be rewarded. There will be small awards for all who write stories, and they can also have an ingame effect on updates and such. I will also hand out random event bonuses (and penalties) each update, some of which may also depend on stories.

Yeah, I know I'm fairly verbose when I write something. Don't be scared by the size of it though, the rules aren't really that complex, I just like to explain a lot.


Production Points (PP) will be the main OOC currency in this game, for players to spend on ships, technology, colonies and other vital stuff. At the start of the game your home system will produce 40 PP/turn, which will be your total income at that time. This can be increased by redevelopment of colonies, or by colonizing new systems (see below). Later in the rules I will refer to the PP/turn income from a system as its PP yield. PP can be banked indefinitely.

Below I will list a number of things that you can spend your PP on. In principle you are free to spend your PP on whatever you want, even things not listed anywhere, but talk to me first then.

Redevelopment of a system means to re-utilize its abandoned production facilities, to get them working again, thus increasing the PP yield. This is the only part of the rules that is the least bit complex! And it's not awfully complex at that.

Generally the more you redevelop a system, the more expensive it becomes to redevelop it further (because you start with the facilities that are easiest to get to work again). Each system has a maximum production capacity (MPC), but is also categorized by different steps at which redevelopment becomes more expensive (to simulate different conditions on different systems).

Basic systems template:
System name - MPC (R3/R4/R5/...)

An example (non-existant) system:
Beta Minotauri - 70 (40/0/0/20/10)

Looking behind the numbers for the levels first, you can think of the lowest redevelopment level (R3) as easy reactivation of standard production facilities on terra-like planets (remember a system is comprised of a number of planets, moons and asteroids), whereas the highest level (R8) may correspond to deep-space mining of asteroids at near 0 K temperature in high radiation. I won't give such desciptive details for systems on the map, only the raw numbers, but feel free (no, encouraged!) to flesh them out through stories as you colonize and redevelop them. Generally, a system with high numbers for the low R-levels is more worth colonizing than a system with low numbers there.

Now for how to use those numbers. The MPC is as noted the highest production that a system could possibly yield, and will always equal the sum of the various RX numbers. The steps RX indicate to what PP yield you could redevelop the system at a rate of 1:X (i.e. each increase in PP yield would cost X PP).

Our example system has a maximum capacity of 70 PP/turn, where the first 40 could be redeveloped at a rate of 1:3 (i.e. each increase in PP yield would cost 3 PP), the next 20 at a rate of 1:6, and the final 10 at a rate of 1:7.

At the start of the game, you have the ability to redevelop your systems up to R5. To redevelop higher levels you need to reclaim certain technology. The highest possible redevelopment level is R8. There is also technology that lowers the prices of redevelopment, so most probably no one will ever pay a rate of 1:8.

And that's the end of it. Wasn't so hard, was it?

Actually, if you don't want to you don't need to learn this stuff in full detail. Just tell me how much you invest in redevelopment of a system and I'll tell you what you get. But it will definitely be an advantage to at least understand the basics of it.

Trade is the other way to gain PP. We could think of two kinds of trade really - automatic and manual.

Manual trade is like calling up the trade table in your favorite Civ edition. You talk to some other faction, and the two of you agree to trade some commodities. In this NES I will not refer to this as trade, but as diplomacy, explained below.

Automatic trade is what I generally refer to as trade in this NES. It means that your merchants start selling their goods on the markets of another faction, and works much like trade routes in CIV. This will yield a small PP income to you, the exact size of which will depend on the number of systems of the other faction that can be reached in one turn, and their sizes. The other faction will also get a small income, namely half as much as you get (and you will in turn get half as much as they get for trading in your markets). Trade will be automatic, meaning you don't need to pay for trade routes or anything. The only thing that can block this is if a faction declares that it will not let merchants of another faction in to their markets (specific markets could be specified). (Note that this also means that if your merchants would need to pass by a system owned by faction X to get to the markets of faction Y, and X will not let your ships through, you won't get to Y either.)

Spoiler Number crunching :
For those who care about numbers, the exact formula for trade will be as follows. If your merchants can conduct trade at a system with production P, your gain from that will be

T = FLOOR[(P/10)^1.25]

The faction who owns the system gets half as much. Your total trade gain will be the sum of that over all systems where you can conduct trade, plus the sum of your income for others trading in your systems.

You don't need to (shouldn't!) keep track of your trade income yourselves, I will do it for you (I have a computer script that does it for me so don't worry about me). Just be aware that trade will increase if you can reach more systems (with higher speed or closer colonies), and that the trade income of your neighbor (and thus you indirectly) will increase if you redevelop the systems whose markets he can reach.

Exploration and Colonization

Systems are planetary systems in orbit around a star. This means that a system does not represent a single planet, rather it could represent any combination of planets, moons and asteroid fields. Still, since intra-system travel was always so much easier and cheaper than inter-system travel, and since hyperstasis fields were not what you would call cheap, all warp gates to a system lead to a single body which has that system's hyperstasis field.

In principle it is possible for several factions to peacefully share the resources of a system.

Travel between systems can only be done through the warpgates that lead to and from it, since the original methods for FTL travel have been all but forgotten. Initially your interstellar ships can travel between the warpgates at a speed of 1 gate/turn. This speed may later be increased through reactivation of the relevant technology.

Exploration of a system is done by sending any interstellar ship (anything but a fighter) to it. Exploration is automatic, and will tell you the production capacity of the system, as well as any surprises that awaits you there. Suprises can be anything from high radiation to hostile mutants to human refugees to ship wrecks. Some are good, most are bad. Some will be immediately effective on exploration, most will affect colonization.

Claiming a system can be done either by colonizing it (see below) or by setting up a defensive command post. Any interstellar ship can set one up, which costs 5 PP. A defensive command post has very limited defensive capabilities (it's a communication bunker more or less), but it will allow you to control communication through the hypergates of that system, and perhaps more importantly put your flag on it.

Colonization of a system can be done using a ship with the colonization ability. An initial colony will yield 5 PP, regardless of the R-levels of the colonized system.

Communication via hypergates is near-instantaneous, but they need to be manned in order for a message to propagate through a system from one gate to another. A colony, a command post or an interstellar ship in the system makes it count as manned. If the faction controlling a system so wishes, it can block messages coming through.

It is possible to send ships beyond communication range, with orders. They will disappear from sight until communication is reestablished, if they still exist by then.


Apart from what has already been discussed, colonized systems have two additional traits:

Stability is a measure of how well the people here are content with their lives and belonging to your faction. Low stability means any number of bad things will happen (loss of production, lowered defense etc). If two or more factions share a system, there will be a stability rating for each of them. Stability can go up or down depending on your actions or other circumstances. You may invest PP in propaganda to increase the stability of a system.

Improvements are special facilities of a system that don't increase its production. They can be installed in a colony by investing a fixed amount of PP. The improvements you can initially build are:
  • Shipyards (5 PP)
    Allows new ships to be built at the colony.
  • Defense Systems (20 PP)
    Installments that give a bonus to defense of the system.
Your home systems come pre-equiped with both of these. The list of improvements will grow (a bit) larger as you re-discover tech. If two or more factions share a system, each faction must build the improvements separately.

Template for systems:

<System name> <MPC> <(R-levels)>
PP yield : <PP>/turn <(distribution if shared system)>
Stability: <stability>&#37;

Cheesy example system:

Beta Minotauri 70 (40/0/0/20/10)
Space Cowboys:
PP yield : 40/turn (40/0/0/0/0)
Stability: 75%
Masters of Orion:
PP yield : 10/turn (0/0/0/0/10)
Stability: 45%


Diplomacy entails everything that goes on between two (or more) factions. There are no real rules for this, as players could come up with whatever they like between each other. Tradeable commodities are more or less whatever you could imagine. Yes, that includes ships, though be aware that if you have an advantage in ship technology you will in effect be selling that tech away too (or at least give the other faction a huge bonus on researching it). Same goes for ground troops (and beware, people might not like being sold).
Include all diplomatic deals in your orders! Deals that are not included in your orders have never happened.
Military and Warfare

Due to popular demand when Erik asked, ships will be done in "Classic" style, i.e. a number of different ship classes of which you can have different numbers. Yes, this is greatly simplified, for the sake of the game and my sanity. The ship classes are as follows:
  • Scout (4 PP)
    Small frigate class ship. Explorer and not much else. Virtually no offensive capacity and very little defensive.
  • Assault Ship (8 PP)
    Frigate class ship for aerial assault and take-over of other ships. Can carry 100 soldiers or 200 drone soldiers for an assault. Much less fire power than a standard frigate.
  • Escort Carrier (4 PP)
    Frigate class carrier. Can carry 30 fighters. Almost no offensive and little defensive capabilities.
  • Carrier (12 PP)
    Capital class carrier. Can carry 100 fighters. Very little offense, little defense.
  • Command Carrier (60 PP)
    Supercapital class carrier. Can carry 500 fighters, or 50 corvette class ships. Some offensive and defensive fire power. Techs will decrease cost as for battleship.
  • Transport (2 PP)
    Carries ground troops. Can carry 1000 infantry or 100 tanks or 2000 drone soldiers (or combinations). Has no offensive capacity and very basic defense.
  • Super-transport (12 PP)
    Capital class troop transport. Can carry 10000 infantry or 1000 tanks or 20000 drone soldiers. Very little offense, little defense.
  • Colony Ship (30 PP)
    Carries construction material and life support for a colony, and its inhabitants. No offense, no defense. Can colonize a system.
  • Fighters (1 PP per 5)
    Small fighting ships, escorts for transports and carriers. Intrastellar (i.e. cannot travel through hypergates without being carried)
  • Corvette (4 PP)
    Smallest interstellar fighting craft. Specifically designed to take out fighters, wouldn't hold their own against larger ships.
  • Frigate (12 PP)
    Smallest capital class ship. Can hold its own against a small fleet of fighters or corvettes.
  • Destroyer (16 PP)
    Can easily hold its own against a small fleet of fighters, but two frigates would probably outmanouver it. Better manouverability but less firepower than a Cruiser.
  • Cruiser (24 PP)
    Large capital class ship. Lots of fire power to take out larger ships, but less suited to take out fighters. Though it would still take a lot of fighters to bring one down...
  • Battleship (80 PP)
    Supercapital class ship. Largest fighting ships, not much beats one of these. No the price is not a typo, but key tech will greatly decrease it.
  • Dreadnought ("Death Star") (200 PP)
    Not quite like the Death Stars of popular fiction, this ship is simply a very large, and very efficient battleship. From the surface of a planet it would look like a star, hence the popular name. Lots of fighting power and devastating bombardment. Tech will decrease the price.
Ships can be built (and thus deployed) at any colony with shipyards.

Each faction is also allowed to design one ship unique to that faction (refered to as its UU). Tell me what you want and I'll tell you what they would cost, and if you need some tech first.

Once you start getting more than just a handful of ships in your armada, please organize them into fleets for both your and my sanity. If you don't, some of them might start getting lost...

Ground Troops
There are basically three kinds of ground troops - infantry, tanks, and drone soldiers. 1 ep will initially buy you either 1000 infantry or 100 tanks. Drones aren't working yet.

Warfare in this setting can basically be broken down into four steps:

Aerial Combat: When two rival fleets face off in a battle for system superiority. Fighting will be to the death, or retreat. Unless orders say otherwise, it is assumed that an attacking fleet will attempt to retreat when overwhelmed, and a defensive fleet will fight to the death.

A retreat will be to the nearest system that the fleet came from. Depending on movement rate, they might not get there until the next turn. It is possible to pursue a fleeing fleet, with good enough movement rate. No battle will ever take place inside a warpgate, a pursuit will be resolved on the other side. Similarly, two fleets headed in opposite directions through the same warpgate will never know of the other's presence, and will simply bypass each other.

Depending on colony size and the presence of defensive systems, defenders may get bonuses, in some cases fairly large.

Bombardment: Can be done by any ship once system superiority is first achieved. Simply put, you throw junk down onto the planet surface. Early experiments with various kinds of explosive devices showed no significant improvement when dropped from that kind of altitude, so it's simply easier to just push all-abundant rocks and debris down onto the planet surface. The bigger the ship, the bigger the rocks that can be pushed. Bombardment will kill civilians and ground troops, and damage defense systems and production facilities (sometimes irrepairably, i.e. system MPC decreases).

Ground assault: Can be done using ground troops and fighters once system superiority is achieved. If some defense systems are still up, your ships will be subject to defensive fire on the way down. Once there, they will be met by whatever ground forces that are still alive. It is hard, but possible, to retreat from a ground assault if resistance turns out to be too harsh. Ground assault will do more targetted damage to enemy ground troops and defense systems, and only limited damage to civilians and production facilities.

Capture and Assimilation: A successful ground assault will result in the capture of the system. How many PP that system will yield per turn for you, refered to as assimilation, depends on a number of factors, including pure randomness. In most cases it will probably be rather low, but the system can be redeveloped just like a "pristine" one.


To define what can and what cannot be done on the same turn, I define three different types of actions for ships and troops; Free actions, Standard actions and Full Turn actions. The basic rule is that during a single turn, a ship or troop can do any number of free actions, and either one Standard action and moving, or a Full Turn action and no move. In the cases where applicable, the Standard action can be done at any time during the move (i.e. you can if you like move, then act, then finish your move).

Free actions:
  • Exploring a system (interstellar ships)
  • Bombardment
  • Being repaired (if damage less than half)
Standard actions:
  • Colonizing a system (colony ships)
  • Establishing a defensive command post (interstellar ships)
  • Engaging in offensive aerial combat
  • Being repaired (if damage equal to or more than half)
Full Turn actions:
  • Doing a Ground Assault
  • Being built (ship)
Note that this last bullet means that you cannot move a ship on the same turn that it is built. Techs may change this. Ground troops can be built and moved on the same turn, if there is a ship that can move them. Ships can engage in defensive combat in the system they are built on that same turn, but ships cannot be built in a system where an enemy faction has system superiority.

The bullet for ground assault means you will have to first establish system space superiority, then do an eventual ground assault on the next turn. Bombardment can be done on both those turns if you want, it takes very little time, hence it's a free action.


Outright warfare doesn't suit all situations. Sometimes it's far better to work out of sight.

You may if you like invest PP into espionage activities. This can include stealing military plans, or stealing technology, or sabotage activities, or anything else you might think of.

Setup and upkeep: If you are serious about this, then the first step would really be to try to plant your agents with a neighbor faction. You can invest PP into establishing an espionage network, and the more you spend the more reliable it becomes. Since espionage is very imprecise, I won't give any exact numbers, but good agents don't come cheap. To maintain your network you'd better also regularly spend some PP on it in upkeep.

Quality: As noted, the more you invest in your network, the better and more reliable it becomes. Reliable means that there is a higher chance for success, but also that there is a lower chance for discovery. For a particular mission you may declare that success is more important than not being discovered, or the other way around.

Counter-espionage: Of course you can plant agents among your own ranks to try to weed out any foreign spies, or even plant false information. Rules are the same as for planting spies abroad.

Because of the setting, research is actually re-research, meaning you don't really discover new stuff so much as getting the old stuff to work again.

I will use a branching tree much like Erik Mesoy's. You conduct research by investing PP in specific techs that you wish to re-learn. You can invest in the research of any number of techs in the same turn, but you cannot research a tech B that depends on a tech A on the same turn as your research A. The tree is six tiers deep, where a tech on tier X will depend on at least one tech on tier X-1 (except at X=1), and possibly on techs on lower tiers as well. All techs on the same tier will have the same base research cost. Exact research costs may vary (randomly) from tech to tech and from faction to faction, so what I will give is estimates. You can expect the estimates to be within 25% (plus or minus) of the true numbers. Any overflow will simply be banked.

Tech costs for tiers: 1 @ 5 (fixed), 2 @ 20, 3 @ 50, 4 @ 100, 5 @ 150, 6 @ 250.

It will be possible to trade techs between factions. You can trade for as many techs as you like, and when you've traded for a tech from one neighbor you can immediately turn around and trade it away to another. You can trade for any techs that you know the prerequisites for, even those whose prerequisites you just traded for. Also if you trade for a tech, you can start researching a follow-up tech on the same turn. All benefits of traded techs will be effective after the update (if you only remember to include the deals in your orders!).

Areas and Branches
There are six main areas of research: Biotech, Physics, Engineering, Computers, Weaponry and Defenses. Each of the four first areas each have two branches, and the two last have three branches each. Branches are just there for easy grouping though, there are plenty of cross-over prerequisites. The first tech in each branch (on tier 1) is a so called survey tech, and the purpose is to get an overview of what other techs that live in the same branch. Survey techs are cheap, they come at 5 PP a piece (exact, not an estimate). I will thus not give out the whole tech tree at the start (though it's complete), rather you will have to discover it as you go. You can ask your advisors (me) things like "if we want to get this thingamabob to work, what should we be looking at?" and I will give you pointers.

Tech Tree:
Spoiler :
  • Medicine
    • Pathology
      • Bioweapons
        • Advanced Bioweapons
    • Prosthetics
      • Combat Prosthetics
            • Cyborgs
    • Genetics
      • Genetic Modifications
      • Cloning
        • Growth Vats
  • Bioconstruction
    • Biomaterials
      • Advanced Biomaterials
      • Personal Armor
        • Universal Combat Suit
        • Terraforming
          • Eco-synthesis
  • Energy Sources
    • Elerium Cells
      • Elerium Fusion
        • Radiation Control
      • Hover Drive
  • Warpgates
    • Warpgate Resonance
        • Warpgate Capacitors
          • Warpgate Synthesis
            • Jump Drive
            • Hyperstatic Field Synthesis

  • Robotics
    • Remote Control Drones
      • Drone Workforce
        • Automated Space Drones
        • Automated Shipyards
      • Combat Drones
        • Robot Soldiers
          • Robot Infantry
      • Orbital Facilities
        • Prefabrication
          • Deep Space Mining
  • Ship Design
      • Cost-Efficient Design
        • Cost-Optimal Design
      • Large-Scale Design
          • Dreadnoughts
  • Human-Computer Interaction
    • Interfaces
      • Holographic Simulation
        • Military Simulations
          • Planetary Simulations
    • Instant Messaging
        • Information Network
          • Ubiquitous Computers
    • AI
      • Evolving AI
        • Humanlike AI
      • Gate Forwarding
  • Ship Computers
    • Targeting Computers
        • Smart Targeters
    • Steering Computers
        • Reactive Computers
  • Energy Weapons
    • Burst Lasers
      • Intense Lasers
        • Smart Lasers
    • Hand Lasers
  • Missiles
    • Guided Missiles
      • Smart Missiles
        • Elerium Fusion Warheads
    • Rocket Launchers
  • Slugs
    • Railguns
      • Shaped Bullets
        • High-powered Railguns
    • MAG Rifles
  • Shields
    • Deflector Shields
      • Active Shields
        • Reflective Shields
      • Personal Shields
  • Point Defenses
    • Close-In Defenses
      • Proactive Defenses
        • Counter Missiles
    • Planetary Defenses
      • Ground-to-Orbit Missiles
        • Stellar Beams
        • Orbital Defenses
  • Plating
    • Heavy Plating
      • Agile Plating
        • Self-Repairing Plating
    • Vehicle Armor
          • Synergy Defenses


Finally we get to the part where you get to do something too! Factions are you, the players. Your faction is a (fairly large) group of survivors who have bunkered down on your planet waiting for the scourge to pass. Since factions were fairly diverse even before the scourge, and isolation hasn't really helped unification, there's no telling what kind of factions are out there at the start of this NES. Only your imagination sets the limits - although please keep it within the bounds of semi-realism. ;)

Traits: Just like Erik, I will let you pick two positive and one negative traits for your faction, or just one positive if you prefer. Tell me what you want in general terms and I will fill in any remaining details for you. Don't try überpowered stuff, like asking to start with a huge fleet. Use your common senses here.

Template: (shamelessly stolen from Erik and modified to suit my purposes). Replace the {} with your own values, and remove everything in <>.

{Faction Name Here} ( {Short Name If Applicable} )
Leader: {Optional Title}{Name} / {Player Name}
Home system: {Name Here} {number} warpgates <choose 2, 3 or 4 depending on how connected you want your starting system to be, or leave blank for a random value>
Attributes: {Trait} ( {Attribute} ) {Optionally, a second good trait and one negative trait}
Production: 40 (0 banked)
Trade: None
Travel speed: 1 gate/turn
Colonized systems:
- {Home system name} 40/[MPC] ([R-levels]) <leave MPC and R-levels blank, I will fill it in somewhat at random>
Army and Fleet deployment:
- {Home System Name}: 1000 infantry, {} Scouts, {} Fighters
<Choose 1-5 scouts and 180-100 fighters proportionally, for example 3 and 140 or 5 and 100. I.e. a scout is worth 20 fighters.>
Note: As you have no Carriers, neither your infantry nor your Fighters can travel to other systems.
Researched technologies: None
<You may have a starting technology as (part of) one of your traits.>
Description: {Give a paragraph or two describing your faction. Do keep it somewhat short as I will put it up in the faction list in the beginning of the main thread. If you want to give a fuller description, make it a story and I might (depending on poll results) reward you for it.}
Player Factions

## The Emergents of Providence (Emergents) / Erik Mesoy
Spoiler :
Leader: President Tyranthe Ail / Erik Mesoy
Home system: Benalia
Attributes: Blessed (Reliably good random events)
Production: 519 (399*1.30) (85 banked)
Trade: 335
Travel speed: 3 gates/turn
Projects: Improved Battleship Quality
Colonized systems:
  • Benalia 123/170 (90/0/10/50/10/10)
  • Chara 61/120 (20/0/40/20/10/30)
  • Alpha Centauri 40/110 (10/10/20/40/10/20)
  • Cygni 74/130 (30/0/20/40/40/0)
  • Errai 23/90 (shared) (20/10/40/10/10/0)
  • Tsze Tseang 25/90 (shared) (10/40/0/0/0/40)
  • Acrux 30/80 (shared) (10/0/40/0/20/10)
  • Vega 8/70 (0/0/0/30/30/10)
  • Mira 10/60 (0/10/0/20/20/10)
  • Altair 5/80 (20/10/20/20/0/10)
Army and Fleet deployment:
Spoiler :
  • Benalia: 2000 infantry, 420 tanks, 64 Fighters, 2 transports, PS Shark, PS Thunderbolt (2 battleships), PS Inscrutable (dreadnought)
  • Alpha Centauri: 12000 Infantry, AC Fleet (30 Fighters, 1 Escort Carrier, 3 Hunter Killers, 1 Frigate), PS Adamant (dreadnought)
  • Altair: Victory Fleet (PS Razor (Battleship), 5 Hunter Killers, Carrier, 98 fighters)
  • Epsilon Reticuli: 1 Scout
  • Errai: 1500 Infantry
  • Acrux: 12000 Infantry, Investigation Fleet (1 Hunter Killer, 1 Frigate, 1 Corvette), PS Prometheus (dreadnought)
  • Mira: 1 Hunter Killer, 1 Frigate
  • Cygni: 1500 Infantry, PS Odyssey (dreadnought)
  • Tsze Tseang: 1500 Infantry
Researched technologies:
Spoiler :
  • Biotech: Medicine, Pathology, Prosthetics, Combat Prosthetics, Cyborgs, Genetics, Genetic Modification, Cloning, Growth Vats, Bioconstruction, Biomaterials, Advanced Biomaterials, Personal Armor, Terraforming
  • Physics: Energy Sources, Elerium Cells, Elerium Fusion, Radiation Control, Warpgates, Warpgate Resonance, Warpgate Capacitors, Warpgate Synthesis
  • Engineering: Robotics, Remote Control Drones, Drone Workforce, Automated Space Drones, Combat Drones, Robotic Soldiers, Orbital Facilities, Prefabrication (80 PP invested), Ship Design, Large-Scale Design, Dreadnoughts, Cost-Efficient Design, Cost-Optimal Design
  • Computers: Human-Computer Interaction, Interfaces, Holographic Simulation, Planetary Simulations, Instant Messaging, Information Network, Ubiquitous Computers, AI, Evolving AI, Humanlike AI, Gate Forwarding, Ship Computers, Steering Computers, Reactive Computers (13 PP invested), Targeting Computers
  • Weaponry: Slugs, Railguns, MAG Rifles, Lasers, Burst Lasers, Hand Lasers, Missiles, Guided Missiles, Elerium Fusion Warheads, Rocket Launchers
  • Defenses: Plating, Heavy Plating, Agile Plating, Shields, Deflective Shields, Personal Shields, Point defenses, Close-In Defenses, Planetary Defenses, Ground-To-Orbit Missiles

## Cybran Dominion (Cybrans) / Cleric
Spoiler :
Leader: Kozmos / Cleric
Home system: Tarsus
Attributes: Fanatics (loyal population), Brilliant Research (20% reduction on all research costs), Harsh Homeworld (Redevelopment of R3-R4 on home system costs +1 PP/yield)
Production: 229 (176*1.35) (90 banked)
Trade: 95
Travel speed: 3 gates/turn
Projects: Symbiosis
Colonized systems:
  • Tarsus 56/120 (60/20/20/0/10/10)
  • Sirrah 70/120 (20/30/20/10/10/30)
  • Anser 50/110 (10/30/0/10/30/30)
Army and Fleet deployment:
Spoiler :
  • Tarsus: 1000 infantry, 36000 drones, 140 Fighters, 2 Destroyers
  • Sirrah: 1 Frigate, 1000 infantry, 200 tanks, 14000 drones, 1 scout
  • Anser: 7500 infantry, 420 tanks, 40000 drones, 1 scout, 1 Cruiser, 1 Battleship
  • Alcor: 1 scout
  • Corona Borealis: 1 scout
Researched technologies:
Spoiler :
  • Biotech: Medicine, Prosthetics, Combat Prosthetics, Cyborgs, Genetics, Genetic Modification, Cloning, Growth Vats, Pathology, Bioweaponry, Bioconstruction, Biomaterials, Advanced Biomaterials, Personal Armor, Terraforming
  • Physics: Energy Sources, Elerium Cells, Elerium Fusion, Radiation Control, Hover Drives, Warpgates, Warpgate Resonance, Warpgate Capacitors, Warpgate Synthesis
  • Engineering: Robotics, Remote Control Drones, Drone Workforce, Automated Space Drones, Orbital Facilities, Automated Shipyards, Combat Drones, Robot Soldiers, Ship Design, Cost-Efficient Design, Large-Scale Design
  • Computers: Human-Computer Interaction, AI, Evolving AI, Humanlike AI, Instant Messaging, Information Network, Ubiquitous Computers, Interfaces, Holographic Simulation, Gate Forwarding, Ship Computers, Steering Computers, Targeting Computers
  • Weaponry: Slugs, MAG Rifles, Railguns, Shaped Bullets, High-Powered Railguns (35 PP investe), Missiles, Guided Missiles, Elerium Fusion Warheads, Rocket Launchers, Lasers, Burst Lasers, Intense Lasers, Hand Lasers
  • Defenses: Plating, Heavy Plating, Point Defenses, Planetary Defenses, Ground-to-orbit Missiles, Close-In Defenses, Proactive Defenses, Shields, Deflector Shields, Personal Shields

## The Furians / NPC
Spoiler :
Leader: President Ryan Zabriskie / NPC
Home system: Fury
Attributes: Elite Warriors (really good infantry), Natural Pilots (bonus to aerial battles), Harsh Training (infantry costs double)
Production: 107 (89*1.20) (126 banked)
Trade: 184
Travel speed: 3 gate/turn
Colonized systems:
  • Fury 56/160 (50/0/40/20/10/40)
  • Altara 28/110 (10/10/0/10/50/30)
  • Kruger 5/110 (shared) (0/30/10/0/20/50)
Army and Fleet deployment:
Spoiler :
  • Fury: 8500 infantry, 1500 tanks, 1st Fleet (105 Fighters, 1 Cruiser, 2 Destroyers, 1 Escort Carrier, 1 Super Transport, 2 Assault Ships, 2 Battleships, 1 Dreadnought)
  • Ross: 1 scout
  • Altara: 1000 infantry, 300 tanks, 1 scout, 20 Fighters, 1 Cruiser, 1 Destroyer
  • Cebalrai: 1 scout
  • Kruger: 1 scout, 2nd Fleet (2 Destroyers, 1 Command Carrier, 100 fighers)
Researched technologies:
Spoiler :
  • Biotech: Medicine, Genetics, Genetic Modification, Cloning, Growth Vats, Bioconstruction, Biomaterials
  • Physics: Energy Sources, Elerium Cells, Elerium Fusion, Warpgates, Warpgate Resonance, Warpgate Capacitors
  • Engineering: Robotics, Remote Control Drones, Ship Design, Cost-Efficient Design, Cost-Optimal Design, Large-Scale Design, Dreadnoughts
  • Computers: Human-Computer Interaction, Interfaces, Holographic Simulation, Ship Computers
  • Weaponry: Slugs, Lasers, Burst Lasers, Missiles, Guided Missiles
  • Defenses: Plating, Heavy Plating, Shields, Point Defenses

## Nekomi / TerrisH
Spoiler :
Leaders: Various electives / TerrisH
Home system: Sirius
Attributes: Core World (productive home system), Genetic Affinity (Free Techs: Medicine, Genetics; genetic research costs half, effects are increased), Truthful (Suck at espionage)
Production: 574 (410*1.40) (88 banked)
Trade: 393
Travel speed: 3 gates/turn
Projects: Public Augmentation, Excelsior, Scourge Origin
Colonized systems:
  • Sirius 140/200 (70/20/20/30/20/40)
  • Rana 70/90 (20/10/10/30/20/0)
  • Barnard 40/80 (0/10/10/20/30/10)
  • Regulus 50/80 (30/0/10/10/10/20)
  • Procyon 60/70 (20/0/10/30/0/10)
  • Ross 50/80 (20/10/10/10/20/10)
Army and Fleet deployment:
Spoiler :
  • Sirius: 1400 infantry, 100 tanks, 118 Fighters, 2 Transports, 2 Yamato Battle Carriers, 4 Assault ships, 1 Destroyer, 1 Frigate
  • Rana: 1647 infantry, 143 tanks, 63 fighters, 2 Transports. 1 Destroyer, 1 Corvette, 2 Yamoto Battle Cruisers
  • Regulus: 1 Assault Ship, 100 infantry, Excelsior (Mobile Research Platform)
  • Castor: 1 Corvette
  • Barnard: 4000 infantry, 35 fighters, 1 Corvette, 4 Assault ships, 2 Yamoto Battle Cruisers, 30 fighters
Researched technologies:
Spoiler :
  • Biotech: Medicine, Pathology, Genetics, Genetic Modification, Cloning, Growth Vats, Prosthetics, Bioconstruction, Biomaterials, Advanced Biomaterials, Personal Armor, Terraforming
  • Physics: Energy Sources, Elerium Cells, Elerium Fusion, Radiation Control, Warpgates, Warpgate Resonance, Warpgate Capacitors, Warpgate Synthesis, Warp Compression Field Theory (50 PP invested)
  • Engineering: Robotics, Remote Control Drones, Drone Workforce, Automated Space Drones, Orbital Facilities, Deep Space Mining (2 PP invested), Combat Drones, Ship Design, Cost-Efficient Design, Cost-Optimal Design, Large-Scale Design, Dreadnoughts
  • Computers: Human-Computer Interaction, Instant Messaging, Information Network, Interfaces, Holographic Simulation, Military Simulations, Planetary Simulations, AI, Evolving AI, Ubiquitous Computers, Gate Forwarding, Ship Computers, Targeting Computers, Steering Computers
  • Weaponry: Slugs, Railguns, MAG Rifles, Lasers, Burst Lasers, Hand Lasers, Missiles, Guided Missiles, Elerium Fusion Warheads, Rocket Launchers
  • Defenses: Shields, Deflector Shields, Active Shields, Reflective Shields, Personal Shields, Plating, Heavy Plating, Agile Plating, Self-Repairing Plating, Point Defenses, Close-In Defenses, Proactive Defenses, Counter-Missiles, Planetary Defenses, Ground-to-Orbit Missiles

## United Systems Commonwealth (U.S.C.) / erez87
Spoiler :
Leader: President Alexa H. Carter / erez87
Home system: Sol
Attributes: Industrious (10% cost reduction on ships, +20% tanks and drones per PP), Brilliant Research (20% reduction to all research costs), Bureaucratic (+1EP to R7 and R8 Redevelopment, +25% to Terraforming Costs)
Production: 525 (375*1.40) (70 banked)
Trade: 323
Travel speed: 3 gates/turn
Projects: BCAP, ONI
Colonized systems:
  • Epsilon Eridani 90/140 (50/30/10/0/40/10)
  • Kapteyn 80/120 (20/20/20/20/30/10)
  • Sol 80/100 (30/30/20/0/10/10)
  • Fomalhaut 60/100 (10/30/40/0/10/10)
  • Luyten 40/90 (20/10/20/20/20/0)
  • Lacaille 15/50 (shared) (20/0/0/0/10/20)
  • Keid 5/110 (20/40/10/0/30/10)
  • Tau Ceti 5/80 (0/20/20/10/20/10)
Army and Fleet deployment:
Spoiler :
  • Epsilon Eridani: 5 Fighters, 1 Transport, 1000 Infantry
  • Sol: White Fleet (1 Dreadnought, 1 Command Carrier (10 Corvettes, 400 fighters), 2 Cruisers, 6 Vantage Destroyers, 1 Carrier (90 Fighters), 1 Escort Carrier), 1 Super Transport, 3764 infantry, 502 tanks, 1 scout
  • Kapteyn: 1000 Infantry, Crimson Fleet (1 Dreadnought, USS Kaguya (Cruiser), 1 Cruiser, 3 Vantage Destroyers, USS Akagi (Carrier), 1 Escort Carrier, 130 Fighters), 1 scout
  • Keid: 2 Vantage Destroyers
  • Tau Ceti: 2 Vantage Destroyers
  • Luyten: 1 Colony ship
  • Lacaille: 1 scout
  • Fornacis: 1 scout, 1 Escort Carrier, 30 fighters
Researched technologies:
Spoiler :
  • Biotech: Medicine, Genetics, Genetic Modification, Cloning, Growth Vats, Prosthetics, Combat Prosthetics, Pathology, Bioconstruction, Biomaterials, Advanced Biomaterials, Personal Armor, Universal Combat Suit, Terraforming
  • Physics: Energy Sources, Elerium Cells, Elerium Fusion, Radiation Control, Warpgates, Warpgate Resonance, Warpgate Capacitors, Warpgate Synthesis, Jump Drive
  • Engineering: Robotics, Remote Control Drones, Drone Workforce, Automated Space Drones, Deep Space Mining (80 PP invested), Combat Drones, Orbital Facilities, Automated Shipyards, Ship Design, Cost-Efficient Design, Cost-Optimal Design, Large-Scale Design
  • Computers: Human-Computer Interaction, AI, Evolving AI, Humanlike AI, Interfaces, Holographic Simulation, Instant Messaging, Information Network, Ubiquitous Computers, Gate Forwarding, Ship Computers, Steering Computers, Targeting Computers, Smart Targeting (4 PP invested)
  • Weaponry: Slugs, Railguns, High-Powered Railguns, MAG Rifles, Lasers, Hand Lasers, Burst Lasers, Missiles, Guided Missiles, Smart Missiles, Rocket Launchers
  • Defenses: Shields, Deflector Shields, Active Shields, Reflective Shields, Personal Shields, Plating, Heavy Plating, Agile Plating, Point Defenses, Close-In Defenses, Proactive Defenses, Counter Missiles, Planetary Defenses, Ground-to-Orbit Missiles

## Colonial Federation of Sezuren (Colonials) / Massive Attack
Spoiler :
Leader: Prime Minister Alesia Maradoth / Massive Attack
Home system: Sezuren
Attributes: Imperialistic Drive (strong colony stability)
Production: 637 (490*1.30) (71 banked)
Trade: 342
Travel speed: 3 gates/turn
Projects: FFCCA
Colonized systems:
  • Sezuren 110/120 (80/10/20/0/10/0)
  • Algieba 40/110 (30/10/10/10/40/10)
  • Lalande 100/120 (10/20/20/50/10/10)
  • Cancri 40/80 (20/20/10/10/0/20)
  • Tsze Tseang 25/90 (shared) (10/40/0/0/0/40)
  • Mizar 90/110 (30/30/30/0/10/10)
  • Wolf 20/90 (20/0/10/0/20/40)
  • Propus 60/90 (50/10/10/10/10/0)
  • Arcturus 5/90 (20/20/0/0/30/20)
Army and Fleet deployment:
Spoiler :
  • Sezuren: 3000 infantry, 120 tanks, 100 Fighters, 2 Transports, 1st Colonial Fleet (8 Corvettes, 1 Frigate, 1 Assault Ship, 2 Escort Carriers (30 fighters each), 2 Cruiser, 4 Destroyers)
  • Algieba: 25 fighters
  • Mizar: 3000 infantry, 120 tanks, 2nd Colonial Fleet (4 Corvettes, 1 Escort Carrier (30 fighters), 2 Destroyers, 1 Cruiser)
  • Wolf: 3rd Colonial Fleet (1 Escort Carrier (30 fighters), 1 Frigate, 2 Corvettes), 1 Colony ship
  • Sol: Ponce de Leon (1 scout)
  • Altais: M. Lewis (1 scout)
  • Arcturus: L. Clark (1 scout)
  • Ascella: Magellan (1 scout)
  • Alcor: Atlantis (1 scout)
Researched Technologies:
Spoiler :
  • Biotech: Medicine, Genetics, Genetic Modification, Cloning, Growth Vats, Pathology, Prosthetics, Bioconstruction, Biomaterials
  • Physics: Energy Sources, Elerium Cells, Elerium Fusion, Warpgates, Warpgate Resonance, Warpgate Capacitors
  • Engineering: Robotics, Remote Control Drones, Drone Workforce, Automated Space Drones, Orbital Facilities, Ship Design, Cost-Efficient Design, Cost-Optimal Design, Large-Scale Design, Dreadnoughts
  • Computers: Human-Computer Interaction, Instant Messaging, Interfaces, Holographic Simulation, AI, Evolving AI, Ship Computers, Steering Computers, Targeting Computers
  • Weaponry: Slugs, Railguns, MAG Rifles, Missiles, Guided Missiles, Smart Missiles, Lasers, Burst Lasers, Intense Lasers, Smart Lasers, Hand Lasers
  • Defenses: Plating, Heavy Plating, Agile Plating, Shields, Deflecting Shields, Active Shields, Point Defenses, Close-In Defenses, Counter Missiles

## Democratic Autarchy of Huris (Democrats) / Lord_Iggy
Spoiler :
Leader: William Enseth / Lord_Iggy
Home system: Huris
Attributes: Industrious (10% cost reduction on ships, +20% tanks and drones per PP)
Production: 425 (327*1.30) (89 banked)
Trade: 185
Travel speed: 3 gates/turn
Colonized systems:
  • Huris 92/140 (60/20/30/0/10/20)
  • Delta Pavonis 40/70 (30/0/10/0/10/20)
  • Vernalis 30/110 (10/20/20/40/0/20)
  • Caph 25/60 (20/10/10/0/10/10)
  • Epsilon Indi 20/80 (10/10/20/10/0/30)
  • Gliese 30/80 (20/10/30/10/10/0)
  • Almach 15/120 (10/0/20/30/10/50)
  • Aquarii 20/90 (20/0/0/40/30/0)
  • Lacaille 5/50 (shared) (20/0/0/0/10/20)
  • Teegarden 40/90 (20/20/10/0/10/30)
  • Algol 5/120 (30/10/30/10/10/30)
  • Wei 5/90 (10/20/10/30/10/10)
Army and Fleet deployment:
Spoiler :
  • Huris: 3000 infantry, 89 Fighters, 1 Escort Carrier, Vigilant (cruiser)
  • Aquarii: 4 Corvettes, 1 Escort Carrier (30 Fighters), 30 Fighters
  • Gliese: 1 Escort Carrier (30 Fighters)
  • Lacaille: Tyrant (cruiser), 2 Transports, 2000 infantry
  • Almach: 1 Frigate, 1 Escort Carrier (30 Fighters), Adamant (cruiser)
  • Polaris: 1 scout
  • Fomalhaut: 1 scout
  • Regulus: 1 scout
Researched Technologies:
Spoiler :
  • Biotech: Medicine, Genetics, Genetic Modification, Prosthetics, Pathology, Bioconstruction, Biomaterials, Advanced Biomaterials, Terraforming
  • Physics: Energy Sources, Elerium Cells, Elerium Fusion, Radiation Control, Warpgates, Warpgate Resonance, Warpgate Capacitors, Warpgate Synthesis, Jump Drive
  • Engineering: Robotics, Remote Control Drones, Drone Workforce, Automated Space Drones, Orbital Facilities, Ship Design, Large-Scale Design
  • Computers: Human-Computer Interaction, Instant Messaging, Interfaces, Holographic Simulation, AI, Gate Forwarding, Ship Computers, Steering Computers, Targeting Computers
  • Weaponry: Slugs, Railguns, MAG Rifles, Lasers, Burst Lasers, Hand Lasers, Missiles, Guided Missiles, Rocket Launchers
  • Defenses: Plating, Heavy Plating, Shields, Deflector Shields, Active Shields, Point Defenses, Close-In Defenses, Proactive Defenses, Planetary Defenses

## NAM Cluster Gymir-Rho (NAMg?) / Disenfrancised
Spoiler :
Leader: CEO Oscar Magnusson / Disenfrancised
Home system: Rigel C II
Attributes: Mechanical Affinity (Starts with Robotics, halved cost for all Robotics research, 25% more drones per PP), Extremophile Industry (-1 to redev costs for R6-R8, starts with R6, earlier unlocking of R7), Low Population (Colony ships cost +50%, trading to yields half, infantry cost double)
Production: 400 (308*1.30) (451 banked)
Trade: 128
Travel speed: 3 gates/turn
Projects: Solar Power
Colonized systems:
  • Rigel 100/160 (50/30/0/10/40/30)
  • Bellatrix 20/50 (20/0/10/0/10/10)
  • Kruger 35/110 (shared) (0/30/10/0/20/50)
  • Achird 30/100 (10/20/20/0/0/50)
  • Acrux 10/80 (shared) (10/0/40/0/20/10)
  • Albireo 28/60 (10/10/10/10/0/20)
  • Bezek 40/100 (30/10/20/20/10/10)
  • Alnitak 25/70 (10/10/30/20/0/0)
  • Antares 20/90 (0/20/20/20/20/10)
Army and Fleet deployment:
Spoiler :
  • Rigel: 1000 infantry, 12250 drones, 55 Fighters
  • Betelgeuse: Fenrisulfr Alpha (1 Corvette)
  • Bellatrix: Fenrisulfr Beta (1 Corvette), 38500 drones
  • Achird: Fenrisulfr Psi (1 Corvette), 38500 drones, The Two Amigos (2 Destroyers)
  • Albireo: The Euler (1 Escort Carrier, 30 Fighters), 35000 drones
  • Alnitak: The Cauchy (1 Escort Carrier, 30 Fighters)
  • Acrux: Caddis Fly (1 Escort Carrier, 30 Fighters), Fenrisulfr Gamma (1 Corvette). 38500 drones
  • Antares: Steel Swarm (1 Escort Carrier, 30 Fighters)
  • Kruger: Skala Alpha (2 Escort Carriers, 60 Fighters), 38500 drones
  • Alphard: Alpha (1 scout)
  • Regor: Gamma (scout)
  • Alterf: Theta (scout)
  • Sinistra: Beta (1 scout)
Researched technologies:
Spoiler :
  • Biotech: Medicine, Prosthetics, Pathology, Genetics, Genetic Modification, Cloning, Bioconstruction, Biomaterials, Advanced Biomaterials, Terraforming (5 PP invested)
  • Physics: Energy Sources, Elerium Cells, Elerium Fusion, Radiation Control, Warpgates, Warpgate Resonance, Warpgate Capacitors, Jump Drives (15 PP invested), Field Management (5 PP invested)
  • Engineering: Robotics, Remote Control Drones, Combat Drones, Robot Soldiers, Robotic Infantry (75 PP invested), Drone Workforce, Automated Space Drones, Automated Shipyards, Prefabrication, Orbital Facilities, Deep Space Mining, Ship Design, Cost-Efficient Design, Large-Scale Design, Sentient Factories (5 PP invested)
  • Computers: Human-Computer Interaction, AI, Evolving AI, Human-Like AI, Interfaces, Holographic Simulation, Instant Messaging, Ubiquitous Computers, Ship Computers, Targeting Computers, Steering Computers
  • Weaponry: Slugs, Lasers, Hand Lasers (2 PP invested), Missiles
  • Defenses: Plating, Heavy Plating, Agile Plating, Shields, Deflector Shields, Active Shields, Reflective Shields, Point Defenses, Close-In Defenses, Planetary Defenses

## Magistracy of Capella (Capella) / BananaLee
Spoiler :
Leader: Lovely Lady Pokeahotass / BananaLee
Home system: Capella VII
Attributes: Obsessed with Beauty (Really beautiful, starts with Biotech: Medicine, Genetics, all Medicine research cost half)
Production: 211 (162*1.30) (60 banked)
Trade: 61
Travel speed: 3 gates/turn
Projects: Man from Nantucket
Colonized systems:
  • Capella 80/160 (50/10/20/40/30/10)
  • Errai 57/90 (shared) (20/10/40/10/10/0)
  • Altais 20/100 (10/10/20/20/10/30)
  • Acrux 5/80 (shared) (10/0/40/0/20/10) BLOCKADED
Army and Fleet deployment:
Spoiler :
  • Capella: Capella Home Guard (10600 infantry, 120 tanks, 510 Fighters, CSS Sjofn (cruiser), CSS Ix Chel (cruiser)), 47 Capella RGK (CAS Napaeae (assault ship), 200 infantry), 74 Capella RGK (CAS Lampade (assault ship), 200 infantry), 6th Capellan RCT (6000 infantry, 400 tanks), Yankee Defence Flotilla (CSS As'bel (cruiser), CSS Tagabayan (cruiser))
  • Errai: 1st Capellan RCT (6000 infantry, 400 tanks, CSS Paparro (super transport)),
  • Altais: 3rd Capellan RCT (6000 infantry, 400 tanks, CSS Putkata (super transport)), 5th Capellan RCT (CSS Gozinia (super transport), 6000 infantry, 400 tanks), Alpha Keshik (CSS Aizen Myo-O, CSS Alalahe, CSS Anahita, CSS Annalja, CSS Arianrhod (5 cruisers)), Beta Keshik (CSS Achtland, CSS Ævalm, CSS Aisha Qandisha, CSS Astrild, CSS Backlum Chaam (5 cruisers)), 1 Colony ship, Zulu Defense Flotilla (CSS Succubus (cruiser), CSS Asmodeus (cruiser))
  • Acrux: 2nd Capellan RCT (6000 infantry, 400 tanks, CSS Truiteag (super transport))
  • Castor: CSS Gisaeng (scout), CSS Oiran (scout)
  • Alphard: CSS Tawaif (scout)
Researched technologies:
Spoiler :
  • Biotech: Medicine, Genetics, Genetic Modification, Cloning, Prosthetics, Combat Prosthetics, Pathology, Bioweapons, Advanced Bioweapons, Bio-scrubbing, Bioconstruction, Biomaterials, Advanced Biomaterials, Personal Armor, Universal Combat Suit, Terraforming
  • Physics: Energy Sources, Elerium Cells, Elerium Fusion, Warpgates, Warpgate Resonance, Warpgate Capacitors, Warpgate Synthesis
  • Engineering: Robotics, Remote Control Drones, Drone Workforce, Automated Space Drones, Orbital Facilities, Ship Design, Cost-Efficient Design, Cost-Optimal Design, Large-Scale Design
  • Computers: Human-Computer Interaction, Instant Messaging, Information Network, Ubiquitous Computers, Interfaces, Holographic Simulation, AI, Evolving AI, Humanlike AI, Ship Computers, Targeting Computers, Steering Computers
  • Weaponry: Slugs, Railguns, MAG Rifles, Lasers, Hand Lasers, Missiles, Guided Missiles, Smart Missiles, Rocket Launchers
  • Defenses: Plating, Heavy Plating, Agile Plating, Point Defenses, Close-In Defenses, Planetary Defenses, Ground-to-Orbit Missiles, Shields, Deflector Shields, Active Shields, Reflective Shields

## Great Ascendancy of Imperial Guangdong (Ascendants) / alex994
Spoiler :
Leader: Emperor Landis / alex994
Home system: Niu Yue
Attributes: Hardworking (10% cost reduction on ships, +20% tanks and drones per PP), Love of Science (20% reduction to all research costs), Insular (trading yields half)
Production: 210 (162*1.30) (54 banked)
Trade: 80
Travel speed: 3 gates/turn
Colonized systems:
  • Niu Yue 79/130 (50/30/20/0/10/20)
  • Jiao Xiu 41/80 (40/10/10/0/20/0)
  • Denebola 24/80 (20/10/30/10/0/10)
  • Achenar 13/120 (20/40/10/10/30/10)
  • Castor 5/70 (20/0/10/10/20/10)
Army and Fleet deployment:
Spoiler :
  • Niu Yue: 7 GOM, 1000 infantry, 100 Fighters
  • Jiao Xiu: 5 GOM, 1000 infantry
  • Denebola: 3 GOM, IANC Fujian (cruiser)
  • Castor: IANS Di Dam (scout), IANS Tin (scout), IANS Xiu Dam (scout), IANCC Xin Tian (corvette), IANC Guangzhou (cruiser)
  • Kastra: IANS Yo (scout)
  • Achenar: 5 GOM, 7000 drones, IANS Fan Kai (scout), IANCC Guo Han (corvette)
Researched technologies:
Spoiler :
  • Biotech: Medicine, Genetics, Genetic Modification, Cloning, Growth Vats, Pathology, Prosthetics, Combat Prosthetics, Bioconstruction, Biomaterials, Advanced Biomaterials, Personal Armor, Terraforming
  • Physics: Energy Sources, Elerium Cells, Elerium Fusion, Radiation Control, Warpgates, Warpgate Resonance, Warpgate Capacitors
  • Engineering: Robotics, Remote Control Drones, Drone Workforce, Automated Space Drones, Automated Shipyards, Combat Drones, Orbital Facilities, Ship Design, Cost-Efficient Design
  • Computers: Human-Computer Interaction, Instant Messaging, Information Network, Ubiquitous Computers, Interfaces, Holographic Simulation, Planetary Simulations, AI, Evolving AI, Human-Like AI, Gate Forwarding, Ship Computers, Steering Computers, Targeting Computers
  • Weaponry: Slugs, Railguns, MAG Rifles, Missiles, Guided Missiles, Smart Missiles, Elerium Fusion Warheads, Rocket Launchers, Lasers, Burst Lasers, Smart Lasers, Intense Lasers, Hand Lasers
  • Defenses: Shields, Personal Shields, Deflecting Shields, Active Shields, Reflective Shields, Point Defenses, Close-In Defenses, Proactive Defenses, Counter Missiles, Planetary Defenses, Ground-to-Orbit Missiles, Plating, Heavy Plating, Agile Plating, Self-Repairing Plating, Synergy Defenses

## The Confederation of Kalia (Confederacy, Kalia) / Nylan
Spoiler :
Leader: Consul Aaron Mica / Nylan
Home system: Kalia
Attributes: Spiritual (Greater stability and zealous soldiers), Good With the Land (Redev of R3-R4 comes at -1 cost, Terraforming research and costs are halved), Agrarian (10% cost increase on ships, -20% tanks and drones per PP)
Production: 244 (188*1.30) (6 banked)
Trade: 80
Travel speed: 3 gates/turn
Colonized systems:
  • Kalia 110/131 (62/39/0/10/10/10)
  • Regor 27/115 (40/15/10/10/30/10)
  • Alphard 21/62 (4/28/10/0/20/0)
  • Sinistra 15/84 (8/26/20/10/20/0)
  • Alpha Mensae 15/64 (18/16/10/10/0/10)
Army and Fleet deployment:
Spoiler :
  • Kalia: 1000 infantry, 300 Fighters, CSS Petrograd (Corvette), CSS Zurich (Cruiser), CSS York (Carrier)
  • Regor: Regor Fleet (1 Cruiser, 1 Corvette)
  • Cebalrai: CSS Cologne (scout)
  • Alpha Mensae: CSS Athens (Frigate)
  • Huris: CSS Trondheim (scout)
  • Antares: CSS Madrid (scout)
  • Alphard: 5000 infantry, 240 tanks, Fleet Swift (1 Frigate, 2 Corvettes)
  • Sigma Draconis: Fleet Toyotomi (2 Frigates, 1 Destroyer)
Researched technologies:
Spoiler :
  • Biotech: Medicine, Genetics, Genetic Modification, Prosthetics, Pathology, Bioconstruction, Biomaterials, Advanced Biomaterials, Terraforming, Ecosynthesis (5 PP invested)
  • Physics: Energy Sources, Elerium Cells, Elerium Fusion, Radiation Control, Warpgates, Warpgate Resonance, Warpgate Capacitors, Warpgate Synthesis
  • Engineering: Robotics, Remote Control Drones, Drone Workforce, Automated Space Drones, Orbital Facilities, Ship Design, Large-Scale Design
  • Computers: Human-Computer Interaction, Instant Messaging, Interfaces, Holographic Simulation, AI, Gate Forwarding, Ship Computers, Steering Computers, Targeting Computers
  • Weaponry: Slugs, Railguns, MAG Rifles, Lasers, Burst Lasers, Hand Lasers, Missiles, Guided Missiles, Rocket Launchers
  • Defenses: Plating, Heavy Plating, Shields, Deflector Shields, Active Shields, Point Defenses, Close-In Defenses, Proactive Defenses, Planetary Defenses

## The Sword of Wrath (Wrath) / MadDogOfMI
Spoiler :
Leader: Regent Jason McManus / MadDogOfMI
Home system: Blight
Attributes: Compliant (Strong population stability), Apocalyptic (Weaponry research costs half), Unsettling (Trade yields half)
Production: 101 (11 banked)
Trade: None
Travel speed: 1 gate/turn
Colonized systems:
  • Blight 83/130 (60/30/10/10/10/10)
  • Misery (Botein) 9/80 (0/0/20/0/40/20)
  • Strife (Eltanin) 9/110 (0/20/20/20/30/20)
Army and Fleet deployment:
Spoiler :
  • Blight: 2000 infantry, 200 tanks, 100 Fighters, 2 Corvettes, 1 Destroyer, 3 Frigates, 1 Transport, 1 Escort Carrier (30 fighters)
  • Misery (Botein): 500 infantry, 50 tanks, 2 scouts, 1 Transport, 1 Cruiser, 1 Destroyer, 2 Frigates, 2 Corvettes, 1 Escort Carrier (30 fighters)
  • Strife (Eltanin): 500 infantry, 50 tanks, 2 scouts, 1 Cruiser, 2 Corvettes, 1 Frigate, 1 Escort Carrier (30 fighters)
Researched technologies:
Spoiler :
  • Biotech: Medicine, Pathology, Bioconstruction
  • Physics: Energy Sources, Elerium Cells, Warpgates
  • Engineering: Robotics, Ship Design
  • Computers: Human-Computer Interaction, Ship Computers
  • Weaponry: Slugs, Lasers, Missiles, Guided Missiles, Rocket Launchers
  • Defenses: Plating, Point Defenses, Planetary Defenses, Shields, Deflector Shields, Active Shields (10 PP invested)
Star Systems (known by anyone, in alphabetical order)

Achenar 120 (20/40/10/10/30/10)
PP yield: 13
Stability: 65%

Achird 100 (10/20/20/0/0/50)
PP yield: 30
Stability: 74%

Acrux 80 (10/0/40/0/20/10)
PP yield: 20 (10/0/10/0/0/0)
Stability: 58%
PP yield: 30 (0/0/30/0/0/0)
Stability: 60%
Capella (0/0/0/0/5/0)
PP yield: 5
Stability: 74%

Alcyone 80 (10/40/20/10/0/0)

Albireo 60 (10/10/10/10/0/20) WEATHER
PP yield: 28
Stability: 60%

Alcor 50 (0/0/10/20/0/20) RADIATION

Algieba 110 (30/10/10/10/40/10)
PP yield: 40
Stability: 87%

Algol 120 (30/10/30/10/10/30)
PP yield: 5
Stability: 68%

Almach 120 (10/0/20/30/10/50)
PP yield: 15
Stability: 64%

Alnair 70 (10/10/20/20/0/10) WEATHER

Alnitak 70 (10/10/30/20/0/0)
PP yield: 25
Stability: 68%

Alpha Centauri 110 (10/10/20/40/10/20) WEATHER
PP yield: 40
Stability: 66%

Alpha Mensae 64 (18/16/10/10/0/10)
PP yield: 15
Stability 67%

Alphard 62 (4/28/10/0/20/0)
PP yield: 21
Stability: 68%

Altair 80 (20/10/20/20/0/10)
PP yield: 5
Stability: 72%

Altais 100 (10/10/20/20/10/30)
PP yield: 20
Stability: 68%

Altara 110 (10/10/0/10/50/30) POLLUTION
PP yield: 28
Stability: 52%

Alterf 70 (0/0/10/50/10/0)

Anser 110 (10/30/0/10/30/30)
PP yield: 50
Stability: 91%

Antares 90 (0/20/20/20/20/10)
PP yield: 20
Stability: 68%

Aquarii 90 (20/0/0/40/30/0)
PP yield: 20
Stability: 68%

Arcturus 90 (20/20/0/0/30/20)
PP yield: 5
Stability: 94%

Ascella 60 (0/10/10/20/20/0) WEATHER

Atlas 60 (0/10/30/0/20/0)

Barnard 80 (0/10/10/20/30/10)
PP yield: 40
Stability: 72%

Bellatrix 50 (20/0/10/0/10/10)
PP yield: 20
Stability: 70%

Betelgeuse 60 (0/0/0/20/10/30) RADIATION

Benalia 150 (54/18/10/50/10/10)
PP yield: 85
Stability: 90%

Bezek 100 (30/10/20/20/10/10)
PP yield: 40
Stability: 69%

Blight 130 (60/30/10/10/10/10)
PP yield: 83
Stability: 94%

Botein (Misery) 80 (0/0/20/0/40/20)
PP yield: 9
Stability: 87%

Cancri 80 (20/20/10/10/0/20)
PP yield: 6
Stability: 90%

Capella 160 (50/10/20/40/30/10)
PP yield: 80
Stability: 70%

Caph 60 (20/10/10/0/10/10) POLLUTION
PP yield: 25
Stability: 50%

Castor 70 (20/0/10/10/20/10)
PP yield: 5
Stability: 65%

Cebalrai 70 (0/10/0/30/10/20)

Chara 120 (20/0/40/20/10/30)
PP yield: 61
Stability: 73%

Chow 110 (20/0/10/20/20/40) WEATHER

Corona Borealis 80 (20/30/10/10/10/0) POLLUTION

Cygni 130 (30/0/20/40/40/0)
PP yield: 74
Stability: 73%

Cymbae 50 (0/10/20/0/20/0)
PP yield: 5
Stability: 65%

Delta Pavonis 70 (30/0/10/0/10/20)
PP yield: 40
Stability: 64%

Denebola 80 (20/10/30/10/0/10)
PP yield: 24
Stability: 63%

Diadem 60 (20/10/0/10/10/10)

Electra 80 (20/10/10/20/0/20)

Eltanin (Strife) 110 (0/20/20/20/30/20)
PP yield: 7
Stability: 95%

Epsilon Eridani 140 (50/30/10/0/40/10)
PP yield: 90
Stability: 72%

Epsilon Indi 80 (10/10/20/10/0/30)
PP yield: 20
Stability: 68%

Epsilon Reticuli 50 (0/10/0/20/0/20)

Errai 90 (20/10/40/10/10/0)
PP yield: 57 (15/8/24/10/0/0)
Stability: 70%
PP yield: 23 (5/2/16/0/0/0)
Stability: 66%

Fomalhaut 100 (10/30/40/0/10/10)
PP yield: 60
Stability: 72%

Fornacis 100 (20/0/20/30/0/30)

Fury 160 (50/0/40/20/10/40)
PP yield: 52
Stability: 64%

Gliese 80 (20/10/30/10/10/0) DERELICTS
PP yield: 30
Stability: 69%

Huris 140 (60/20/30/0/10/20)
PP yield: 92
Stability: 65%

Jiao Xiu 80 (40/10/10/0/20/0)
PP yield: 41
Stability: 72%

Kalia 131 (62/39/0/10/10/10)
PP yield: 110
Stability: 80%

Kapteyn 120 (20/20/20/20/30/10)
PP yield: 80
Stability: 78%

Kastra 80 (20/10/10/10/0/30) HOSTILE DEFENSE SYSTEMS

Keid 110 (20/40/10/0/30/10) RADIATION
PP yield: 5
Stability: 66%

Kruger 110 (0/30/10/0/20/50) RADIATION
PP yield: 35 (0/25/10/0/1/0)
Stability: 58%
PP yield: 5 (0/5/0/0/0/0)
Stability: 57%

Lacaille 50 (20/0/0/0/10/20)
PP yield: 5
Stability: 64%
PP yield: 15
Stability: 58%

Lalande 120 (10/20/20/50/10/10)
PP yield: 100
Stability: 94%

Luyten 90 (20/10/20/20/20/0)
PP yield: 40
Stability: 73%

Mira 60 (0/10/0/20/20/10) WEATHER
PP yield: 5
Stability: 63%

Mizar 110 (30/30/30/0/10/10)
PP yield: 90
Stability: 93%

Niu Yue 130 (50/30/20/0/10/20)
PP yield: 79
Stability: 57%

Polaris 100 (0/20/20/20/10/30) DERELICTS

Pollux 100 (20/10/30/10/10/20) HOSTILE DEFENSE SYSTEMS

Procyon 70 (20/0/10/30/0/10)
PP yield: 60
Stability: 75%

Propus 90 (50/10/10/10/10/0)
PP yield: 60
Stability: 92%

Rana 90 (20/10/10/30/20/0)
PP yield: 70
Stability: 64%

Rastaban 70 (10/10/10/20/10/10)

Regor 115 (40/15/10/10/30/10)
PP yield: 27
Stability: 68%

Regulus 80 (30/0/10/10/10/20)
PP yield: 50
Stability: 73%

Rigel 160 (50/30/0/10/40/30)
PP yield: 100
Stability: 73%

Ross 80 (20/10/10/10/20/10)
PP yield: 50
Stability: 70%

Sezuren 120 (80/10/20/0/10/0)
PP yield: 110
Stability: 90%

Sigma Draconis 80 (20/0/30/10/10/10)

Sinistra 84 (8/26/20/10/20/0) WEATHER
PP yield: 15
Stability: 64%

Sirius 200 (70/20/20/30/20/40)
PP yield: 140
Stability: 80%

Sirrah 130 (20/30/20/10/20/30)
PP yield: 70
Stability: 95%

Shishimai 50 (0/0/10/30/10/0)

Sol 100 (30/30/20/0/10/10)
PP yield: 80
Stability: 69%

Tarsus 120 (60/20/20/0/10/10)
PP yield: 56
Stability: 90%

Tau Ceti 80 (0/20/20/10/20/10)
PP yield: 5
Stability: 67%

Teegarden 90 (20/20/10/0/10/30)
PP yield: 40
Stability: 70%

Tsze Tseang 90 (10/40/0/0/0/40)
PP yield: 25 (5/20/0/0/0/0)
Stability: 71%
PP yield: 25 (5/20/0/0/0/0)
Stability: 93%

Vega 70 (0/0/0/30/30/10) POLLUTION
PP yield: 8
Stability: 60%

Vernalis 110 (10/20/20/40/0/20) WEATHER
PP yield: 30
Stability: 61%

Wei 90 (10/20/10/30/10/10) RADIATION
PP yield: 5
Stability: 58%

Wolf 90 (20/0/10/0/20/40)
PP yield: 20
Stability: 92%
Faction Backgrounds

## The Emergents of Providence
Spoiler :
The Emergents seem to have survived the Breaking by unadulterated luck, which holds even unto this day. Their new leaders are constantly finding ore deposits, salvaging old ships, getting sudden inflices of volunteers, or being out of town when a natural disaster strikes their headquarters. Probing the luck is unpopular due to a superstition that it might cease if someone discovers that it has no basis in reality.

## Cybran Dominion
Spoiler :
The Cybran Dominion started as an organization for promoting transhumanism (with a focus on robotics and AIs), that originated on Earth, but left because of prosecution on charges that it was a dangerous terrorist organization. They found an arid, backwater desert planet and settled there. Everything was well for a time, until the Scourge came along through an unexplained way. The Dominion was thrown into chaos, it divided and fought itself. After years of long devastating fighting the war ended. Now after the end of the plague, Cybrans are ready to expand on a galactic level.

## The Furians
Spoiler :
The Furians were all but wiped out and forgotten by history during the scourge. But in reality they escaped and hid out underground. They were the most feared military unit in the galaxy, supported by UPS, United Pacific States, they ruled their system with an iron fist. The workers and citizens rarely broke the law and the Fury system immediatly became the safest place in the Universe. Until the scourge that is...... Now they have come out to a shattered system and now hope to rebuild the system again and rule with an Iron fist again, as they love to do that.

## Nekomi
Spoiler :
Sirius, once one of the proud Core worlds, now a ruin. Its proud shipyards and cities reduces to empty, desolate hulks. But from these ruined cities have risen the Survivors - the Nekomi. In truth, they were no more then a strange sub-culture of humanity. Mostly teenagers, who have decided to follow into a strange trend of making minor genetic additions to themselves. For some, a tail or an extra set of animal-like ears upon the top of their heads. Some even have claws. While human at the core, these additions, which could not be passed on to the next generation by, did somehow give them an advantage durring the lean times, and a large number of them did survive. Now, as the road to recovery begins once again, they have taken the forefront of society, and begun trying to reach the stars again.

## United Systems Commonwealth
Spoiler :
The U.S.C. came about following the abdication of power by former overlord of the Epsilon Eridani and Kapteyn systems, Shuurai Heavy Industries, and was formed utilizing a framework of previously successful representative states crafted by Shuurai legal teams and input from citizens of the existing government. The U.S.C. is effectively an interstellar federal republic utilizing a popularly elected government composed of representatives from localized regions within its systems. It has inherited the military forces of Shuurai and currently subcontracts most of its construction, defense and research needs to that corporation. It looks to expand the rule of law and democracy to systems lacking order and stability and to promote the growth and benefit of mankind in all its possible expressions.

## Colonial Federation of Sezuren
Spoiler :
When the Sezuren system saw its first colonies erected, the men and women who founded them believed it was the beginning of a wonderful new life. Sezuren was the target of a very large, very expensive colonization project. It was supposed to be the future: bringing millions, nay billions to the system and developing the central planet completely within a year. This was how future colonial projects were supposed to be! Eight months later, the Scourge hit.

When all was said and done, however, the colonists did not all die. In fact, they survived despite the losses that occurred. By what seems to be nothing more than a stroke of luck, the colonists largely survived the Scourge! Now the colonists of Sezuren have their infrastructure back up and running, even if it is a bit jury-rigged for the moment. They&#8217;ve come to realize that this is an opportunity to reshape the mold of their new society. Instead of being a colony &#8211; a subordinate &#8211; they would forge a new interstellar dominion and create a society of MANY united colonies.

## Democratic Autarchy of Huris
Spoiler :
Huris, home of terror, blood and near anarchy, until Intergalactic Corporation made a hostile takeover of the planetary government and reinstated order. But their oppressive reign of totalitarian terror did not suit the working class any better, and revolution commenced. After a civil war of huge proportions the populace overthrew their masters, and now the Democratic Autarchy of Huris may finally be looking at a bright future. Space beckons.

## NAM Cluster Gymir-Rho
Spoiler :
NAM, or Norsk Automated Mining industries has a long history stretching right back to the 22nd century on earth. The technical demands of profitably mining the truly enormous coal reserves off Norway&#8217;s coast lead to an explosion of robotics, teleoperation, AI and extreme environment engineering, and the vast wealth engendered made the company a notable power (and one which became very integrated with the still EU-independent Norwegian state). Naturally when the solar system opened up NAM units were at the forefront of resource extraction across difficult environments from Triton to Mercury. During the great expansion NAM spread across the stars, typically acting as subcontractors to other Commercial entities to break ground in difficult systems whilst local industry started up. It is in this period that the &#8220;Cluster&#8221; evolved as the principle NAM unit, consisting of a self sufficient group of large mining robots and the industrial base and habitats to keep them running, moving from system to system to find work, with a closely knit and somewhat insular social structure. As the Scourge spread throughout Known Space, A cluster with the designation &#8220;Gymir-Rho&#8221; was working the highly radioactive belt orbiting the third star in the Rigel system. As the systems failed the Cluster relocated to CII, where a small Terraforming project was occurring under the auspices of another company. A few megaton mining charges later and the planet was under the Clusters authority, though most of their machinery had to be abandoned in orbit. Despite the slightly radiation intense environment the people are getting back on their feet, and the wealth of worlds beckons once again.

## Magistracy of Capella
Spoiler :
Renowned for its entertainment industry and medical capability, the Magistracy of Capella grew into a leading economic power before the Scourge. Thousands of familiar Capellan "pleasure circuses" travelled the galaxy, and tourists flocked to the Capellan system to sample the indlugences of its casinos, brothels and entertainment complexes.

In the years following the Scourge, a new community emerged populated mostly by the former "entertainers" and "courtesans" who had an obsession about one's looks as a judge of ability. Luckily for the community, sufficient medical knowledge was salvaged by enough beautiful people to keep the tradition of medicine alive. Unluckily for the not-so-beautiful, they were relegated to a caste of slaves.

## Great Ascendancy of Imperial Guangdong
Spoiler :
The roots of the Ascendancy goes back to the Cantonese People in the later half of the 20th century whose culture and language were quickly fading away. Yet they managed to persevere and kept their identity for the next four centuries and managed to cobble together an expeditionary force to leave Earth and start their own colony of Cantonese People. With them came various admirers of Cantonese culture, a Japanese sushi-chef and his family and a band of young British teenagers, one of them a minor member of the House of Windsor (he was ejected after he left earth)

After landing upon the world that would become Niu Yue, the people set up a Constitutional Monarchy that would give them a sense of connection to their past and chose the British boy, Landis Windsor, as their King and established the Imperial Senate and the Imperial Assembly as the parliamentary bodies based on the British Model. They were a peaceful people who shunned anything &#8220;weird and bizarre&#8221; and kept to themselves.

Luckily, the damage from the Scourge was only minor due to the fact that many of them had refused cyborg implants and the like due to their belief that it was unnatural and unseemly. After the Scourge had past, they set out to build a nation that would keep their identity alive.

## The Confederation of Kalia
Spoiler :
Before the scourge, Kali Terraforming Corporation was a well liked, well respected, and &#8216;well used&#8217; corporation. Contracted by countless corporate expansionists, they did the dirty work while the big wigs upstairs counted coins and rubbed their hands in anticipation. No one liked terraforming, so why not leave it to Kali Corp, which was more than willing to do the job for them? Do it they did, and did it well. Talented and creative, there was no system and no planet they could not make hospitable, and in fact they were so good at what they did that some entrepreneurs and high level businessmen went so far as to &#8216;special order&#8217; certain climates in certain locations, or for a man-made paradise continent which they could use while on vacation.

When the Scourge hit, it was almost the end of the world makers. Their equipment turned on them, and the heavy terraforming machinery they had relied on for decades slaughtered thousands, while weather satellites and ocean probes wreaked unprecedented havoc upon defenseless colonies. When the dust cleared, even the home planet of the corporation itself was near ruins. The losses had been catastrophic, and the company collapsed. The people of Kalia, in such dark times, underwent a spiritual revival, and a religious fervor swept across the globe. The scattered city-states formed a confederation and began to reconstruct their fallen planet in the name of human progress. But can this newfound faith and respect for the divine save the former God-imitators from obscurity or worse? Only time will tell.

## The Sword of Wrath
Spoiler :
Originally an obscure nihilistic terrorist organization, the Sword of Wrath was laying low on the marginal colony world of Blight when the Scourge surged through known space. Originally settled by a religious sect with neo-luddite attitudes, the world survived the ravages of the Blight but fell to the Sword of Wrath instead. In the years since, the Sword of Wrath have remade the world in their own apocalyptic image.

Update Links

Update One
Update Two
Update Three
Update Four
Update Five
Update Six
Update Seven
Update Eight
Update Nine(s)
Update Ten
Update Eleven
Update Twelve
Update Thirteen
Update Zero

Space. Once the literal final frontier, a place for humanity to conquer, a place for dreams to come true. Once a teeming, thriving colonial realm, a gigantic marketplace where dreams were bought and sold. Now a wasteland, a desolate dump, a universe of broken dreams.

But from the destruction and desolation, amidst the tumbled cities, abandoned mining plants and derelict space stations, rise the survivors. And like the first flowers after a forest fire, the opportunists rise to the challenge, immediately ready to take over where others have fallen.

Before the Scourge, interstellar megacorporations ruled supreme, freed by the yoke of earth-bound governments and regulation. Now that even the last ties to the old have been cut, those corporations that have survived have all the chances to exceed their former grandeur.

At least two of the old combattants have weathered the disaster, shaken off the debris and set to regaining their former glory. Shuurai Heavy Industries, the infamous arms dealers, rightly feared throughout the known universe; and Intergalactic Corporation, the colonialists and upstarts, ostensibly less deadly but looks may be deceiving. They will most likely run in to each other sooner or later, a clash of once-titans, or a David meets Goliath? In any case, the harshest blow for both may just be the realization how small they actually are now.

Flying in under the radar, once everyone's friend, for the right price, NAMg&#961; may now be started down a different path. As mercenary workers and builders their reputation has always bee undisputed - even unrivaled. But when it comes to building society itself, they are a page unwritten.

But once-great companies are no longer the only players. Many new factions arise from the ashes, groups who were once marginalized find themselves at the forefront, ready to take up the race in this new era. The Nekomi, once called a subculture by their so called betters, now they have survived where those betters perished. With their affinity for genetics they already have an edge in the race for survival, however their na&#239;veness may yet prove their downfall. Another strange group are the Emergents, who seem to have survived when all reason says they should not have. They call it luck and cherish it, but luck alone is not likely to keep them alive in an unforgiving reality.

The Colonials of Sezuren are also lucky to be alive. But such has been the rule for colonists throughout history, surviving against harsh odds and hostile environments. Yet for all those that made it, many more fell along the way, and despite all that has passed the worst may be yet to come to Sezuren.

Masters of warfare, elite soldiers and pilots, the Furians really thought they could face any threat. Now they know better. Still, they have survived where many others did not, but they will need to prove they know more than how to fight if they are to survive for long in this new era.

The most secretive of all, misunderstood by most everyone they meet, the Cybrans have survived largely by self-imposed isolation. With the new era comes a new chance - a chance for grandeur, or just a vain hope, crushed by the uncaring universe?

At the end of the day, who will survive, or even prosper? Any of these factions, or some new, yet unknown? Only time will tell...

Let there be posts! :)
Intergalactic Corporation is here.
Furians are here, armed with guns and ready for war!

The history of the Furians

Back when Space Exploration was still in its ealy stages, the United Pacific States sent a military division up to protect their holdings, this division was known as Fury, the Furian division was an elite division for the UPS. The United Pacific States sent the Furians up to prevent uprisings from miners, farmers and the like. Also to protect the civilian sites as well.

A few years have passed and the men of Fury Division became so feared around the system that the UPS council has decided to rename the system home planet, Fury, in honor of the Furians. Eventually the rest of the systems became aware of the Furians and learned to stay away from that system. The Fury System lived and worked in relative peace for a few more years.

Another few more years passed then a epidemic broke out in some distance system, but nonetheless upon hearing the reports of countless dead and ships just not working or breaking apart they decided to store up food and water for a year in an underground bunker and limited traffice to the system to only UPS ships. When they heard of the epidemic coming closer they decided to head underground and wait out a year for the epidemic to die out.

The year has passed and now the Furians are out and saw the destruction and lonely landscape that had once been a bustling city of 500,000.

This is their story.......
Hey what happened to my Tiberium fields attribute?
It seemed a harsh thing by Rigellight, Bil and Cer* having set some hours before, picked out like a photo negative of bleached white and deep shadow. The calm blues of Bil or the heat of Cer would have given the structure depth and colour, and he would have been able to see the comm uplinks golden paint job and the deep green of the delicate spikes of the lasers. For a moment Jes thought maybe the building was nothing but an abstraction, still a design blueprint seen with his mind eye, and that the successes of the last hours had been only a dream. But then a small figure stumbled out of the doorway a began emptying their stomach, and Jes smiled – dreams rarely vomit. The ridge he was sitting on was a bit too far away to determine who the black and white stick figure was, probably his second in command Vlad, who had never been able to hold his vodka.

Turning away from the tableau, Jes drank from his own endorphin spiked glass, it’d go straight to his head, but he damn well needed it by the Void. The last forty five hours had been intense; attempting to get the mothballed scoutship to respond before it drifted out of contact had been a nightmare, its scourge damned systems require entirely new interaction protocols to be written on the fly, the slightest mistake or signal glitch spelling failure. They’d eventually gotten in by forcing a response from the rubbish ejection system and working their way to the main core from there. But it was done now, and the ship was easing back towards CII from its parking orbit near Rigel thousands of AU away. Even more, it had turned out that this ship was the prize of prizes, with routing information to direct connect to the Hyperstatic fields in Rigels Belt…

Just the thought of that left him stunned; finding an object, even one as large as the warpgate in the dust and rocks of a volume a million times larger than the Belt of Sol should have taken years, but here they had lucked out on the second try. As he looked around at the scrubland on the outskirts of Shipdown City he thought again on why the Norsk and the NAM half-jokingly only refer to planets by alphanumeric designation, and how those glory days might come again with his aid…the reason was simple; who stoops to name every sand grain on a beach?

*Names for Rigel B and C
General Zabriskie, now president of the Fury System, looks at his men and frowns upon the sorry state they are in. "One year of solitude and loniless has taken their toll on the men. Fortunatly there were some women with us and we can start a brand new civilization." He thought to himself.
"Sir, we have found some planes not far from here!" One of my men informed me.
"Take me there now." I followed the man as well as several of my men. After a few miles of walking we came upon a small clearing where ships were arrayed and prepared for launch.
I thought to myself, "Why weren't these destroyed along with the other ships we saw near the city?"
As if my aide, Lt. Valerus, read my mind, he said, "I think these ships survived due to the low valley and steep cliffs making it hard for the scourge to make it down there."
I told my man to count the ships and tell me what is available for use immediatly. He ran off.

After an hour passed he came back with a count, 4 scouts and 120 fighters sir, all in prime condition, with the exception that some computers may need minor repairs. I immediatly ordered the scouts out to explore with 10 fighters as escorts for each scout. "I cannot afford to lose a ship this early." I told my Lt. I stood at the door of the bunker and watched as ship after ship left, after 44 ships left I went in to take a look at the damages and repairs needed done.
Emergents reporting in!

The phone rang. President Jonathan Domini picked it up.
"Domini speaking," he answered by rote.
"Word from the shipyards is that the hyperdrive tests are finished. They're waiting for your orders."
"That's three days ahead of schedule. Are you kidding me? I don't have a free slot on my calendar until Sunday! Tell them that if they have nothing to do, they can contact the simulators and build a gunship designed to hold off Fighter craft. That's about the only thing we're likely to see for a while."
"You're paranoid, sir. Nobody's going to be attacking us."
"I'll decide whether I'm paranoid or not. Good day."

Jonathan Domini cursed. The hyperdrives were early at a time when he had no free space on his calendar, his calendar was filled with meetings with every single group with either an educated opinion or a vested interest in interstellar reclaimation, some cracker was playing silly buggers with the local network, his wife wasn't talking to him, and he had a suspicion that there might be functioning hyperdrives in hostile hands. Goodness knew that there had been a hundred inhabited systems before the Scourge, and if the Emergents had survived...

But it was pointless to dwell on such things. Jonathan gestured at his computer. It sprang to life, displaying his home image of a tree with branches bearing small icons. He touched the one marked "Benalia Overview" and called up the most recent census data, working once again to keep ahead of the flow of information that threatened to overwhelm him.

Meanwhile, a very long distance away, the hyperdrive test was "officially concluded". This meant that a ship had successfully entered the hyperstatic field and reported back intact. Unfortunately, the need to remain in control of the ship had been second to the need for the pilot to be able to respond to a new situation, and so the Blessed Star (an ironic name if ever there was one) was on its way to escape, if it could be called such.
But the command was not heeded, as Sergeant M. Domini (no relation to the President) was suffering from some form of space intoxication. Travelling through the warpgate had triggered something deep in his brain. Possibly it was the sheer solitude.
"The stars are wonderful. So empty." He was musing to himself, but the machine-controlled portions of the ship picked up his utterance and relayed it back to Benalia.
"So serene."
The men on base glared at one another, then suddenly broke into frantic speech all at the same time.
"We can't risk that."
"He's insane."
"We can't risk leaving him!"
"Is it likely to pass?"
"I told you we should have sent a drone!"
"Find someone he knows."
"And I told you, drones were too limited!"
"What did you say?"
"I said, find someone he knows and call him."
"I second that! Preferably his mother."
"Bother that."
The last man to speak dashed over to the comm board, knocking aside the appointed communicator, and said quietly: "Domini, your mother wants you to come home. Do you want to see your mother again, Domini?"
The bickering quieted and they pulled the venturer away, but they could all hear the quiet sobbing now filling the room.
"I'm sorry." said Domini. "I'm coming home."

An OOC question: How does colonization work?
...or by colonizing new systems (see below).

Colonization of a system can be done using a ship with the colonization ability. An initial colony will yield 5 PP, regardless of the R-levels of the colonized system.
No ships seem to have said ability.
Great stories all around! :)

Hey what happened to my Tiberium fields attribute?
Oops, I never saw that you had changed that. My adverse comment on your first negative attribute was never about the attribute itself, only your description about it. But if you want it changed then I'll update it once I've decided on the exact numbers there.

who stoops to name every sand grain on a beach?
For star systems - those who live and work there?

An OOC question: How does colonization work?
No ships seem to have said ability.
Heh, so much for having the rules proof-read in the preview thread, eh? A colony ship costs 30 PP and may colonize other systems.

@germanicus12: Was that in-system exploration in your second story? I hope you remember that fighters cannot travel through warpgates without being carried (not enough fuel capacity).
Oh my bad, then have them escort them as far as the warpgates then come back. There is a reason for that lol, but it is a secret reason.:lol:
Magistracy of Capella (Capella)
Leader: Lovely Lady Pokeahotass / BananaLee
Home system: Capella VII - random? warpgates
Attributes: Beautiful (For some reason, all the people anyone meets are beautiful, and I mean 5* beautiful - perhaps it's because the not-so-beautiful ones are either chucked out of airlocks or sent to work in Capella's mines...)
OOC: That's the negative as well, ugly people don't make it.. They might get really pissed off unless they're dead - or population growth won't be THAT great initially. If not, then forget the tech-positive trait below
Production: 40 (0 banked)
Trade: None
Travel speed: 1 gate/turn
Colonized systems:
- Capella 40/[MPC] ([R-levels]) <leave MPC and R-levels blank, I will fill it in somewhat at random>
Army and Fleet deployment:
- Capella: 1000 infantry, 2 Scouts, 160 Fighters
Researched technologies: Medicine
Description: The Magistracy of Capella was borne by a lot of pleasure-seekers who came to the system to literally seek pleasure. Once a thriving touristy community, with very willing residents it survived on the fruits of horny space travellers. Back before the Scourge, not only did space pleasure tourists come to Capella, even pleasure circuses from Capella visited other systems, such that most old systems long for the beautiful and willing 'pleasurers' of Capella.
After the Scourge, several groups of Capellans managed to survive. How? No one knows. But some have come out - with most of their, er.. values intact. And they're ready to bring pleasure first to the planet, then to the rest of the galaxy! Love conquers all!
Are we able to form treaties or are we not yet in contact with each other?
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