Rise of the Hanged Maiden- A dominions 3 Early Era AAR


Jan 22, 2003
Rise of the Hanged Maiden

Welcome to my second Dominions 3 after action report (AAR). In my first dominions 3 AAR, I got my butt handed to me by Ulm in the late-era. Now I will play an early-age Dominions 3 AAR as neifelheim. I’m not going to be posting as much game-related stuff; instead, for the sake of brevity, we’ll move a little faster.

Rocks and sunken branches pulled and tore at the corpse as it was carried to the sea by the cold silvery river. Though the body had been submerged for several days and the jagged rocks had torn at the swollen flesh as it was swept through the cold mountain streams, long blond hair and a fine, though badly ripped and muddied, silk and lace dress spoke of a debutante’s beauty tragically cut short.

Though the wolf that pawed at the river and smelled curiously at the exquisitely dressed figure as it pass could not see it, a spirit struggled at the body, panicked and frantic. The spirit did not recall, but during life she had signed a pact, a pact that would prevent ensure her continued existence beyond death. It had been an insurance of sorts, a means of protecting herself against the suspicions and fear of the Ulm peasantry. When her father’s serfs had finally risen against her, hung her and threw her body in the river, her witchcraft had been stirred and awoken. Unfortunately for the young witch, her spirit did not recall this; nor even, did she recall how she had died. And so, knowing only that her spirit was trapped in a bloated and badly torn corpse, that she could not escape this body, her spirit panicked and raged.

Finally her spirit broke from the corpse and floated free. Immediately she regretted it. Floating slowly above the silvery and gurgling river the spirit watched her corpse float away. Bloated, torn, it had been her vessel. Beautiful, young, with a purple-black collar of bruised flesh, a gift form the executioner’s noose, it had been her short life.

The ghost wept.


In the beginning time seemed to flow strangely. It seemed that the night would last forever and spirit of the hanged maiden was always cold. She flowed through the dark winter woods, slipping in and out of this world like a dreamer flirting with waking. With time the people of the woods, strange giants of incredible stature and strength began to speak of the maiden of the woods. Where her spirit passed trees and crops would die. Milk would sour and children would be born stillborn. With time the giants of the land began to utter prayers to the shadowy figure, to pray for mercy and compassion.

Have a look at the scales. They are pretty bad. The land is one of death, cold and drain. Though the people are lucky and well organized.


With time the spirit grew anxious. Unable to face her the new state of her being, she sought to find her body anew. And so she followed the mountain stream as it led to the sea. Along the way she came to a strange and wild land inhabited by worshippers of trees and twigs who resented her wilting chill in their forest.

Here’s a look at our pretender’s first enemy. That’s actually pretty tough. Those tree-creatures are demonic-nature summons with over a hundred hitpoints each.


The silent form of the Hanged Maiden glides, deadly and beautiful through the forest of the druids. Where she passes the chill of winter and death freezes and kills grasses and bushes. Ancient trees loose their leaves droop, their vitality stolen. The ancient cult of the blood druids will not accept this and so they meet the interloper and challenge her with spells and conjured forests spirits. The ancient cultists cut the throat of virgin blood slaves and invoke powerful magics. Blood rain falls from the skies and powerful magics fall upon the Hanged Maiden. In the end however, the blood maiden shrugs off the unnatural rain and demonic summons. The giant tentacle-tree creatures’s branches pass through her ethreal body. Finally the chill of the grave sets the enemy’s heart to cowardice and she is left alone to search the dead forest for her body.

While you check out our success against the independents, check out this beautiful map. Visually its just so gorgeous.

heh, Hanged Maiden: Lord of Celestial Bodies, Prince of Many Names. Transvestite?
I'm going to play a different but keep everything else the same. I want to practice for a MP game i am going to be playing in.

Maybe someone just put that dress on the prince... she/he is confused though... so who knows?

Sorry for the change in plans.
The silvery river runs from the mountains, through the forests and into the sea. As the hanged maiden approaches the sea she has yet to see any sign of her corpse. There is no evidence of her clothes or skeleton. She feels no familiar call. As she approaches the sea, she puts one foot slowly in its cold waters. The sea welcomes her without resistance. She thinks to herself; I am a ghost am I not? I need not breathe, do I? And so she steps into the water, flowing through its waters as easily as the air she breathes.

And so she searches the valleys and chasms of the deep waters and as she does, she is ambushed by professional soldiers. She has stumbled into the path of the oceanic civilization of R’leyh. For some reason I can’t seem to take screenshots of underwater battles anymore; I just get a blue screen. Anyway, here’s a look at what we faced.


You can see that our other expansion parties are doing okay. I’ll get to writing about them when they face an interesting opponent.


We are successful in fighting off the r’leyh but its not a winning proposition to face off against their army alone with only our ghost. That enemy commander is tough, but its limited to the sea. I will need to get further capacity to face them if I am to stay in the waters. For now the ‘Hanged Maiden’ will have to search for her corpse ashore.
why're the screenshots oddly colored? they're all red and orange
its the map. i thought it was pretty.

i'll get you a screenshot of the whole map and you can see what that looks like
Awesome. Will check in on this regulary.
To the north and west, rumours abound. A man, a soldier, a painter, has produced strange and wonderous works. They show strange wolf-like creatures fighting with men.

I am more then man. I am more then a soldier. I am the beating heart of the beast incarnate. I am the howl in the dead of the winter night. I am the savage cruelty of the maiden’s wolf.
(playing with the filters)


The maiden flees the sea, fearful for what existence she can maintain a claim upon. But the shores she sets foot upon are not uninhabited. There are men and women here, tall and beautiful creatures with natural control over illusions and glamour. They are the Vaenir. Perhaps the ghostly maiden could ask them if they could help with her undead state.


While our pretender is setting up a laboratory in the territory shown to the north so that we can buy some sages (to help with research), our werewolf army attacks the vaenir directly. You can see that their units are sort of semi-translucent and doubled. That’s because they have ‘glamour’ which basically makes it so the first hit on them doesn’t count. Also, when they are in their own dominion they are completely impossible to see. Finally, all their units can function as scouts- ie- they can stealth and travel unnoticed through your territory.


We make no campfire. No one can make eye-contact with another member of the pack. Today was a great and horrible day of shame. Small creatures, demonic little warriors from the summer lands ambushed us as we recovered from a recent battle with local forces. The tiny figures swarmed around our mighty forms and with their wickedly sharp swords and spears, they cut us down, even our leader, the mightiest of the wolf-soldiers was slain.

Wow- I just got schooled by Yomi, its prophet and a bunch of tiny little soldiers.


Not all the news is bad for the turn. One of the most famous and strongest of the Juton giants, the general Kvase, has sworn to serve the hanged maiden. He will be sent north with a small army to try and turn Yomi’s advance.


Here’s a map for you KF.

Ooh, autumn colored
The Death of the Hanged Maiden

The maiden was confused. This was a land of illusions and mystery. Her soldiers had been beset by glamour and blades, magics and shadow. Now, it seemed, it was her turn. The enemy had caught her away from her soldiers and supporters, deep in enemy territory. The enemy came for her with cavalry she was not sure she could even see and holy spells meant to banish her undead spirit back to true death. Confused, outnumbered, and afraid, the hanged maiden tried to run away. Unfortunately, strategically the vaenir had managed to cut off her escape and so when she ran, she was slain.

But was this her end?

The Vaenir are developing a reputation for cruelty and carnage only matched by that of the Yomi. Despite our well-organised defence meant to protect the sage’s libraries, the vaenir fight through and manage to slay all our sages. It is a horrible and bloody day for the Jotun researchers (and halves our total research output just like that)


(from bad to worse eh?)
Vaenir cruelty continues when they hunt down and slay our wolfmen as they are raising a castle to protect the entry to our northern lands. Will they press the attack into our heartlands?


I provided a blow up of the enemy's cavalry that is giving me so much trouble. Well this will be good to know. The glamour cavalry doesn't suck- i sort of thought it wasn't that great but now i know that its just fine.

For weeks we fell back further and further as the Yomi soldiers made their way into our forested mountains. Occasionally they would fall upon our camp and even manage to slay a few of our numbers but those that survived kept falling back.

Then one day the great giant hero Kvase was seen striding through the highland plateaus, fully head and shoulders above the great pines.

That night we had no trouble around the campfires. The flesh of yomi soldiers was stringy and unfulfilling however. Just too small.


Do you all think its sort of pathetic that i manage to get my ass kicked so bad by the AI time and again?
Don't worry. Only way that I can win against an AI is through a Dominion Victory and hiding behind 30 level worth of province defence everywhere :p

Edit:wait...for starting scale you chose Death 3, Order 3 AND LUCK 3?!?!?!?!?!?!. Oh I see you meant them as a challenge XD.

Ah well. There goes that plan for Niefel Giant rush of death.
The people on the dominions forum seem t think the AI is easy. I don't get it.
Well. I won against AIs by doing absoultely nothing but conquering indy provinces once. I get owned everytime I try to do attack them though (Abysians are pure nightmare...and so are the Ermor)
R’lyeh continue their offensive against us. They invade our lands with some weird creatures. We’re sending reinforcements to reclaim the lands.

We take no losses retaking those lands.


But with R’leyh out of the way, it become obvious just how close Vaenir has approached to our heartland. You can also see that our kingdom has shrunk considerably.


The graphs show that we are the second smallest kingdom. This happened in my other AAR too (just before we got invaded by Ulm and weren’t able to turn them aside).

We of the Juton were in dispair. Our god had been slain by the Vaenir. Our sages had been slaughtered, our forts dismantled brick by brick. Our shores were invaded by creatures from the watery depths and in the north, only the bravery of our great hero kept the enemy at bay. What would our future hold?
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