LK33 - Regent Challenge, Managers Cage


Exterminate, exterminate, exterminate!!!
Aug 15, 2001
LK33 - Regent Challenge, Managers Cage
Regent, Standard Size, Random Land Mass, Climate, Temperature, Age, Roaming Barbs
NOT culturally linked, no re-spawn.
Random civ generated is Rome

The rules: (based on an idea by T-Hawk)
Each round will start on Thursday.
Each round will be due on the following Tuesday, 12 PM, USA - Eastern Time.
I will review the results Wednesday / Thursday.
The best turn will become the basis for the next round.
If I get less then 2 players on a Tuesday, the game will end.

I am the ONLY person who is to post in this thread.

Each player is to post there 10 turns under the thread - LK33 - Regent Challenge, Batters Cage
The best turn will become the start for the next 10 rounds.

Here is the beginning of the game.


For the FIRST ROUND ONLY - play to 3000 BC.
I am revising the save game format - the new standard includes starting with LK33, as in: is the prefered format.

@T-hawk - good point, I will try and keep 20 turns going for a while.
A log for the turns - standard SG format - is required.
Without a idea off your thought process behind the turns, you have no chance of being choosen the best turn.
And will you tell us why that game was the best - so we can learn?

Also I see you have some "Batter's Cage" game running. Is that the same as this one?

Do you have a Warlord game like this in mind?

Each turn I will evaulate all games, and determine which is the best. I will then post the best save in this thread, and that will become the basis for the next turn.

The "Batter's Cage" is where ALL saves for this game go. This thread is on the informantion part of the game.
can this game be sped up a bit...1 week per turn early on is, well, going to take a long time :) and like other civies, i'm just dying to know what's over that next hill :)

Could I suggest a turn every 48 hrs? or would that prevent others from being able to do so?
Originally posted by RedwoodTree
can this game be sped up a bit...1 week per turn early on is, well, going to take a long time :) and like other civies, i'm just dying to know what's over that next hill :)

Could I suggest a turn every 48 hrs? or would that prevent others from being able to do so?

The challenge of this format is that I need to review EVERY players turn to determine the best. We already have six players that have submitted, and more could be on the way. There is NO way I can review that many games every 48 hours.
This turn was judge primarily on recognizing the strength of Rome - settler / worker factory, and maximizing growth in that city. The secondary criteria was pottery / granary.

GrandMasta Nick - Rome is at size THREE , growth in 1. 2 wines irrigated, +4 food a turn. Pottery is completed.

Turn One: Move worker one tile south to see if there is better land for Rome, there isn't so I Move settler north to get a costal tile and allow a future city to use that lake also.
I like the thought about getting another fresh water city. :)

Rome size three, warrior in one, start settler (or granary) next. Irrigated two of the wines because we are surrounded by jungle and need a city that can pump the settlers out one after another.
This is the correct reasoning. Many of the jungle cities will be killers by the industrial ages, but we need a city that can claim them.

Shdwlord - Settler is already built. Pottery is being researched. Contact made with another civ.
One irrigated wine, and worker on the second. I won't repeat his summary, but a good analysis of the board.

Swiftsure / meldor - Rome is at size 2, growth in 1, granary in 4.
One problem that I saw with Swiftsure ONLY is no road connecting to the square working is on.
Road - unconnected - improving square. Don't leave gaps in the road net.

hotrod0823 / Griselda - The wines were mined, losing a rare 3 food square in despotism. This is NOT a start of a settler / worker factory.

RedwoodTree - He got very lucky with the bonus settler, however -
1) Rome was place at the 4000BC default location. It should have either gone to the coast, or sw one to the jungle. The default location will later create 4 water squares that will never have more the 1 food.
2) Veii was placed on the grassland within its area. One square NW still would have kept it coastal. The jungle would have been auto-cleared. Two more grassland squares available with temple.
3) Pottery was not researched.

Infoman - Rome is NOT on the river, losing the free aqueduct, growth beyond size 6 without having to spend the shields, and the ability to grow beyond 6 without needing the tech first.

LKendter (shadow turn - I can NEVER win) - GrandMasta Nick is even ahead of me by 1 turn for growth. I played a mini-farmers gambit. The faster that the granary is available, the faster the city can go to pure settler / worker mode.


Turn One: Move worker one tile south to see if there is better land for Rome, there isn't so I Move settler north to get a costal tile and allow a future city to use that lake also.
Turn Two: Move worker to irrigate that wine. Start warrior for scouting in 10. Start pottery in 16.
Turn Three: Nothing
Turn Four: Nothing
Turn Five: Nothing
Turn Six: Start road
Turn Seven: Nothing
Turn Eight: Nothing
Turn Nine: Nothing
Turn Ten: Move worker NE
Turn Eleven: Irrigate
Turn Twelve: Warrior scouts SW
Turn Thirteen: Scouting
Turn Forteen: Warrior pops barbs
Turn Fifteen: Warroir actually wins!! Now elite. Fortify
Turn Sixteen: Warrior finished sent scouting. One more ordered
Turn Seventeen: More scouting Bronze at 100%
Turn Eighteen: Worker moved onto bonus grass.
Turn Nineteen: Mine started. Scouting
Turn Twenty: Scouting
Rome size three, warrior in one, start settler (or granary) next. Irrigated two of the wines because we are surrounded by jungle and need a city that can pump the settlers out one after another.
Kept pottery at 50 to build our bank. (Could slow us down, but we can get it back with trade. I'm not sure it's the first time I tried this.)

I am making a couple of PERMANENT format changes:
1) 20 turns per round for the most of the game, in order to let it finish sooner.
2) Shorter deadlines - I agree the deadlines need to be closer.

Play until 2150 BC.
Turns are due by Friday, midnight, est.
This turn was rated on primarily expansion - #settlers, #new cities, Rome-granary, #new workers
We have a very diverse set of directions this turn. My shadow was the only for 2 cities.
I didn’t look at tech much in the decision. If you build a strong city base, then items like tech will solve themselves long term. Remember the RBE - DSG players motto: Population is Power. I agree 100% with those guys, and this will always be an influence of my turn judgement.

(winner, runner up)
3000 BC - GrandMasta Nick, Shdwlord

Shdwlord - 0 settlers, Veii (snagging furs), Granary (eta 1 turn) and zero new workers.
Starting to work tie breakers - Rome is size 4, growth in 1.
I have to break the close round with hotrod0823 due to the successful purchase of 2 workers.
My nitpick of mining NON-bonus grassland before grassland is minor.

hotrod0823 - 1 settler, Veii (snagging furs - building temple, close to Paris), no Rome Granary and zero new workers. Starting to work tie breakers - Rome is size 3, growth in 2.

GrandMasta Nick - 1 settler, 0 new cities, Rome Granary and zero new workers.
Clearly playing for long term settler factory - take a look at LK34 for how powerful this can be. Looking at hotrod0823, and Shdwlord who got the great Veii location one of them have to win.

Griselda - 0 settler, Veii (needs temple to get furs), Rome Granary, and one new worker.
Results about the same as shdwlord who didn’t get “N War pops settler from hut!”.

LKendter (can’t win) - 0 settler, Veii (on river), Antium (coastal city), no Rome Granary and one new worker.

RedwoodTree - Rome has an entertainer! - There is absolutely no reason to not up luxury tax this early. Out of the running.

titansfan216 - 0 settlers, Veii (river in jungle), Granary in progress and zero new workers.
Same basic progress as shdwlord, but shdwlord’s Veii placement was better snagging furs.

Swiftsure - 1 settler, no natural cities, Rome Granary, and zero new workers without luck.
Setter from hut producing Veii. The new worker is because of luck with Veii.
Take away the luck factor, and other players got more done in 20.

Turns are due by Monday, midnight, est.
Play until 1500 BC.
This turn was again rated on primarily expansion - #settlers, #new cities, #new workers (had 1)
The other check was the status of Veii - keeping those furs is critical, and will require a temple for safeties sake.

(Winner, runner up)
3000 BC - GrandMasta Nick, Shdwlord
2150 BC - Shdwlord, hotrod0823
1500 BC -

Veii is size 2, building temple, 22 turns to go. Worker clearing forest, so really 12 turns to go.
Two new cities - 1 fresh water, and 1 claiming iron.
Two new workers built.
Military has 5 warriors.
Rome is size 4, growth in 2.
One settler heading toward river with wheat spot.

Antium already as a mined square, and a jungle rot square being cleared.
Military is lighter, but a clear plan to have Antium start pumping out troops with and emphasis on improving the quality of that city.
He is the only player to secure iron. [party] This is the edge that gets Shdwlord gets first place.

Veii is size 2, building temple, 22 turns to go.
Two new cities - 1 coastal, and 1 fresh water.
One new worker built.
Military has 7 warriors.
Rome is size 4, growth in 3.
One settler heading toward the iron spot.

I would have sent the worker on the mountain instead toward Cumae to mine the grassland. However, this is still better overall then clearing a low priority jungle square.
I put Swiftsure ahead of Griselda. Although Rome is one size smaller, he is producing 12 shields vs. Griselda eight. Antium temple is close, and could become a source of badly needed military.

Veii is size 2, building temple, 12 turns to go.
I generally favor growth above all, however this city is about to be culture crunched from two sides, and I like seeing the temple due this early. Having unhappy people increases flip chance, so sometimes smaller is better. ;)
One new city - along the coast.
NO new workers built.
Military has 5 warriors, 1 spearman.
One settler heading toward the iron spot.
Rome is size 5, growth in 1, AND READY TO RIOT.
City riot status is checked BEFORE the unit is built.

>> Behind 1 full city - the 2 riots in Rome were a big factor.
Late game I will get hit by an occasional riot - however, I try to avoid any riots this early.
This is one of the reasons I won't play Deity - even late game, a single riot could be fatal.

Veii is size 3, building temple, 52 turns to go.
Two new cities - both have fresh water.
Two new workers built.
Military has 7 total warriors.
Rome is size 5, growth in 2.
One settler heading toward the iron spot.

One thing I don't like - workers clearing jungle by Rome. Rome can expand to size 7 without the jungle being cleared. With the amount of food, forest could be the 8th expansion spot. Rome is in settler mode, and won't hit this size for a long time. Antium and Cumae desperately need cleared terrain.


Turns are due by Thursday, midnight, gmt - 5. Play until 850 BC.
The complete winning turn from Shdwlord
I will make sure to post these in the future

2110 BC Rome grows to size 5, produces granary, settler ordered.
Veii attacked by barbarians, they take 19 gold.

2070 Veii produces warrior, MMed to max food and worker ordered. Its going to take a bit of doing to get fresh water there, might have to let the french do it for us, as Paris is built on a lake.

2030 Mysticism learned, writing began. Heading towards republic. Science dropped to 90%.

The French begin the pyramids.

1990 Barb camp and goody hut spotted

1950 Barb camp dispatched, hut was deserted.

1910 Rome produces settler, orders another. Veii MMed so growth in 3, worker done in 3.

1830 Greek warrior/settler seen heading east

1790 Veii produces worker, switched to max food and barracks ordered. Antium founded in jungle on the river. Growth in 10 turns, worker ordered, done in 10 turns.

1700 Rome produces settler, another ordered. Give greece Mysticism for Iron Working and 10 gold. I think about trading Mysticism to England, but all they have is 8 gold to pay. Hmm, there is iron on the hill I was heading towards to found a city.

1650 The English start the pyramids.

1575 move the settler 1 further SE, wasted space, but not founding on the iron wasting shields later.

Greece starts the oracle.

1550 Cumae founded on a hill claiming iron. Rome produces settler, begins another. Workers head into their first jungle square outside Antium.

1525 Atrium completes worker, begins barracks. Veii switched from barracks to temple.

1500 Writing learned, Philosophy began. Barbarian camp SE of Cumae dispatched.

Rome is set to produce a settler every 6 turns, going from 3 to 5 population. Both warriors are needed to keep rome from going into civil disorder at size 5, so they can't be used for escort duty. Either Cumae or Atrium should be set up to produce spearmen for defence of these settlers. The contenent does open up to the SE, so Rome should not be switched off settlers. I called both warriors back to explore the south, since we know that there is no way we can go west. We need workers and roads, since the AI will be heading to our south soon, since they are boxed in. We also have to have a decent military on our western front, since the AIs might get agressive since they are so boxed in together. Well, france is boxed in, I can't tell if greece and england are. I was sending the settler 1 NE of the wheat, looks like the best spot in that area for a city. I would suggest our next city be either nw of atrium (same place as on last dotmap) or if you want to risk losing time place one at the head of the river west of atrium, SE of veii. The AI is closer so you might waste time trying to get there, then having to go back to another spot to found.
This turn was still rated on primarily expansion - #settlers, #new cities (had 4), #new workers (had #3), and size of Rome. We are still in the expansion phase.

(Winner, runner up)
3000 BC - GrandMasta Nick, Shdwlord
2150 BC - Shdwlord, hotrod0823
1500 BC - Shdwlord, Swiftsure
850 BC - Swiftsure, Shdwlord

Zero settlers, 5 new cities, 3 new workers, 1 purchased worker, and Rome is size 4 with growth in 1.
Military has 9 warriors and 2 spearmen.
Workers are close to getting furs on-line. [party] This has an added bonus of being close to being connected to the French road net and possibly trading wines. If nothing else, the wines could be traded as part of a tech cost if hopeless France ever gets a tech we could use.
I disagree with Veii barracks - city is 50% corrupt - courthouse should be the #1 priority.
The reason he beats breaks Shdwlord streak - Ravenna. He was the ONLY player to build this fresh water city next to Rome that adds another coastal city long term and is a FIRST ring city. It can build a worker in 10, and grow in 10. We have a ton of jungle to clear, and having a slow worker source will help big time long-term. The workers were weaker by Neapolis, but stronger by Pompeii as this city is more productive then Shdwlord.
Bonus: 2 embassies established, while Shdwlord has none.

My one issue:

Yellow dot should have had priority over red dot to clear.
Why? - Red dot is outside of any cultural borders at the current time, and yellow dot would have put use closer to iron. Shdwlord did get this one, which is how close the two where to decide on.

2 new settlers, 4 new cities, 2 new workers, no purchased workers, and Rome is size 3 with growth in 3.
Military has 5 warriors, and 3 spearmen.
Missed a valuable trade - Philosophy for map making. The AI magically knows where all barb camps are, so by trading maps we can know if sending naked settlers toward silk zone could be suicide.
Good workers actions with Neapolis with getting the wheat irrigated.
Reason runner up: I had a very difficult time deciding between him and Swiftsure.

Control Freak
Zero settlers, 5 new cities, 1 new worker, 1 purchased worker and Rome is size 5 with growth in 1.
Military has 7 warriors, and 4 spearmen.
Worker actions are weak - Wheat by Neapolis is irrigated, but no road. Clearing a forest square when a grassland square is not developed, Antium has 3 squares cleared with just roads, and the 2nd furs being connected could wait.
Reason other player: weak worker actions

1 new settler, 3 new cities, 3 new workers, 0 purchased workers and Rome is size 7 with growth in 8.
Military has 5 warriors, 1 archer, and 4 spearmen.
I spotted multiple cases of building roads through jungle, which is wasteful of worker turns. Worker actions have a base cost, which is then multiplied by the movement cost of the terrain. Building roads through jungle before clearing it cost a lot of time.
Reason other player: he is behind the other players in total number of new cities and settlers (4) vs. (5 and 6) for the other players.


Turns are due by Monday, midnight, gmt - 5. Play until 430 BC per the utility from Control Freak - no more homer voices ;)
The complete winning turn from swiftsure

1425-rome builds settler starts another
1400-neapolis founded ne of wheat on river starts warrior
buy worker from england for 27gp
1375-change cumae to warrior for def against barb
warrior pops goody and gets 50gp
mm rome settler in four
1350-cumae builds warrior starts worker
pompeii foundered starts warrior
mm veii to produce temple in 11 turns
1275-discover philosophy start code of laws
rome builds settler starts another
antium build barracks starts warrior
warrior takes barb camp 25gp
1225-pompeii builds warrior starts worker
1200- neapolis builds warrior starts temple
1150-antium build warrior starts spearman
pisae founded starts warrior
1125- rome builds settler starts another
warrior bites the dust in south against barb horseman
trade wheel to france for 30gp
trade philosophy to england for horse riding and 10gp
trade philosophy to greece for 23gp
establish embassy with england
1100- veii builds temple starts worker
pompeii builds worker starts temple
1050-antium starts spearman starts another
cumae builds worker starts temple
warrior takes out barb camp
establish embassey with greece
greece has map making but wont trade
975-rome builds settler starts another
veii builds worker starts barracks
950-discover code of laws start republic
900- pisae builds warrior starts worker
ravenna founded to use five wasted land squares starts worker
hispalis founded starts worker
850-antium builds spearman starts another.

State of the nation-95gp,-1gp per turn, tech lead on everyone except Greece who we have parity with. Another settler in 1 turn from Rome
This turn was still rated on primarily expansion - #settlers, #new cities (had 4), #new workers (had #3), and size of Rome. We are still in the expansion phase, but there may be land to grab over there - it will still be somewhat productive.

(Winner, runner up)
3000 BC - GrandMasta Nick, Shdwlord
2150 BC - Shdwlord, hotrod0823
1500 BC - Shdwlord, Swiftsure
850 BC - Swiftsure, Shdwlord
430 BC - Swiftsure, hotrod0823

Current state of the empire is:
6 workers, 9 warriors, and 2 spearmen for military
Totals cities are 9, with no active settlers.

Not looking good, as 3 is the minimum to keep this game going.

@Control Freak - Please use the naming convention

Reason: Critical city (with 3 silks) is almost secured. This has more value then overly aggressive city of Lugdunum.
The total expansion consists of 1 new city, 1 city via a flip, 2 settlers ( One ready to get use silks ) and 3 new workers.
The military consists of 10 warriors, 5 spearmen, and 1 legionary.
Succession game courtesy was broken with a settler having a GOTO order.
France, Greece and England already had wonders in progress as of 850 BC (begin of turn). The odds of us getting the Pyramids are almost none.

Reason: The building of Lugdunum before the silks city.
The total expansion consists of 2 new cities including a very aggressively place Lugdunum (culture flip risk), 2 settlers, and 3 new workers.
The military consists of 9 warriors, 5 spearmen, and NO galleys.
Pisae needs jungle cleared, but the worker is mining a hill?

Control Freak
Reason: One less city then hotrod0823, and the worker actions.
The total expansion consists of 1 new city, 2 settlers, and 5 new workers.
The military consists of 11 warriors, 6 spearmen, and 1 galley.
I find some worker actions that make no sense - Size one Ravenna has the hill next to it mined with a road in progress - this city needs to be clearing jungle. Veii worker is mining a hill, while 2 grasslands are not developed. Pompeii has grassland that was cleared, but only has a road.


Turns are due by Friday, midnight, gmt - 5. Play until 30 BC per the utility from Control Freak - no more homer voices ;)

I hope we get more players this round. This format really wants a lot of players, and 3 players keeps this game barely alive.
The complete turn from Swiftsure
rome builds settler and starts another
settler will head south
730bc-pop rush temple in neapolis
710bc-antium builds spearmen starts another
Neapolis builds temple starts courthouse
Greek tourists from Thermopylae likes new temple and decide to join us. Thermopylae flips send spearman from Antium to there
Babylon builds colossus
Trade code of laws/ world map and 35gp to England for map making
Trade horse riding to France for world map and 2 gp, I wanted to see England's and Greek territories.
670bc-rome builds settler starts another
Pisae builds worker starts courthouse
Ravenna build worker starts galley
Hispalis builds worker starts courthouse
650bc iron is now connected so Antium changed to Legionary
630bc Pompeii builds temple starts pyramids
590bc-settler and warrior from hispalis head south to silks, if we get silks then marketplaces will make 2 people happy as we will have 3 lux
570bc-antium builds legionnary starts spaerman
550bc-rome builds settler starts another
530bc veii builds courthouse starts barracks
470bc-hispalis builds warrior starts courthouse
warrior kills barb camp gets 25gp
450bc-veii builds barracks starts legionary
cumae build temple build worker
Athens build oracle
Viroconium founded starts warrior
This turn was still rated on primarily expansion - #settlers, #new cities (had 4), #new workers (had #3), and size of Rome. We are still in the expansion phase, but there may be land to grab over there - it will still be somewhat productive.

(Winner, runner up)
3000 BC - GrandMasta Nick, Shdwlord
2150 BC - Shdwlord, hotrod0823
1500 BC - Shdwlord, Swiftsure
850 BC - Swiftsure, Shdwlord
430 BC - Swiftsure, hotrod0823
30 BC - Swiftsure, Shdwlord

Current state of the empire is:
9 workers, 10 warriors, 5 spearmen and 1 legionary for military
Totals cities are 11, with 2 active settlers.

4 players is OK, I would like to see more.

Reason: France is so PATHETIC in this game, I can't argue with beating up a 90lb weakling. Civ is very much about luxuries / resource, and this war gains both. The good part, the war can't last to long.
S added 3 workers, upgraded 1 warrior, zero spearman, and 8 legionary for military.
Total cities added were 4, 2 active settlers, and 1 conquered city.
Total cities added were 4, and 2 active settlers. The horses have been claimed.
Byzantium and Lugdunum should be building TEMPLES - they are to close to the Greek cities.
War evaluation:
1) The over civs are still polite - less risk of England / Greece versus us.
2) The war had a good reason
"All in all an average turn, will hopefully continue the war to capture Rheims (definitely for the spices), Lyons(there has got to be a reason AI built there, oil or saltpeter) and Orleans."
3) I don't understand why healthy legions are sitting in Paris.
4) Good timing to gain 3 French workers.
5) A golden age in BC, but we are Republic. A GA under despotism just bites.

Reason: Another hard decision between Swiftsure and shdwlord - this was 51% Swiftsure, and 49% shdwlord.
S added 3 workers, zero warriors, 2 spearmen, and 1 galley for military.
Total cities added were 4, and 2 active settlers. He did NOT build the city to claim horses.
Rome is not building any more settlers, however in this timeline - there is no reason.
The value of city growth is proven - his Pompeii is size 6, 1 above cf, but same number of turns for the Lighthouse.

Reason: CF may not have known about the abandon city penalty, but moving a city in point blank range of the capital is asking for a flip. The city includes a GREEK citizen, which increase the flip chance. I don't see the gain, and Greece hates us.
CF added 8 workers, upgraded 2 warriors, 1 galley and added 6 more legionary (total 8) for military.
Total cities added were 4, and no active settlers.

The move of Thermo really hurt our rep with Greece. In addition, we moved it to a location under IMMEDIATE culture pressure from Athens.
Overall, the best worker actions from cf. There is just one :smoke: worker action, a square by Ravenna was cleared of jungle, but not improved.

Reason: The expansion phase is NOT over - he found new land, but no plans to take it.
H added 3 workers, 3 warriors, 1 galley and 2 legionary for military.
Total cities added were 4, and no active settlers. He did NOT build the city to claim horses.
There are still cities to build, but Rome is building a library?


Turns are due by Thursday, midnight, gmt - 5. Play until 310AD per the utility from Control Freak - no more homer voices ;)
NEXT ROUND CRITERIA - includes how fast we finish the war with France.

I hope we get more players this round. This format really wants a lot of players, and 4 players keeps this game barely alive.
The barely winning turn from swiftsure.

410bc- change pompeii to granary, everyone else was right about this to late to start but i like to have the pyramids.

rome builds settler and after much thought starts another one

mm sci to 30% which gives + 14gp for 1 turn but doesnt affect discovery of republic

390bc discover republic and starts polytheism,

revolution begins and i draw 5 turns of anarchy

paris builds the pyramids

370bc Lugdunum founded adjacent to 2 spices and with whales in catchment area




290bc long live the republic, sci at 40% lux at 10%

270bc antium build legionnary starts another
pompeii builds granary starts barracks

250bc veii build legionnary starts another
cumae builds worker starts courthouse
ravenna builds galley starts worker

230bc greece builds the great library

210bc rome builds settler and again starts another
pompeii builds barracks starts legionnary


170bc veii builds legionary starts another
antium builds legionnary starts another
lutetia founded starts spearman

150bc ravenna builds worker starts another
sci to 30% military build up is beginning to hurt

130bc rome build settler starts another
pompeii builds legionary starts another

110bc byzantium foundered starts spearman
trade republic to england for lit/math/w.m and 35gp
trade republic to greece for curr/w.m and 15gp

90bc veii builds legionary starts another
lugdunum builds warrior starts spearman


declare war on france first attacks see legions attack and destroy 1 spear,1 settler and 1 worker.... 3 slave workers gained
golden age commence.... historically almost perfect

70bc antium builds legionary starts another
pompeii build legionary starts another
brundisiun founded starts spearman
5 legions adjacent to paris... 3 1 square behind

50bc discover polytheism start construction
rome build settler starts another
neapolis builds courthouse starts granary
5 legions attack 4 spearmen in paris... lose 3 legions against 2 spears... reinforcements will still mean 5 legion attack next turn

30bc veii builds legionary starts another
ravenna builds worker starts spearman
Paris falls and the pyramids are ours

all in all an average turn, will hopefully continue the war to capture rheims(definately for the spices ), lyons(there has got to be a reason AI built there, oil or saltpeter) and orleans.

settlers from rome will begin hopefully to settle the newley discovered islands to the east
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