New Unit: Eurofighter EF2000 Typhoon

And the attack preview. It is the old one from the preview thread, there are some slight changes on the afterburner flames in the anim included in the zip ;)
Damn, it worked when I tried it after posting the thread :confused:

Maybe it has to do with the problems I posted in the feedback forum. I guess if these are fixed, it should work again...
Hm, now it also doesn´t work when I try - no idea why. However, it is late now, I´ll check it tomorrow...;)
Looking at the index of file uploads

No Eurofighter :( I don't think the file was ever uploaded. Did you encounter problems when trying to do so?
Well, that´s strange, because I got the upload comfirmation after the first try. However, I uploaded id again, and tested it - the link in the first post should work now...;)
Hail to the King, hail to Bebro !!!

I´ve all your Planes in my Civ, but my dream is a SU25. We have a A-10 (it is not from you but its ok) and we must have an eastern FighterBomber. Now in my Civ, your MiG21 is my Standard Fighter (eastern) and the normal Standard Fighter I´ve renamed to Mig29. A second dream is a Tupolev Bomber against the B52 we already have. Keep working... thanks
Thanks for the nice words. :)

John, at the moment I´m planning to make some other stuff (not aircraft) but I´m quite sure I´ll make some new planes after a while...;)
I think B-52 should take precedence over tupolev cuz it looks more generic and the one currently is kind of disappointing.
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