Term 6 - Foreign Affairs Office: The New Office


Forza Inter!
Feb 8, 2003
South FL
Hello Everyone.
I've been elected through special elections because War Mongrel resigned. I want to thank everyone that voted for me, and try not to dissapoint them.

These are the duties assigned to the Foreign Affairs leader:
  • Organize decisions on declarations of war.
    [*]Organize decisions on peace treaties.
    [*]Organize decisions on construction of embassies.
    [*]Organize decisions on rights of passage.
    [*]Organize decisions on trade embargoes.
    [*]Organize decisions on mutual protection pacts.
    [*]Organize decisions on placement of spies.
    [*]Organize decisions on intelligence gathering, spying and sabotage.

If you want to propose or say anything post it here! :)

Foreign Affairs Leader: Inter32
Foreing Affairs Deputy: Vacant
Japan - Negotiate Peace Treaty: we get their world map.

To be edited if necessary
China will trade peace+Furs+210g+85gpt for peace+computers.

Babylon will give us peace for 100g. It irks me to think about paying anything, but if would help us reduce WW. Only problem is, if we go offensive against Japan the MPP betwen Babylon and Japan would trigger.

FYI that's probably why Japan redeclared war on us after we got peace the last time...

Germany will give us peace+ivory+280g for wines+dyes.
I don't think we should sign peace with Babylon yet. We need to capture Tokyo to get the Japanese to come to the table. The other two deals sound okay to me.
I agree with Boots. We have to capture Tkyo first, then sign Peace with the babs and japs.
@DaveShack: that's my job to do ;)

We could wait until we capture tokyo before signing peace with ALL of our opponents, or we could just sign with the ones that will give it to us before attacking Tokyo. I checked (like Dave here did too) and found out this:

~Germany will give peace+silks+16 gold/turn
~China will give peace+furs+85 gold/turn+210 gold

My advice is not to pay anything to Babylon. We wait and make peace with japan and eventually we'll get a peace deal with the babs without having to pay anything.

What does everyone think about this?
Domestic Office only has one really urgent task; to reduce unhappyness. I am yet unable to download the save so I do not yet know what the peace has done for the unhappyness.

Domestic is willing to free up funds, and future funds (gpt), to fight this unhappyness. We are not going to the stars with unhappy citizens.

If taking Tokyo and then making peace with Babs and Japan is the fastest way, do it. If not, make peace with Babs and leave Tokyo where it is.
I downloaded the 1770_Offline save and the unhappines didn't reduce.. :(
I think th Domestic Office will have to change the Entertainment Slider, as peace didn't seem to make a big difference.
And we would have to get other luxuries even paying a considerable amount of money, but this concerns the Trade Leader.
Originally posted by Inter32
I downloaded the 1770_Offline save and the unhappines didn't reduce.. :(

WW is caused by action. We have not had much, if any, military action against China or Germany. We have had action against Japan and Babylon. So we need peace treaties with them to reduce our WW.
I can't post any instructions until we capture Tokyo.

Again, where's the Military Leader??? Can the deputy (CivGeneral) post the instructions please?
If we capture Tokyo, it will happen during the turn-chat. Are you going to wait until after the turn-chat to post instructions? I am confused...
....Oh, I think I understand whay you meant. Anyway, I think all we need to do is move our tanks next to Tokyo and then Japan will talk to us. If we capture or raze it, Japan will just be angrier with us. Anyway, perhaps this movement can be done offline to see if it will cause Japan to talk to us so we can sign peace with them and Babylon. Then we can plan better for the turn chat -- Or, we have a pre-turn turn chat only.
I plan on making next turnchat last only until Japan talks; after that we can consider peace treaties with them and Babylon on the forums. The next turnchats after that will be long chats, however.
I agree with boots. The turn chat should last until japan talks and until babylon offers Peace without us having to pay them tribute. Then I can negotiate the Peace Treaties with both of them.
If this is the route taken, the chat should last until Japan talks, then stopped and brought back to the forums for discussion. The chat should not continue until Japan and Babylon will only accept peace without us paying.
After today's Turn-Chat Japan and Babylon were willing to talk. Here's what they offered for peace:

~Japan will give Peace+worker+world map+territory map+7 gold.
~Babylon will give Peace if we give Peace+60 gold.

Do you agree on signing peace with these two nations?
Here is the Poll.

Note: ~America was not willing to talk.

For those of us who do not have the save or do not have access to the game, would you please put together a list of the other civs, our current status (War or Peace), their opinion of us, and how they view our culture and military strength? Such information would be of great use and falls within this department.

-- Ravensfire
~Greece - Peace - Gracious
They are impressed with our culture, our forces outnumber the greek and their scientific achievments match our own.

~America - War - Cautious
They are admirers of our culture and our military is much stronger.

~Aztecs - Peace - Annoyed
They are impressed with our culture, our forces outnumber the aztec and their scientific achievements match our own.

~Germany - Peace - Furious
They are unimpressed by our culture, their military force is about the same size as ours and their scientific achievements match our own.

~Babylon - War - Furious
They are unimpressed by our culture, our forces outnumber the babylonians and their scientific achievements match our own.

~Persia - Peace - Annoyed
They are impressed by our culture, our forces outnumber the persian and their scientific achievements match our own.

~China - Peace - Annoyed
They are admirers of our culture, our forces outnumber the chinese and their scientific achievements match our own.

~Russia - Peace - Polite
They are impressed by our culture, our forces outnumber the russian and their scientific achievements match our own.

~Japan - War - Furious
They are admirers of our culture, our forces outnumber the japanese and their scientific achievements match our own.

Thanks! :goodjob:

-- Ravensfire
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