What Video Games Have You Been Playing, Part 10: Or; A Shameful Display!

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In SoulSilver, I caught a Machop. I named him Captain. I do like my Fighting-types.

Rash nature (+Sp. Atk, -Sp. Def.), which isn't the best, but it's not like I'm playing competitively.
This thread title is certainly a Pyrrhic victory.

I'm still playing Phantom Pain. I've finally reached Africa because I have stopped obsessively doing side missions.

It gave me a laugh to know that you can't extract child soldiers. You can extract hedgehogs, crows, and sheep. You can extract brutally beaten prisoners. You can extract your sedated enemies. But child soldiers? They've got to stay put. Sucks to suck, nerds. :lol:

(Googling it, it does seem like something you unlock later in the game.)
This thread title is certainly a Pyrrhic victory.
So, a shameful display, one might say? :p
Actually the word ‘laconic’ would have just done nicely.

Are there any good real-time strategy titles out there, or should I just reinstall old classics e.g. Rise of Nations?
The best thread title in years, if not decades.

Playing old stuff.
Started ye olde Tomb Raider reboot and Divinity: Original Sin 2 again.

That's it, I'm just gonna reinstall/reenable stuff on the Windows XP partition.
Actually the word ‘laconic’ would have just done nicely.

Are there any good real-time strategy titles out there, or should I just reinstall old classics e.g. Rise of Nations?

If there are, I haven't found any. Rise of Nations and Empire Earth 2 are really good, though. Good choice.
There are some good real time strategy games, but most of them are old (older than Rise of Nations). The genre peaked with Warcraft 3.
The best "new" ones are Act of Aggression (decent C&C wannabe) and Sins of a Solar Empire (acceptable Warcraft 3 In Space !).
I'd forgotten that Meowth gets Pickup as one of its abilities. (Its other one, Technician, is pretty good too.) It's pretty helpful.

In Pokemon Emerald, I actually wandered around for a while with a bunch of Zigzagoons to stock up on Great Balls and Repels.
I said something about this a few pages back in the old thread, but since we have a cool new thread with a cool title, I'll repeat and expand...I am buried in Distant Worlds: Universe. Like ten hours a day buried.
Sins is like, 8-years-old.

Wait, is it?

No, it's 11-years-old.

For me it's still "relatively new" and a "recent" RTS.
Thanks for reminding me of my age.

Seriously, it's depressing that there aren't any notable real time strategy games anymore.
There are some good real time strategy games, but most of them are old (older than Rise of Nations). The genre peaked with Warcraft 3.
The best "new" ones are Act of Aggression (decent C&C wannabe) and Sins of a Solar Empire (acceptable Warcraft 3 In Space !).

I had SoaSE installed and tried maybe a half dozen times to get into it but just didn't. At risk of losing sight of you for some period of time, I strongly recommend Distant Worlds as a much better space strategy option.
If there are, I haven't found any. Rise of Nations and Empire Earth 2 are really good, though. Good choice.
There are some good real time strategy games, but most of them are old (older than Rise of Nations). The genre peaked with Warcraft 3.
The best "new" ones are Act of Aggression (decent C&C wannabe) and Sins of a Solar Empire (acceptable Warcraft 3 In Space !).
Right now in an old cardboard box where I put them in the last time I moved house I have the installers for RoN, AoE I and II (plus expansions), Warcraft III (plus expansions; Warcraft I and II already run on the XP partition), Freespace II, and Starcraft. So I'm well supplied, but something new has to come up in the last fifteen years. I was in high school back then!

It does, right?

I mean… yeah.

Oh, and I also have Rome: Total War, which even in vanilla mode is super fun. Although taking the WRE in Barbarian Invasion a.k.a. the masochist's path is also a challenge.

I mean, the closest to RTS with modern-day graphics is generic MOBAs. :/
My condolences to your girlfriend.
It's a full ten hours a day fewer for her to put up with him. Just come up with the occasional display of pizza and the relationship is solved.
You mention Rome Total War and then deny the glory that is Total Warhammer?

A new but classic-feeling RTS that is getting a lot of praise recently is Northgard. Very norse inspired, as you might have guessed from the name. Pretty low unit count and variety though, which was the #1 reason I refunded it. Also cartoony graphics.

I should mention that I'll be happy to play co-op Age of Empires II (HD) with anyone here :)
It's a full ten hours a day fewer for her to put up with him. Just come up with the occasional display of pizza and the relationship is solved.


Actually, playing games all day has less impact on her than when I work...and I've been using the rain as an excuse for why I haven't fixed my truck, and no truck gives me the excuse to turn down work (even though really I'm not interested in either fixing the truck or taking any jobs). So all told, she's better off as is.
For me it's still "relatively new" and a "recent" RTS.
Thanks for reminding me of my age.

Seriously, it's depressing that there aren't any notable real time strategy games anymore.

Kohan is only ~18 years old now, that also counts as "relatively new" right? Man that game was great multiplayer (though the AI wasn't amazing).
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