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A Babylon 5 Mod for the Final Frontier Mod

I started watching B5 last night, and its pretty good. The acting is a bit suspect at times, but the Centauri are pretty good.
The Raider Carrier I saw in it (the one with the narn onboard) didn't appear to have any real defensive weapons.
B5 rocks!!
It was sort of funny when I started watching the first episode, there was the attack on the centauri colony, and I immeditaly recognized the attackers as the Narn due to their ship that has the two big triangles on the sides. (You did an excellent job on it, it looks beter here then in the show.)
Hello everone!

@ Premier Valle

great job and great progress (also considering your texturing skills) :)

attached an omega with rotating rotating unit (because i wasn´t really sure which was correct in the show, there is a clockwise and a counter clockwise nif)

OMG!!!!!! :woohoo:
Thank you very much!. I'm once again impressed by your skills and knowledge (I thought it could only be made to rotate while fortified - like the FF starbase - but you made it work the way its meant to work!). :trophy:

It was sort of funny when I started watching the first episode, there was the attack on the centauri colony, and I immeditaly recognized the attackers as the Narn due to their ship that has the two big triangles on the sides. (You did an excellent job on it, it looks beter here then in the show.)

:) I'm glad you're watching the show!, thanks, but it'll look better once its texture gets upgraded to the Warlock Standard.;)

I'm so glad with The_Coyote's animation for the Omega that before the release of the ship pack I'll upgrade its texture to meet the Warlock's Quality Standard.

About the Raider Carrier, I think that game-wise it should have some sort of weapon... however B5-wise it looks like it has no weapons... what should we do?

On other news RL strikes again, so no advances so far on new models :(, fortunately looks like RL is getting stable so I'm looking forward to make some new models.

attached an omega with rotating rotating unit (because i wasn´t really sure which was correct in the show, there is a clockwise and a counter clockwise nif)
How the heck did i miss that?:blush:

fortunately looks like RL is getting stable so I'm looking forward to make some new models.
Glad to hear things are stabilising for you. Looking forward to seeing more ships.
Hello everyone!

So here it is at last, the new texture for the Omega Class destroyer:
Spoiler :

Any other comment about the Raider Carrier?

Any other comment about the Raider Carrier?
The Raider Carrier should have some form of defensive armament but no offensive weapons. After all most of it's offensive strength would be in the fighters it carries. This said we need to find some sort of modcomp we can incorporate into our mod that allows for the generation of a raider carrier complete with fighters/bombers.
So for the time being i would suggest we use the model as it is until we find something like i have described above.
In theory for the raider carrier you can give it a custom anim where the fighters appear as effects and move around. (basicaly a weapon like the Scout or Samurai)
That ship reminds me a bit of a ship from another sci fi film...but i really can't remember, which film :(.

Like always, a great and distinct ship :).

2010 Space Odyssey. Its rotating section looked very similar to the Omega

I hoped to have something ready for today,... I'm working on the Minbari Liandra Class (equivalent to the Olympus) but I haven't found any good reference pics, so, I'm going a little blind here. Will let you know how it turns out.

I reinstalled everything again, including the ship files and I still don't see any changes. The only part of the directions I don't know how to accomplish is the xml stuff. any suggestions.
I reinstalled everything again, including the ship files and I still don't see any changes. The only part of the directions I don't know how to accomplish is the xml stuff. any suggestions.
I'm trying to find the time to upload a new version for d/l that will have all the ships in it. Please be patient.
Hey Guys!

Nice to see a B5 mod being made... Was hoping to see this for quite sometime, but it seems B5 is slowly falling into oblivion!

Glad some people still like it, and keep the flame burning! :)

Just a small question: do I need to download those shippacks or are they just intended to be used on other mods?
I just downloaded the mod, will try it now... see you guys later!
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