A conservative's view of capitalism


Puttin' on the Ritz
Jun 11, 2003
First off, by "conservative", I mean Canadian, small-c conservative, which has very little in common with its American sense. Small-c conservatives used to be called Tories-- enthusiastic monarchists, High Anglicans, and, in England under Disraeli, a political union of lower and upper classes against the middle. In other words, true conservatives: against unchecked industrialism, against radical social progession, for the preservation of the old order. I am not exactly a Tory, and I certainly have many liberal sympathies which are more up Gladstone's alley than Disraeli's. However, in the modern political field I find it most accurate to characterise myself as a conservative.

That being said, the point:
What's Wrong With Modern Capitalism
Only when the last tree is cut, only when the last river is polluted, only when the last fish is caught, will they realise that you can't eat money.--Native American proverb

I suppose I have to begin by saying that I think there is something wrong with modern capitalism. I think (and hope) that only committed ideologues will disagree that capitalism and industrialism, in the form they take today, cause significant problems and injustices, in developed and developing countries, on the social, political, and environmental levels. You know what I'm talking about: export processing zones, urban unemployed, dehumanising factory labour, strip mines, everyone expected to be mobile to find jobs, dumping waste in African countries in exchange for guns supplied to their oppressive governments, corporate rights superseding safety standards under NAFTA, the destruction of rainforests, privatisation of water supplies, oil companies using private armed forces to mow down peaceful protesters in Africa, etc. etc. etc.

It's bad enough here in the First World, but in developing countries the effects are reprehensible. Corporations operating in countries that probably have lower GDPs than they do create colonial elites just like empires did in the past, with the exception that there's no romantic national ideal or home population to eventually come into conflict with the treatment of natives. We're talking about people driving BMWs to the giant swimming pool in their five-star hotels while others die of thirst just outside the police-protected wealthy compound.

I don't think these are simple matters of companies not assuming the costs of externalities, because I think many of the externalities are, literally, invaluable. You can't put a price on human life; nor, in the long run, can you put a price on clean air, trees, land, or clean water. Further, a lot of the problems go beyond the ability of national governments to regulate, so assumption of externalities is not likely to be a fruitful means of solving the issues.

What can be done? And what, exactly, is the nature of the problem? A heck of a lot of people look for answers in varying forms of Marxism; or, if not Marxism, then communal revolt that the elites can easily depict as Marxism. Ironically, of course, Marxism, through its fundamental tenet of materialism, is the source of much of the problem. As John Ralston Saul sardonically observes, the only true Marxists nowadays are neoliberals.

I don't think Marxism is any kind of answer, and populist revolt, in the rare event that it's successful, treats only symptoms. The major problem is that, for people on the wrong end of the capitalist stick, these are often the best hope of betterment. Were I in Ernesto Guevara's position, I don't doubt that the deep feelings of antipathy I have towards these ill effects of capitalism would push me as far into socialism as they pushed him. When Bechtel buys the water supply in Bolivia, uses its clout to coerce the government into banning the collection of rainwater, then quadruples the price of water, as a Bolivian there isn't a single bloody alternative to taking up arms and throwing the bastards out of your country. (The neoliberal comment on a similar situation in the Ivory Coast, plumbing new depths of meaning for the word "cynicism", was that the sharp price increase was a good sign that the citizens of Ivory Coast had a healthy and proper respect for the value of water.)

So not only is the present capitalist system responsible for all the injustices to which I alluded earlier, but also in effect for communist uprisings, the death and destruction caused when these become wars, and the further suffering caused when successful uprisings almost inevitably produce their own dictatorships and tinpot elites. Corporate colonialism narrows the options of natives until communism is the best or only way they have to improve their lives, and with an inevitability of which Marx would have been proud, they find their Lenin and revolt. In many cases they're not even ideological communists; but for an armed uprising treading roughshod over sacred capitalist principles to retake anything "for the people", the cynical First World vocabulary has few words available: communists, Marxist rebels, socialists.

The thing is, this outlook isn't even cynical, it's cynicalised. Everyday people, average people, common people, are not by nature cynical. Common sense militates against basically everything that is wrong with the capitalist system. What person, if asked to construct a reasonable way of running things, would think it a good idea to have teams of marketers whose job it is to find new ways of exploiting children in order to sell worthless junk to parents? What person would suggest that it would be helpful if every major company were to have a "CEO" whose salary is equivalent to that of 1000 of his workers (or 20 000 of his Third World labourers) combined, but whose responsibility to the company is so non-existent that they pay him to leave after he takes apart the company to raise the stock price and cashes his options? What person would think to create a system where companies are so mobile that they can tell employees, "Right, you have to uproot your lives and move halfway across the country if you still want your job,", or hold governments hostage by threatening to relocate their operations, in order to win unpopular concessions? Who would insist that people be able to earn outrageous salaries by manipulating money markets without producing anything?

Nobody, that's who. Or perhaps a sociopath. An outsider considering the way we run things would probably conclude that our economy was designed by a sociopath with a twisted sense of humour. But something has alienated the average person so far from their common sense that they rarely think about any of this, and when they do, they usually just feel vague unease, or impotent rage, or despair. Nothing can be done about it, it's just the way things are, there is no alternative. I know I have frequently felt something like this, and I'm willing to bet many of you have as well. We have been cynicalised, not by any one person or group, but by the slow erosion of common sense. And whatever it is has done a damn good number on us.

So what is the real issue?
EVERETT: What about you, Delmar? What're you gonna do with your share a that dough?
DELMAR: Visit those foreclosin' sonofaguns down at the Indianola Savings and Loan and slap that cash down on the barrelhead and buy back the family farm. Hell, you ain't no kind of man if you ain't got land.
--O Brother, Where Art Thou?

This morning I had one of those rare but wonderful moments of lucidity, where you wake up and just lie in bed, and something forcefully and simply occurs to you. And the thought that occurred to me today was that these problems seem to be, by and large, the result of two major principles that have been adopted by the West, and which by our time seem to everyone to be unquestionable laws of nature:

1) That the value of land is tradeable in the form of paper money, and may be exchanged with any other kind of money;

2) That it is reasonable for a person to pursue the maximum possible economic gain for himself.

I don't think it will be easy, or perhaps even possible, to reverse number 2) as a means of solving anything. Not because it is immutably true-- it wasn't commonly believed until perhaps a century ago, give or take a few years-- but because to actively reverse it would inevitably require regulating individual action to an unconscionable degree. It is a folkway, and a fairly well entrenched one at that. Certain limits still apply, thanks to basic human nature: the average person certainly does not maximise his economic value, and would refuse to push an old lady off the sidewalk in order to get by more quickly. However, the fact that we acquiesce in permitting other people to do these and much worse, in other countries and even in our own, shows that we tend to accept the principle in general. I'm not proposing that governments determine what level of economic gain a person may pursue, so we'll just have to hope this folkway returns to a more sensible position.

However, I think we can and must do something about number 1). I think this idea had its beginnings in early modern England, when propertied townsmen began to use state power to dismantle feudally structured land holdings. But, as far as I know, it really only took off in the late eighteenth century, at the same time as the Industrial Revolution; I think the first clear example of this was the assignats, paper money valued against confiscated Church property after the French Revolution. But today, the point is that land is viewed as a tradeable asset like any other. You can own land and dispose of it as you wish, just as you can own gold or dollar bills and do the same. I am proposing that this is not a necessary way of treating land; further, that the problems of today's world mean that it is no longer a sane way.

Land is singularly not a transferable asset. As Mark Twain remarked, they're not making any more of it. There is simply nothing with which human beings can replace land. You can't live on money, you can't drink stock portfolios, you can't grow wheat in a bank account, and you can't fish in oil barrels. I have to revise my opening statement: for the average person, land is not a transferable asset. If you own enough of it, it can be, but we've reached a point where some people having that much land is not consistent with everybody having enough land to live.

Part of my point is that it is essentially weird for, say, an American company with a deed to some arable land in India to have a greater claim to that land than Indian people who live nearby and could farm it. It seems to me that the notion of property, applied to land, breaks down at a certain degree of separation between the proprietor and the property. The bottom line is that it is purely artificial that a man in an office in New York can "own" land halfway across the world, or even in his own country. I'm aware that this kind of thing was given a basis by John Locke, but frankly I don't find it very convincing; it's more rationalisation than reasoning.

My gut feeling is that beyond a certain amount of land that I could personally use, exploit, and enjoy, there is no reason to permit me to reserve a right to additional land. Further, given the power of principle 2), there is a very good reason to prevent me from reserving that right: I feel little or no compulsion to preserve land that I don't have to live on or depend on, and it's probably in my short-term economic interest to strip mine it, or to cut down all its trees, or to hunt its animals to extinction, or build a big nasty factory on it. Land that somebody else could use to live on is thus wasted, and when this is done on a large scale it has effects which are permanent, or long outlast the conditions in which I make my economic decision. For example, short-sighted urban sprawl where I live, around Toronto, has caused what is, for our purposes, the permanent destruction of vast areas of prime agricultural land. We're talking some of the richest soil in the country, great swathes of it, paved over with roads and covered with subdivisions of gigantic houses that will fall apart in twenty years. Heck, as if to make my point even more clearly, they actually skim off all the topsoil before building houses, and sell it-- literally converting land into money. Now, if we had to start growing vegetables, we'd be dealing with poor soil, poisoned with deck treatments and God knows what else, and much less of it than there could be.

To me, this is almost criminally stupid. We've built up this gigantic, impressive economic system that allows most people to live without needing to use land for anything. Everyone I know could conceivably do their job and live in cells in their office building, not that they would enjoy it (although I'm sure they could get used to it). As such, nobody, and certainly not those with wealth, needs to give a flying fig about what happens to land. As long as they can buy food at the grocery store, live in a house, and perhaps have a park to play in, they will be reasonably content. But, of course, the system that allows them to do this is the same one that causes all the misery, injustice, oppression, and suffering which I made a faint attempt to catalogue above.

And that's not all. The bigger and the more specialised this economic system gets, the more it needs to sustain it, and the harder the fall will be, if ever it come. If the food supply were to be suddenly cut off-- if a massive oil shortage were to make it too expensive to transport food, for instance-- literally millions of suburbanites would starve to death. Recent forecasts of an impending Prairie dustbowl to make the Depression look moist cause me real concern now, because I've realised that we all depend on other people, mostly corporations, to grow our food for us. If Saskatchewan wheat isn't there for me to eat anymore, what can I do? It becomes easier and easier, as time goes by, for the substitutes for land to be swept out from under us, and the potential effects of such an event grow greater and greater.

What to do about it?
Too much capitalism does not mean too many capitalists, but too few capitalists.--G. K. Chesterton

So what am I proposing, if anything? It may seem that I'm getting ready to declare Marxism the answer after all, with all of this talk of alienation from the means of production. But I don't think that's the answer, because common ownership of all land could just as easily result in individuals being alienated from their land. Perhaps even more easily, because without the notion of property, the planning council could simply move people around and dispose of their land as it saw fit. Rather, I think it necessary for the government to ardently defend everybody's property rights to a certain amount of land that they can use, and refuse to recognise rights to any more. In Canada, we could easily allow every family to own a house or apartment, an agricultural plot to support themselves, and a rural cottage property. People could also incorporate, and operate a larger property for economic gain-- an apartment building, a large rural agricultural holding, a factory, etc.-- but no more than one, and in no more than one such corporation. Corporate or personal ownership of more than these amounts-- chain stores, franchises, superfarms, massive estates-- would be illegal.

I think this would not be without its problems, but would be a far better and more sustainable system to implement than the current one. I suppose some other financial changes would have to be made-- the country's economists could make themselves useful and figure out exactly what-- perhaps making usury illegal and preventing people from holding multiple bank accounts. Obviously the stock markets as we know them would disappear, and guilds of industry would probably be necessary. I haven't personally thought all of these other implications out, at this point I'm just taking them from standard distributist thought, but they would have to be analysed, naturally. The system would somewhat reduce the need for taxation, because most existing social support mechanisms would no longer be necessary in a large way.

I'm not holding my breath waiting for this to happen. My hope is that Canada will see another Trudeau who would do for this vision what Trudeau did for his vision of multiculturalism, and that other countries would follow suit. There would be resistance at first, of course, especially from big business, but I think the average person would be genuinely enthusiastic about the basic idea, once they realised what it meant.

Anyhow, just a thought. :)
Great OP. I don't know that your solution is viable, but your heart is in the right place. How strong is the system? This is uncertain. But we are certainly dependent upon it. I, for one, would simply die if I were allotted land to till as opposed to being able to do unfavourable work. The real problem, IMO, is the idea behind "2) That it is reasonable for a person to pursue the maximum possible economic gain for himself." It's not so much that it's unreasonable; it's the idea that maximum economic gain brings about maximum happiness. C. Montgomery Burns perhaps says it best:

...but I would trade it all in for just a little more

The idea that we will become happier and make things better with the next purchase/acquisition. We are marketed waves of joy; and sold boredom.
I, for one, would simply die if I were allotted land to till as opposed to being able to do unfavourable work.
That's the other problem-- we've mostly lost the basic knowledge of how to provide for ourselves. Millennia of accrued wisdom almost gone. Small family farmers are the only people who might still preserve it. However, the basic idea of the system isn't that everybody farm for a living, but rather that everybody could farm. You'd still be able to use whatever skills you have to make things and sell them: tables, shoes, computers, etc. But you'd be able to supplement that by fishing, or growing fruit, or raising cattle, or growing herbs, or cutting trees. We'd get better at it. ;)
The real problem, IMO, is the idea behind "2) That it is reasonable for a person to pursue the maximum possible economic gain for himself." It's not so much that it's unreasonable; it's the idea that maximum economic gain brings about maximum happiness.
If we could fix this, I agree that we'd be much better off. But short of thought control, there isn't much we can do to directly fix it. With a view to practical change, I still think 1) gives us much more to work with; what's more, I think that in trying to fix 1), we would indirectly correct 2), because people would be living more naturally and closer to what's really important. We could help things along by changing what we teach kids in elementary school, but I don't see a way of directly changing 2). Land is the key.

@Betazed: Yes, I'm aware that there are basic economic dictates which pose some problems for my proposal. Basically, my response is that I don't care. If we lose some efficiency, if we lose some total production, that's fine. There are more important considerations.

I recognise, though, that there are some industries and services which may be too capital-intensive to run under this system. Upon examination, the government might decide that some of them are essential, and make special allowances. However, I think the best thing to do in general is to let people find ways of circumventing this problem. People are inventive. ;)
Hah! Trudeau was an economic disaster for the Canadian economy! :gripe: And needless to say few nations have followed along Canada's multicultural route, so why expect more sucess with the economic one? :dubious:

Overall, it is a quite interesting brainstorm that you've blurted onto the forum and quite fascinating for someone who shares some of your political/economic philosophies.:goodjob:

I would describe my political affiliation as algae. Yup the blue-green variety. Basically my thought is that whatever political unit you wish to describe (city, county, province, nation) has a limited amount of capital. This capital comes in multiple forms: economic, social, environmental, etc. The ultimate goal of a society is to ensure that they live only off the interest of the various forms of capital, so as not to deplete the resources available. This requires long-term planning and consistent policy, and a society that is willing to make the decisions necessary to sacrifice maximized short term benefit for greater long-term viability. I see very little difference between deforestation and fiscal deficits - they both deplete the ability of a state to exist in the long-term.

Canada has succeeded economically over the last century because it is a vast nation with a tiny population - our economic engine has not been the modern industrial economy but our good fortune of massive amounts of natural resources. However, it will not last forever, at least oil-rich Alberta has the foresight to put aside some of its massive profits for the day that the pumps run dry. Canada has some of the highest resource uses per capita on the planet. We would be an environmental nightmare compared to the US if only our population wasn't just 1/10th of theirs. We've been living off our natural capital and the more we use the sooner a day of reckoning will come.

However, if I do see a gem of hope, it is related to your discussion of land ownership (this is one of the main factors in unrest in Latin America and has been since independence, just to show you how critical land ownership is). Luckily for Canada the vast majority of Canada's territory is not in the hands of private individuals or corporations. By far, the overwhelming percentage of Canadian territory is Crown land - both you and I own it. This is a double edged sword (Garrett Hardin's "Tragedy of the Commons" leaps to mind), but public ownership of our national assets places much of the responsibility of management of those resources onto the citizens (through voting out idiots that would allow corporate pillaging).

I realize that this may only be tangentially related to what you were discussing, but if you see land as a key to capitalism or a reform of capitalism then first we must figure out what is the best thing to do with that land. Oh, and BTW I'm in the middle of reading Jared Diamond's "Collapse: How Societies Choose to Fail or Succeed" and I think you might find it interesting with where your mind seems to be going.
Taliesin said:
@Betazed: Yes, I'm aware that there are basic economic dictates which pose some problems for my proposal. Basically, my response is that I don't care. If we lose some efficiency, if we lose some total production, that's fine. There are more important considerations.

It looks to me that it is not just some total production, but a whole lot of production. For example, in 1940s 40% of US labor was in agriculture. Today it is 3%. That change is because of economies of scale. So if we implement your scheme then we can assume that we we go back to 40% labor in agriculture which is a loss of approximately 40% of GDP at the very least! :eek:

This 60% GDP that is the result of this must also sustain all the modern amenities that we have come to accept. Or are you proposing that we do away with highways and increased medical care and airports! ;)

Don't tell me that you are a masked Luddite? :)

I recognise, though, that there are some industries and services which may be too capital-intensive to run under this system. Upon examination, the government might decide that some of them are essential, and make special allowances.

No, not some. Everything that is of any consequence is capital intensive. That is literally the meaning of progress. We use lesser labor and more capital so that we can allocate the saved labor into using more capital and so on. We have to do this while using the maximum labor and generaing the minimum employment while disbursing the gains most equitably. A tall order.
The problem of poverty is not a problem of land shortage. If the land in England were to be redistributed so that all became farmers, they would all be dirt poor (haha) instead of being one of the world's wealthiest countries. There are far easier ways to redistribute income than forcing everyone to become farmers.

Poverty cannot be reduced to food shortage, and even if it could be, it would be more efficient to let large companies use the land, tax them, and use the money to buy food.
betazed said:
This 60% GDP that is the result of this must also sustain all the modern amenities that we have come to accept. Or are you proposing that we do away with highways and increased medical care and airports! ;)

Don't tell me that you are a masked Luddite? :)

No, not some. Everything that is of any consequence is capital intensive. That is literally the meaning of progress. We use lesser labor and more capital so that we can allocate the saved labor into using more capital and so on. We have to do this while using the maximum labor and generaing the minimum employment while disbursing the gains most equitably. A tall order.

You're right, everything is capital intensive, but ultimately that capital must come from either the land or its people. The stress of trying to maintain our current standard of living may not be possible in the long term so at some point we will either have to make a decision to cut back on our consumption and lifestyle, or have that decision made for us.

Luddite, not quite - just skeptical that technology will always see us through. Put me down as a neo-Malthusian.
Taliesin said:
That's the other problem-- we've mostly lost the basic knowledge of how to provide for ourselves. Millennia of accrued wisdom almost gone. Small family farmers are the only people who might still preserve it. However, the basic idea of the system isn't that everybody farm for a living, but rather that everybody could farm. You'd still be able to use whatever skills you have to make things and sell them: tables, shoes, computers, etc. But you'd be able to supplement that by fishing, or growing fruit, or raising cattle, or growing herbs, or cutting trees. We'd get better at it. ;)

If we could fix this, I agree that we'd be much better off. But short of thought control, there isn't much we can do to directly fix it. With a view to practical change, I still think 1) gives us much more to work with; what's more, I think that in trying to fix 1), we would indirectly correct 2), because people would be living more naturally and closer to what's really important. We could help things along by changing what we teach kids in elementary school, but I don't see a way of directly changing 2). Land is the key.

I'd love to respond, but I'd hate to lead yet another victim down my particular path of foolishness :crazyeye:
Atropos said:
The problem of poverty is not a problem of land shortage. If the land in England were to be redistributed so that all became farmers, they would all be dirt poor (haha) instead of being one of the world's wealthiest countries. There are far easier ways to redistribute income than forcing everyone to become farmers.

Poverty cannot be reduced to food shortage, and even if it could be, it would be more efficient to let large companies use the land, tax them, and use the money to buy food.
But this is not just a problem of poverty. It is a problem of quality of life for everyone, it is a problem of justice, and as Danghis Khan points out, it is ultimately a problem of sustainability.

@Betazed: You can call me Captain Swing! But seriously, I suppose I am a bit of a Luddite. I don't want to get rid of modern comforts for the sake of getting rid of them, but I can't help but feel that it is possible to improve our quality of life even while reducing our GDP, if we do things right. I can't think of an objection to your economic observations at the moment, other than to repeat that there are more important things than amenities and technology, and that I'm sure economists could find a way to implement this system in a relatively painless fashion. Also, I have a feeling that what you're pointing to is a false decrease in production, anyhow: we will run out of capital if we continue to substitute towards it, and those days will be absolutely terrible for everyone except the very rich. As Danghis Khan noted, we simply cannot afford to keep feeding our fires and harvesting: we need to grow trees and sow seeds, too, or someday we'll have nothing.
1. Quality of life - this is not going to be improved by stultifying economic growth.
2. Justice - what makes it "just" that all should have the same? I would rather live on 20,000 when some have 5 billion then on 10,000 when all have 10,000.
3. Sustainability. There is a popular myth to the effect that the current levels of economic growth are unsustainable because of
a. Pollution - but air pollution has actually decreased (less use of coal, more filtration) since the nineteenth century
b. Food - but agricultural production is virtually indefinitely extensible with modern techniques
c. Resources - but rationing scarce products like oil is what the market system does best. The current problem is one of demand, not supply. As oil grows scarcer, incentives will grow to switch to other technologies.

So in fact much more economic growth is quite possible. As for making do with less - in the first place, as I just showed (post in the "ask an economist" thread if you want confirmation) it's unnecessary, and in the second place, what gives you, or anyone else, the right to tell people that they have to make do with less?

Oh, and if you really want to help poverty in the third world, the first world will need to produce more to give them and consume more from them. Sweatshops may not be pretty but starvation is even uglier. Think about it: no one goes into that kind of work for fun. The alternatives are usually child prostitution or worse.
Sorry, but your proposal on limiting property rights would undermine any free market economic system.

It is NOT possible for a country to improve its quality of life via deflation or any other wealth reducing factor.

I'm not disagreeing that unbridled capitalism doesn't lead to some bad things. This is why you need some regulatory oversight. *However*

Also, your arugment hinges on a Malthusian Vice, as many do that say that we're going to run out of this and that. You devalue human ingenuity and productivity increases, just as Malthus did when he predicted we would all starve because "population inceases exponentially, production increases arthimatically." This has been proven false.

I highly recommend some reading up on Malthusian vices.

These should bring you back from your Ludditte-dom.


I'd be happy to answer any questions on the functioning of the economy and ways in which some of your fears could be combatted (but sadly, most can't because they deal with human taste/preference, and we economists can't change those...)

At the time Malthus wrote, most societies had populations at or near their agricultural limits. But by the late 20th century, the new agricultural technologies of the green revolution had greatly expanded agricultural production throughout the world (exponential not arithmetic growth rate as Malthus believe, for food production), and that what he termed 'misery' war, political unrest, and other forms of population control would lower population far before the famine he believed would occur.

Of Malthus's 'misery and vice', the most powerful factors were population control that many do not deem to be miserable or sinful, despite Thomas Malthus's opinions. Most technologically developed countries had by this time passed through the demographic transition, a complex social development in which total fertility rates drop drastically in response to lower infant mortality, more education of women, increased urbanization, and a wider availability of effective birth control. By the end of the 20th century, these countries could avoid population declines only by permitting large-scale immigration. On the assumption that the demographic transition would spread to less developed countries, the United Nations Population Fund estimated that human population would peak in the late 21st century rather than continue to grow until it exhausted available resources.

Another problem is that there is no strong evidence that the human population—nor any real population—actually follows exponential growth. In plant or animal populations that are claimed to show exponential growth, closer examination invariably shows that the supposedly exponential curve is actually the lower limb of a logistic curve, or a section of a Lotka-Volterra cycle. Also, examination of records of estimated total world human population ([3] [4]) shows at best very weak evidence of exponential growth:


betazed said:
For example, in 1940s 40% of US labor was in agriculture. Today it is 3%. That change is because of economies of scale.

Seems to me it's more about mechanization.

Anyway, is it contrary to Taliesin's idea that one farmer could farm a large quantity of land, provided that he rents the bits of this land from the small landholders to which they belong?

Not that I think Taliesin's idea is the greatest. I'd like to see land taxed for most of its unimproved value, rather than limiting the size of landholdings per se.
@Jerichi Hill: Nice quote from Wikipedia. I call myself neo-Malthusian because I don't believe in a literal following of the geometric-arithmetic growth argument. Agreed that since his document was written the societies that make up the first world have gone through a dramatic agricultural/industrial revolution. However in your Wiki quote you cut off the last para:

Wikipedia said:
Though short-term trends, even on the scale of decades or centuries, do not necessarily disprove the underlying mechanisms promoting a Malthusian catastrophe over longer periods, the relative prosperity of the human population at the beginning of the 21st century, and the apparent failure of spectacular predictions of mass starvation or ecological collapse made by activists such as Paul R. Ehrlich in the 1960s and 1970s, has led many people, such as economist Julian L. Simon, to question its inevitability.

This does partially support your argument but as the full wiki notes - you can substitute energy and resources into the equation as well. Current agricultural practices are far less labour intensive, but require many more times the input of Malthus' crop. Additionally, since Malthus wrote, a huge area of the world has been added to agricutural production. We have been keeping up with growth, but we have not solved the underlying problem.

World population as a whole shows that Malthus has been "wrong" - so far. However, if one looks at examples within Africa over the last decades, a grimmer picture emerges where Malthus' positive checks have slowed population growth for a period or in extreme cases reduced population. War and famine have been particularly present in the region since independence, but looking past the ethnic divisions (the proximate cause of many conflicts) I would argue that the ultimate causes of much of the wars (and famines) have been due to the scarcity of resources amongst rapidly growing populations. Conflicts that I would consider good examples of this crisis would be the current civil war in the Congo, Darfur, Somalia, Ivory Coast, Liberia, and the textbook cases would be Burundi and Rwanda (1994)

In the years leading up to the Rwandan genocide the size of farms per capita was shrinking and the number of individuals surviving on less than 1600 calories (famine) per day was skyrocketing. When the genocide occurred, the vast majority of the dead were Tutsi, but in areas where no Tutsi lived, there were still mass killings - especially of richer, landowning citizens. The point is, some of the killing was to get at scarce resources as much as it was about getting rid of a minority (competing for those same scarce resources).

The first world has been lucky so far, we've exported our resource problems to poorer parts of the world. Pollution - ship it to China (old computers), shortage of something - import it from the third world. I wouldn't call Malthus a vice, but I do call the neglect of environmental considerations in macroeconomic theory as serious oversight.

@Atropos: It's not that I think I have the right to tell you to live with less, I just expect that at somepoint the first world will either make that decision for self-preservation, or it won't be given the choice and will have to do with less regardless. The first option is the far more pleasant of the two, since it is a willing decision and not something thrust upon us.

Also your solution for third world poverty completely neglects why they are poor in the first place. It isn't a matter of producing more for those populations, it is their utter lack of ability to purchase anything. On top of that, most industrial nations prevent any possible catch-up by those nations by undermining the value of third world commodities, corporate control of those economies, and maintenance of massive debt burdens.

Edited fo clarity.
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