A Few Q? From a novice


Feb 25, 2004
Hi all,

I have just gotten in to Civ3 never played before, so some of these Q?
may sound stupid .

First what do you do when your gold is at 0? I'm at 0 and using -413 pure turn. The year is 1946 republic of china 1.8.1.

Second what do you do with the soldiers from the 1700? I have a huge army. If I disband them will it bring in more gold.

I have the most power, culture, and score in the game right now, and would like to keep it that way, but I'm running out of money.

Third a few of my cities are building things and they say it will take 9999 turns to finish....somethings wrong.

Thanks for your help!
Originally posted by Kerry27

First what do you do when your gold is at 0? I'm at 0 and using -413 pure turn. The year is 1946 republic of china 1.8.1.

Fist, cut your research rate back, try 4-5-1 or 5-4-1. I'm assuming you're playing on chieftain level, because losing that amount of money would cause serious problems on regent and above. But, you need to learn how to generate income if you intend to move up in difficulty. Question: What form of government are you using? A republic or democracy would be the most profitable. You need to trade w/ other civs. You need to build revenue-generating facilities, such as marketplaces, banks, etc.

Originally posted by Kerry27
Second what do you do with the soldiers from the 1700? I have a huge army. If I disband them will it bring in more gold.

I rarely disband large amounts of units. Upgrading obsolete units is the prefered choice, if you have the gold. Which, you don't. Disbanding them will give you more gold, 1 gold per turn (gpt) for each unit disbanded.

Originally posted by Kerry27
I have the most power, culture, and score in the game right now, and would like to keep it that way, but I'm running out of money.

Well, I'm guessing you are in the wrong form of government and/or you have no revenue-generating facilities. If you're civ is large, surely you have extra luxury resources and strategic resources to trade to other civs.

Originally posted by Kerry27
Third a few of my cities are building things and they say it will take 9999 turns to finish....somethings wrong.

Those cities are in disorder. Do you notice gray smoke around them? The people are unhappy. Bump your sliders to 4-4-2, increasing the happiness slider makes your people happier. :D
Or, you can enter the city-view screen and change a citizen to an entertainer.

Good luck!
i noticed that after i conquer a city with a wonder the cultural benifit from that wonder is not active - the effect is there (for example Zun tsu gives all my cities a barrack)

but the Culture value is gone.. is that a bug?
or is it supposed to be that way? why?
Originally posted by muzagga
i noticed that after i conquer a city with a wonder the cultural benifit from that wonder is not active - the effect is there (for example Zun tsu gives all my cities a barrack)

but the Culture value is gone.. is that a bug?
or is it supposed to be that way? why?

Its meant to be that way, because you didn't build, you captured it. Therefore, you'll never get culture points for it, just the effect.
Originally posted by muzagga
i noticed that after i conquer a city with a wonder the cultural benifit from that wonder is not active - the effect is there (for example Zun tsu gives all my cities a barrack)

but the Culture value is gone.. is that a bug?
or is it supposed to be that way? why?

You only get the cultural value of a wonder if you build it yourself.

Captured wonders don't disappear, and they give you their other benefits, but not their culture. Other cultural buildings like temples, libraries etc disappear completely when you capture a city.
Why everytime a newbie ask a question the two first to answer are Dojoboy and AlanH? Everytime I get to help, the answers have all been given... at least the newbies are in good hands...
Originally posted by Trabpukcip
Why everytime a newbie ask a question the two first to answer are Dojoboy and AlanH? Everytime I get to help, the answers have all been given... at least the newbies are in good hands...


The reason is really a sad commentary on our personal lives. Well, I can't speak for Alan. You wouldn't want to hear mine, it'd tear you to pieces. :cry:

[j/k-ing of course]

Here at school, I tend to surf at my desk between classes, etc.
Personal life? Don't talk to me about personal life! Brain the size of a planet and they've put me out to grasss. [/joke]

So rather than go around beating up (other) old age pensioners, vandalising street furniture and making small children cry, I've taken up voluntary work. That's "voluntary" as in "when I feel like it". That still leaves me too much free time and I spend some of it hanging around places like this waiting for unsuspecting noobies to show up and ask innocent questions.
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