A Spiritual Odyssy

Switch tech to MC
Make a trade with Washington

Settle Moai start monument

Turn 231
The AP vote comes up, vote no

We pop a GS, he builds an academy in Const

Forgot to switch to Bureau+Theo which bumps :science: from +185 to +210:)
Reneg our clam deal with Washington

Turn 232
Nico court>cat
Bren adopts vassalage

Turn 233
Nicaea HA>cat
slider to 0% out of :gold:
Thess :whipped: spear

Turn 234
Const axe>cat
Thess spear>cat
Adria axe>cat
slider to 90% MC next turn

Turn 235
Adria :whipped: cat
Nicea :whipped: cat
Const :whipped: spear lost priest

Currently have 5 spears in Thess with 2 more on the way, mine stack closing on Thess for support

Turn 236
Adria cat>spear
Nicea cat>spear
Thess :whipped: walls

Brenn closing to Thess
slider to 0%

Turn 237
Const cat>cat
Nicea spear>axe
Our stack arrives, HA/9 axe/7 spear/2 archer

Turn 238
Thess cat>cat

Turn 239
Elizabeth asks for OB, decline
Hammy offers Music+100>CS, sorry
Shaka demands cancel deals with hammy, decline.
Const cat>cat
Adria spear>cat
Slider to 100%

Stop here, let next person take on Brennus
We've got a monapoly on CS right now, we can trade Shaka CoL+Theo>Machinery, he's already got Currency
I think once we get peace with Bren we should immediately take on Shaka, unless he get LB's. Since he only has archers and catapults we should be able to take him with just a little siege support. Or at least that is the way I would go.
Nice defensive whipping.

We'll need a quite a few cats and infantary to take on Shaka. Even though he's not very advanced shear wieght of numbers will slow us down. Our best bet IMO would be to take gold city and the two cities along the top of his peninsular and then look for peace to build a force big enough to take all his cities. If we decided to attack him sooner rather than later that is.

After peace with Bren we need to keep those cities garrisoned and maybe a mobile defensive stack there as well.
I haven't put the save on my Civ comp yet, but if Grandad still can't play until Monday I'll pick it up for today or tomorrow. I'll throw up some more comments after looking at the save, but I'd be hesitant of attacking Shaka without Trebs. At the beginning of Cripp's set he could research Feud, so if we attacked we'd be seeing LB's pop up very soon. Cats vs. LB's are no good and a long, drawn-out war is very draining. Taking peace and then re-declaring will put us at risk of dogpile from Bren + Shaka plus earn us more diplo penalties. For now I'd say research straight to Eng while building up mixed forces. With trebs attacking even axes (or possibly offensive LB's?) will do to clean up, though of course we will start to produce maces while researching eng. I think the timing should work well for whipping cycles. Anyhow, more comments soon and of course this all assumes we survive the current assault :p

That trade with Shaka is golden, I'd take that immediately.
Still can't get it till tomorrow so feel free to take it Pindrus.

Do we want to get our UU up and running in any meaningfull way? I feel like we probably should. I like the idea of our Islamic Knights crushing their enermies beneath their iron shod hooves.

Also looking to city spec we should use our next GG to create a Super Medic so we can build the HE at some point (without checking the save I'm not sure if we have a level 4 unit yet or not).
Those walls helped slow down the attack, but allowed him to bring in reinforcements. I agree on a S-Medic for the HE, I think once the cities are up to capacity either Adria or Thess would be best for HE.

I have cats going queued in all cities building units, so :whipped: them out if necessary. could also queue in a temple and :whipped: with 1t for mega :hammers: overflow into units.
Hey folks, sorry but I wasn't able to grab this today. If you can play Granddad please go ahead and may the defenses hold!
Ok got it. Will play tomorrow (22nd about 7pm GMT) if you have any suggestions by then.

Will hold and then consoliudate.

I make the trade with Shaka for Mach as was mooted.

I set our next tech as Eng. Wasn't sure of the right choice here. Maybe Paper instead?

sci <0%

I reneg a trade with Greece so we get 6 gold.

I sell Liz MC for 330.

I use our new found cash to upgrade some Axes to Maces.

Finally I pomote some Spears (I'm not so sure about all of those anti melee axes and the anti siege promos, I would have gone for straight combat and Flanking on the HA (am I wrong?)).


Using the premis that Offence is the best Defence I decide to take it to Brens SoD.
Luckily Bren Bombarded IBT so our units are fresh for the fight!
First up is the Cat promo'ed up the Colateral Line. It dies but does its job well with the Ele going below half health. Next is the HA. It withdraws and damages some Cats. After that the Maces wade in for 3 victories. The mop us is conducted by the Axes and Spears for only one dead Axe man. During the battle a GG is born.

Bren and I call it a draw as his SoD is dead and we have peace!
Spoiler :


Adrian, Cat > Forge. As one of our main production centers i reckn a forge is needed here.

I notice this.
Spoiler :

Did anyone notiuce when this copper popped? Looks recent as hes not got millions of axes etc.


Shaka wants Iron for Cows. Hahahaha. No.

I attach the GG to a scout for a super medic. Forgot to mention I was building a scout for this earlier.

Treb, Mon > LH. Wasn't sure here but i decided food was the way to go. Made a MM mistake here as I got the Worker to build a cottage but he should be chopping for the LH.


Peri wants CS for Feud. No.

Con, Cat > Market. I hire a Priest to speed the next GP.


Sci to 100%


AP vote comes up. Shaka wants to stop trading with Liz. No.

I notice Shaka and Bren are at war now but I didn't notice when (last turn?).

Nica, Cat > Temp (I want those hammers). I notice there is no garrison here. Off the top of my head I can't recall if I've rectified this. Doh!


The AP vote fails.
Spoiler :

As most of the military builds are done for now I take advantage of SPI and switch from Theo to Org.


Suprisingly nothing of note happens. Or I didn't notice....


Thessa, Cat > Mace.


Sci to 0%

Trade a dye to Hammy.
Spoiler :


Glance and Millitary. Suprisingly no one likes Bren.
Spoiler :

Spoiler :

Tech. If we put some turns in Feud we might be able to trade it for Mach. Also the Music trade might be a good idea as some Cathedrals on our borders will be nice.
Spoiler :

City (religion). I see we're losing some easy hammers and some beaker multipliers here.
Spoiler :

Pindrus - up now
White Dragon - on deck

The save
Glad you could take it sir, and good to see we have peace! I can understand anti-melee axes for mixed stack defense, but I definitely agree on flanking, combat+anti-melee, or straight-melee promo's for HA's. Nice call on attacking the stack, it means double GG points and casualty ratio looks good.
Edit my last post to contain the full report.

I'm not sure where we should put the HE. Thessa or Adrian. I think Thessa has less developed cottages (with out checking) so maybe farms and workshops will make ita good choice.

After Eng do we want to start a Lib run or do we want to try for our UU? I reckon Paper and the Lib race as its getting into that time frame now.

On the civics front I'd stay in OR till mosty of those builds are done then go back to Thea to get some Maces etc out to hit Shaka. We should use some spies to hit his metal again and again to make our lives easier. I sent the HA to look at his lands and can't see many metal troops so the sooner we act the better. Lots of Siege will be vital to deal with the shear numbers involved.

Ummm. Thats it for now.
Those are some sweet sets people. It looks like Hammy and Peri are at war with Bren as well so should be dogpile and take some cities? I worry about Hammy and Peri attacking us as well once we decide to :backstab: Shaka.
Sorry again, I just had time to log on again. If Hammy & Peri are warring Bren then they won't be able to move through Celtia to hit us (unless Bren vassals to one of them--if that looks imminent we should intervene and bribe peace, even at the cost of CS).

I'm going to have to ask for a skip, as I have to work tomorrow and am then going off to a wedding. If nobody else has played I could try to pick it up on Sunday, but I've already held this up enough. WD can you take it?
Got it.

So, from the looks of it this is what my set will entail.

1.) Build about 6 more workers. We have so much unimproved land it looks to be severely hindering our commerce, growth, and production. I am going to move all workers to the south, in pairs, then work my way to the north improving all land city by city.

2.) Research Engineering then head Paper -> Edu.

3.) Start/Finish HE in Thess. Plan on heavily using the chop along Bren's border there to help our "best defense is a good offense" strategy. Then work on Forge and both Islamic buildings.

4.) Farm over several cottages around Thess to support working mines & workshops since that it strictly a production city.

5.) Fire all specialist in Con to mature those cottages. Or is the plan to bulb part of Edu? Or are we trying for a Prophet to get a shrine? If so, I am going to build a Buddhist Missionary in Thess and then a Temple in Con so I can run two priests. Also build a forge so I can work engineer to take I don't have to work scientists so swing towards a priest.
Plan sounds fine. Don't expect to get Lib with Liz peacefully teching, but Oxford is warranted.

To me, either GP or GS would work for us (the GP a lot more for the shrine). Go for the Missionary->Temple->2x priest.
Of course I didn't execute all the items of the plan because it would have taken like 30 turns but I played 15 and got some key items completed.

Turn 249
MM'd Thess and queued a Forge then HE. That way the chops would have a little more to them. Slider still at 0%

Turn 250
As workers complete their current tasks they head down south to start improvements down there. We then get this event with our buddy Shaka.

Turn 251
Slider to 100%. Engineering in 2 turns. We get this most powerful list.

Turn 252
Nothing worth reporting.

Turn 253
Engineering researched. Queue Paper. Slider to 0%.

Turn 254
Asoka wants Eng for Music and 40 gold. Nope.

Turn 255
Peri wants us to war with Bren. Not quite ready yet.

Turn 256
Nothing again this turn.

Turn 257
Slider to 100%

Turn 258
Hammy wants us to join in on the war. I said no to him as well.

Turn 259
AP vote comes up.

Turn 260
GW wants CS for Music & 40 gold. Nope. Paper completed. Queue Education but slider to 0%. Get a slave revolt in Thess. Examine city and 2 pop :whipped: forge in hopes of shortening revolt time. I plan on hitting do nothing for a turn or two. AP Results.

Turn 261
Nothing to report.

Turn 262
GW comes back demanding for CS. Nope.

Turn 263
Hammy comes in this turn and demands Paper. Not gonna do it. Then Shaka wants us to trade him Iron. No again. Forge & HE completed in Thess. :woohoo: Time for some :hammer: :hammer2:

Turn 264
Shaka comes and wants to swap maps. I negotiate and get 40 gold out of him and it proves somewhat useful. We have a stack ready to go but it is just spanking it's monkey. See Spoiler 4 for some very useful information to sway our decision to attack Bren before this turn ends.

Spoiler :
Here is the tech situation. If we are going to lose Lib race, lets trade around paper and get some techs and gold. We may have to give some gold to make tech trades work but we can sell it to the rest.

Spoiler :
Here is what Thess looks like. We need to come up with a tile plan since spreading farms to support workshops is now complicated.

Spoiler :
Here is Shaka's stack. He is now 1 tile into Bren's Territory. as you can see from spoiler #2

Spoiler :
Bren's three cities bordering us are only defended with these units.
We should go to war with him this or next turn and head straight to his capital. If it has a shrine it can only do us good. We have Buddhism and are spiritual so we can swap for 5 turns, which gives us just enough time to take his cities. Then we can swap back to Islam.



  • A Spiritual Odyssy AD-1190.CivBeyondSwordSave
    342.9 KB · Views: 45
In a normal game I would say catch those cities right away. Unfortunately, we need the holy city of Buddha before we can switch to Buddhism before we can take Buddhist-only cities.
Well the letter of the law says that we can only take cities with our state religion if our target follows a different faith OR if we share the same state religion as our target then all their cities are fair game.

Buddist shrine would be a lovely addition to our economy.
Hello narri and Pindrus?! Can either of you post a got it? Its been 4 days since the save went up.
Oops, didn't realize I was up. Got it. Will play today or tomorrow. Will declare on Bren if it tactically looks good. By the way, Bren's capital does NOT have a shrine! I will alternate Const between scientist and priest cause we could use a shrine.
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