A Test

Pick an option!

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I didn't even look at the results before I picked!
So did you guys actually used a random method (like throwing a die) or did you go "mmmmhhhh THAT one" in which case a strong argument can be made that it was not really random?
I set up a map in civ3 and pitted 10 spearment against 10 tanks in a line, with one tile corresponding to each option. The position I picked was the only tank to survive.:spear:

Actually, I just went "mmmmhhhh THAT one". However I don't know why I picked it, and I didn't look at the poll before voting. That is about as random as I can be without asking the RNG for help.
I set up a map in civ3 and pitted 10 spearment against 10 tanks in a line, with one tile corresponding to each option. The position I picked was the only tank to survive.:spear:

He he excellent! The way it's supposed to be!

Actually, I just went "mmmmhhhh THAT one". However I don't know why I picked it, and I didn't look at the poll before voting. That is about as random as I can be without asking the RNG for help.

But your subconscious know why you picked that one...:groucho:
where they claim that IQ is biological determined by race.

Now, I know that is a lot of BS.

btw, #8
I don't think it's assumed that grades will always have a normal distribution (bell curve), it's just that often it happens, and it's no surprise when it does.
I had a nearly uniform distribution of grades for a final exam last session. Scared the **** out of me.
I picked the third from the bottom because I felt drawn to picking it.

Doesn't look like a bell curve so far.
I rolled the kinky dice and come up with five.
I didn't pick my choice randomly, but it just kinda felt right.
Good psychology poll! It shows that random isn't random with people when they don't use external guidance (like dice). People either chose the first option (surprised so few chose the last, given the frequency of radioactive monkeys around here), or a 'random' value.

'Random', according to the results so far, disproportionately favors values around 7 or 8 (of 10). 'Random' down a list means past the middle, but not close to the end.

I'm a lamer who favors predictability, so I chose 1 (the top).

Indeed it formed a bell-curve, which I am surprised and impressed about.

@Nylan: The bell-curve is very real, and students grades do tend to fall into bell-curves. I think you were referring to teachers 'curving grades' by giving a normal (bell-shaped) distribution of grades regardless of how well the students did, even if all did well or all did poorly?
I voted for the first option, cause I read from top to bottom. I moved my cursor to the top option, because as I read down, I prepare to move my cursor to the answer that I will choose. Since there was no answer to the question and the poll answers were accordingly meaningless, I chose the first poll option.
I picked the first one because that was actully option 1 and the rest were simply lies. ;)

Hmm, interesting. I acutally do remember my initial thought was, upon viewing the options, "Option 1....the rest are copies...WTF?"

Of course, I ran down and read the OP. I suppose that it did contribute to my reasons for voting the first option.
Well SOME characteristics will fit that curve, like blood pressure, but...

that I completely agree with. I would hate to be in a class with 30 brilliant people and have the teacher use a bell curve to apply grades. Sometimes 30 people deserve an A.
This is even worse when it's applied to the workplace - the evil variant being "in each team there will be 10% A, 60% of B and 30% of C". No, sometimes all of the members in a team are great - or terrible.

That's not what it means to have a bell curve/normal distribution. Specifying ahead of time that this many people deserve A's, this many deserve B's, etc, and deliberately making that distribution of grades resemble a normal distribution doesn't have any influence on the raw scores. Have a sufficiently large number of raw scores, from assessment of an appropriate difficulty, and you'll get a normal distribution. If the assessment is too easy/too hard, you won't get a proper distribution, because of the fact the raw scores need to be between 0 & 100%. The average & deviation for a big class might be 95% and 1%, meaning that all 300 people in it were above 90, and deserve an A. But plot those grades, and you still get a bell curve. The problem is deciding in advance that all classes will have a similar ability, and a similar average & s.d. for their scores, therefore you decide that for any class, only the top 10% deserve an A. The problem is not that you don't get a bell curve. You do get a bell curve, it just might be in a different spot (due to average) and of a different width (due to s.d.) than you expected.

arcadian83 said:
Indeed it formed a bell-curve, which I am surprised and impressed about.

No it doesn't. How do you have an average and standard distribution when the poll choices don't have actual values? Unless you want to assign values to the poll options after viewing the results, making sure the options chosen most have the mid-range values, and then plot your graph accordingly. Then it might be close. But that's even sillier than teachers deciding the percentage of students that deserve an A in advance.

*ninja edit* I picked option 8 of 10 via a random number generator. */ninja edit*
No it doesn't. Unless you want to assign values to the poll options after viewing the results, and plot your graph accordingly. Then it might be close. But that's even sillier than teachers deciding the percentage of students that deserve an A in advance.

That's exactly what I do. Why is it silly? View the results, tilt your head 90 degrees to the right, and ignore the left (top)-most column. Classic bell-curve.
X axis = number of options from the top
Y axis = number of votes
That's exactly what I do. Why is it silly? View the results, tilt your head 90 degrees to the right, and ignore the left (top)-most column. Classic bell-curve.
X axis = number of options from the top
Y axis = number of votes

me said:
But that's even sillier than teachers deciding the percentage of students that deserve an A in advance.

In addition to how silly it is, and that any resemblance to a normal distribution would be purely coincidental, what you described isn't a classic normal distribution anyway. If I assign 1 through 9 as values for those 9 options, the total value is 328 from 59 votes, for an average of 5.56. Both of the most-picked options (6 & 7) are above that value.
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