Achievements are not unlocking


Dec 6, 2004
I've just completed a domination with Brazil.

4 achievements should have unlocked, but they didn't.

I tried with mods and without. But none will unlock.

Any reason for that?
I got an achievement last night, so it's not the whole chiev system.
You're not playing off-line are you?
No chievs with mods. Sorry.
I'm forced to play offline and I find very annoying that achievements don't unlock in this mode. In other Steam games they do unlock when offline (e.g., Borderlands 2), and then synchronize when going online.

Also, I think I have some kind of trojan on my computers that crash Civ 5 when I try to load a savegame when I'm online. Only quickload works when I'm online.
They cheev, don't unlock even without mods. I saved the game before taking the last capital. Then I quit and loaded without mods. Still the same. No unlocks. BTW if they cheevs, don't work with mods then, why are there an achievements for downloading one and installing one.
I´d guess starting the game with mods is enough to make it not trigger achievements. Makes sense, somehow ;)

Though I agree that "mods=no achievements" should be stated somewhere prominently.
i'm not 100% sure because i haven't played alot with mods, but doesn't a savegame include what mods were running? i think you cant just disable them and load the same game clean of mods, it activates the mods again upon loading. i just remember some people posting their savegames in the strategy&tips section for help that couldnt be opened easily because they were using some mods.
Yeah, unfortunately, you don't get achievements if you accidentally start with a mod loaded and turn it off. The save keeps track of those types of things. Also you don't get achievements if you have Firetuner enabled, even if you never use it. Makes being a modder a bit of a pain because you have to remember to disable Firetuner if you want achievements.
Oddly enough, I managed to get "Greed is good" without fulfilling the requirements (Colossus, Petra, a Caravansary, and a Harbor in the same city). I had Colossus, but none of my cities were anywhere near desert tiles and so I never had the opportunit to build Petra :|
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