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After 1919 - NES


Apr 1, 2005
Please do not post yet. Thank you.


This is a measure of how good your nation’s economy is doing. Each turn, you have “eco” to spend,
which represent a portion of your budget. Note that you automatically spend enough to sustain whatever
infrastructure, etc. you have in place. Consider the eco that you spend to be additional. Everything is
sustained by your budget, although I reserve the right to make nasty random events occur, or positive ones,
which will randomly change things, but never too drastically. In order to advance to the next eco level,
you must invest your eco/turn+1 into your economy. There is no maximum eco level. You may invest as much
into your economy as you like per turn.

Your economy is at level 1. You must invest 2 eco to boost your eco/turn to 2.
You do not need to invest the eco required to boost your eco/turn to the next level immediately.
You can invest over time.

Example: Your current eco/turn is 10. You want to up that to 11. You must invest 11 eco to do it,
but it doesn't have to be all at once. You could, for example, invest 5 eco for 2 turns, and one on
the 3rd turn. It will be saved for the next turn.

Here are the eco levels, and a description of your economy, at each level:

Shattered (1) - Barely functioning (2) - Mostly Functioning (3) - Functioning (4) - Severe Depression (5)
- Depression (6) - Recession (7) - Failing (8) - Stable (9) - Normal (10) - Above Normal (11) - Growing (12)
- Strong (13) - Very Strong (14) - Prosperous (15) - Very Prosperous (16) - Extremely Prosperous (17) -
Outstanding - (18) - Very Outstanding (19) - Powerhouse (20) - Superpower (21+)

In ones economic stats, one will now see that some people have stats that look like this:

Economy: XXXX (A/B/C/D). This is interpreted as follows:

XXXX - Verbal Description of your Economy
A - Eco required to raise economy to next level (B+1)
B - Eco you spend/turn (Don't forget Bonus eco, etc.)
C - Eco that you have banked, and can spend anytime.
D - Eco that you owe other people, your Debt. Note that this goes up over time, due to Interest.

So, the above person has A invested to increase their economy, they can spend B in one turn, and they
have C banked, which means that they spend that C eco anytime they like. Furthermore, they owe D to other
countries. If you have any questions about this vital part of this NES, just ask me.

Allows Conscription, and you might get more Divisions etc (if you remind me!)

Does just as it sounds, determines how stable your nation is. The higher the level, the better.
If you do anything drastic to your nation, that will affect Stability, negatively. Stability can be
increased, through projects, or Government change. The number in brackets determines the eco needed to
be invested to get to the next level. Stories really help with increasing stability. The concept of
stability also includes other things like moral, government approval rating, culture and stability itself.

One eco point one level increase

Stability types:
1. Revolutionary
2. Dangerous
3. Unstable
4. Normal
5. Above Normal
6. High
7. Amazing Stability

Anything reasonable goes. You state what it does I note it down give you a time period (just an estimation),
and an expected cost for the thing (also an estimation)

This is how culturally strong, patriotic and unified your nation is. A nation with strong patriotism is
less likely to fall into a civil war, and it’s people would resist most invaders and otherwise help their
government. This also influences army morale. A nation with weak patriotism is unlikely to be as resistant
to outside threats, there will often be rebellions and defections.

one eco point one level increase

None-Divided -Untrusting -Average -Strongly Cultured -Devoted -Patriotic
-Hyperpatriotic -Jingoist -Uberpatriot

People can be fiercely unified and patriotic, but they will not necessarily like their ruler - in fact,
a strongly cultured nation with little confidence in its leaders can, in its cultural unity, lynch the
rulers and fire their remains from cannons. Into the huge pot filled with boiled sharks. Not that the
rulers will care by then... You can grow confidence by economy (propaganda), but wouldn’t it be easier
to write a speech or persuade the people that you are the leader they need?

One eco point one level.

Lynching-Hateful -Resentful -Barely Tolerating -Tolerating -Respecting -Admiring
-Loving -Nation Personified


This is just how your people are... educated, I guess. Obvious enough. With a good education, you have
better chances of receiving a “miraculous invention”. You could design better walls and siege engines,
and ships for that matter, with higher education. It also affects just how advanced are your weapons,
and thus the success of your army in a battlefield.

One eco point one level.

None-Dumb -Illiterate -Tolerable -Literate-Educated -Well Educated -Perfect
-Academic -Enlightenment



That will, as of now, consist of army and navy (later to be joined by air force). These will be number-based as it gives more versatility. These will be represented in thousands and ships (divisions and task forces are too modern age, and were not too realistic to begin with due to their sizes).

What will you have in it? Anything that is allowed by your tech. level (see Technology Level)! Each “stat-growth” will increase any part of military by 5. But know that if you have too large an army, your economy will probably suffer, as will perhaps, depending on your culture's stance on war, your confidence; ofcourse, both could be restored by succesful military campaigns.

Using advanced tactics and strategy is advised. If you just order “attack enemy on the border with 10 divisions”, I will think that you order me to launch a mere charge at the enemy. That might work, but rarely. Also, pay attention to supplies and logistics; while not in the stats, you have to understand that sometimes, a smaller but well-equipped force is much more effective then a huge horde that has nothing to eat and is surrounded by barren, hostile terrain; also, that your fleets need good ports to operate at their best.

UUs - 5 per nation, but can be changed at any point (though the newly-“demoted” UU units will not be happy).

I will keep a list of them, somewhere. Could be land, sea, or air at a later point. They will be separated from other battalions/ships in the stats. They are grown as normal units. Remember to keep them REALISTIC. To get UU you must research them like a project, depending on the UU. Note UU can be UU that go on into general usage, i.e. tanks in the first world war, first the brits, now everyone has em.

I might give you a bonus because you invented them first so your country has more time to think about it. (this is basically a more fluid UU system)

Conscripts - Their amount is determined by me, and I will determine it according to a whole lot of factors. Require mobilisation first. Conscripts are units that have no training whatsoever, i.e. (NONE)

Training - it is done in levels. There are separate training stats for army, navy and fleet, and it is grown with eco. points. UU is assumed to be one level higher then the average training level for its branch, but the conscript training, is taken at NONE. If your army grows too quickly, there will be a chance of training level lowering.

None-Rabble-Semi-Rabble-Green-Tolerable-Normal-Trained-Better-Good-Very Good-Vetren-Professional-Elite
Please note This invisable stat:


Basically everyones Intel levels are going to be on a secret area so you don't know what they are like in compasiron to other intel services. You don't know where you are so when you get to the max you might STILL put money into it, it just gets wasted. (think corruption, burocracy etc)

Still Levels

None - Horrible - Bad - Ok - Pervasive - Big Brother

Please I want you all to write standing orders in case of attack and so on.

I will keep them in a file, and you can update them.

Of course if you don't write any, you're going to....burn.
Ruler: President Juan Hipólito Yrigoyen / andis-1
Government: Republic
Capital: Buenos Aires
Economy: (3/6/0/0)
Stability: Normal
Culture: Strongly Cultured
Confidence: Respecting
Education: Literate
Army: 12 infantry Divisions (Trained)
Air Force:
Projects/Techs: Economical reforms (+ 1 eco Level, + 1 Confidence Level + 1 Stability 0/6 0/7)

Ruler: Prime Minister David Lloyd George /
Government: Parliamentary Monarchy
Capital: London
Economy: (0/10/5/15)
Stability: Normal
Culture: Devoted
Confidence: Respecting
Education: Well Educated
Army: 37 infantry Divisions, 30 Tank Divisions, 25 Patriots Divisions (Elite)
Navy: 18 Heavy Ships , 160 Medium Ships , 140 Light Ships , 10 submarines (Elite)
Air Force: 8 Fighet Wings (Trained)
Projects/Techs: (Spitfire Mk1 (1/3 2/3)
Notes: UU- Patriot, yup you guessed a super loyal trooper high morale and high training.

Federation of Soviet Republics
Ruler: Vladimir Ilyich Lenin / Das
Government: Communism
Capital: Moscow
Economy: (0/13/0/0)
Stability: Above Normal
Culture: Patriotic
Confidence: Respecting
Education: Tolerable
Army: 27 infantry Divisions, 9 tank Divisions, 13 Konarmiya Divisions, 16 Artillery Divisions, 600 Armoured trains (GREEN)
Navy: 2 Light Ships, 5 Medium Ships, 3 heavy Ships (Green)
Air Force: 6 biplane Wings (Inexperienced)
Projects/Techs: VseObschObraz (+5 Education + 1 Culture 1/4 0/6)
Notes: Currently The Rising star of the world. Watch out capatilism. MOBILIZED, UU - Konarmiya (light cavalry), UU2 - Armoured trains

Ruler: Béla Kun /
Government: Communism
Capital: Budapest
Economy: (5/8/0/0)
Stability: Unstable
Culture: Strongly Cultured
Confidence: Tolerating
Education: Well Educated
Army: 18 infantry Divisions, 5 Tanks Divisions (Trained)
Air Force:

Ruler: Vallabhai Patel/Silver
Government: Currently Rebellion
Economey: (0/2/0/0)
Stability: Abover Normal
Culture: Strongly Cultured
Confidence: Respecting
Education: Illiterate
Army: 5 Sikh Guard, 22 Rebel Divisions. (Tolerable)

Ruler: President Józef Pilsudski / Kamilan
Government: Republic
Capital: Warsaw
Economy: (0/10/0/0)
Stability: Above Normal
Culture: HyperPatriotic
Confidence: Admiring
Education: Well Educated
Army: 40 infantry Divisions, 10 Cavalry Divisions (Tolerable)
Navy: 4 Light Ships, 2 Medium Ships (Tolerable)
Air Force: 15 Fighter wings, 20 Bomber Wings (Normal)
Projects/Techs: Polskie Oddzialy Pancerne (2/2 2/3)

Saudi Arabia
Ruler: Abdul Aziz ibn-Saud
Government: Monarchy
Capital: Riyadh
Economy: (2/9/0/0)
Stability: Normal
Culture: Devoted
Confidence: Respecting
Education: Tolerable
Army: 12 infantry Divisions, (Tolerable)
Air Force:
Projects/Techs: Desert Here (tanks 3/4, 0/4)

Scandinavian Republic
Ruler: Prime Minister Gunnar Knudsen / tommy toon
Government: Parliamentary Monarchy
Capital: Kristiania
Economy: (4/9/2/0)
Stability: Above Normal
Culture: Devoted
Confidence: Tolerating
Education: Well Educated
Army: 41 infantry Divisions, 10 tanks Divisions , 1 artillery Divisions (Trained)
Air Force: 7 Fighter Wings (Normal)

Fourth Republic of France
Ruler: Proconsul Maxime Weygand/ Insane Panda
Government: Republic
Capital: Paris
Economy: (0/10/0/0)
Stability: Normal
Culture: Patriotic
Confidence: Tolerating
Education: Well Educated
Army: 40 infantry Divisions, 10 Chasseur Tank Divisions (Normal)
Navy: 9 Heavy Ships, 23 Medium Ships, 62 Light Ships, 10 submarines (Tolerable)
Air Force: 5 biplane Wings (Tolerable)
Notes: UU - Chasseur tanks

Ruler: King Peter I /JosefStalinator
Government: Monarchy
Capital: Belgrade
Economy: (3/9/0/0)
Stability: Above Normal
Culture: Strongly Cultured
Confidence: Admiring
Education: Well Educated
Army: 14 infantry Divisions , 4 Tank Divisions, 39 YS Divisions (Better)
Navy: 4 destroyers (Tolerable)
Air Force:
Projects/Techs: Cultural Revolution 2 (4/4/ 3/4) Nationalisation, Cultural Unity,
Cultural revolution- Completed
Notes: UU - YS, loyal Chrisitan soldiers Pan-slavics etc. Mechanized. (UU INFANTRY)
NPC Nations

Ruler: President Karl Seitz
Government: Republic
Capital: Vienna
Economy: (1/5/0/0)
Stability: Unstable
Culture: Strongly Cultured
Confidence: Tolerating
Education: Well Educated
Army: 17 infantry Divisions, 5 Tank Divisions (Trained)
Air Force:
Notes: Bitter after what is happening around them, loss of Empire and a confusion over national identity has lead the Austrians to strongly favour a form of unification with Germany.

Ruler: Prime Minister Léon Delacroix
Government: Parliamentary Monarchy
Capital: Luxembourg
Economy: (3/6/0/0)
Stability: Normal
Culture: Strongly Cultured
Confidence: Respecting
Education: Well Educated
Army: 20 infantry Divisions (Trained)
Navy: 6 Light Ships, 4 Medium Ships (Trained)
Air Force:
Notes: Formed at last, Luxembourgh has shown a slight inbalance of power exists.

Ruler: Aleksandar Stamboliyski
Government: Republic
Capital: Sofia
Economy: (2/5/0/0)
Stability: Normal
Culture: Strongly Cultured
Confidence: Respecting
Education: Well Educated
Army: 19 infantry Division, 10 Tank Divisions (Tolerable)
Navy: 2 Light Ships (Tolerable)
Air Force:
Notes: Looking towards becoming the replacement to the Austrian Empire in the Balklans, the Bulgarians have rapily been militarising.

Ruler: President Tomáš Masaryk /
Government: Republic
Capital: Prague
Economy: (0/9/0/0)
Stability: High
Culture: HyperPatriotic
Confidence: Loving
Education: Perfect
Army: 24 infantry Divisions, 3 Cavalry Divisions , 3 Czech Infantry Divisions (Trained)
Air Force: 2 Biplanes Wings (Green)
Notes: UU - Czech Infantry Divisions

Ruler: Prime Minster Carl Theodor Zahle
Government: Parliamentary Monarchy
Capital: Copenhagen
Economy: (2/4/0/0)
Stability: Normal
Culture: Strongly Cultured
Confidence: Respecting
Education: Well Educated
Army: 9 infantry Divisions (Trained)
Navy: 8 Light Ships, 6 medium Ships (Trained)
Air Force:
Notes: Wishing to remain neutral in World affairs, having many major powers nearby and trying to create friends with the more moderate of them.

Ruler: Prime Minister Konstantin Päts
Government: Republic
Capital: Tallinn
Economy: (1/3/0/0)
Stability: Normal
Culture: Strongly Cultured
Confidence: Respecting
Education: Well Educated
Army: 4 infantry Divisions (Tolerable)
Air Force:
Notes: Again same as Lithuania

Ruler: General Eleftherios Venizelos/ NPC
Government: Military Dictatorship
Capital: Constantiople
Economy: (2/6/0/0)
Stability: Normal
Culture: Strongly Cultured
Confidence: Respecting
Education: Well Educated
Army: 20 Infantry Divisions, 7 Cavalry Divisions, 8 Artillery Divisions (Trained)
Air Force:
Notes: Having seized Constantiople, they are agreeing to peace terms with the Turkish, as the Turks try to stabalise their country. They are now looking towards attacking the Italians and regaining their Homeland.

Ruler: King Victor Emmanuel III /
Government: Parliamentary Monarchy
Capital: Rome
Economy: (2/8/0/0)
Stability: Normal
Culture: Patriotic
Confidence: Tolerating
Education: Well Educated
Army: 19 infantry Divisions, 2 Artillery Divisions (Tolerable)
Navy: 5 Heavy Ships , 28 Light Ships , 14 Medium Ships (Tolerable)
Air Force: 7 Biplane Wings (tolerable)

Ruler: Prime Minister Kārlis Ulmanis
Government: Republic
Capital: Riga
Economy: (1/3/0/0)
Stability: Normal
Culture: Strongly Cultured
Confidence: Respecting
Education: Well Educated
Army: 5 infantry Divisions (Trained)
Air Force:
Notes: Same as Lithuania

Ruler: President Antanas Smetona
Government: Republic
Capital: Kaunas
Economy: (1/3/0/0)
Stability: Normal
Culture: Strongly Cultured
Confidence: Respecting
Education: Well Educated
Army: 4 infantry Divisions (Trained)
Air Force:
Notes: Looking for peace, really wanting peace, although a Communistic section is propelling them to joining the FSSR

Ruler: President António José de Almeida
Government: Military Dictatorship
Capital: Lisbon
Economy: (0/4/0/0)
Stability: Unstable
Culture: Strongly Cultured
Confidence: Tolerating
Education: Well Educated
Army: 18 infantry Divisions (Trained)
Navy: 6 Light Ships, 7 Medium Ships, 7 Heavy Ships (Tolerable)
Air Force:
Notes: A military Coup, and the Dictator beleives that uniting Iberia will make his homeland more stable.

Ruler: King Ferdinand I
Government: Monarchy
Capital: Bucharest
Economy: (2/4/0/0)
Stability: Normal
Culture: Strongly Cultured
Confidence: Respecting
Education: Well Educated
Army: 15 infantry Divisions (Tolerable)
Navy: 4 Light Ships, 2 Medium Ships (Tolerable)
Air Force:
Notes: Another country wishing to remain neutral, unfortunatly they have had to build up military to defend themselves from any unwanted "guests".

Ruler: King Alfonso XIII
Government: Monarchy
Capital: Madrid
Economy: (2/6/0/0)
Stability: Unstable
Culture: Average
Confidence: Resentful
Education: Educated
Army: 10 infantry Divisions, 6 Cavalry Divisions (Tolerable)
Navy: 10 Heavy Ships, 10 medium Ships, 23 Light Ships (Tolerable)
Air Force: 5 Biplan Wings
Notes: Spain is also undergoing an unstable period as recent colonial failed miserably and the military is again looking at intervention.

Ruler: President Gustave Ador
Government: Republic
Capital: Bern
Economy: (4/4/0/0)
Stability: High
Culture: Strongly Cultured
Confidence: Respecting
Education: Well Educated
Army: 6 infantry Divisions (Trained)
Air Force:
Notes: The Swiss are likly to remain Neutral in world affairs, although they look with concern over what is happening in the world around them

Weimar Republic
Ruler: ??? / SNPC
Government: Republic
Capital: Berlin
Economy: (2/2/0/0)
Stability: Revolutionary
Culture: Tolerating
Confidence: Lynching
Education: Well Educated
Army: 3 infantry Divisions (Tolerable)
Air Force:
Notes: Germany has Gone through every single position in the world, its position is no grim, and very unstable.

Asia (ish):

Ruler: Amanullah Khan
Government: Monarchy
Capital: Kabul
Economy: (2/4/0/0)
Stability: Normal
Culture: Average
Confidence: Tolerating
Education: Illiterate
Army: 10 infantry Divisions (Inexperienced)
Air Force:
Notes: Militarising in the face of the FSSR.

Ruler: Prime Minister Billy Hughes /NPC
Government: Constituanal Monarchy
Capital: Melbourne
Economy: (3/7/0/0)
Stability: Above Normal
Culture: Strongly Cultured
Confidence: Admiring
Education: Well Educated
Army: 18 infantry (Trained)
Navy: 9 Light ships, 8 Heavy Ships (Trained)
Air Force:
Notes: With the recent troubles in Europe, and Asia, the Australians are geering up for war, just to be prepared.

Ruler: King Ugyen Wangchuck
Government: Monarchy
Capital: Thimphu
Economy: Depression (0/2/0/0)
Stability: Normal
Culture: Average
Confidence: Respecting
Education: Educated
Army: 6 infantry Divisions (Tolerable)
Air Force:
Notes: Same as Nepal

Ruler: Sun Yat-sen
Government: Republic
Capital: Beijing
Economy: (2/8/0/0)
Stability: Unstable
Culture: Hyperpatriotic
Confidence: Tolerating
Education: Tolerable
Army: 50 infantry Divisions, 10 cavalry Divisions (Inexperienced)
Navy: 6 Light Ships, 4 Medium Ships (Inexperienced)
Air Force:
Notes: Focused on stabalising, China is going into a period of isolation.

Ruler: Ajahiz
Government: Republic
Capital: ?
Economy: (2/4/0/0)
Stability: Normal
Culture: Strongly Cultured
Confidence: Respecting
Education: Well Educated
Army: 15 infantry Divisions (Tolerable)
Navy: 2 Light Ships, (Tolerable)
Air Force:
Notes: Kurdistan now wishes to remain neutral in world conflicts, unfortunatly they have had to build up military to defend themselves from any unwanted "guests".

Ruler: Emperor Yoshihito /
Government: Monarchy
Capital: Tokyo
Economy: (3/11/0/0)
Stability: Normal
Culture: Hyperpatriotic
Confidence: Respecting
Education: Educated
Army: 29 Infantry Divisions, 11 Tanks Divisions, 10 Artillery Divisions (Trained)
Navy: 6 Heavy Ships , 24 Light Ships , 50 Submarines , 16 Medium Ships (Trained)
Air Force: 5 biplane Wings
Projects/Techs: Rising Dawn (+ 1 economy, 1/3 1/3)

Far Eastern Republic
Ruler: Ataman Semenov
Government: Republic
Capital: Vladivostok
Economy: (0/3/0/0)
Stability: Normal
Culture: Average
Confidence: Respecting
Education: Tolerable
Army: 10 infantry
Divisions (trained)
Navy: 0
Air Force: 0
Notes: Semi-Autonomious, Permanent NPC

Ruler: Ahmad Shah Qajar
Government: Monarchy
Capital: Tehran
Economy: (2/6/0/0)
Stability: Normal
Culture: Patriotic
Confidence: Respecting
Education: Educated
Army: 16 infantry Divisions (Tolerable)
Navy: 7 light Ships (Tolerable)
Air Force:
Notes: Looking to help the British and receive the help and expertese from the British Empire.

Ruler: King Tribhuvan
Government: Monarchy
Capital: Kathmandu
Economy: (1/3/0/0)
Stability: Normal
Culture: Average
Confidence: Respecting
Education: Tolerable
Army: 7 infantry Divisions (Tolerable)
Air Force:
Notes: Staying Neutral, looks towards Britain for guidance after but a large segment of the local populance is strongly anti-British, its only the official Government stand on the British.

New Zealand
Ruler: Prime Minister Jim Bolger
Government: Constitutional Monarchy
Capital: Wellington
Economy: (2/4/0/0)
Stability: Above Normal
Culture: Strongly Cultured
Confidence: Admiring
Education: Well Educated
Army: 6 infantry Division (Trained)
Navy: 2 light Ships (Trained)
Air Force:
Notes: An unpredictable Country, they have swung to every extreme and back again. Because of this, it is said that in New Zealand, Democracy actually works.

Ruler: Rama VI
Government: Monarchy
Capital: Bangkok
Economy: (3/4/0/0)
Stability: Normal
Culture: Strongly Cultured
Confidence: Respecting
Education: Tolerable
Army: 13 infantry Divisions (Tolerable)
Air Force:
Notes: Looking to create ties with either Britain or France, Wants to industrialise and modernise.

Ruler: Dali Lama
Government: 13th Dali Lama
Capital: Thimphu
Economy: (0/2/0/0)
Stability: Normal
Culture: Average
Confidence: Respecting
Education: Educated
Army: 6 infantry Division (Tolerable)
Air Force:
Notes: Neutral.

Turkish Republic
Ruler: Sultan Mehmed VI /
Government: Monarchy
Capital: Ankara
Economy: (0/6/0/0)
Stability: Revoloutionary
Culture: Patriotic
Confidence: Tolerating
Education: Literate
Army: 15 infantry, 5 Artillery Divisions, (Trained)
Navy: 6 Light Ships, 4 Medum Ships (Inexperienced)
Air Force:
Projects/Techs: More stable now that France intervened but there still exists small problems.


Ruler: Empress Zauditu
Government: Monarchy
Capital: Addis Ababa
Economy: (3/5/0/0)
Stability: Normal
Culture: Devoted
Confidence: Respecting
Education: Tolerable
Army: 19 infantry Divisions (Tolerable)
Air Force:
Notes: Militarising to face off the threat of coloniasts. Teaching the superiority of the Africans.

Ruler: President Daniel Edward Howard
Government: Republic
Capital: Monrovia
Economy: (2/4/0/0)
Stability: Normal
Culture: Average
Confidence: Tolerating
Education: Illiterate
Army: 6 infantry Divisions (Tolerable)
Air Force:
Notes: Wants peace, is looking for ties with the french for their expertise and protection.

South Africa
Ruler: Prime Minster Louis Botha/
Government: Republic
Capital: Cape Town
Economy: (0/10/0/0)
Stability: High
Culture: Tolerating
Confidence: Barely Tolerating
Education: Well Educated
Army: 13 infantry Divisions (Trained)
Navy: 9 Light Ships (Tolerable)
Air Force:

North America

Ruler: Prime Minister Robert Laird Borden/
Government: Republic
Capital: Ottawa
Economy: (6/9/0/0)
Stability: Above Normal
Culture: Strongly Cultured
Confidence: Admiring
Education: Well Educated
Army: 18 infantry Divisions (Trained)
Navy: 8 Medium Ships, 8 Light Ships (Trained)
Air Force:
Projects/Techs: Universal Sufferage

Ruler: President Venustiano Carranza
Government: Republic
Capital: Mexico City
Economy: (4/5/0/0)
Stability: Unstable
Culture: Patriotic
Confidence: Tolerating
Education: Illiterate
Army: 17 infantry Divisions(Tolerable)
Navy: 4 Light Ships (Tolerable)
Air Force:
Notes: Looking to Modernise, under the USA's wing or on their own.

Russian state abroad
Ruler: NPC
Government: Constitutional Monarchy
Capital: ?
Economy: (0/5/0/0)
Stability: Normal
Culture: Patriotic
Confidence: Tolerating
Education: Well Educated
Army: 6 infantry Divisions (Tolerable) N
Navy: 5 Light Ships, 5 Medium Ships, 5 heavy Ships (tolerable)
Air Force:

Ruler: President Woodrow Wilson /
Government: Republic
Capital: Washington, D.C.
Economy: (6/13/0/0)
Stability: Above Normal
Culture: Hyperpatriotic
Confidence: Respecting
Education: Perfect
Army: 53 infantry Divisions, 40 Tanks Divisions (Tolerable)
Navy: 15 Heavy Ships, 40 Medium Ships, 74 Light Ships, 10 submarines (Trained)
Air Force: 5 biplanes Wings (Trained)
Projects/Techs: Typewriter.

Central America and Carrabiean Isles:

Costa Rica
Ruler: President Francisco Aguilar Barquero
Government: Republic
Capital: San José
Economy: (0/3/0/0)
Stability: Above Normal
Culture: Average
Confidence: Respecting
Education: Tolerable
Army: 5 infantry Division (Tolerable)
Air Force:
Notes: Rumours have spread of a harsh judicial system being developed and an all pervasive secret service.

Ruler: Franco Bareuero
Government: Republic
Capital: Havana
Economy: (2/4/0/0)
Stability: Normal
Culture: Strongly Cultured
Confidence: Respecting
Education: Tolerable
Army: 5 infantry Divisions (Inexperienced)
Air Force:
Notes: Wishing to become more Democratic, Cuba is seeking ties with the USA.

El Salvador
Ruler: President Jorge Meléndez
Government: Republic
Capital: San Salvador
Economy: (0/3/0/0)
Stability: Normal
Culture: Average
Confidence: Respecting
Education: Tolerable
Army: 6 infantry Divisions (Tolerable)
Air Force:
Notes: Getting Help from somewhere, they are beginning to militarise.

Ruler: President Manuel Estrada Cabrera
Government: Republic
Capital: Guatemala City
Economy: (0/3/0/0)
Stability: Normal
Culture: Average
Confidence: Respecting
Education: Illiterate
Army: 1 infantry Division (Inexperienced)
Air Force:
Notes: Increasingly chaotic, Guatemala's government is nearing collapse.

Ruler: President Philippe Sudré Dartiguenave
Government: Republic
Capital: Port-au-Prince
Economy: (0/2/0/0)
Stability: Normal
Culture: Average
Confidence: Respecting
Education: Illiterate
Army: 5 infantry Divisions (Tolerable)
Air Force:
Notes: Also wishing to form ties with the USA has recently been improving the living standerd of the country.
South America:

Ruler: President José Gutiérrez Guerra
Government: Republic
Capital: La Paz
Economy: (1/3/0/0)
Stability: Normal
Culture: Average
Confidence: Respecting
Education: Tolerable
Army: 2 infantry Divisions (Tolerating)
Air Force:
Notes: remaining strictly neutral.

Ruler: President Epitácio da Silva Pessoa
Government: Republic
Capital: Rio de Janeiro
Economy: (2/5/0/0)
Stability: Normal
Culture: Strongly Cultured
Confidence: Respecting
Education: Tolerable
Army: 19 infantry Divisions (Tolerable)
Air Force:
Notes: Has been rapidly Militarising, strong industrial projects have also been planned for the country.

Ruler: President Juan Luis Sanfuentes
Government: Republic
Capital: Santiago
Economy: (2/4/0/0)
Stability: Normal
Culture: Average
Confidence: Respecting
Education: Tolerable
Army: 8 infantry Divisions(Tolerable)
Air Force:
Notes: has been investing ins economy and industrialising, exploiting mountain resources.

Ruler: President Marco Fidel Suárez
Government: Republic
Capital: Bogotá
Economy: (2/4/0/0)
Stability: Normal
Culture: Strongly Cultured
Confidence: Respecting
Education: Tolerable
Army: 10 infantry Divisions (Tolerable)
Air Force:
Notes: Has begun Militarising. Little else is known, although rumours of harsh Judicial and police forces has also been reported.

Ruler: President José P. Montero
Government: Republic
Capital: Asunción
Economy: (2/4/0/0)
Stability: Normal
Culture: Average
Confidence: Respecting
Education: Tolerating
Army: 7 infantry Divisions(Tolerable)
Air Force:
Notes: has been changing the laws and been concetrating powers in the hands of the President.

Ruler: President Augusto B. Leguía
Government: Republic
Capital: Lima
Economy: (2/4/0/0)
Stability: Normal
Culture: Strongly Cultured
Confidence: Respecting
Education: Tolerable
Army: 7 infantry Divisions (Tolerable)
Air Force:
Notes: Has been ridding itself of Corruption and been improving its Standers of Living
Reserved for Luck
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Awaiting Confirmation of Germany for Panda, Bolsheviks (Sp) for Das and Japan for Warlord

Updates are planned for Saturday/Sunday, orders by Friday.

This weekend i'm going down to Uni, do it might a bit slow...
Ruler: Vladimir Ilyich Lenin
Government: Communism
Capital: Moscow
Economy: Recession (0/7/0/0)
Industry: 35
Stability: Normal
Culture: Patriotic
Confidence: Admiring
Education: Tolerable
Army: 600,000 infantry (Inexperienced)
Navy: 6 destroyers, 4 cruisers (Green)
Air Force: 75 biplanes (Inexperienced)
Notes: Currently at war with the various White Russian factions.

"Comrade Dasensky is the Mind, Honour and Conscience of our era!"
- VKP(b) losung

I still think that Denikin's army should be more like 100,000, but with better training. Historically, at first anyway, the "Volunteer Army" was a small, but elite force.
You spelled it right, don't worry.
Weimar Republic
Ruler: Chancellor Friedrich Ebert
Government: Republic
Capital: Berlin
Economy: Severe Depression (0/5/0/15)
Industry: 50
Stability: Unstable
Culture: Hyperpatriotic
Confidence: Barely Tolerating
Education: Well Educated
Army: 100,000 infantry (Trained)
Navy: 6 battleships, 6 cruisers, 12 destroyers (Tolerable)
Air Force:
Notes: According to the Treaty of Versailles, Germany's military may not grow beyond the above listed numbers. They also have a huge debt in reperations to pay to the former Allied nations.
Ruler: President Woodrow Wilson
Government: Republic
Capital: Washington, D.C.
Economy: Growing (0/12/0/0)
Industry: 80
Stability: Above Normal
Culture: Hyperpatriotic
Confidence: Respecting
Education: Well Educated
Army: 530,000 infantry (Trained)
Navy: 15 battleships, 40 cruisers, 74 destroyers, 10 submarines (Trained)
Air Force: 500 biplanes (Trained)
OOC: shouldnt German industry be better than france? or is it cus France has the Rhineland under occupation?
I do believe Panda took it already (he was a "helper"). And some others promised to start a civil war. Join in, I guess. Gelion and I wouldn't be feeling like we're the only ones with a civil war. ;)
Unless someone has already reserved this...

Greek stats from Kal'thzar said:
Ruler: Prime Minster Eleftherios Venizelos
Government: Parliamentary Monarchy
Capital: Athens
Economy: Failing (0/8/0/0)
Industry: 40
Stability: Normal
Culture: Strongly Cultured
Confidence: Respecting
Education: Well Educated
Army: 75,000 infantry (Tolerable)
Navy: 4 destroyers (Tolerable)
Air Force:
Ruler: Prime Minister Robert Laird Borden
Government: Republic
Capital: Ottawa
Economy: Failing (0/8/0/0)
Industry: 55
Stability: Above Normal
Culture: Strongly Cultured
Confidence: Admiring
Education: Well Educated
Army: 80,000 infantry (Trained)
Navy: 4 cruisers, 8 destroyers (Trained)
Air Force:
das said:
I do believe Panda took it already (he was a "helper"). And some others promised to start a civil war. Join in, I guess. Gelion and I wouldn't be feeling like we're the only ones with a civil war. ;)

oh ok. i didnt know.......... Who wants to be in Charge of Weimar anyways.

Ill take the NSDAP in its earliest forms in Germany if is ok. :mischief:
This look like it will be good

Ruler: President TomᚠMasaryk
Government: Republic
Capital: Prague
Economy: Stable (0/9/0/0)
Industry: 45
Stability: Normal
Culture: Strongly Cultured
Confidence: Respecting
Education: Well Educated
Army: 120,000 infantry (Tolerable)
Air Force:
Ill take the NSDAP in its earliest forms in Germany if is ok.

"Mein furher outfurhers your furher!"
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