• Civilization 7 has been announced. For more info please check the forum here .

AG6 - The OCC Space Race (Monarch)

IHT: Things look good.
T1: Comercial Dock built. Start civil defense, just in case. Bombard and attack Ulindi.
T2: We learn Motorized Trans. Start on... Flight. End of the Era of Colossus in 11. Spice and Gem deal dies out. Trade Atomic Theory to renew, and get Iron Coal Horses and Oil. Ulindi raised w/o casulaties. Get two slaves. Send them up to protect oil. Wall is built around oil! Let the settlers come!
T3: Abe v Cleo. Civil defense built. Start guerilla. Ladys and gentlemen, we have oil poachers. Sumeria and Egypt both land defensive stacks with settlers right outsife of where our oil defense is. Set up galleon with trops for an assault on other Zulu cities.
T4: Sumer founds city outside of protected distance. ottos found city alittle to close for comfort (on 1 tile island)
T5: Guerilla. We've hit the 10,000 mark.
T7: Destroyer. Workers set to automate pollution.
T8: Costal Fortress. Bombard and attack Hlolobanie.
T9: More bombarding and attacking. Guerilla dies attacking lone impi. Guerilla dies in Ishandawhatsit, cav kills impi.
T10: Gilgy demands replaceable parts. I give it to him, seeing as we have a colony defended by workers on his mainland. Guerilla. Ishadawhatsit raised, 1 slave captured. Guerilla raizes Hilobane, takes 2 slaves. All thats left is Intombe. I gift Maya RP and Communisim for Rubber. First tank due in 2.
T12: Sumer enters war on Egypts side. Flight comes in. Tank built, start airport. We get rocketry. Start on Fission (vetoable). Make 103gpt selling Cleo Combustion. 33gpt on Gilgy for Sci Meth.
T13: Gigly signs trade embargo w/ Zulu against us. His loss.
T14: Airport. Build airbase on Oil. Send tank to it.
T15: Nada.

Attact Intobe when ready. Keep ahead. Thats it. 1774. 10549 culture. That on track?

The Save
Good turn Stuck. Still a few little comments: At first glance I see that we have to get science to 100%. Also, we need the extra science from the Computer tech (SETI, research labs). That was our first choice. Anyway, Jack is up.

-Microbe -------------> on holiday until april 11th
-CarlosMM -----------> on holiday from from April 5th until april 13th
-Jack Merchant------> up
-Stuck as a Mac ----> just played
-yoshi74--------------> on deck

EDIT: When is the time to gift away our techs to get a few civs modern? I assume after we have UN and SETI?
After we get either one I assume; I have full confidence in us beating the AIs to any of the wonders and the longer they're in the modern age, the more they'll research.

I'll let Fission finish, as there's no sense in throwing away the 4 turns accumulated now.

(playing now actually - AG1 tomorrow )
IHT: Science up a notch to 100% gaining 2 turns on Fission.

1776 AD (1) Our colony declares independence !!!! :eek:

Well, maybe not :p. Troops land next to Intombe.

Constantinople tank - fighter. Pollution hits and is cleared up right away.

1778 AD (2) Const fighter - wealth (for one turn; next turn will start Hoover for UN prebuild). Shades of Dromon Dreams as we bombard Intombe ( thank God there's no obligation to redline here) and kill 2 Impi in there.

1780 AD (3) Mess with the Byzantine city-state at your peril:

Hoover started as UN prebuild.

1782 AD (4) Disband one Dromon and the Guerilla, send the rest home.

1786 AD (6) Pick up some spare change trading obsolete techs.

1788 AD (7) Give Egypt 600 gold in exchange for 2 luxes & oil, then realize the airbase on Zulu lands doesn't function as a colony. Colony established if only to save some dough next time around.

Pollution hits again :rolleyes:.

1796 AD (11) More pollution.

1798 AD (12) Science down one notch for Fission next turn.

1800 AD (13) Fission comes in, Computers up next due in 15 at max sci. Scroll ahead to build the UN, ready in 3. Thebes completes the Hoover Dam, which is bad.

1804 AD (15) We lose our supply of Rubber, which is even worse, since nobody has any to spare. And since one SS part requires rubber, we're screwed unless we can find some. Best shot appears to be help the Egyptians kill the Americans, then plonk down a colony on the American island.

I suggest to gift all the AIs (well, maybe not America) into the moderna age as soon as we complete the UN, i.e. next turn, then buy the Aluminium from the Maya right away (gift them Rocketry too) and then keep trading them for it for the rest of the game. Gift all the first-level techs too; we can do Space Flight right away, prebuild for Apollo then SGL-rush exterior casing, and build the other two parts while researching the next tech(s).


(on edit, it appears we will have to help the Egyptians kill America, as that's the only way they'll get their hands on a spare uranium source to sell to us too)
-Microbe -------------> on holiday until april 11th
-CarlosMM -----------> on holiday from from April 5th until april 13th
-Jack Merchant------> just played
-Stuck as a Mac
-yoshi74--------------> up
-Melifluous------------> on deck
Time to be generous


We need america dead (or nearly dead) for uran and rubber. Since don't need rubber during the next 20+ turns, only once to build one SS part i think we wait for some time and look how the egypts do.

preturn: all fine

IBT UN comes in, no elections yet

1 - 1806AD I gift sumeria into the Modern age, they get computers as free tech :)
i trade computers for fission.
I gift ottomans into the IA, they get rocketry as free tech unfortunatly :(
i gift everyone else (exept abe) into the MA. Hopefully someone researched eco.
We go for space flight, done in 17 turns.
Constanople starts on SETI done in 13 turns

2 - 1808AD zzzz

IBT Egypt and Ottoman sign alliance against America

3 - 1810AD zzzz

4 - 1812AD zzzz

5 - 1814AD zzzz

6 - 1816AD zzzz

IBT France joins against america.

7 - 1818AD sell rocketry to maya, buy aluminium
clear some pollution

8 - 1820AD zzzz

9 - 1822AD zzzz

10 - 1824AD zzzz

IBT Konya (ottoman city near our oil colony) has a border expansion. Now there shoudnt be anyone who

can settle near it

11 - 1826AD zzzz

12 - 1828AD redo the spices&gems deal
america is nearly done, only chicago is alive (with one pop point). Unfortunatly the rubber near boston is pillaged. I send a transport with 4 slaves towards it to connect it. We should trade for it as soon as it is connected and maintain the deal

13 - 1830AD i sell fission to egypt and buy uranium

IBT SETI comes in -> research lab

14 - 1832AD gift or sell all MI tier-1 techs to the world
The american continent is conquered by egypt, but there is still houston on a small island ;) who cares

15 zzzz

there is a transporter with 4 slaves near ex-america to connect the rubber to allow us to trade for it

Space Flight comes in two turns, continueing on sats would be the best in hope the ai research on of the other 4 techs

Good job yoshi74 :D

But we have to keep an eye on Egypt. They are getting pretty big.

-Aggie ----------------> on deck
-Microbe -------------> on holiday until april 11th
-CarlosMM -----------> on holiday from from April 5th until april 13th
-Jack Merchant
-Stuck as a Mac
-yoshi74--------------> just played
-Melifluous------------> up
But we have to keep an eye on Egypt. They are getting pretty big.

An eye yes. More i doubt, now that they are on tech parity and our most importent trading partner. Still i think we can hold a slight lead before them, and we produce in one city much more than they can in a single city. We should our SGL's on the parts which require additional resources we can loose (the exterior chassis with rubber, AFAIK also most expensive part) and the one which needs uranium. And than lets hope no one disrupts our aluminium flow.

Dumb a$$ work and holidays getting in the way of my gaming :(

I'm gonna have to ask for a skip or an extension til Tuesday.

You decide...

We have 8 whole techs to go, with Space Flight in 2 turns. We are 382 turns - 158 turns to go. Culture win in 2008 with Apolo built in 1850. With mobolization we should be OK.

Looks like we rushed UN? We should also have rushed SETI.

I would not have gifted Egypt to Modern Ages. I'd have only gifted Sumeria and Ottoman, plus any CIVs that we'd want the resources from. I'm a little nervous about Egypt getting aggressive in the end.
We need egypt for uran, so gifting them into MA was needed IMO was needed. Through the other 2 techs from MA tier 1 may be not needed, but that shouldn't be a too big difference. About the rushing i thought it was agreed to save the SGL's for space ships parts.
IHT: Everything looks good, I press enter.

IT: Constantinople: research lab->prebuild for Space Flight.

Turn 1 (1836 AD) Workers land near the rubber source in Egypt that needs to be connected.
Science goes to 80%, Space Flight is still in 1.

IT: Space Flight->Satellites (in 11 at 100%).

Turn 2 (1838 AD) Start of the Apollo Program (in 6).

IT: Pollution.

Turn 3 (1840 AD) Workers connect the rubber in Egypt and start clearing pollution.
Cleo gives us rubber for 190 gold.

IT: France starts Manhattan Project and again pollution.

Turn 4 (1842 AD) Cleaning... Research and Apollo Build are not serverly slowed down.

Turn 5 (1844 AD) Pollution cleared.

IT: The French and Ottoman sign a MPP. The Maya start Manhattan. We lost our iron, coal and horses (which we all don't need...).
We also lose income but still make 2 gpt at 100% research.

Turn 6 (1846 AD) :sleep:

Turn 7 (1848 AD) Our oil is now from Sumeria. But we can trade with Egypt.Since we don't need it for the parts I won't.


I start with the SS Cockpit. No UN vote this time :)

Turn 8 (1850 AD) :sleep:

IT: Pollution,but the workers from the Egyptian lands have returned.

Turn 9, 10 (1852, 1854 AD) The land is clean again.

IT: France and America sign peace, but Maya and Ottomans sign a MA vs America. Sumeria and Maya do the same.

Turn 11 (1856 AD) :sleep:


We finished our first part [dance]

Turn 12 (1858 AD) Science to 50%. Satellites still in 1.

IT: Satellites->Miniaturization (for Offshore Platform). Egypt finished the Manhattan Project.

Turn 13 (1860 AD) Next tech is in 13 turns...

IT: SS Docking Bay->SS Engine. Egypt starts the Internet! This means they know the tech I just choose to research.

Turn 14 (1862 AD) For Space Flight and 850 gold I get Miniaturization from Egypt. Research is on Superconductor now, which we probably will have before the rest. City build is switched to offshore platform.
France gives us 100 gpt, 1190 gold and horses for Space Flight (not market prices and they could afford 200 gpt).

Turn 15 (1864 AD) Sumeria knows Amphibious war. Not interesting.

Offshore platform is in 1. After that we can continue building the parts. I'd not rush them yet!

1864 AD save
We were lucky enough that Egypt researched a tech for us. They are now building the Internet, which might help even more. We need 6 more techs. I estimate that self research would mean about 80 turns.

-Aggie ----------------> just played
-Microbe -------------> on deck
-Jack Merchant------> up
-Stuck as a Mac
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