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America: The Ironclad Oath

It says it was 6:11 PM September 18.
God should be capitalized. Gods isn't unless at the start of a sentence, but God (and any other forms refering to him, like only You God) is always capitalized
It's his name. Like William. You don't say william. :p

You meant 19th right? and thanks for clearing it up

No it says 18th.
But in america talk your mind,you said "the formation of Texas by John Bavy" in the next update
September-December 1864: Grand Wizard; King of Kings

Siege of Richmond

September 20th, 1864

Nathan Bedford Forrest's army rode north in the autumn of 1864. The army saw the leaves of the trees turn from a vibrant green to a faded orange hue as they continued on the cobble path. The chirping of birds heard at the beginning of the ride disappeared, and was replaced by an eastern wind that chilled closer to the bone by the day. The small squirrels and rodents that ran across the path now escaped deeper into the forest. Flowers, vibrant blooming flowers that begged the world to take their pollen, dwindled and deceased. Supported by thousands on horses, carrying flags of their home-states, Forrest rode in his well kept uniform; firmly grasping onto the hilt of his sabre.


"Richmond cannot be defended!" exclaimed Barnaby, President Jefferson Davis' most trusted assistant. "Enough! With Grant militarizing north of us, we have no other -choice- but to stand and fight!" pointing and compulsively drinking whiskey from his small glass, he continued. "This... this amateur cavalryman. No military experience. We've held Richmond for years against the Union, and what makes it that we cannot defend against some rebels?" "He has Shane Dewmont on his side, -along- with financial and military support from some of the most influential in the States! So if you think we're getting out of here alive, hah!" Davis, contemplating as he stares at his glass, perked his eyebrows and once again continued. "Barnaby, this is exactly how we felt during the Revolutionary War. But we will make it through this, and our way of life will persevere."


Forrest's army aligned outside the city borders. With the dark clouds now overhead, the thick humidity of an impending storm developed. Soldiers cleaned their guns, artillery positioned their cannons, and Forrest rode over to Dewmont and Gustavus to chat about strategy. When the rain began hitting the gray uniforms of the Confederate Rebel army, Forrest shouted for the ranks to line up and prepare for orders. As the rain turned to heavy rain, and then to mixed hail, Forrest sat tall on his horse and addressed his men as he trotted past them.

A messenger, holding tight onto his hat and watching his steps as he sprints through the wetlands ran up and handed Forrest a letter. Opening it with the edge of his sabre, still in sheath, he opened it and read quietly. Folding it and handing it back to the messenger, he then addressed his army once again. "I told them that if they surrendered now, they would be treated as equals. Our condolences for their position, and our compassion for their well-being has been denied! Does the damn fool, President Jefferson Davis, want to be blown up? Well, blow him up then. Give them hell, men- as hot as you got it, too!" A roar of applause followed his single strike into the air with his fist. Gustavus Smith, looking forward with a scope in his hands, reported that some cavalry have sallied forth and were looking to flank the offensive. "Dewmont, take your company and meet with them in the woods. Smith, go take one or two men north and report to me on Union position." "Yes sir, General Forrest. The union after our overthrow will be no more a union then.. then a..." Forrest patted Smith on the back, "I can tell you've been working on that, but it just doesn't work. Go now."

Ordering the beginning of bombardment, Forrest, now holding the scope, watched as cannon-fire blasted apart some barricades and defenses outside of the city. Ordering riflemen forward, he gathered cavalry and took to the side of the field. "After the riflemen get past the farms, I want you SMGs to build a trench!" As the army maneavered, the riflemen met with strong resistance from Richmond guns. Forrest then ordered the cavalry to go and skirmish with the south-east of the town as he went to give orders to the infantry. Riding quick, he caught up with the front line, picked up a man who had fallen, and pulled out a pistol to shoot at an upcoming gunman. "First-line! Hold your ground behind these fences!" As the riflemen took a knee down to aim steadier, the trenches were under way.

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Outside of the city limits, Georgian and Alabaman ironclad rode up the coast and prepared to fire at Pro-Davis fortifications. Lit with flickering lamps, the captain of the ships found it difficult to read their official orders. "Governor Brown is truly giving the orders to fire at our own forces in Virginia... what the hell is going on?" the confused ship, not willing to go against official orders, began firing on the coast of Virginia against forces in Hopewell, only a day away from Richmond.

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Meanwhile at Richmond, Forrest's cavalry offensive was going successful. Using quick movement, violent charges and sturdy shooting, the cavalry broke the defensive lines and routed them closer to the capitol building. At the trenches, Davis' plan to hold the city turned to a violent retreat when the riflemen were about to be flanked by Forrest's cavalry. Davis' cavalry, skirmishing with Dewmont in the wood, did better than the rest of the city. Dewmont knew little about Virginia's forests, and was much more accustomed to the Southwest. With an embarrassing defeat, he called for a retreat back to the trench lines.

"Nathan, we were overwhelmed in the woods. I expect they'll be comin' 'ere soon, so I suggest 'dat ye' quickly move 'yer boys back to the cannons." Nathan nodding, he trotted over the trench-lines with his horse and gave orders to the front-line. Riding back to lead the counter-offensive against Davis' cavalry, he gave a commanding roar and pulled out his rifle and sabre to meet them head on. On the open fields, Forrest without-a-doubt massacred them with riflemen reinforcement and sheer animosity. Pulling the sabre out of a man's torso, he leaped back onto his horse and ordered that the army move towards the capitol building.

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As his army moved forward, he received both letters from Jonathan Lester that Alabama, Mississippi, Florida, and Georgia have declared their allegiance to Forrest, and from his contacts in Tennessee that Governor Isham Harris is willing to declare allegiance. With the Carolinas, Southwestern states, Kentucky, and Virginia left to gain control of, he hoped that the naval offensive on Raleigh would intimidate the Carolinas, and that Dewmont's and Bavy's influence could convince the rest of the states. As for Kentucky, if it was the last Pro-Davis state, would it really fight both the Union and the new Confederacy? Forrest doubted it, and his doubts dissipated as he began to see the capitol building in sight.

"President, the capitol is surrounded, we lost contact west of South Carolina, and our reinforcements down the river report that a joint Alabama-Georgia blockade are attacking." warned General Lee. The conversation was interrupted by gunfire and explosions now across the river. Nathan Bedford Forrest, riding front line and leading his large army behind him, was now crossing the bridge and holding a personal banner; a white flag with a black cross on it. "President, I suggest we surrender. It will prevent bloodshed, and we still have the Union to worry about." President Davis, pacing back and forth in a nervous manner, then retreated into his room to burn private letters and hide his valuables. "Sir, there is no need to do that! I'm sure General Forrest is quite honorable."

Richmond's army, by now, had surrendered. Forrest's army marched towards the capitol building, and Forrest himself opened the door and proceeded inside. Taking dramatic, long strides, he admired the art and the architecture once again. Bursting into the presidential office, he was greeted by solemn acknowledgement from General Lee and Barnaby. "President Davis. Where is he?" questioned Forrest. The two signaled towards his private quarters, and Forrest gave himself permission to enter it. When he walked in, there was the president sitting on the edge of the bed -- waiting to hear what Forrest had to say. "I suppose you will do it quick then. A public hanging? That will get you the most attention and respect." said Jefferson Davis. "Actually, it is not what I had in mind, my President." stated Nathan, now kneeling down to meet the president's eye level.

"It has been going through my mind what to say to you. On one hand, I would love to lavishly enjoy the poetic irony of me now stating, "I am the one that makes the decisions", but it is expected. President, I don't even want to execute you; there is no reason for it! Instead, I'm going to tell you this: I'm going to let you walk home, free. I hear your family in Kentucky is surely missing you, and my family in Mississippi is missing me. Now, I'm going to make a quick address stating that you are resigning from presidency. After that, my company and I will work on drafting a new constitution, and I will unanimously be elected the first president of the new Confederation. Does that sound good to you, sir?"

A Band of Brothers

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(If you wish, please play the above music until the last subchapter)

Word had traveled quick that Richmond's government had been overthrown. General Lee was made commander of all the Confederate forces until the government could be reassembled. Shane Dewmont was positioned in Richmond to aid Lee and to keep a watch on him. Gustavus Smith returned just as Forrest was leaving the capitol building, and reported that the military was immediately needed to meet with the Union forces advancing south. But Forrest left Richmond immediately; almost without even saying goodbye. A large speech was expected, but the army and the citizens of the city were disappointed. As he and a select company road south, concerns grew about John Bavy, who stated he had important business to attend to first in Alabama. His company, made up of Forrest, Gustavus Smith, fellow Brigadier General George Gordon, Andrew J. McMillan and others, stated that they would all meet up in Nashville, Tennessee by the end of the week. Until then, they all had personal engagements to attend to.


Nathan B. Forrest
Returning back to his plantation, he hopped off his horse and walked inside. Shouting to his wife, she screamed with excitement and came running down the stairs. Leaping into his arms, he explained everything that has happened since he's been away. Naturally she was shocked when she learned that he overthrow the government and beat back the Union.

Gustavus Smith
Smith hopped off his horse outside of an abandoned plantation. Walking through the door, he noticed the decline of the infrastructure, the peeling of the paint, and the breaking of the floorboards. Walking into the living room, he had vivid flashbacks of playing with his siblings. Tears forming in his eyes, he wiped his face clean with a handkerchief and rode back to Nashville.

George Gordon and Andrew J. McMillan

George Gordon was one of the youngest Brigadier Generals in the Confederate Army. Meeting Forrest at the Siege of Vicksburg, Gordon became fascinated with his perseverance, courage, and background. Andrew J. McMillan was a close friend of Shane Dewmont, and the two worked together to unite racists and anti-abolitionists. Gordon and McMillan cleared a table in Nashville clean and set up lamps and candles. "This will do nicely for the composition." said Gordon. The two were electrified with the idea of rewriting the constitution of America, and generally already had a strong census on what it would be like. Primarily, slavery would be uphold -- if the Union was defeated, then slavery in the northern states would make the government flourish as it never had before. However, to do this, the slave trade would naturally have to be re-instated. "Ethiopia! We can get a large amount from there, I'm sure! Europeans aren't interested in trying to take that place." suggested McMillan. The two, grinning and giggling with excitement, leaned over the creaking table and intensely wrote on parchment next to the flickering candlelight.

John Bavy

"I'm darn-nabbit tellin' ya'! I am the prophet! I am the next messiah!" shouted Bavy, frightening the entire tavern. "He came down while I was ashleep... he told me to create a new Kingdom, in Texas! There, all men would be treated as equal -- objects and slaves for the highest bidder! HA!" The tavern keeper, cleaning a mug, walked over to his part of the counter and leaned over, "Listen, sir, you either got to keep it quiet or leave." Bavy, with a look of absolute anger, knocked over his glass, stood up, and pointed his finger at the tavern. "Nathan Belfast Forrest is going to turn the country into a theocracy! But does he have the heavens on his side - NO! ... I do," grinned Bavy, "Oooooh I do."


The company reunited in Nashville to help McMillan and Gordon on the constitution in mid-November of 1964. Forrest, refusing to sit for most of the discussion, paced back and forth with a tall stature and a commanding tone. His words were received written in stone, and his admiration and flattery towards ideas that complimented his own were deemed as gifts. "Basically what we have so far, is a direct copy of the representative government. However, through institutions founded by the government, racial superiority and our aspirations will be preserved. We will call this organization, the Kuklux Clan." postulated Gordon. Forrest paused and stroked his greying beard. "Yes, Dewmont suggested a similar structure. Bound in fable and lore, the knights will retake the empire for the people. Dewmont referred to himself as 'The Wizard'." "But you are more than that, sir." quipped Gustavus. "You are right. I am the Wizard of the Saddle. The wizard of wizards. The king of kings. Men, you know very well that I will assume the position of President in Richmond -- and soon, Washington. This matter is important to me. My family cannot be safe with these Negroes running around with pride and a sense of entitlement. Villagers and farmers; you have seen them! They hide, and they fear for their way of lives. As President, I will ensure that the Union will bow down and respect a true constitution for the people. But, as Grand Wizard, I declare that we will not only succeed -- but flourish!" Forrest, pausing with his hand held in front of him, was met with a roaring applause.

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Throughout those weeks where the constitution and the frameworks of the Kuklux Clan was drafted, John Bavy began becoming more outspoken about his views. He stated that slavery should be extended to all -- if you are powerful enough to control a man, flourish on that fact. Furthermore, his view was that democracy was selfish and against natural law, and that the ruler of the Kuklux Clan should be emperor of America. The group mainly dismissed Bavy's ramblings, but Forrest began looking for methods to cut off his influence on his army.

To Hell With This Folly

Riding back to Richmond, Forrest received applause from every town and village he passed through. "Forrest the Great", and "Untutored Genius" were among many of his new nicknames. He was seen as a savior of the people, and a destroyer of the corruption and liberalism in Richmond and Washington. "People of the Confederate States of America, I give you the new law of the land!" he cheered as he held up the finished documents of the constitution. With a quick referendum, it was decided by several delegates of the states that Nathan Bedford Forrest would go unchallenged as the first president. The first election would be in 1868 -- by then, Forrest stated that the government would be stabilized and the War of Southern Independence would be won. All former states of the Confederacy acknowledged Forrest's administration, and acknowledged the formation of the Kuklux Clan as the protector and savior of the American people.

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December 24th, 1864

President and Grand Wizard Forrest held fast the reigns of his horse as heavy snow fell down upon a Union village. He watched as the flames engulfed the buildings and collapsed the flag. Receiving a letter from a soldier, he opened it with the side of his sabre and read it aloud. "This, my men, is the Ironclad Oath:

I, A. B., do solemnly swear (or affirm) that I have never voluntarily borne arms against the United States since I have been a citizen thereof; that I have voluntarily given no aid, countenance, counsel, or encouragement to persons engaged in armed hostility thereto; that I have neither sought nor accepted nor attempted to exercise the functions of any office whatever, under any authority or pretended authority in hostility to the United States; that I have not yielded a voluntary support to any pretended government, authority, power or constitution within the United States, hostile or inimical thereto. And I do further swear (or affirm) that, to the best of my knowledge and ability, I will support and defend the Constitution of the United States, against all enemies, foreign and domestic; that I will bear true faith and allegiance to the same; that I take this obligation freely, without any mental reservation or purpose of evasion, and that I will well and faithfully discharge the duties of the office on which I am about to enter, so help me God."

Holding out the letter closer to the flames of a building, he watches as the fire caught onto the letter before throwing it to the ground to see it turn to ashes. "This is what we fight for! The constitution of the Union is not the true law of the land, as it has been perverted and cursed throughout the years by northern, abolitionist, toffee-nosed Negro lovers who only see to mine the wealth out of the South and take away our image! Word has it that they even have storehouses of pro-Negro loving caretakers to feed and make hospitable the lives of runaways. These runaways will be returnin' to their owners, I can assure you. As for the Union: it will be liberated from the tyrannical hands of Lincoln, and it will follow the law that I and the men in Richmond forge for the betterment of America! To hell with this folly -- the Ironclad Oath -- and to hell with Lincoln, and God Bless the Confederate States of America, and the holy hand of justice and retribution, the Kuklux Clan!"

Grand Wizard; King of Kings

I met a traveller from an antique land
Who said: "Two vast and trunkless legs of stone
Stand in the desert. Near them, on the sand,
Half sunk, a shattered visage lies, whose frown,
And wrinkled lip, and sneer of cold command,
Tell that its sculptor well those passions read
Which yet survive, stamped on these lifeless things,
The hand that mocked them and the heart that fed:
And on the pedestal these words appear:
'My name is Ozymandias, king of kings:
Look on my works, ye Mighty, and despair!'
Nothing beside remains. Round the decay
Of that colossal wreck, boundless and bare
The lone and level sands stretch far away.

President and Grand Wizard Forrest glared at a man behind the desk of his office. Sharpening his sabre and picking his teeth with a pick, he often sat forward and stroked his beard when he wished to emphasize a point. "And I want you, and your entire Realm to track down Bavy and see what he is up to! As a Grand Cyclops, he should know better than to ignore my questioning, and my will! Mr. Smith, as a Grand Dragon of the Valley, you understand that he needs hellfire, yes?" Smith stared at the men for a brief moment. Where is the man he once knew? Who is this dictator? He gulped and nodded, "Of course, Mirth-Provoking Grand Wizard." As he walked out, Forrest added in another request, "And tell General Gordon on your return to Nashville that I plan on seeing the front-lines soon! I want this Union DEAD! I want my America back! The American people, need -me- back. And! I want a full report on the number of Negroes that you put in place on your return! And don't skimp on the recruiting rallies! We need-..."

After the long list of demands, and after Gustavus left the room, President Forrest leaned over in his chair. Grasping his head, he shook it and cursed at hell for his furious headache.

The Confederate States of America

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(If you wish, please play the above music accompanying the end)

N. B. Forrest enjoyed the company of foreign ambassadors from around the world. Now recognized as a country, the Confederate States of America began recovering from the harsh economic conditions of the old Confederacy. Railroads were being reconstructed, plantations were rebuilt, and pastures were re-established. King Cotton was back in business, and with slaves coming in from the far corners of Eastern Africa, the King never looked better. The Confederacy had a president, similar to George Washington, who enjoyed dictatorial power and praise from politicians and commoners. Gustavus, Dewmont, and Gordon were given titles of Grand Dragon, and ruled their sections of the Confederacy through vigilance and violence. General Lee, respected commander of Virginia, declined membership into the Kuklux Clan for his disagreements with slavery. Months after the war, it would be seen that he passed away in his sleep. John Bavy, feared by many high-ranking officers, was given a median position as Grand Cyclops and appointed Governor of Texas. His actions were highly observed and reported to Forrest. McMillan founded his own private Kuklux Charter in Louisiana, called the Knights of the White Camelia. And thousands upon thousands of willing, hate-filled Americans were initiated under the star-struck sky by torchlight into the Kuklux Clan. They believed -- they knew -- that their ways of life, and their rights of birth, were superior.

Oil was struck in the Southwest. Thousands of gallons were sent east to fuel industry and a modern navy. Riflemen were armed with powerful guns; some with powerful submachine guns that plowed down Union and disobedient Negro numbers. Horses were bred and sent out to assist the front-lines, for on those horses sat the soldiers that made a difference in the world. Zeppelins were constructed to reach far over the horizon, and drop bombs upon the heads of enemies. And the world looked at America, divided and violent, and felt both a sense of fear and loathing for the men who sat behind their desks, and called themselves the Kuklux Clan.

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Disclaimer: All of this post except for areas marked as "OOC" is in-character and does not reflect my actual views on any of the subjects discussed in this post. Any potentially offensive statements are those of the character, not me personally, and they are solely used for the purposes of making a realistic story.
Gustavus Smith
Smith hopped off his horse outside of an abandoned plantation. Walking through the door, he noticed the decline of the infrastructure, the peeling of the paint, and the breaking of the floorboards. Walking into the living room, he had vivid flashbacks of playing with his siblings. Tears forming in his eyes, he wiped his face clean with a handkerchief and rode back to Nashville.

You clever bastard, you made me well up a bit.

"I'm darn-nabbit tellin' ya'! I am the prophet! I am the next messiah!" shouted Bavy, frightening the entire tavern. "He came down while I was ashleep... he told me to create a new Kingdom, in Texas! There, all men would be treated as equal -- objects and slaves for the highest bidder! HA!" The tavern keeper, cleaning a mug, walked over to his part of the counter and leaned over, "Listen, sir, you either got to keep it quiet or leave." Bavy, with a look of absolute anger, knocked over his glass, stood up, and pointed his finger at the tavern. "Nathan Belfast Forrest is going to turn the country into a theocracy! But does he have the heavens on his side - NO! ... I do," grinned Bavy, "Oooooh I do."

:lmao: This killed me :lol: I love you :lol:
hey, i said that Forrest plans to make a dictatorship and destroy democracy and you say i'm against it?
hey, i said that Forrest plans to make a dictatorship and destroy democracy and you say i'm against it?

Yes and no. I said that you're against Forrest leading the nation as a theocracy, and that you view yourself as a divine messiah destined to truly rule America.

However, as you saw in the chapter, there is no real religious zeal yet. There is anti-Christianity, for sure -- that comes connected to the European heritage, pride thing. But things attributed to the later KKK (In the early 1900s), such as Anti-Catholicism and autocracy, haven't developed yet.
so, no dictatorship?

It isn't clear, but as far as civics are concerned, it is still a republic. There will still be elections, but watch out if you vote for the wrong person. Even after Forrest isn't president, the Grand Wizard still has absolute influence.
so a corrupted system right? so that means that my nation represents people better.
Well, at least we equally enslave people. Not just blacks. And we do not have a corrupted system
Well, at least we equally enslave people.

Uh.... I hope you aren't hoping to get any awards for that, because equally being a jerk does not make you a better person :lol: That's like a mugger expecting to be let off easy because he mugs all races :lol:
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