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Anarchy Laws


Absent Minded
Feb 23, 2005
Out To Lunch
Reading through parts of other demos I've been amazed over the amount of rules and regulations the have. There is a rule for every little decision to make and there's elections on who's gonna be in charge of god knows what. I really hope that we Anarchy Celts will be able to avoid that kind of paragraph jungle. All the same, it might be useful to have some sort of thread for "rules" or "agreements" we make within our beloved tribe. I suggest we assemble them, as they are agreed upon, in this here thread. So far I have only noticed one attempt at restricting the industriouness? among citizens and that will be the first law of the Celts. Not sure if that is a cause for :beer: or :suicide:. I will not suggest any "punishments" for breaking these "laws". I don't like punishments among friends (but I will enjoy punishing stupid opponents...a lot).
I believe we should state no more than 10 laws. If an eleventh is warranted we must un-law an existing one. Me want quality here, not quantity :) .
If some citizens have different opinions on any of these "laws" we will of course have a vote if we cannot reach consensus. Consensus being the ultimate goal in any anarchy.

The First Law of the Celts
Thou shall not close any deals, not profitable nor idiotic, with opponents without the "Aye" from at least 2 other Celts.

The Second Law of the Celts
Thou shall not take the save without checking in the Dept. of Turnplay for another Celt that already has it (may require screen refresh).

The Sixth Law of the Celts
Thou shall not take thyself so darn seriously... you Idiot.

The Third Law of the Celts
Rules are made to be broken, but you better have a good reason and be prepared to explain.

The Fourth Law of the Celts
If you do evil, do it good

The Fifth Law of the Celts
NEVER GET CAUGHT and if you do, have a fall guy ready to blame.

The Seventh Law of the Celts
Sin Bravely

The Eighth Law of the Celts
This is Great - so it's just that great

The Thirteenth Law of the Celts
Grumpiness means whacking somebody when no one is looking. True grumpiness is not an act, it is a habit. Live life grumpy and you're one step closer to Meleet

---- :crazyeye: ---- :beer: ---- :crazyeye: ----

Celtic Codicile Section One - International Law
The legal code of the celts is based on a spiritually (religous) driven foolishness that is at harmony with the environment (agricultural). This specific brand of stupidity (heavily reliant upon alcohol consumption), known as Idiocy, has been idealized in Celtic culture and developed into the base for most Celtic laws and mores.

While beneficial, efficient and generally enjoyable within Celtic society, this Idiocy runs at variance with most other cultures and societies, complicating Celtic interaction with other cultures vis a vis international law.

As a means of dealing with the inevitable difficluties cross-cultural interaction creates Celtic society (including its legal proceses) will revert to its two deepest cultural bedrocks - religion and agriculture.

When Celtic Idiocy can be appreciated (if not understood) and accomodated (if not embraced) by a foreign society, then the Celts will respond with a genuine, alcohol fueled, embrace of their new friends (aka Drinking Buddies). While Celtic society can never truly trust any individual or group that does not fully embrace Idiocy, true good-will and amity can exist so long as the other cultural group will take a turn buying the next round. Since alcohol is the primary religous icon for the Celts, this good-will is infused with a specific, Idiodic, religous tone.

Some societies/cultures seem incapable of accepting Idiocy as a sociological/legal organizing principle. This makes any meaningful interaction with the Celts impossible. In these instnaces Celtic society leans toward its agricultural tendencies. This is best summarized by the well attested legal president of "Blood makes the grass grow, Kill, Kill, Kill!" This agriculturally based response (also known as the Provo Protocol) is a well respected Celtic legal tradition in International Law.

While emotionally tumultuous, the Provo Protocol does not undermine underlying cultural stability, since its sucessful completion inevitably ends at a Pub, hence religous harmony and Idiocy is regained.
Since I did this one I'll post this second. :blush:

The First Law of the Celts
Thou shall not close any deals, not profitable nor idiotic, with opponents without the "Aye" from at least 2 other Celts.

The Second Law of the Celts
Thou shall not take the save without checking in the Dept. of Turnplay for another Celt that already has it (may require screen refresh).
Good plan fellas. I would suggest we adopt these simple rules for our simple folks.

What may make sense too so that people feel involved at all times is request an area of interest in this thread. IE diplo, MMing, big picture, turnplay etc.

Another thing I think is a good idea, along with the city naming,is worker and unit naming after each other. Those in at the back of the alphabet should be first. I look forward to the day when Elite swordswoman Gram Harriet creates a Great Leader!!

My .02 slaves should be named after our competitors. Is this too aggressive?

If I can add one other simple rule and some of you may have seen this story before but I think it's a good way to live life...again just my .02..
Spoiler :

Two prime ministers sitting in a room, and suddenly the door bursts open, and a man came in and he was extremely upset and shouting and carrying on. The resident prime minister said, “Peter, Peter, please remember Rule #6.” And immediately Peter was restored to complete calm. And a young woman came in. She was hysterical. Hair was flying all over the place. Shouting and carrying on. He said, “Maria, please remember Rule #6!” And immediately Maria said, “Oh, I’m so sorry,” and she apologized and walked out. And then it happened a third time. You know how it always happens a third time. And the visiting prime minister said, “My dear colleague, I’ve seen three people come into the room in a state of uncontrollable fury, and they walked out completely calmly. Would you be willing to share this Rule #6, what that is?”
And he said, “Oh yes, Rule #6, very simple. "Don’t take yourself so darned seriously.” And so he said, “Oh, that’s a wonderful rule. What may I ask are the other rules?”
And he says, “There aren’t any.”

Conductor of the Boston Philharmonic Orchestra Benjamin Zander from the book "The Art of Possibility".
Another thing I think is a good idea, along with the city naming,is worker and unit naming after each other. Those in at the back of the alphabet should be first. I look forward to the day when Elite swordswoman Gram Harriet creates a Great Leader!!
It would be fun but I suspect it could, maybe, cause some confusion now and then, and we would be out of names pretty soon. I do think it would be nice if everyone could name units just like with cities. Maybe start a unit naming thread?

My .02 slaves should be named after our competitors. Is this too aggressive?
No, that is fun and if they were to object we will read The Sixth Law of the Celts for them ;)
The seventh law of the celts: thou shalt remember this is a game
The eighth law: rules are made to be broken but you better have a good reason and be prepared to explain (as I hope i have for my past transgressions)
Penultimate Law of the Celts: Sin bravely!
Seventh Law of the Celts: if you do evil, do it good
Whomp said:
I look forward to the day when Elite swordswoman Gram Harriet creates a Great Leader!!
:lol: *Gram Harriet tries to picture herself with anything more lethal than a carving knife.* :hmm:
I've seen some nasty things happen with a carving knife.
Since every legal code needs fine print...

Celtic Codicile Section One - International Law

The legal code of the celts is based on a spiritually (religous) driven foolishness that is at harmony with the environment (agricultural). This specific brand of stupidity (heavily reliant upon alcohol consumption), known as Idiocy, has been idealized in Celtic culture and developed into the base for most Celtic laws and mores.

While beneficial, efficient and generally enjoyable within Celtic society, this Idiocy runs at variance with most other cultures and societies, complicating Celtic interaction with other cultures vis a vis international law.

As a means of dealing with the inevitable difficluties cross-cultural interaction creates Celtic society (including its legal proceses) will revert to its two deepest cultural bedrocks - religion and agriculture.

When Celtic Idiocy can be appreciated (if not understood) and accomodated (if not embraced) by a foreign society, then the Celts will respond with a genuine, alcohol fueled, embrace of their new friends (aka Drinking Buddies). While Celtic society can never truly trust any individual or group that does not fully embrace Idiocy, true good-will and amity can exist so long as the other cultural group will take a turn buying the next round. Since alcohol is the primary religous icon for the Celts, this good-will is infused with a specific, Idiodic, religous tone.

Some societies/cultures seem incapable of accepting Idiocy as a sociological/legal organizing principle. This makes any meaningful interaction with the Celts impossible. In these instnaces Celtic society leans toward its agricultural tendencies. This is best summarized by the well attested legal president of "Blood makes the grass grow, Kill, Kill, Kill!" This agriculturally based response (also known as the Provo Protocol) is a well respected Celtic legal tradition in International Law.

While emotionally tumultuous, the Provo Protocol does not undermine underlying cultural stability, since its sucessful completion inevitably ends at a Pub, hence religous harmony and Idiocy is regained.

(Idiotic Posts, the sure cure for insomnia. Thanks for being part of the cure.)
Kickbooti said:
Some societies/cultures seem incapable of accepting Idiocy as a sociological/legal organizing principle. This makes any meaningful interaction with the Celts impossible. In these instnaces Celtic society leans toward its agricultural tendencies. This is best summarized by the well attested legal president of "Blood makes the grass grow, Kill, Kill, Kill!" This agriculturally based response (also known as the Provo Protocol) is a well respected Celtic legal tradition in International Law.

While emotionally tumultuous, the Provo Protocol does not undermine underlying cultural stability, since its sucessful completion inevitably ends at a Pub, hence religous harmony and Idiocy is regained.

(Idiotic Posts, the sure cure for insomnia. Thanks for being part of the cure.)

I think we should make "Trial by Rugby" a formal part of our code. Winner take all. Lots of blood spilled on grass, lots of beer spilled afterwards.
Kickbooti said:
Celtic Codicile Section One - International Law
Bede said:
"Trial by Rugby"
I may have said this once before but I'm old so bear with me. I would like to say I wouldn't trade any of you all for all the steam power or replaceable parts in the world.
We have 3 yay's for the following:

"This is Great" - so it's just that great.

As well as

booti said:
I would also like to suggest another one...there's plenty of laws discussing idiocy but none regarding grumpiness. I would suggest an additional law........how about law number.....um...how about...13?
Grumpiness means whacking somebody when no one is looking. True grumpiness is not an act, it is a habit. Live life grumpy and you're one step closer to Meleet.
You can be grumpy and whack 'em when they are looking too. For example, MIA will probably be looking when we hit them. You just get more style points by saying "Hey look over there" and whacking them with the other hand. It is the "Stealth and cunning triumphs over youth and vigor principle."
i was chatting with irongold last night.

MIA is not looking before the current deal is over. IIRC, we've got at least 20 turns to run on that.

FE expressed interest in continuing peace.

Let's get ready. :devil:
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