And then there were three...

GPS Haggis,

My scout is going over towards the last of the fog on the right, but will take many turns to get there, My Jaguar is waiting by the city

i didn't notice any message when opening my turn

Darren, what are your odds of winning the current battle vs. Sal (jaguar vs. garrisoned archer in a city)? I could calculate it, but I'm too lazy...

i think my odds will be pretty good, I have no idea on how to work out the odds im afraid

i Have 2 units currently stacked by the city

GPS Darren.

Darren, kill Sal now!! I took out his first archer with my horse archer and I wounded his second archer down to 1.6 stregth with my archer. You should be able to take him now.

Don't forget to revolt to Bureaucracy now.

Haggis, you have a lot of improved tiles in your capital but your citizen is currently working a forested grassland tile. You should move him to either a cottage (for commerce) or farm (for growth). You may also want to build a work boat soon to increase your growth rate.
Haggis, I forgot to metion that you have more improved tiles in your capital than you'll possibly be able to use in the near future due to your population and your happiness cap. Your worker in the capital should start roading toward our newly captured city (fingers crossed) and Sal's capital.
Darren, you can find out your odds during the game by selecting the unit (your jaguar in this case) and holding down the <ALT> key while you hover your mouse over the target.

It doesn't matter now anyway since the last archer is severely wounded. You should have > 90% odds of winning.
Dang, I was trying to get the save to Darren before he went to bed so that we could get another turn in today. It looks like I missed him by less than 7 minutes.
GPS Haggis,

Took the city, no issue using that alt option (way cool) i had a 98.9% chance of winning :)

i have taken control of the city, moving my spare unit onto the capital, gonna be quite a few turns before im set

Darren, good job on taking the city. :goodjob: Killing two archers and capturing a city at the expense of one archer is a good tradeoff. I don't think we'll have it this easy when we attack Sal and Biz' capitals.

In addition to using the <ALT> method, if you select on of your units and left (or is it right) click on an enemy unit, it will give you the odds as well. Just be sure not to let go of the mouse button while on the enemy unit or the attack will happen whether you want it or not.

We'll have to figure out how to distribute our captured cities. If we do it haphazardly, our cities will be putting cultural pressure on each other, which could cause problems with respect to resources. We also want to think about the distance between captured cities and our capitals since distance is a factor for determining city maintenance. We can stick to the north (Iain), central (Mitch) and south (Darren) plan. Or we can come up with something entirely different. In any event, I don't have a problem with Darren keeping the captured city until we capture Biz' capital, which is definitely yours.
Yep, sounds good, once we have taken the capital and settled things down, re can redistribute the aquired citys to whomever

GPS Mitchum

Mitchum, i have more improved tiles in my capital than i have citizens because i had two workers, one was building a road to you until he ran from a wolf, and until a few turns ago they had nothing else to instead of leaving them sitting there scratching their balls i figured i'd improve tiles while i waited for settler, war road, etc.
GPS Darren.

Haggis, everyone needs time to scratch their balls once in a while...:D

Don't forget to revolt to Bureaucracy soon...:mischief:

I'm torn what to do now that barbs are around. I want to
a) get a pillaging stack to both Sal and Biz' capitals
b) fogbust the northeast
c) protect my workers as they build a road west from my capital
d) build missionaries to spread the love.

How would you guys prioritize these things?
GPS Haggis,

I would finish off sal and biz, if we cant finish both off with our resources then we need to do one of them to weaken the team by 1/3 and keep them at bay

I think then we need to go through a period of rebuilding our civs and sorting out the aquired citys.

As this first team will have become so weak after our attack i think we should move on to the next team

sorry back to the original question.

a) finish off sal and biz (or 1 if we haven't got the resources)
b)fogbust the last area
c) start building the road links.

d) i think this should be a distant last

My troops will not be ready for at least 10 turns due to travelling time, so we have a few turns to get our plan sorted

Darren, I agree with you plan for the most part. The only thing I would prioritize higher is spreading our religion. Here's why?

My iron city is going to get pummeled by barbarians, especially if I don't fogbust the northeast. It will also be easier to take (especially with barb axes like the one hanging out there now) without cultural defenses (as your culture goes up and your borders expand, the cultural defenses go up as well). I won't even have access to metal until my first border pop in my new iron city. On top of that, I'm running Organized Religion, so any city with my state religion will get a 25% hammer bonus when building buildings.

With that in mind, I'm going to do the following:

1. Finish my 3rd horse archer (1 turn away) - send him to fog bust.

2. Finish my settler (1 turn away - I put two mathmatics-enhanced forest chops (30 rather than 20 hammers) into a settler between all of my other builds and he's been sitting in my build queue for a few turns waiting for the right time to finish him)

3. Build a missionary (should only take 3 turns or so)

4. Start cranking out units (horse archers until I have metal) to cripple team Sal/Biz/Gandhi. I'll also mix in some cats once we have construction (2 turns away?)

5. Mix in a barracks when convenient for the extra experience points.

6. Mix in a few missionaries to spread religion to you guys so that you can get the Organized Religion bonus and "free" culture as well (no need to build obelisks)

I already have 2 horse archers, which are great for pillaging since they can move and pillage on the same turn. I'll send one north (Sal) and one south (Biz).

You guys need a minimum of 1 ax and 1 spear in the pillaging stack (plus whatever else you have) with my horse archer. The ax will defend against any melee attackers. The spear will defend against any mounted attackers. When we're going in to pillage, we need to stick to the hills and forests/jungles as much as possible for the defensive bonus. Since I'll be moving before you guys, just be sure that your units follow my horse archers lead and cover him, otherwise he'll be a sitting duck to an enemy spear.

When do you guys think you can have an ax and a spear ready to move in? I agree with Darren that this should be our top priority. :ar15: Sal has already been weakend (lost 2 workers and a city), so we need to get him while he's down. We haven't touched Biz yet, so we can expect more of a fight from him.

Our advancement of fresh troops to the front will be greatly enhanced with our offensive roads. We currently have (or will have in 1 or 2 turns) 8 workers. All of our capitals are adequately improved since none of our workers spent time scratching their balls. :lol:

I have one worker in the north working with Haggis' worker (with cover from an ax) building a road to Biz.

I have one worker improving Darren's first city. I'm going to have him start roading east, back toward Darren and my capital.

I have two workers in my capital that are going to first improve one or two tiles in my second city (to be founded in 3 turns). Once my borders have popped, they will both immediately start improving my iron so I can start building axes and swords. Once iron is on-line, I'll start roading west to connect all of our cities and the road to Biz.

Haggis, I'm assuming that your second worker will be improving the tiles in your new city. Our workers together were able to get gold on-line quickly, which was good. Hopefully you can have a citizen start working that tile soon once you have enough food resources to support it and still grow.

Darren, I'm assuming that you worker will start roading toward your cities and Biz. You may want to pull back one of your jaguars to offer protection from barbs. I'm also assuming that your second worker will start improving tiles in your two new cities.

If you guys have different ideas for my build order or worker assignments, let me know.

Also, what do you plan to build in each of your cities for the next few build cycles?

Oh yeah, don't forget to revolt to Beauracracy... ;)
GPS Mitchum

revolting to beau. a second axe is on his way. spear built in two more turns. I agree with darren, and subsequently Mitch's assessment of the situation. We started this war, now we have to finnish it, or at least cripple them enough that they can't come back at us like a scorned woman (i recently saw that...not pretty xD)

PS forgive me for not putting in as much to the strategy as you guys have, i've just been very very busy and finding time to play is getting harder. Subsequently (why am i saying subsequently so much?) I don't think I'll be able to play in that other game you invited me to. if you can give me till tomorrow to make a final decision it would be appreciated (tho i am still pretty sure my answer will be no) so if you want to go and find someone else before tomorrow (I'll get to you before noonish my time) i would completely understand.

GPS Darren.

Haggis, we can wait for things to settle down for you if you think that in a week or two things will settle down. Nice comment about the scorned woman. You complained about me throwing you under the bus? Brother, it was a woman driving the bus!!:gripe:

Back to the game. Haggis, great news. Beauracracy, two axes and a spear (in 2 turns)!! :goodjob: Now that you're cranking out 15 :hammers: per turn, you may want to build a workboat after the spear. That will help you grow so that you can crank out even more :hammers: and :gold:

Darren, don't forget to revolt to Beauracracy. You also need to change the tiles that you're citizens are working in your capital. You should be working the two seafood resources for growth. Your 3rd and 4th citizens can work the copper mine and stone quarry. Then you two will be cranking out axes every 2 turns and growing at the same time.
GPS Haggis,

hmm i thought i had revolted obviously not, i have changed to the 2 fishing squared, but my build time has for my military units has increased dramatically, but i will grow in 1 turn, i will recheck my options then.

My worker will continue building the road once my citys are linked, i will link in my 3rd city next, and continue onwards towards the enemy


Your growth (and your :hammers: output) will be greatly improved if you always work both seafood resources.

Your worker plan sounds good.
GPS Mitchum

Thanks for the offer of slowing the game down or allowing me to step aside, but it is not neccessary. I have time to play ONE game, playing two would become too much for me to handle...but I have no problem keeping up with this. :)

Also, my second axe is on his way to cover the workers, i moved the other one over because i felt it was more important to defend my city from the barb axe than defend the workers from...nothing in sight.
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