Anyone playing on a 2GHz iMac?


Nov 17, 2009
Under your bed...
Hi all,

My computer died a sad, logicboard meltdown death, and I've been wishing for some Civ4 action ever since. I'm wondering if I could make it work on my gf's 2GHz Core2Duo iMac (believe it was a 2006).

I used to think more ram and better gfx card were vital to this game, but given my experience with my ram-rich, video-rich G5 powermac, where the gameplay was still slow, as I presume it was limited by the processor (and dying logic board, of course), it makes me wonder if her iMac could pull it off.

Any advice is much appreciated!

All things are possible. I ran it (sort of) on a 1 GHz G4.

Why not try? All you have to lose is some installation time! Core2Duo's were a mere glint in the eye of Steve Jobs when Civ4 for Mac first hit the streets. It's more dependent on the graphics card that on CPU speed.
All things are possible. I ran it (sort of) on a 1 GHz G4.

Why not try? All you have to lose is some installation time! Core2Duo's were a mere glint in the eye of Steve Jobs when Civ4 for Mac first hit the streets. It's more dependent on the graphics card that on CPU speed.

On a G4?! My G4 couldn't take anything like that. (Well, at least not now, it kinda works, but overall dead)
I did say "sort of" :) And it only had a geForce 4MX.

The minimum specs say 1.8 GHz is required. My point was that a 2 GHz C2D system, given a decent graphics card, would probably do a reasonable job of running it.
I run CIV on a 1.5 Ghz G4 2006 Mac Mini. It is the only computer that I have ever used for CIV. The game starts by informing me that it won't work on this computer, which I ignore and proceed to play the game. Sure it is a bit slow and I use the low graphics settings but I have been playing on it for 4 years now, frequently on large maps on marathon. Huge maps grind to a halt in the late game, so I can't use those.
You can tell it not to warn you about your hardware inadequacies. Edit the civilizationIV.ini file in TextEdit, and change the value of HideMinSpecWarning from 0 to 1
I used to play on a machine like that until about a year ago, when I upgraded to an i7 iMac. It's certainly playable; I played on all size maps.
I can't believe it!

After poo-pooing her intial offer that I should load Civ4 on my gf's computer, she's laughing at me, because this computer runs the game better than either of the computers that I've run it on before this. Thanks for the encouragement, gang, I'm glad I tried it!
You can tell it not to warn you about your hardware inadequacies. Edit the civilizationIV.ini file in TextEdit, and change the value of HideMinSpecWarning from 0 to 1

I took your advice and did so. Now no more warning, although it only saves a few seconds at startup. The loading of BUG, really slowed startup down when I added it last spring.
I've got the 1st gen Intel 2006 2ghz CoreDuo iMac with an ATI X1600. It plays just fine in the early years. As I near end-game and there's more going on, more units, and it's just been running for a while, the sounds starts to stutter and opening city detail windows takes longer. One time...Nimoy stopped narrating. A quick save, quit, reload cycle fixes the problem, so a memory fragmentation issue or some-such would seem to be the culprit.

I'm planning on finally upgrading after the 1st of the year to try and work through my stack of unfinished titles, but after dabbling in StarCraft2 and getting bored then rediscovering BtS...I think I'm hooked all over again. (played many a late-night with Civ1 back when it was new)
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