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Anyone want to play 24hour Pitboss game?


Jun 24, 2006
UK - Hampshire
I can host an 18 player 24 hour game- ie 1 move per day game. Hosted on Gamespy.

Please register your interest on www.playerweb.com/civ4

Will start as soon as I get 17 interested persons.

Willing to discuss game options before start.


I'm in, thanks for hosting! I've sent you my email address from the website you have setup.

One question for you... is there a reason the game will be up over Gamespy rather than DirectIP? I ask because all things being equal it is easier for the players to simply create an INI file for a Pitboss game with one IP address. But if your IP address is always changing, then hosting over Gamespy does make sense.

Regardless, I'll look forward to it.

I have just ordered a pernament IP from BT but like anything with BT I have not got this yet. I hope that I can move it from GameSpy to IP host within a few days. Using the Save game featurefrom within Pitmoss utility. If not then I appreciate I will be stuck on GameSpy and cope with their constant resets....
Have you tried posting in other threads as well? Since you have the nice website handling the actual signups it doesn't matter where they read about the game.

Also, while there are a few of us here should we start to discuss the rules and maps and all that good stuff?
Hi lplayer,

I'd like to play in your pitboss game. Regards from Italy! I just signed up on the other site too

P.S. I'd like to play Romans, and with this option: Horde Raging Barbarians and Aggressive AI

We now have 12 (of 18) players who have registered their wish to play.

(Register at www.playerweb.com/civ4.)

Question: What are the conditions of the AI taking control?

Can AI be allocated a Human player after start. I see that a Human can be kicked out. Does he get replaced by AI?

Anyone care to explain the mechanics of Human and AI allocation. The pitboss server seems to be very limited in this.

hi there, i have signed up for this game. if technology trading will be denied, i will be happy, but will be playing if there is no such restriction too.
"Take Over AI" means that a human can take a slot that is currently being played by the AI.

A slot being played by a human goes under AI control if the administrator KICKs them out of the game via the Pitboss window, or if that player selects to RETIRE from the game from the regular game menu.

Generally, if a player has been kicked or quit the game, it is deemed okay to let the AI run their empire until a replacement player can be found. It is NOT seen as okay to let a player take over a civ that has been an AI since turn one, given the AI's production bonuses.
As far as game rules:

I would say no AI players to start. 12 - 18 players is a lot to deal with already, and in a game like that starting near an AI is a HUGE advantage because the AI is generally eaten by human players ASAP in this kind of situation. Besides, the inevitable drop or two will leave an odd AI here or there, but those will be up for new players to grab since they were player started.

I would NOT be in favor of Raging Barbs, and would in fact not be against turning barbs off in a competitive multiplayer game. There's just too much chance of one guy starting off next to a huge tundra that spawns dozens of axemen for my tastes. Fighting barbs is no fun when everyone else is wheeling, dealing, and fighting humans.

Tech trading... I can go either way. Should we consider the compromise that others have developed, where by you can only trade techs that you yourself researched?

I would be in favor of playing on Monarch or Emperor. There are no AI civs to get production bonuses, but it makes the number of free happy and healthy citizens smaller which will increase the importance of trade. I find things like that make multiplayer much more interesting.

Map size:
I'd suggest either Large, or a standard map with little water. Probably lean toward Large though. Not huge, because we want to meet people as soon as we can to get into the meat of the game.

Map type:
I would personally prefer Tectonics, but there's a big chance someone would get shafted by a crappy start. Thus, I'd say either Fractal or SmartMap.

The only victory condition that does not appeal to me in this kind of game is Space Race, but I'm not too concerned about that.
I vote for:
Standard/Large map, Normal Barbs, Monarch Level, No Tech trading and 16 or 18 hour timer.

In all Pitboss games I've been involved the turn timer lags for some reason, meaning that a 24 hour turn timer is actually 26 or even 28 hours. That's why the timer should be set at most to 20 hours.
Another little thing. A lot of people hosting Pitboss games have realized that 24 hour games tend to actually generate a turn every 26-28 hours because of Pitboss programming quirks, server resets, and so on. So the end of turn time (if not everyone playes every turn) will drift later and later each day.

These people have learned that by setting the game to 18-22 hours they come much closer to a regular turn change that happens at around the same time each day.

This is moot if we have a group of players who all play their turn as soon as they are able, even if it's just to push the red button, rather than not logging on for a week because Settler take a long time to build and their scout got eaten by a bear. ;)
Personally I fully agree with ideea of a large map and no barbarians - but I prefere trading tech and prince level. :)

But I have one big question : how will get leaders ? Random all ? ;)

Seconded all that Fosse said. :)

And I've signed up on that website - if leaders aren't random, then Cyrus for me please.
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