As a old player of CIV series for 15 years, I have to say CIV5 is the worst

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Global happiness, culture grind, dumb AI, boringness of every other victory path except domination (my civ 4 prefered win style is cultural or space victories - I actually loathe combat as a playstyle preference in Civ4 because the empire part is so much more fun), long turn times at endgame, dumb AI, oversimplified interface (impossible to figure out how things work so you have something to tweak i.e. to do), imbalanced civilizations (and not enough of them), dumb AI, tech vs hammer imbalance (makes space race excruciatingly boring), etc

I really wanted to like this game, but I can't find any joy in it It's not a bad game - everything works the way it says it works. But its just unengaging and that combination with the imbalances already mentioned just make it no fun.
I agree with you 100% here. I'd also add that because combat is an all-or-nothing affair in Civ 5 (you either steamroll the AI or get steamrolled), there is no way for cultural victories to be anything other than grinding towards the end. You've neutralized the threats to your kingdom by the 20th century, and then aim for Utopia. Sometimes it takes you into the 21st to get it though. Ugh. If there were other seeming strategies for a cultural victory I think that might spice up the victory up a bit. But as it is:
-puppet state conquered cities for culture bonuses
-Go with Piety and Freedom (other branches are possible but will add more grind if you skip these two)
-Pick a civ that will do well at Cultural (Napoleon to a certain extent, definitely Rameses, Gandhi (puppet state fewer cities, or give them away to an AI towards the end of the game if you want Bollywood), Nebuchadnezzar)

It's a bit...pat, compared to the struggle to earn a cultural victory in Civ IV, which was less about grinding and more about "DAMN IT...beaten to that wonder. Ok, so I have to decide where to go from here. If I learn X tech I can unlock Y wonder. Let's see what techs Lincoln has. So he has X tech already. Then I might want to aim for Y path, though Z tech path can work. My money is ok so I should be able to keep the science slider at 90% this time--wonder if Mao is going to attack me...can he be bribed to leave me alone for the time being? Or I could bribe Monty, who is sitting next to him...."
As a old player of console gaming for 15 years, I have to say CIV5 is the most console like among the Civ series on PC. :rolleyes:
So I decided to go back to playing console-like games on my console (PS3). ciV is not PC enough for me to want to upgraded my PC and buy game for the PC. I wouldn't even get it on console.
Since 96? LOOOL omg n00b!

I've played since 92. I was playing Civ1 while you were still learning to walk kid. You're not an old player, you're a newcomer. Thus, your opinions is of little importance. I say Civ2 is the best and Civ3 is the worst. So there. This is fact, not opinion, because I have played since 92. I know more.

Now bow down to the :king: you noob!

I believe that '92 makes you an early adopter.
As does '96 for that matter, remember that Civ II was brand-new in '96. Civ III took until 2002, Civ IV came in 2005, and Civ V in 2010.

LOL, even Civ I was only a year old in '92.

Anyhow, "been playing for 17 years" is not synonymous with n00b.
I've played Civ 2, 3 and 4 and like Civ V the best. It's perfect for me.

Play the games you like. =)
Wow a 2-3 year old thread resurrection that is completely irrelevant considering the patches, expansion, coming expansion, mods, community, etc...

I have to say for this old a necromancy, a round of applause is warranted
well, all tis rants can definitely be buried with an ole hammer and stake with the way CiV is going
I would love civ 5 if it ran smoother, such i low quality graphical game should play like a champ on my the ten other way more graphical games i have on here..but civ 5 put a hella load on my comp and starts greying out and lagging...this is the only game i have that does that,,if i can ride a dragon with 40 other players flying across everquest 2 with thousands of players online decked out with full gear..without lagging..i would think i could play this low graphic game without all the greying and lagging..especially solo for gosh sakes..!
Civ V is a tedious game, lots of micromanaging in boring ways. You want to invade your neighbour on a high (Emperor+) level of play? OK. Build an army of at least 10 units, probably more since you will have cities and ranged units knocking off half your army before you even reach a city. So, more like 15 units. Enter enemy land, get pelted with annoying ranged attacks, apparently the archers in the desert several miles away have learned to fire arrows with laser precision to hit you in the adjacent jungle, OK. Now you manage to take a city, losing half your units, including those much coveted upgraded units you grew so attached to, DAMN. Now you stand around with 10 units and decide where to send those 10 units, clicking each unit, creating a little path for it, pressing next turn, recreating the same path for half the units which have tripped over the other units paths or been unpathed due to a nearby enemy unit (DAMN my path was canceled because of that barbarian warrior sitting on an island posing no threat to me). OK. But that's just one city and you have a large map with many fronts, so you must build multiple armies of 15 units, you must scatter the map with carpets of units, hopping over one another. This is FUN. I love moving units. I love trying to create paths that don't get turned off the next turn. I find this game so FUN. Who needs fun gameplay when you can instead spend your time moving individual units from one side of a continent to the next?
You want to invade your neighbour on a high (Emperor+) level of play? OK. Build an army of at least 10 units, probably more since you will have cities and ranged units knocking off half your army before you even reach a city. So, more like 15 units.

Emperor, high level? You're wearing long trousers today then?

So, holding back from being accused of flaming, your post seems to imply that you're losing multiple units when you war on the AI?

Not my experience. I lose units. But not multiple. Early game I field one army of seven or eight units. Late game you need more, because of AI unit spam. - not wanting to sound like I'm trying to put you down, but at Emperor you can/ should be so far ahead in the tech game that 8-12 units will still cut it.

At immortal/ Deity - it's harder, especially by end game - but I'm sure the really top Deity players (much better than me), aren't micromanaging armies of 30 units to win a game. (actually, I'm not sure about that - I have no idea). I know for a fact that at immortal it isn't necessary.

So, my point being, rather than blame the game, ask yourself if you're actually playing the optimum strategy to get where you want to be. I have a feeling you might not be. You might find if you look into other strategies, that in fact, the game is......horror of horrors, fun
Emperor, high level? You're wearing long trousers today then?

So, holding back from being accused of flaming, your post seems to imply that you're losing multiple units when you war on the AI?

Not my experience. I lose units. But not multiple. Early game I field one army of seven or eight units. Late game you need more, because of AI unit spam. - not wanting to sound like I'm trying to put you down, but at Emperor you can/ should be so far ahead in the tech game that 8-12 units will still cut it.

At immortal/ Deity - it's harder, especially by end game - but I'm sure the really top Deity players (much better than me), aren't micromanaging armies of 30 units to win a game. (actually, I'm not sure about that - I have no idea). I know for a fact that at immortal it isn't necessary.

So, my point being, rather than blame the game, ask yourself if you're actually playing the optimum strategy to get where you want to be. I have a feeling you might not be. You might find if you look into other strategies, that in fact, the game is......horror of horrors, fun

I play(ed) on Immortal/Deity, I quote "Emperor and above" as these seem to be most representative of the general challenging levels of play for the average player. I'm not sure what you mean by 'long trousers', is this some obscure witticism that I've never heard of? If you say you play on Immortal/Deity, without gaming the map to your advantage and can manage to not lose many units in fullscale invasions then I'd call you a liar. If you are playing a large map with multiple fronts, how pray tell do you manage to both fend off waves of invasion on your southern front, while attempting an invasion on the western front, as well as having a holding force for the northern front? On Immortal/Deity the amount of unit spam headed your way is almost never-ending and you can't remain in a defensive posture indefinitely, so you are forced into the position of playing both defense and offense if you ever want to get ahead. If you can manage to defend against a full-scale invasion, have a small holding force in a strategic bottle neck, AND have a full-scale successful invasion on the go with less than 15 units I would love to see how you manage it. Have you placed your AI opponents in the tundra perhaps, while giving yourself lush grassland? Nor am I trolling, but responding to the assumptions with my own.

I have played hundreds of hours of this game, I assure you it is not very fun. You may ask "then why did you play hundreds of hours", the answer being that the fun part of it was the fact I could play hotseat with my gf and after countless numbers of hours spent on civ iv we were looking for a change and gave CiV a chance, trying desperately over the course of those hundreds of hours to eek out some fun. Finally in completely abysmal frustration with such a shoddy game I took the time to look for better alternatives and finally found one and have been playing that since, never having looked back, until now that is, news of an expansion has ignited my curiosity, but looking at the notes it doesn't seem to offer anything very revolutionary.

You know a game must be pretty bad, when its lead designer goes so far as to admit it:

Then again, whose brilliant idea was it to hire this untested clown for such an important role? No offense to Jon Shafer, I'm sure he's a swell guy, but really, you have a brilliant franchise and decide to hire a fresh out of college ex-modder to lead the design team, a literal kid? Please. We sure got innovation with CiV, a 'fresh perspective', too bad it SUCKS. :D

I guess Firaxis got their just desserts however, lil Jon shows some real lack of class in shafting the game whose failure he orchestrated, all in order to recruit donations for his latest game. It's like, I'm a big company, I have my hands on one of the most successful video game franchises in history, I decide I'll do a good turn and show some loyalty to the modding community by hiring one of their own, despite being untested, young and fresh out of college. The experiment is a failure and the game only generates sales on the loyalty of fans to the franchise, the young upstart is 'edged out', quits, is fired, whatever the real truth may be, goes and founds his own small company, talks smack about the game he created with the big company while explaining how his new game (which in many ways is very similar to the other game) is even better and will not have the same mistakes which he was the cause of in the original game. Anyone with half a clue would have known that you can't simply take panzer general's 1upt and blindly apply it to a Civ map, they're ENTIRELY different games, something he admits in that interview. Nor can you make enjoyable diplomacy by creating AIs which 'act like humans', or rather, like genocidal lunatics who annoying spam you with taunts and asskissing schizophrenically every other turn, again, as he admits in that interview. If Firaxis had hired someone with experience none of these problems would have existed and CiV could have been a marvellous game, taking advantage of increased computing speeds, for better graphics and higher AI intelligence, amongst other possibilities for innovative gameplay which didn't come at the expense of enjoyable gameplay. No one wants to move units tactically on what is essentially a strategic map! It's beyond any level of ******ation I've met with in a game.
Sometimes losing units is unavoidable, but unless your foes have a really huge card like Artillery, Bombers or Nukes, you should be able to minimize a lot of those losses by rotating your units in-and-out

Spoiler :

e: here's a better example - a recent LP by a longtime Deity player, watch his first two vids to get an idea on how to do that
Rotating units is probably something any player does, some better than others. In some circumstances this can work very effectively, in others however you have no choice but to accept losses, owing to the power of range (both cities and units). I haven't played this game in months so I'm going off memory here when I try to remember scenarios in which problems present, but if I recall, when you have units which move 2 hexes, terrain littered with zone-of-control, rough terrain, enemy units, your own units, and you are invading towards a city that can fire two hexes away over every unit and terrain feature, with enough power to knock half the health bar off your strongest most upgraded era-contemporary unit, well... you either suck it up, move forward and take your lumps, or you sit back playing it safe indefinitely, as the AI's better production continues to send hordes of spam your way for you to uselessly kill off, effectively weakening your economy while not putting much of a dent in theirs (on higher levels of play).
Don't we already have a rants thread? Shouldn't this thread be closed?

And by the way, just finished a Deity OCC game (Rammy was the runaway, so I won with diplo) with only one DOW -- by me, when I stole a settler from Sweden and, after about 70 turns of Swedish sitzkrieg, autorazed one of his cities. If you know how to build a deterrent military and work the diplo (including neighboring CS alliances), you need not face the endless swarms of AI units about which you so stridently complain.
I've played Civ 2, 3 and 4 and like Civ V the best. It's perfect for me.

Play the games you like. =)

totally agree.
Been playing on and off since at least 97 maybe a bit before.
For me civ 5 g§k is the best so far.

But each to thier own.
I play(ed) on Immortal/Deity, I quote "Emperor and above" as these seem to be most representative of the general challenging levels of play for the average player. I'm not sure what you mean by 'long trousers', is this some obscure witticism that I've never heard of?
I can only assume, but suffice to say, the impression I'm getting is Dave's just talkin' trash. Emperor is plenty difficult, the bonuses the AI receive are considrable, and to issue a blanket statement that you "can/should" be miles ahead of the AI in science in every such game is kind of absurd. You need to be dealt a decent hand. Then again, it may simply be implicit that at Emperor or above, you just re-roll any bad hands.

Having said all that, I played Civ IV after hearing so many folks hold it up higher than Civ V, and I just don't get the big deal. I've experienced irrational AI belligerence, I've had nonstop unit spam coming at me, I've had dull games where it didn't feel like the AI's were up to anything. And the subsystems like religion were just kind of flat.
Rotating units is probably something any player does, some better than others. In some circumstances this can work very effectively, in others however you have no choice but to accept losses, owing to the power of range (both cities and units). I haven't played this game in months so I'm going off memory here when I try to remember scenarios in which problems present, but if I recall, when you have units which move 2 hexes, terrain littered with zone-of-control, rough terrain, enemy units, your own units, and you are invading towards a city that can fire two hexes away over every unit and terrain feature, with enough power to knock half the health bar off your strongest most upgraded era-contemporary unit, well... you either suck it up, move forward and take your lumps, or you sit back playing it safe indefinitely, as the AI's better production continues to send hordes of spam your way for you to uselessly kill off, effectively weakening your economy while not putting much of a dent in theirs (on higher levels of play).

Playing on high difficulty is hard.
I can only assume, but suffice to say, the impression I'm getting is Dave's just talkin' trash. Emperor is plenty difficult, the bonuses the AI receive are considrable, and to issue a blanket statement that you "can/should" be miles ahead of the AI in science in every such game is kind of absurd. You need to be dealt a decent hand. Then again, it may simply be implicit that at Emperor or above, you just re-roll any bad hands.

Having said all that, I played Civ IV after hearing so many folks hold it up higher than Civ V, and I just don't get the big deal. I've experienced irrational AI belligerence, I've had nonstop unit spam coming at me, I've had dull games where it didn't feel like the AI's were up to anything. And the subsystems like religion were just kind of flat.

Civ IV is far from a perfect game, but I do like a lot of the mechanics. It's a more complicated (depth) version. These forums are full of people bragging about how Deity is easy and they can wipe out every AI with massive tech leads.. oook. Realistically even the top players struggle unless given (taken) ideal situations.
Don't we already have a rants thread? Shouldn't this thread be closed?

And by the way, just finished a Deity OCC game (Rammy was the runaway, so I won with diplo) with only one DOW -- by me, when I stole a settler from Sweden and, after about 70 turns of Swedish sitzkrieg, autorazed one of his cities. If you know how to build a deterrent military and work the diplo (including neighboring CS alliances), you need not face the endless swarms of AI units about which you so stridently complain.

Sounds like a fun game, did you enjoy sitting there pressing "end turn" over and over again? Trying (and hoping) to figure out the AI diplomacy to get 'friends' to give you a 'victory'? I'm sorry but.. not my idea of excitement.
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