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That's a very sensible UP :)

I'm worried that bonus food misrepresents how Australia functions - success despite low population is part of the national character that I believe the mod should try and capture.
I'm worried that bonus food misrepresents how Australia functions - success despite low population is part of the national character that I believe the mod should try and capture.
Good point, what about faster growth but same city sizes? I.e. an additional +25% granary effect?
Well it's your choice this time :)
Since granaries are auto-built isn't that just better growth modifiers?
What I meant was keeping the Immigration Office as Customs House replacement, but giving it the +25% food retained effect.
I didn't considered it when I making mod, but I found that people immigrated to Alice Springs somehow.

I know nothing about its mechanism.
Be the first to discover Refrigeration & Mass Media.

  • Historical
  • A pretty standard UHV. These tech UHV's are usually reasonably difficult, but not boring.

I will change the 3rd UHV to "Be the first to discover Medicine and Refrigeration." (instead of forest preserves UHV. Thanks to great.taurus)
25 forest preserve goal will be cruel without desert perserves :p
I didn't considered it when I making mod, but I found that people immigrated to Alice Springs somehow.

I know nothing about its mechanism.
The old American UP has been generalized to apply to all civs with cities on New World continents.
Yeah, Australia and the Americas.
My suggestion:

UP: double production and commerce from mines on resources
UB: Immigration Office (Customs House): +3-4 food

This is nonsensical, Australia has among the worst human rights record in the Western world in regard to immigration policies. Practically every Australian election since 1990 has hinged on immigration on some fashion. Not to mention hugely OP.
Cities in Australia can become very large already given time considering the amount of free tiles available. I'd actually turn all the grass tiles there to plain, actually.

Why should Australia exist though? It's basically a bog-generic Western country without it's own independent history, culture, foreign policy, language or even it's own flag or head of state. It's rich stable country simply because it's the size of the mainland United States but with 20 million people; with no previous cities, with no borders. How could any government mess that up? :cool:

The English UHV & AI settler maps just need a little tweaking. How can Australia spawn a revolt event from England when the UK gave it local government to save on expenses? What are you supposed to do? Send spies to Indonesia, build improvements & become a vassal or the highest ranked civ? :confused:
Its a nice place to live, but I can't think of less deserving Civ gameplay or history wise.:scan:
This is nonsensical, Australia has among the worst human rights record in the Western world in regard to immigration policies. Practically every Australian election since 1990 has hinged on immigration on some fashion. Not to mention hugely OP.
Cities in Australia can become very large already given time considering the amount of free tiles available. I'd actually turn all the grass tiles there to plain, actually.

Why should Australia exist though? It's basically a bog-generic Western country without it's own independent history, culture, foreign policy, language or even it's own flag or head of state. It's rich stable country simply because it's the size of the mainland United States but with 20 million people; with no previous cities, with no borders. How could any government mess that up? :cool:

The English UHV & AI settler maps just need a little tweaking. How can Australia spawn a revolt event from England when the UK gave it local government to save on expenses? What are you supposed to do? Send spies to Indonesia, build improvements & become a vassal or the highest ranked civ? :confused:
Its a nice place to live, but I can't think of less deserving Civ gameplay or history wise.:scan:

Then don't download the submod?
Why should Australia exist though? It's basically a bog-generic Western country without it's own independent history, culture, foreign policy, language or even it's own flag or head of state. It's rich stable country simply because it's the size of the mainland United States but with 20 million people; with no previous cities, with no borders. How could any government mess that up? :cool:

The English UHV & AI settler maps just need a little tweaking. How can Australia spawn a revolt event from England when the UK gave it local government to save on expenses? What are you supposed to do? Send spies to Indonesia, build improvements & become a vassal or the highest ranked civ? :confused:
Its a nice place to live, but I can't think of less deserving Civ gameplay or history wise.:scan:
It seems the only reason you come to this forum anymore is to complain about new civiliations. And once again in a case where nobody is forcing you to include them into your game.

Leave people alone who are creating modmods like this.
Why should Australia exist though? It's basically a bog-generic Western country without it's own independent history, culture, foreign policy, language or even it's own flag or head of state. It's rich stable country simply because it's the size of the mainland United States but with 20 million people; with no previous cities, with no borders. How could any government mess that up? :cool:

I've already read similar argument on this thread already, and it seems like somewhat valid objection.

But you know, you cannot call Australian peoples "Englishmen", at least after last half of 20th century. I think its introduction part of formation of new ethnics.
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