Avatar: The Last Airbender World Map (72x70)

I really like the map and look forward to it being a mod

Water bending started at the north pole
Earth bending was taught to a couple from 2 fueding villages by Badgermoles, the two fueding cities were later compined to form Omashu, yet the Earth Kingdom Capitol was Ba Sing Sa.
I don't know the origins of Fire Bending adn Air bending.
Here's a link to the Avatar homepage http://www.nick.com/shows/avatar/index.jhtml, but you do have to click on 1 or 2 at the top of the map to get out of hte FN map

original firebending learned by the sun warriors from the dragons
airbending learned thru skybison
I saw that episode earlier this week.
I'm excited about the 2 hour long Season Fanale tonight!!!!:D:D:D
For my reaction to the show and the finale, see my sig. :)
What's happening with this scenario? I can't download it. Is it in the process of being updated and that's why I can't download it? Will it be available soon? I was thinking about building my own Avatar scenario but getting this would be a great shortcut since building scenarios is time consuming and difficult, in addition i'm not very experienced at it.
If I can't reach NamesAreUseless in getting this map I just remembered that perhaps I can get it from somebody else in this thread. DroopyTofu and NarutoAvatarDBZ, do either of you have a copy of this map from when it was available online? I see that both of you are earlier in this thread and sounds like both of you downloaded the map, at least DroopyTofu did. Maybe you can make a link in the thread, e-mail somehow or something.
No. I can't download anything off of this website. I don't know why; I've tried everything I can think of. Sorry.
It sounded like you had a copy in your posts. You weren't saying "can't download" but maybe you were just anticipating the download links to come back and were looking forward to it. Well maybe NarutoAvatarDBZ has a copy of the map from months ago at the time the download links worked. NamesAreUseless might've taken his map offline because he was going to abandon it. That isn't fair, or something happened to the links I don't know. Would it be silly to ask any of the first people who posted in this thread if they have a copy of this map from the time the links worked?
Ummmmm ... hi ...

Yeah I been gone awhile, and people want my map. No I didn't personally take it down or anything, not sure why people can't download it anymore. I think I remember hearing about the databse going down some time ago and wiping out a good deal of uploaded content. Anyways, I plan on updating this map (I made this map before Season 3 ended, so I want to make a few changes to it).

Oh, and I stand by what I mentioned in my first post: if anyone knows the technique to add an extra leader to a civilization: please tell me and I'll try my best to do so :)

I also want to make a few balancing changes as well. Water Tribe probably needs more resources, as does the Fire Nation if we want a more show-accurate rendering of them (yes I know how all nations were balanced long before the war). Last I remember playing my map as the Air Nomads, the Earth Kingdom dominated and had the Fire Nation and had them as a vassal :eek:

And someone asked why the Water Nation starts in the north pole: The SWT is made up of NWT members who traveled to the south pole, NWT contains the bigger city (even if we look at the older SWT before it was attacked by the FN), etc.

If any of you are wondering, the Air Nation starts in the Southern Temple area because ... well no good reason really, but Aang's from there and it makes this placement pattern work out nicely:

Water Nation: North
Fire Nation: West
Earth Nation: East
Air Nation: South

Oh, and the Airbender leader Pasang was a senior counciler there. Hes not mentioned in the show, but I found him in some Avatar wikia on the net, and hes supposed to be the highest in the Southern Temple council.

I'll still take comments and critiques though:

You should add a metal near Ba Singe Se.
What kind of metal?
You should place coal in the FN.
Will do! :goodjob:
Barbs should be in the Great Divide.
I don't remember any barbs in the Great Divide, just Canyon Crawlers.
It would be really cool if you added unique units, but more than one. Fire Nation with Seige or Dragon Riders or obviously benders.
Wonders like Wall of Ba Singe Se.
That would be more like a mod. I don't plan on making an Avatar mod, as I'm way too busy.
Congrats, though You beat me to it though, I was going to get around to doing this! As many others have said, I'd be glad to try to help I know a little on modding and alot on the show.
Well its a pretty old congrats, but I'll take it anyways :lol:
You've been gone for a long time were you on a long vacation? What happened? I can't really imagine all that time away from your computer and this site. Well i've got some suggestions for you. The map looks great but there are some innaccuracies in the map. The fire nation is missing the Great Gates of Azulon land feature and some of the rivers are either too wide or too narrow (Civ 4 river features) in comparison to the Avatar map. There may be some more inaccuracies but don't really notice any right now. I don't have a copy of your map but it looks and sounds like the scenario begins with only settlers of the four nations and no cities and man-made land features like farms and cottages. Maybe you can make a version of this map with all four nations fully developed like how they were at the start of the war, though you would need to do some modding to make it so the fire nation is a raging civilization wanting to conquer the world but I know you can't mod right now. Anyways whatever happened to that guy that was supposed to help you mod this map? and when do you think the updated map will become available for download?
You've been gone for a long time were you on a long vacation? What happened? I can't really imagine all that time away from your computer and this site.
I don't really have an excuse, I just did. This wouldn't be my first time leaving for an extended period and coming back on these forums :blush:

Well i've got some suggestions for you. The map looks great but there are some innaccuracies in the map. The fire nation is missing the Great Gates of Azulon land feature and some of the rivers are either too wide or too narrow (Civ 4 river features) in comparison to the Avatar map. There may be some more inaccuracies but don't really notice any right now. I don't have a copy of your map but it looks and sounds like the scenario begins with only settlers of the four nations and no cities and man-made land features like farms and cottages. Maybe you can make a version of this map with all four nations fully developed like how they were at the start of the war, though you would need to do some modding to make it so the fire nation is a raging civilization wanting to conquer the world but I know you can't mod right now.
Like I said, I'm not planning to make an Avatar mod. I did long ago, like how I originally planned an Arda mod before the Avatar mod, and both projects fell apart (the Avatar mod never really came to start up at all really). Needless to say, I should stay away from trying to start mods and breaking people's hopes. In this case, I just wanted to make this cool map :crazyeye:

About the rivers: yeah I have a bit of a problem with them too. I may fix them, I may not. The rivers on the Avatar map seem BIG, and representing some as an Ocean tile seemed appropriate at the map-making time. Again, I may fix it.

Its just a map with the Native Americans (as the Water Nation), India (Air Nomads), China (Earth Kingdom), and Japan (Fire Nation), with the initial 1 Warrior and 1 Settler start-up and regular game tech tree that we're all familiar with. Only things changed are the nation names, colors, and leaders to match the show. Sorry, but there are no Avatar models here on the boards to download, so I have no new units to add in.

Anyways whatever happened to that guy that was supposed to help you mod this map? and when do you think the updated map will become available for download?
The dude only has two post on these forums. Talked to him once or twice on MSN and havent seen him since. I dont know if he even knew HOW to mod.

It'll be done when its done. The more changes that are planned, the longer it'll take. Could be done late tonight, tomorrow, any time. But I promise to upload it as soon as I finish it.
Like I said, I'm not planning to make an Avatar mod. I did long ago, like how I originally planned an Arda mod before the Avatar mod, and both projects fell apart (the Avatar mod never really came to start up at all really). Needless to say, I should stay away from trying to start mods and breaking people's hopes. In this case, I just wanted to make this cool map :crazyeye:

Its just a map with the Native Americans (as the Water Nation), India (Air Nomads), China (Earth Kingdom), and Japan (Fire Nation), with the initial 1 Warrior and 1 Settler start-up and regular game tech tree that we're all familiar with. Only things changed are the nation names, colors, and leaders to match the show.

I know you're not planning to make an Avatar mod but you don't need to mod in order to create fully developed four nations. You could do it in World Builder. Modding is for customizing the rules, traits, programming, etc. World Builder is for creating land, forest, ice, cities, people, etc. :)
I know you're not planning to make an Avatar mod but you don't need to mod in order to create fully developed four nations.
Sounds like modding to me. Each nation would need their own bender unit and such.

You could do it in World Builder. Modding is for customizing the rules, traits, programming, etc. World Builder is for creating land, forest, ice, cities, people, etc. :)
The only thing I could do is place down the cities in their respective places and have the regular civ game go from there. Already there is a massive balance problem, as the Earth Kingdom and Fire Nation would easily have the most, ripping the Water Tribe and Air Nomads apart.

I'll keep the sides as they are right now. Feel free to change the map as you wish once I have it uploaded on the forums (just remember to credit me ;)).

I've already fixed the river issue that NarutoAvatarDBZ mentioned before (where I had ocean tiles in place of rivers). The only thing I really need to do with the map now is place some more resources (not sure if I want to include "modern" resources like Uranium and Aluminum in case a civ game on this map goes on for too long).
Not a building but an isthmus land in-front of the Fire Nation capitol that stands as the Great Gates. You could see it in the Avatar map. Actually it's not in the Avatar map. I just noticed that. It's in the Fire Nation map on the Avatar page in the Nickelodeon site and it's really a peninsula that almost touches the northern bay coast. It was also shown on a map in the Black Sun episode.

Like I've said, once the map is uploaded, feel free to edit it and add in custom content :D

Ok I got good news and bad news.

Good News: I'm almost done with updating the map; I've dubbed it v1.2 and the map is looking even better then what it originally was :D

Bad News: I can't start up my game anymore. I keep getting some crap about an "Initialize Render Failed" error and I used to NEVER have one problem with this game before. Its been coming up more and more, and quicker and quicker. I'm at the point I can't even get to the main menu :sad:

I could release what I have now, but I wanna at least try it out some before then. I'm going to ask in the Technical forums if they have a solution. Man this sucks that I can't get the game started anymore! :mad:

EDIT: Nevermind, its working right now. Dunno if I'll still have this problem. Anyways, I've uploaded version 1.2! Comments and criticisms are always welcome :)
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