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Basic differences between liberals and conservatives


cynic in training
May 29, 2004
US of A
My friend and I have been chatting via yahoo messenger thinking up differences between liberals and conservatives. So far we have these.

1. Liberals like to live more in urban areas, especially along the coastlines, conservatives tend to live more in suburban/rural areas.

2. Conservatives tend to be pessimistic about life and human nature whereas liberals tend to be optimistic about life and human nature.

3. Conservatives want to have a big army, but don't want to send it anywhere. Liberals want to have super small army, but want to send it everywhere.

4. Liberals tend to be very concerned about what other countries think of the United States, Conservatives think that other countries should be concerned about what the US thinks of them.

5. Liberals tend to believe in diplomacy to solve all problems between nations, conservatives tend to have a more gun-ho solution to confrontations.

6. Conservatives tend to travel within the United States to go on vacations, liberals tend to travel to other countries when they go on vacation.

7. Conservatives tend to have large families whereas liberal families have fewer children.

Would you guys tend to agree with what we've thought of?
Can you guys think of any more?
I think 2 is actually the reverse and 6 and 7 completely wrong and just coincidental.
Liberals tend to vote on the issues of the candidates, conservatives tend to vote on the candidates.
About the above, uninformed, stupid people vote on the candidate; informed, intelligent vote on the issues, regardless of politcal leaning.
shadowdude said:
My friend and I have been chatting via yahoo messenger thinking up differences between liberals and conservatives. So far we have these.

1. Liberals like to live more in urban areas, especially along the coastlines, conservatives tend to live more in suburban/rural areas.

2. Conservatives tend to be pessimistic about life and human nature whereas liberals tend to be optimistic about life and human nature.

3. Conservatives want to have a big army, but don't want to send it anywhere. Liberals want to have super small army, but want to send it everywhere.

4. Liberals tend to be very concerned about what other countries think of the United States, Conservatives think that other countries should be concerned about what the US thinks of them.

5. Liberals tend to believe in diplomacy to solve all problems between nations, conservatives tend to have a more gun-ho solution to confrontations.

6. Conservatives tend to travel within the United States to go on vacations, liberals tend to travel to other countries when they go on vacation.

7. Conservatives tend to have large families whereas liberal families have fewer children.

Would you guys tend to agree with what we've thought of?
Can you guys think of any more?

I disagree with #2. I also believe you have it backwards.

#5 and #3 do not match.

#6. i'm a flaming liberal by #6 standards, what makes you even think such a thing?
Sims2789 said:
Liberals tend to vote on the issues of the candidates, conservatives tend to vote on the candidates.
Agreed. That is dead on.
HighlandWarrior said:
I disagree with #2. I also believe you have it backwards.

#5 and #3 do not match.

#6. i'm a flaming liberal by #6 standards, what makes you even think such a thing?

He said as a trend, not an exact rule. You can't generalize absolutely everyone, you can only make general predictions, which he did. He didn't say, "All conservatives are like this, and all liberals are like that."

Any points that refer to superficial aspects (E.g. choice of holiday destinations) are pretty much irrelevent and likely to be wrong. Liberals and Republicans are best divided by their beliefs, but even then you're relying on huge generalisations, and you would have to be a bit careful not to be offensive, perhaps.
HighlandWarrior said:
I disagree with #2. I also believe you have it backwards.
hmmm, from my experiences I have it right, but perhaps I'm wrong.

HighlandWarrior said:
#5 and #3 do not match.
Quite correct, in #5 I mean they (cons) talk tough but only send troops if if its really necessary. These are all generalizations as well, I know they won't be correct all the time.

HighlandWarrior said:
#6. i'm a flaming liberal by #6 standards, what makes you even think such a thing?
This has again come from my personal experiences. Someone I know named Rachel (very liberal) goes to Europe every summer. As a matter of fact her name has warped into Rachelle, pronouced Ray-shell.
Shadowdude said:
3. Conservatives want to have a big army, but don't want to send it anywhere. Liberals want to have super small army, but want to send it everywhere.

I think I spy a west wing copy-off, that was mentioned by Toby to Leo.

Anyway, the parties are very diverse and Americans stereotipe these parties because that's what Americans do. Not all Liberals believe in the same liberal doctrine and not all conservatives believe in the same conservative doctrine.
The difference between left-wing and Right-wing is that being on the Right = Righteousness ;)
shadowdude said:
hmmm, from my experiences I have it right, but perhaps I'm wrong.

Quite correct, in #5 I mean they (cons) talk tough but only send troops if if its really necessary. These are all generalizations as well, I know they won't be correct all the time.

This has again come from my personal experiences. Someone I know named Rachel (very liberal) goes to Europe every summer. As a matter of fact her name has warped into Rachelle, pronouced Ray-shell.

you're wrong.

we want a giant army but don't want to send it anywhere but we're gung-ho when it comes to diplomacy? :confused:

one liberal goes to europe and most of them are vacationing out of the country? :lol:
That's one hell of a generalization. Most people I know don't vacation outside of the US, if anywhere at all. Most people I know are liberals.
I have to say #2 -- for me, at least -- should be flipped. I have little faith in humanity.
shadowdude said:
1. Liberals like to live more in urban areas, especially along the coastlines, conservatives tend to live more in suburban/rural areas.
I think living in those areas is a factor toward liberalism or conservatism. Liberals and Conservatives don't just move to those areas.

5. Liberals tend to believe in diplomacy to solve all problems between nations, conservatives tend to have a more gun-ho solution to confrontations.
Liberals believe diplomocy should be first, but don't believe it'll solve all problems.
Thank goodness I am a Moderate Liberal (I have a mix of Liberal and Conservative ideologies)
Shadowdude said:
3. Conservatives want to have a big army, but don't want to send it anywhere. Liberals want to have super small army, but want to send it everywhere.

*cough* Second Iraq War.
shadowdude said:
1. Liberals like to live more in urban areas, especially along the coastlines, conservatives tend to live more in suburban/rural areas
for the most part, I think they need the water to warsh more than just on Sunday morning
2. Conservatives tend to be pessimistic about life and human nature whereas liberals tend to be optimistic about life and human nature.
I disagree, most conservatives (that I know anyways) tend to be extremely optimistic. Especially with a president that hands down "supports" our ideals.
3. Conservatives want to have a big army, but don't want to send it anywhere. Liberals want to have super small army, but want to send it everywhere.
Not true, I want a big army that quells resistors all over Europe :lol:
4. Liberals tend to be very concerned about what other countries think of the United States, Conservatives think that other countries should be concerned about what the US thinks of them.
. Liberals tend to believe in diplomacy to solve all problems between nations, conservatives tend to have a more gun-ho solution to confrontations.
Diplomacy is key, as long as they agree with us.
6. Conservatives tend to travel within the United States to go on vacations, liberals tend to travel to other countries when they go on vacation.
That's right, I ain't culturized.
7. Conservatives tend to have large families whereas liberal families have fewer children.
hopefully ;)
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