Biden wins presidency

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Huckabee is a decent guy but is subject to one of the pitfalls I find most irksome, that Christian belief in the creation of the universe and acceptance of Darwinian evolution are in opposition to each other. They aren’t, and Darwin himself was to my knowledge a Christian and never tried to “disprove” his religion through his scientific work.
Well this is the best version of a presidential drone program I've seen.

those are fun use of terrifying tech lol

Iran would disagree. The whole Soleimani affair robbed its leaders of will to act aggressively against US interests in the region the way they did last year.
this is a lie. . . it jsut shifted the strategy to something actually more effective and sublime. You could argue he did Iran a favor.
Iran would disagree. The whole Soleimani affair robbed its leaders of will to act aggressively against US interests in the region the way they did last year.
Unfortunately, the missile’ng of So-So-Meany ended up being a lost opportunity in a sense; had he lived, he might have caught the coronavirus and then given it to the Ayatollah. It would have accomplished more and saved us the cost of a missile.
They should have been relieved before; Trump’s foreign policy, if he had one, was all bark and no bite. Biden will be less bark, but I don’t know how much, if any, bite.
Trump barks at the US's allies, and cuddles up with the dictators of the world. He abandons treaties, are careless with information allies share with the US, and repeatedly insults us. He is disgraceful, unreliable, and a continuous headache for us who have agreed to build our defense plans around the US axis. We can't wait for him to be gone.
There was something in Trump’s foreign policy that I found a bit paradoxical, calling for NATO countries to increase their defense spending while at the same time trying to strengthen the U.S.? If the goal is to increase American hegemony, the reliance of NATO countries on U.S. intervention shouldn’t be too far undermined by having partner countries that are too strong. :mischief:
Nothing so far. It's all humble and reconciliatory. But he did mention that people abroad were relieved now. And said he wants to contribute and make America respected again.

The two big things are fighting Covid and coming together and cooperating as Americans. He'll apparently make his own pandemic expert group on Monday, so that they're ready on January 21st.

It's exactly what we needed... I gotta say I think we're going to be OK.
It's exactly what we needed... I gotta say I think we're going to be OK.

Now to get him to implement fully automated space exploring gay communism! to make the trumpturds cry!!!!!

secretly of course with maximum undercutting of any accountability.
Iran would disagree. The whole Soleimani affair robbed its leaders of will to act aggressively against US interests in the region the way they did last year.

Iran is going to name it's nuclear bomb "The Trump".
Trump really was the lest military oriented President in at least a century.
This is a dumbass thing to say even by your standards. Every other word out of his mouth was bragging about how much taxpayer money has gave to the military. Supersonic planes so fast that can't be seen and that type of nonsense.
This is a dumbass thing to say even by your standards. Every other word out of his mouth was bragging about how much taxpayer money has gave to the military. Supersonic planes so fast that can't be seen and that type of nonsense.
How many new conflicts did he get us into? How many situations did he extract us from? How many treaties did he negotiate or mediate?

He actually deserves the Peace Prize.
How many new conflicts did he get us into? How many situations did he extract us from? How many treaties did he negotiate or mediate?

He actually deserves the Peace Prize.

Yea he does! USA USA USA.
How many new conflicts did he get us into?
I believe zero.

How many situations did he extract us from?
I believe zero if you, as one reasonably would, include re-interventions and not just the cumulative total of troop pull-outs.

How many treaties did he negotiate or mediate?
I believe three based on similar criteria to the above: normalization of relations with Israel by Bahrain, the Sudan, and the UAE.

Undoing NAFTA for NAFTA II doesn’t count.

He actually deserves the Peace Prize.
Possibly? He may have been at the right place at the right time. I can’t think of any specific administration policy that has any more encouraged the three countries’ shift in stance towards Israel. I would think offhand that changes in regional politics probably impacted their decisions more than lobbying from Washington.
of course , we are hearing Biden has been in the pocket of anyone in the US with an anti-Turkish agenda , for like since the first day he was in politics , which is like 40 years ? He will of course oppose Turkey , still support New Turkey but at least provide a year of Obama like relief on a global scale , or something .

and considering the hate he has generated in people of New Turkey , because he is very likely to start indeed with an Halkbank investigation and provide a more visible means of pressure on the PM and his family , only to force New Turkey to more clearly lenient on the Congregation , ı will be the first to like claim , based on unknown and unproveable stuff that the foreign policy of the US will be clear to know , because what , Biden's son was a member in a gaming forum , called Crusaders and stuff ?
Turkey policy with Biden? I can’t imagine he’d have a lot of bones, probably just some stuffing and maybe a little something on the side. He looks pretty decent so I think he won’t overdo it, though I’m not sure how much football he watches.
eating Turkey jokes is like over-rated . lt will once again be the center of American foreign policy in the Middle East and somehow the entire world , this America must destroy the Republic idea .

and ı tsk tsk at US State Department ... Using folks elsewhere in CFC to create an impression that am a chief lmperial in Star Wars terms who handles tresspassers roughly ? Am pretty sure there was a rant big city wide that the bodyguards went full Palestinian on cars that wanted to tour around Stuntwoman's location and rained stones on them , but ? And ı am Republic enogh , too .
How many new conflicts did he get us into?
Depends on what you mean by a conflict. Are USA-Iran "relations" a single on-going conflict or a series of small conflicts. I don't mean to be flippant, but there have been several incidents and denouments over decades. Regardless, he pulled out of JCPOA which got a lot of people killed/injured and achieved absolutely nothing.

But a more direct answer would be he directly attacked Syrian forces several times. Previous hostilities in that region were regulated to ISIS, not Syrian forces. If you counter that Syria didn't retaliate, you're giving Obama a pass on Libya and that's definitely something Obama didn't start but certainly thrust himself into voluntarily. Oh, and there was Yemen. Sure, both were small, but they were definitely new.

How many situations did he extract us from?
I'd say Syria though there are still USA troops there. But whether that actually made anyone safer and the world a more peaceful place is a dubious claim. Thousands died as a result whereas fewer people probably wouldn't have died if he hadn't done that. This would be like withdrawing the police during the middle of a gang war and then saying you made things safer and more peaceful.

How many treaties did he negotiate or mediate?
Defense-wise, a couple regarding Israel though it's worth noting that Sudan, UAE, and Bahrain have never attacked Israel. The only way such mediations would be substantive from a peace viewpoint is if Israel actually honors it's agreement to not annex the West Bank (they've already said they were going to do so anyways but they've been saying that for many, many years now). Also, the UAE and Bahrain have had unofficial relations for years, so no new communication channels were opened up. I'm not sure about Sudan and Israel on that front. Still, it's not nothing and it will make life easier for the citizens of those respective countries if not necessarily safer.

He actually deserves the Peace Prize.
People shouldn't get peace prizes for things they didn't do especially when you're the one issuing threats regardless of if you're retaliating or instigating. The list of military threats issued by Trump is quite long -- North Korea, Venezuela, Mexico, Iran, the USA itself, Iran. That's just good ole setting the fire and wanting credit for putting it out. You could make the argument that Kim Jong-un is just as worthy if that's your criteria. I'd argue he's actually more worthy as he hasn't actively attacked any foreign country at all during his entire reign so far. Of course, his domestic murder/suffering record is a completely different story.

Beside all that, the Nobel Peace Prize has become a joke anyways. Except for Abiy Ahmed and Juan Manuel Santos, in the past 20 years, most recipients range from people and movements representing noble but dubious connections to actual peace-making to LOL ridiculous Barack Obama. At least Obama is able to joke about what a farce it was. I always run into Poe's Law when I hear or read about people suggesting that Trump should get the Peace Prize.
How many new conflicts did he get us into? How many situations did he extract us from? How many treaties did he negotiate or mediate?

He actually deserves the Peace Prize.
How many deaths from drone strikes?
700 deaths and 30.000 infections from rallies.

Your guy doesn't need a war to kill people. Just stadiums
of course , we are hearing Biden has been in the pocket of anyone in the US with an anti-Turkish agenda , for like since the first day he was in politics , which is like 40 years ? He will of course oppose Turkey , still support New Turkey but at least provide a year of Obama like relief on a global scale , or something .

and considering the hate he has generated in people of New Turkey , because he is very likely to start indeed with an Halkbank investigation and provide a more visible means of pressure on the PM and his family , only to force New Turkey to more clearly lenient on the Congregation , ı will be the first to like claim , based on unknown and unproveable stuff that the foreign policy of the US will be clear to know , because what , Biden's son was a member in a gaming forum , called Crusaders and stuff ?

Don't fall for it. It's just standard fearmongering, self-styled dictators like Erdogan thrive on it. He wants to paint USA as the enemy, it's convenient. He will blame them for everything that goes wrong even though in reality it'll be his own fault.
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